
Chapter 8: A Reunion on Queel


A new Separatist threat!

Across the galaxy, the power of the Grand Army of the Republic combined with the wise leadership of the Jedi Knights is overcoming the superior numbers of the vast number of the droid army of the Separatist Alliance.

Desperate to win back the advantage after losing so many experienced officers, Count Dooku has decided to fill the empty spaces of the Separatist command with more knaves and scum from all parts of the galaxy, from mercenaries to Dark servants.

On the planet Queel, Republic troops under the command of Jedi Generals Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, along with his padawan Leia Organa, fight to liberate the world from the droid army…

Separatist-occupied bayou on Planet Queel. 19 BBY.

"We're coming into the range of their cannons, and I don't see her!" Obi Wan told Anakin, who was piloting an Infantry Support Platform. They were leading a company of these swamp speeders with clones across the bayou as the B1 droids approached them, riding on their STAP-1 Single Trooper Aerial Platforms. Both sides instantly fired at each other.

"I don't like the odds of your padawan disabling that artillery emplacement before we are blasted to bits." Obi Wan stated, pointing out to the Separatist guns in the distance.

"Master, you're always the one to tell me to be patient. Though I agree, she must be already taking down those guns." Anakin answered worried. The plan was to have his padawan attack and disable the J-1 proton cannons located on the riverbank while the main forces led by Kenobi and Skywalker distracted the enemy. As he was thinking where the girl went, one of the speeders with the 212th clones was shot by a STAP.

Just then, a Queel Water Dragon emerged from the water right in front of the cannons with Leia on top of it in her diving suit. Along with the beast, and its rider, the clones led by Fives and Jesse emerged wearing the SCUBA trooper armour.

"Let's give it to them, boys!" Leia yelled to the clones as she jumped from the Queel Water Dragon and stabbed her blue-coloured lightsaber into a DSD1 spider droid standing near the cannons.

"Fives, it's time to silence these cannons for good!" she yelled to the ARC trooper. "Get ready for some target practice."

Using the Force, she lifted a shell and threw it to the direction of shell stack for the J-1 cannons. A couple of B1 battle droids were holding a shell, ready to load it, when they saw the shell flying towards them and the stack.

"I hate this job." One of the droids spoke.

Just then, Fives fired from his DC-17 blaster pistols, hitting the shell, causing it to explode along with the other shells, with the blast destroying the other proton cannons. Leia and her squad left right before the explosion.

"Your padawan is as subtle as you are." Obi Wan commented as he and Anakin observed from their speeder. "You can't argue with the results." Anakin simply scoffed, trying his best not to hide his rage as Leia's recent actions have reminded him of Ahsoka. As he was recalling their past adventures, Leia swam to them along with her unit.

"How'd I do, master?" Leia asked, looking at Kenobi. "Not well." Anakin simply answered.


"First, you were late. You were supposed to have dealt with these cannons when we began approaching them. But due to you slowing down, we have lost some of our men."

"We ran into a water dragon." Leia objected. Though in reality she didn't care what he was thinking about her.

"Secondly," Anakin continued. "You may did well clearing the path for our assault on the droid command base, but now they know we're coming."

"Right. Sorry, Master Skywalker. Next time, I'll try to destroy an entire droid artillery battery a little quitter." Leia responded with sarcasm, though she bowed her head in front of the two Jedi generals, once she saw Obi Wan's disapproval look. She didn't care about Skywalker disapproving her, but she had respect for Obi Wan Kenobi.

"Anyway, we must continue our advancements." Anakin stated and the Republic forces landed on the bank with what remains of the Separatist battery. Anakin then summoned Appo, the clone commander of the 501st.

"This is where we split up." Obi Wan stated. "Appo and Cody, you will take your men and lead an assault on the defences in order to distract the enemy. Do your best, but be careful. Less casualties as possible."

"Yes sir."

"Me, Kenobi, Lena, Rex and others will use a secret trail and attack the droid command centre from behind." Anakin continued. "Once we deal with the commander, we will attack the defence forces from behind."

The two commanders nodded and with that, the Republic forces split. Commanders Appo and Cody led the 501st and 212th through the jungle until they reached the base of a fortified hill. The droids were aware of the Republic presence as they stood in their positions, their weapons ready. At the same time, Anakin, Leia, Obi Wan, Rex, Fives, Jesse, Kix, Dogma and some more clones sneaked through the jungle, ascending a hill. Once they did, the company lied low and began crawling towards the top. Peeking through the edge, they saw a pool. The command centre, a disc-shaped platform inlaid with computer consoles, supported by four thick and arching fang-like limbs, which cumulated in stabilizing flaps spreading outwards, and boring opposing boarding ramps on two sides, stood at the shallow section of the pool. Aside from a couple of B1 battle droids working with the consoles, a T-series tactical droid was on the platform overwatching their work until it received a call.

"Sir, the Republic forces have destroyed the defenses on the bank of the bayou and are charging the second defense line." The hologram of the B1 commander reported to the tactical droid. "Hold your position, the Republic must not break our defenses." It ordered.

