
Elder Scrolls Lore! IMPORTANT!!!

Important chapter. Skyrim fans already knows this so feel free to skip this LONG NOTE!

This is important to the story!

Star Wars fans may think this is irrelevant but it isn't trust me. I don't want to spoil anything yet.

Also if you remember, Adrian's wish is for the Skeleton Key.

The Skeleton Key is an Daedric Artifact of the Nocturnal, Daedric Prince of Darkness and Night (female)

In all of Fiction, the Skeleton Key of Nocturnal is hands down THE MOST POWERFUL ITEM AND ARTIFACT THAT IS A NON-WEAPON.

That is how underatted this is.

The Skeleton Key can "open" and "close", "seal" or "unseal" ANYTHING!

This includes unlocking a person's full potential, sealing memories, opening portals casually to anywhere including into the Heaven and Hell or the Spirit world and so on. even sealing one's ability to feel pain while still maintaining their sense of touch.

let's not even talk about the weapons of Skyrim such as Aur-i-el's bow, Zahkrii Do Dovahkiin, Umbra and more.

That is how underatted and strong Elder Scrolls Lore is.

Now then...

There are some who don't know what or who are Daedric Princes and Nine Divines there are so i listed them here.

You can skip if you already know skyrim lore.

Also quick summery of Oblivion and Skyrim events and ESO.

Btw, i had met real life Adrian!

Yeah, i was having a dinner with him and his family a few weeks ago cause my dad knows him.

And he asked, so i told him about my star wars fic.

Only when he said he was in this story did i short circuit.

His name is Adrian H-----------

My MC name for this story is Adrian Hawke.

Complete coincidence that we had a laugh about. He is currently reading this fic, and doesn't know any lore about Skyrim and Star Wars which had me thinking.

Other people may not know as well.

So i am doing this for them from now on in summery.


One note, Jyggalag is Sheogorath but not anymore by Skyrim's events.

Jyggaleg was the strongest Daedric Prince, tge others feared his power so they teamed up against him.

Jggaleg is the Daedric Prince of Order and he HATES Madness.

So all the Daedric Princes made tge ultimate prison for him and transformed him into Sheogorath and thus he became the Daedric Pronce of Madness.

Fast forward in time and Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion events happen.

The Hero of Kvatch, his real name is Bendu Olo (This is confirmed by Bethesda studios), set Jyggaleg free during the Greymarch.

Greymarch is an event for one day every one thousand years that Jyggaleg regains cinyrol of his body (Sheogorath prison).

Hero of Kvatch ended up replacing Jggaleg as the 2nd Sheogorath, while Jyggaleg escaped but lost nearly all of his power.

The Sheogorath in Skyrim events is Hero of Kvatch as he even quotes about Martim Septim using the Amuket of Kings to transform into Aspect of Akatosh.

The Daedric Princes: (16 but 17 because of Jyygaleg being free now. Making Jyggaleg and Sheogorath seperate beings now.)

• Azura, Daedric Prince of Fate, Dawn and Dusk (female) – A Prince who maintains/draws power from the balance of night and day, light and dark.

• Boethiah, Daedric Prince of Deceit and Betrayal (female) – The Prince of deceit, secrecy, conspiracy, treason, and unlawful overthrow of authority.

• Clavicus Vile, Daedric Prince of Power and Wishes (male both) – The Prince of deals, pacts, power, bargains, and serenity through wish fulfillment. Barbas is a dog, he is 1/2 Clavicus Vile and Calvicus is the other half, bith if them together are Clavicus Vile (confusing i know, they are two sides of the same coin)

• Hermaeus Mora, Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Secrats (male) – The formless Daedric Prince of knowledge and memory, seeks to possess all that is knowable. He is also known by his mocked name from the Skaal people as old Herma Mora.

• Hircine, Daedric Prince of the Hunt (male) – The Prince of the hunt, sport, the "Great Game", and the Chase. He created Werewolves.

• Jyggalag, Daedric Prince of Order (male) – The Prince of logical order and deduction, upholds strict order above all else.

• Malacath, Daedric Prince of Vengeance (male) – The Prince whose sphere is the patronage of the spurned and ostracized.

• Mehrunes Dagon, Daedric Prince of Destruction (male) – The Prince of destruction, violent upheaval, energy, and mortal ambition.

• Mephala, Daedric Prince of Plots, Schemes and Secretary (female) – The Prince of unknown plots and obfuscation, a master manipulator, a sower of discord.

