
Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

He doesn't know how it happened or why. But before he could understand what was happening he found himself living an entirely new life, in a galaxy far far away. As a member of a prominent force-sensitive family to boot. Which comes with a set of problems all its own. Still, he will not waste this second chance that was given to him. He will rise, and carve his name into the history books. For the Scion of the Sun isn't someone to be taken lightly.

ArifuretaForever · アニメ·コミックス
148 Chs

Chapter 69: The Phantom Menace Episode IV

[Jedi Temple, Coruscant, Galactic City]

Walking through the halls of the temple I felt as if it had been ages since I stepped foot in it.

When really it's only been a few months.

After landing the Milano I headed straight here.

Leaving Shimi in the very capable hands of HK-47.

Who I told to terminate wirh extreme prejudice anyone or anything he perceived as a danger to Shimi.

For I promised Anakin I would look after her, and so I will.

Plus if she died on my watch her son my turn into Vader and come after my head.

Which again is the last thing I want.

That's why I've got my best droid on protection duty.

Because someone would need to bring a literal army to get past HK-47.

A big one.

Continuing my trek through the halls of the temple I was greeted, and gave greetings, to many members of the order.

Yet no matter who I saw I didn't see the people I wanted to most.

My friends and my lover.

I began searching for them all over, until I eventually sensed them in the Room of a Thousand Fountains.

Locking onto their presences I moved through the room and found them waiting for me in the spot I favored for mediation when I come to the temple.

"Hey guys, I'm back." I told them.

"Welcome back." Aayla said.

"Yes, welcome back Van." Serra spoke.

"I'm glad you're not dead." Kento muttered.

"Oh, very good to see you again my friend." Nahdar spoke.

"Hey." Marcellus said.

Then finally there was one.

Yet Yennali didn't say anything.

Instead she walked up to me, wrapped me in a hug, and gave me a kiss.

In front of our friends.

Then likely sensing my slight discomfort she broke our kiss and explained things. "It's okay, they all know."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." Yennali replied. She then explained to me how she told Serra and Kento a while ago, and then decided to just say 'kriff it' and let Nahdar and Aayla in on our relationship status as well.

Who all decided to keep their mouths shut about it.

"I see. Thanks guys." I replied. I then gave Yennali another quick kiss, since our time apart has made me realize something.

I love her, just as she loves me.

The two of us broke our kiss again, but this time when we did I sensed a certain emotion coming from Serra.


Looking in her direction I noticed she was wearing a neutral expression on her instead of her usual smile.

Making me want to sigh.

For now it looks like Serra might just have a crush on me.

'Just great.' I sarcastically thought.

I think past me said something about my love life not getting complicated.

Boy, what an idiot he was.

Since shit just got complicated.


(3rd person: POV)

While Van was dealing with his now complicated love life, other events were taking place as well.

Anakin was brought and tested before the Jedi High Council by Qui-Gon Jinn.

While Padme prepared to address the Senate and have the Republic government intervene on behalf of Naboo, and put a stop to the Trade Federation invasion of her homeworld.

In her ceremonial makeup and robes Padme stood in the Repulsorpod of Naboo within the Senate chamber, Palpatine right by her side.

"The Senate now recognizes the right of the delegation from Naboo to speak. You have the floor." Valorum spoke.

Then right after he did so the Naboo Repulsorpod moved closer to the center of the Senate chamber for sll other Senate delegations to see.

"People of the Senate I have come before you today with a matter of utmost importance." Padme began. "The Trade Federation, led by Vicreoy Nute Gunray, has illegally invaded and occupied my homeworld of Naboo. I come before this body today to ask you to help us in our hour of need, and see to it the Trade Federation ceases their actions towards my world and my people." She spoke.

That's when the Repulsorpod of the Trade Federation Senate delegation moved forward, and the senator for the Trade Federation Lott Dod began a retort to Padme's words.

"Lies, all lies. There is no proof the Trade Federation has done anything of what the queen of Naboo is saying!" Lott Dod shouted.

[Insert Image of Lott Dod Here]

Then right after he did a commotion erupted in the Senate chamber.

But not because of Lott Dod, because of something else entirely.

All across the chambers senators and the members of their various delegations were getting reports of holofeeds going out all across the holonet, originating from the planet Naboo.

Showcasing its occupation by the Trade Federation.

From testimony of people within the camps the Federation had set up on Naboo, to live feeds of their droids patrolling the city streets of the planet, it was all shown.

This suprised Padme, scared the shit our of Lott Dod and the Trade Federation delegation, and angered Palpatine.

But not for the reason most people would think.

It was because the holofeeds coming from Naboo were ruining his carefully laid plans.

As Palpatine fumed at this Van stood in one of the many hallways that led to the Senate chamber, grinning like a maniac.

For his plan was working like a charm.

Since he was the one who had Arwen, and his other allies currently on Naboo, set up the holofeeds from Naboo, to show the people of the galaxy the planet's plight at the hands of the Trade Federation.

"Now then Republic, the ball is in your court. What will you do?' Van muttered to himself.

After he did so he watched as it took 20 minutes for the Senate go regain its comopsure.

Once it did Padme spoke once more.

"I do not know who put these holofeed's out there, but I do know one thing. They showcase the suffering of my people at the hands of the Trade Federation. They are being starved, so I ask you the Republic to please do the right thing and end this invasion. Otherwise, if you don't, you will continue to see images like the ones you saw today." Padme explained.

"No!"Lott Dod shouted. "These holofeed's still leave the queens claims without any real evidwnce. These holofeed's could've been created." The Nemodian shouted.

Which caused the Senate chamber to erupt into chaos once more.

In the end it went exactly like it did in the film.

Padme called for a 'vote of no confidence' in chancellor Valorum, and the motion passed.

Thus ending his time as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.

But unlike in the film people all across the Republic were calling for it to come to the aid of the Naboo, after seeing the holofeed's Van and his people had established.

So in the end some good came out of the whole mess in the end.

It also affected things more than Van would realize.

But he wouldn't learn so until much later.