"Roger, Roger."

Just then, Leia jumped with her lightsaber ignited at the droids within the command centre.

"Lena! No!" Anakin yelled, but Leia ignored her, causing the Jedi knight turn to Rex. "Take down the droids before they can call for help!"

With the words "I'll dismantle you all", she cuts off the tactical droid's head, after which she began slicing the nearby droids while the clones fired at the droids that stood outside the centre, protecting it. Once all the droids were taken down, the group was about to sabotage the defence lines only for Jesse to yell.


Suddenly, Leia saw that someone, or something flew above them, taking down some of the clones from above. The unknown assailant then landed with a loud noise behind Kenobi, striking the Jedi master in the head with an energy bola, causing Obi Wan to fall onto the shallow pool.

"Master Kenobi, we meet again." The assailant spoke with a mechanic voice. As Obi Wan turned his head to see the new foe, Leia looked at him in horror. It was a huge body in a heavy combat armour with a jetpack on its back and a wrist-mounted flamethrower.

"You may have sabotaged my mission on Ohma-D'un, but this time I will gut you two, and also your clones. And your padawan, oh, she's gonna hate you for what I will do to her! It will be rather a fun day." The figure told Kenobi.

"Get away from him, Durge!" Anakin yelled and pushed the figure away from Kenobi using the Force. "You Jedi still have the same tricks." The figure snarled as he threw his magna bolas at the young man. The bolas instead flew at Leia, entangling her neck in the thin wire, and activated, electrocuting the girl. At the same time, red blaster bolts appeared as droids appeared. They were about 2.4 meters tall, somewhat resembling the B2 droids in size and physique. They had an angular humanoid chassis, and lean faces, dominated by four red photoreceptors beneath a sharp, swept-back crest.

"Those are Assassin droids!" Anakin exclaimed as he took off the bolas from Leia's neck with one hand while blocking the shots with a lightsaber on the other. Once done, Leia grabbed her lightsaber and launched at the Separatist.

"I hope this hurts!" Leia Organa hissed as she stabbed the foe with her lightsaber. However, to her shock, that did not affect the giant enemy.

"Like that's never happened before," the Separatist commented as he punched the girl, causing her to fall into the water. "Now it's time to deal with the Jedi's pets."

"You want to deal with us, Durge? Come and get us!" Rex yelled as he fired his DC-17 blaster pistols at the enemy commander, or Durge, with the other clones joining in. Durge grunted in pain as the blaster shots shot through the armour, causing him to lose balance.

"You still couldn't give up, animal?" Rex snarled as he ceased firing at Durge. Leia watched the scene with horror. Whoever this Durge was, the clones knew him very well, and there was a good reason calling him an animal.

"You all right, sir?" Dogma asked as grabbed Obi Wan's hand. "No. I have a feeling he cracked my skull." Kenobi answered as Dogma pulled him up while he grabbed his lightsaber with the Force. "You would have been dead if he indeed cracked your skull."

"That's what Alpha-17 told me." Obi Wan told the clone, recalling the words of the ARC-trooper during their first encounter with the bounty hunter.

"This is getting old." Durge commented after the clones gunned him down. He activated his jetpack and rose from the pool, firing at the clones from above once again.

"Fives, the jetpack!" Leia yelled. The ARC-trooper nodded and instantly fired at the jetpack, causing the brutal mercenary to fall once again.

"We should fall back, General." Jesse yelled to Anakin as he fired at the A-series droids with his DC-17S carbine.

"Anakin, protect your padawan, I will deal with the droids!" Obi Wan barked at Anakin. Meanwhile, Durge has attacked Dogma from behind. Wrapping an arm around his neck, he began choking the clone.

"Suffer, clone! Suffer! For I will find joy and pleasure it!" Durge roared. "You are the very thing I aim to destroy, soldier boy! You are nothing more but a legacy of the Mandalorians. One Mandalorian to be precise, Jango Fett. I heard how he was supposed to be the best warrior in the galaxy, winning some bounty-hunter competition. Maybe I was unable to get my hands on him, but I am able to kill all his spawn!"

Just then, Durge released Dogma as Leia charged at him with her lightsaber, attempting to kill him once again. Durge managed to dodge the padawan.

"Nice try, little one." Durge chuckled. "But as I said to many people before, I'm a walking nerve cluster!"

He grabbed Leia's hair, making her grunt in pain.

"I can feel somebody's heartbeat from two hundred meters away. No one can sneak up on me!" he arrogantly exclaimed as he pushed the girl aside, planning to attack Rex, Fives, Dogma and Jesse, only for Anakin Skywalker stand between him and the clones while Leia joined them.

"So, Skywalker. We meet again." Durge chuckled darkly. "You may be a knight now, but you haven't changed. Having an attachment to the cannon fodder!"