• Meridia, Daedric Prince of Infinite Energies (female) – The Prince of the energies of all living things, enemy of the undead and all who disrupt the flow of life. She is the natural enemy of Molag Bal since Molag Bal is her opposite essentially and he created Vampires which conflicts with Meridia.

• Molag Bal, Daedric Prince of Domination (male) – The Prince of domination and spiritual enslavement, seeks to ensnare souls within his domain. Created Vampires, and is known as the King of R.a.p.e. Woman he r.a.p.e.s becomes Daughters of Coldharbour which are the strongest and highest rank of all Vampires.

• Namira, Daedric Prince of cannibalism (female) – The Prince of the "ancient darkness," the patron of all things considered repulsive.

• Nocturnal, Daedric Prince of Darkness and Night (female) – The Prince of the night and darkness, the patron of all things secretive. She is insanely powerful, she defeated Molag Bal and Dagon from inavding her realm multiple times. All thieves wirship her, which amkes her have greater power, but she rarely uses it which is why you may be suprised to know she is S tier among Jyggaleg, Molag Bal, Meridia and Sheogorath.

• Peryite, Prince of Pestilence and Tasks (male) - The Taskmaster, the Daedric Prince of Pestilence, desires order in his domain. He looks like a Green Dragon. This guy is the weakest Daedric Prince along with Sanguine.

• Sanguine, Daedric Prince of Debauchery and Lust (male) – The Prince of hedonism, debauchery, and the further indulgences of one's darker nature.

• Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness (male (host inside can be any gender but Sheogorath will remain male) – The infamous Prince of Madness, whose motives are unknowable. He is the strongest Deadric Prince tied with his former self Jyggaleg.

• Vaermina, Deadric Prince of Dreams and Nightmares (female) – The Prince of dreams and nightmares, a deliverer of evil omens and dark portents.

The Nine Divines (Aedra (Aedric Gods)): (Talos was previously Mortal.)

• Akatosh – The Dragon God of Time and chief god of the pantheon. He has multiple forms. A Golden Dragon, Old hunched man, Aur-i-el the Falmer (Snow Elf) God, and some others for a total of 7 or 8 forms.

• Arkay – God of the Cycle of Life and Death, and Mortals burials and funeral rites

• Dibella – Goddess of Beauty and Love

• Julianos – God of Wisdom and Logic

• Kynareth – Goddess of Air, Wind, Sky and the Elements. She bestowed the Mortal race of Nords with the power of the The Voice/Thu'um in order to aid them in defeating the Dragons. Paarthurnax helped to teach the Nords how to use the Thu'um and he betrayed his brother Alduin. Kynerath is also known as Kyne, the Goddess of Nature.

• Mara – Goddess of Love and compassion, the Mother Goddess

• Stendarr – God of Compassion, Mercy, Justice, charity, luck, and righteous rule by might and merciful forbearance

• Talos – Hero-god of Mankind, conqueror God, God of Might, Honor, State, Law, and Man he was once a Mortal called Tiber Septim. As a Mortal he is known as the Dragonborn of his time, and when he became a God he is known as the Dragonborn God. The Septim bloodline are all Dragonborns but with the death and sacrifice of Martin Septim, the bloodline seemingly ended and thus ended the Imperial bloodline.

• Zenithar – God of Work and Commerce, Trader God

Et'Ada, also called the "Original Spirits," are the forces perceived and revered by the mortals as gods or spirits. To humans, these et'Ada are the Gods and Demons. To the Aldmer (Original Elves before they branched of to become different varients like Wood Elves, Dark Elves), the Aedra (Aldmeri translation is "our ancestors") and Daedra (Aldmeri translation is "not our ancestors"). The Aedra and Daedra came to be once Lorkhan convinced/tricked the Original Spirits (et'Ada) to create Mundus. The Daedra are the et'Ada who did not take part in the creation of Mundus to retain their power. The Aedra are the et'Ada who remained during the creation of Mundus, thus giving away a significant amount of their power.

The origins of the et'Ada are subject of many, often conflicting, creation myths. But in most cases, there are many similarities. It is also important to take note that history in itself is mostly written on the grounds of pious opinions. Whereas one may define their past as heroic and divine, another may portray a much darker, sinister image.

Most myths start with one force; Anu. Out of it, or out of the nothing came another force; Padomay/Sithis. Some myths start with both and call them twins. Their interplay created the Aurbis (Universe) and many other spirits, the Original Spirits. Some sources suggest that the Aurbis is the deity that enabled the et'Ada to form. The Original Spirits had no identity and it was hard for them to create one. Then came Akatosh/Auri-El, and with him came time. With time, the Original Spirits began to understand their natures and limitations.

One of the Original Spirits was Shezarr/Lorkhan. He either tricked or convinced other spirits to help him create a new plane of existence; Mundus. Those spirits lost their youth and strength, and became the Aedra.

The et'Ada are the Original Spirits that participated in the creation of Mundus due to them being Tricked by Lorkhan - which are all Aedra - and the Daedra that mock those Aedra and use passionate and ambitious mortals for their entertainment.

Elder Scrolls Online events

Molag Bal attempted to invade Tamriel and merge it with his realm called Coldharbour but is defeated when the player uses the Amulet of Kings to attain some power of Akatosh to battle Molag Bal. But Meridia saves the player before Molag Bal kills them.

The Amulet of Kings is stolen by an Imperial companion and is returned to the Emperor.

The Amulet of Kings is made from Akatosh's Divine power (blood). It was used in conjunction with the Dragon Fires which protect Nirn from Daedric Princes from physically setting foot on it. It acts as a pritection barrier for the planet.

Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion events

Mehrunes Dagon's cultists kills the Emperor and his family. The Hero of Kvatch takes the Amulet of Kings from his body and gives it to the bastard child of the now deceased Emperor after saving him.

The Dragon Fires had been extinquished and Mehrunes Dagon tries to Invade Nirn.

Martin Septim is the last Septim royalty.

They formulate a plan to prevent Mehrunes Dagon from setting foot on Nirn but are too late.

Martin and the Hero of Kvatch realise the Amulet of Kings can save the world and defeat Dagon.

Martin sacrifices himself to activate the highest form of power the Amulet of Kings possesses.

Martin Septim transforms into an Aspect/Avatar of the Dragon God Akatosh and defeats Mehrunes Dagon, bannishing him back to the Realm of Oblivion.

As a result of all this, the Amulet of Kings is shattered, and the last Septim dies.

This resulted in a mysterious event which has now made it impossible for any Daedric Prince to physically set foot in person on the Mortal Plane of Nirn.

All the Daedric Princes were really pissed at Mehrunes Dagon because of this. LOL!

Hero of Kvatch then travelled to Shivering Isles (name of Sheogorath's realm) and had freed Jyygaleg during the Greymarch. The Hero of Kvatch becomes the new Sheogorath and Jyygaleg escapes his imprisonment.

Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Present) events

Thousands of years before.

Alduin (an incarnation of Akatosh and his creation) disobeys the reason he exists.

He is meant to destroy the world so that the new world can be born. This cycle is known as the Kalpa. Alduin has already destroyed the world multiple times already.

Alduin, instead of destroying the world, wishes to rule and conqour it.

He led his Dragon army along with his General Paarthurnax to conwour the world.

The mortals that worship the Dragons are known as the Dragon cult.

Certain members of this cult are given extraordinary power from the dragons and became known as the Dragon Priests and they wear special magical enchanted masks.

Miraak is the First Dragonborn and he grew arrorgant of his abilities. He is also a Dragon Priest.

At some point Kynareth gave the mortals the power of the Thu'um to defeat the Dragons.

Paarthurnax secratly taught them how to use the Thu'um.

As the Dragon war rebellion raged on, Miraak attempted world conquest of his own.

He was defeated by a Dragon Priest called Vahlok. Their battle was legendary which caused the continent of Skyrim to split of, this landmass became known as Solstheim.

Hermaeus Mora saves Miraak from Vahlok's killing blow and Miraak becomes his servant.

The three Nord Heros fail in slaying fighting against Alduin as he was far too powerful.

Felldir the Old used the Elder Scroll, a legendary and mystical artifact of unknown origin and craetion with unfathomable power, to bannish Alduin into the endless stream of Time.

Paarthurnax had warned them this would not work, but they foolishly believed it did, unknown to them that Alduin was mearly sent into the Future.

The blood of Akatossh flows within them. The blood of Time is apart of them, even more so with Alduin.

And thus, Alduin would escape one day from the Currents of Time

Four thousand years later

High King Torygg of Skyrim is killed by Ulfric for having joined the empire.

Events start

The Dovahkiin is caught by Imperial troops by mistake along with Stormcloak troops (Stormcloak is the name of Ulfric's army and faction) along with Ulfric.

The Dovahkiin is about to be executed by Alduin had appeared, having finally escaped his imprisonment.

There are many theories as to why he was there, but i believe he was there because he had sensed a Dragon Soul nearby, unknown it was the Dovahkiin's soul who would defeat him.

Dovahkiin slays Mirmulnir, his first nammed dragon and absorbs his soul.

The Greybeards summon the Dovakiin to go to them.

The Dovahkiin proceeds with game events and meets the Greybeards and learn the way of mastering his/her Thu'um power from them.

Later, the Dovahkiin goes and obtains the Elder Scroll (Dragon) and uses it atop the Throat of the World where Paarthurnax is to learn the Thu'um shout [Dragonrend] to help in defeating Alduin as the Nord Heros did four thiusabd years ago.

The Dovahiik and Paarthurnax battle and defeat Alduin at the Throat of the world with an epic battle of the Thu'um which is heard all across the continent of Skyrim.

Alduin cannot be killed due to his Immortality of being an incarnation of Akatosh who is an Et'Ada (Original Spirit).

Alduin escapes and enters the Nord afterlife called Sovngarde through a secrat portal at the temple of Skuldafn which is guarded by multiple Dragons and the Dragon Priest Nahkriin.

The Dovahkiin manages to make a peace treaty with the Imperials army being led by General Tullius and the Stormcloaks being led by Ulfric Stormcloak.

The Dovahkiin enacts their plan and captures one of Alduin's lieutenants called Odahviing in Dragonsreach with the aid of Jarl Balgruuf and Irileth and Whiterun soilders.

Odahvinng and the Dovakiin make a deal and Odahviing flys the Dovakiin to the secrat portal to the Nord Afterlife loacted at Skuldafn.

Those that still don't know, Sovngarde is basically Valhalla (Norse (Viking Afterlife/Heaven)), a Heaven for warriors.

The Dovahkiin defeats Nahkriin and enters the portal and travels to Sovngarde.

Dovahkiin meets the three Nord Heros and defeat Alduin at the Zenith of his power.

Alduin is defeated and his death causes the Heavens to quake and shudder with the death of the Nordic Deity.

(A/n Alduin is worshiped as one of the Deities of the original Nordic Patheon of Atmora)

Alduin's soul is not absorbed by Alduin but Akatosh takes it, and would seemingly one day resurrect Alduin to fulfil his true and original destiny as the World-Eater.

Tsun returns the Dovahkiin back to the World of the Living.

While at the same time every Dragon participates in a funeral of sorts for Alduin.

Odahviin swears his loyalty to the Dovahkiin.

I will not include DLCs info.

But in short.

Dawnguard DLC.

A royal vampire lord called Harkon tries to fulfil an ancient prophecy to be bale to permanently block out the Sun (sun is called Mundus (Mundus also called a Et'Ada and us refered to as creation/World. Its really complicated))

Dovahkiin gathers 3 Elder Scrolls (Dragon, Blood, Sun) and finds Aur-i-el's bow amd defeats Harkon.

Dragonborn DLC

Miraak's cultists truly to kill Dovahkiin.

Dovahkiin travels to Solstheim.

Its people are being brainwashed and enslaved by Miraak to create magical shrines to allow him the power to escape and return to Nirn.

Dovahkiin reads a Black Book and encounters Miraak in Apocrypha.

Black Books are a creation of Hermaeus Mora, and Apocrypha is his realm, which contains endless books of knowledge.

The Dovahkiin finds a Black Book to allow him to try and find Miraak.

Hermaeus Mora tells Dovahkiin that without the [Bend Will] shout Miraak created, he will never face him.

Herma Mora makes deal to teach Dovahkiin the third word of power of [Bend Will] if in exchange they can give him the Secrats of the Skaal tribe.

Dovahiik destroys Miraak shrines.

Skaal tribe leader gives their secrat book to Herma Mora.

Mora kills the Skaal chief and honors his deal.

Dovahiin reads the Black Book and enters Apocrypha.

Dovahiin faces off against Miraak at the Summit of Apocrypha.

Miraak attempts to escape his defeat, but Hermaeus Mora who was watching tge Epic battle between The First Dragonborn and The Last Dragonbirn, intervines and kills Miraak himself, saying that he now has "a new Dragonborn to serve me!"

The Dovahkiin returns to Nirn.

(There is also the new DLCs that were released such as the Cult of the Tribunal DLC, but i haven't played it so i dont know it)

So sad 😭

I hope this is informative to those if you who were confused. Also knowing all this is important as i will have Skyrim (Elder Scrolls Universe) imapct my story quite a bit. Youll have to wait and see the suprise in the next two or three chapters.