"I'm not that green padawan anymore, beast!" Anakin snarled at the huge bounty hunter. "As for the clones, they are not cannon fodders, they are my friends. And if you want to get them, you will have to deal with me."

"It may seem, but I will not be the one dealing with you." Durge answered and right in front of Anakin, a chopped head of a clone trooper appeared.

"May the Force be with you, meat bag." Durge mocked the young Jedi knight. Anakin, Leia and the clones turned and Anakin's face became pale as if he saw a ghost. Right in front of him stood a teenage girl around Leia's age. The girl had light skin, brown hair and eyes. She wore black robes with no sleeves, dark trousers and black boots, and a belt. In her right hand she held an ignited lightsaber with the blade illuminating red.

"Aubrie?" Anakin finally said something, making Leia look at him in confusion. "Is that really you?"

"Back from the death, Anakin. No longer a stupid and scared little padawan forgotten by the Jedi." Aubrie stated, smirking at him. Anakin looked at her lightsaber.


"Why?" Aubrie chuckled before answering in a deadly tone. "You left me to die! You abandoned me, Zule, Mak, Tae, everyone! You left Jabiim to the Separatists. They died for nothing!"

"You encouraged me to leave you, Aubrie." Anakin stated. "Which I regret." Aubrie snarled at him. Leia watched in both confusion and horror at the scene, while Rex and Fives aimed their weapons at Aubrie, Jesse and Dogma kept an eye on Durge.

"Aubrie, I'm sorry." Anakin began explaining. "I really regret leaving you on Jabiim. I understand your anger, but what about the Republic, the Order?"

"They are not worth to fight for." Aubrie answered. "I was rescued and my rescuers showed me the truth. What the Jedi thought us about the Order and the Republic are lies. It is all lies! The Republic is today filled with corruption and hypocrisy. Same with the Jedi. They never cared about anyone. They never cared about Qui Gon Jinn, our friends, me, you, or Tano."

The last one made Anakin shrug, as he recalled these unpleasant events. He remembered when his padawan Ahsoka was unjustly accused of a crime she did not commit, expelling her from the Jedi Order without trial or evidence. She served the Jedi Order and the Republic, only for them to turn their backs on her. Leia immediately felt sorrow and pain from him. Who is this Tano, she thought.

"You're right, Aubrie," Anakin broke the silence. "You're right. Even I doubt the ideals and the code of the Order. I know that the Republic is corrupt, I've seen it all myself. Sometimes I wonder what happened to the Jedi Order and I think that this war is destroying the principles of the Republic. Heck, even a friend of mine thinks that maybe we are on the wrong side. That the democracy we serve no longer exists."

'Well, with Palpatine as chancellor, it's kind of true,' Leia thought.

"However," Anakin continued. "While I have the similar views, I cannot betray the Republic, nor the Jedi Order. Count Dooku is a Sith, and he tries to restore the tyranny and darkness in the galaxy. I cannot allow this. Maybe some of the Separatists truly believe what there are doing is greater for the common people, but so far I have met only bastards like General Grievous, Assajj Ventress or Durge. They are just like Stratus whom we fought on Jabiim. Do not become like them."

"Then we shall be enemies." Aubrie Wyn spoke after being silent for a few minutes. "The Sith will restore order in the galaxy, you Jedi cannot see the bigger picture. I'll be a part of this new era, while you'll be nothing more but history. Durge, deal with Kenobi and the clones! Skywalker is mine!"

"With pleasure." Durge replied. With that, the fighting resumed. Obi Wan Kenobi and his batch of clones were busy taking down the droids. Understanding that they need help, Obi Wan contacted for reinforcements. Leia led the clones against the brutal bounty hunter Durge. At the same time Anakin Skywalker and Aubrie Wyn fought for death, blocking the foe's attacks with their lightsabers.

"You could've joined me, Ani." Aubrie snarled. "Both of us left our families and homes only to find the Jedi we had worshipped are nothing, but weak-minded fools. We could've worked together to make this galaxy a better place, without the Jedi. You and me, Ani!"

With that, Aubrie once again charged at Anakin, who blocked her lightsaber just seconds before she stroke her. "I know you're in pain, Aubrie. But I will not let kill another Jedi." Skywalker replied as he kicked the 15-year-old, causing her to fall into the water. She stood up, her face wet and eyes filled with rage.

"You have become more stronger and faster during these three years, I admit it." Aubrie hissed. "But you are no match for the full potential of the Force. Though do not worry, I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to break you!"

Aubrie began Force-choking Anakin, until Jesse interfered. Holding off Durge, the ARC-trooper grabbed his DC-17 pistol and fired at the Dark Jedi, hitting the shoulder. Angered, Aubrie looked at the clone.

"Durge! Stop meddling and get rid of those clones!" she yelled at the heavily-armoured mercenary. "I have my own orders, kid!" Durge barked in annoyance, but he complied as he punched Jesse in the face protected by the clone's helmet with his hand in heavy armour. Off course, Durge was heavily armed. Aside from his magna bolas, the bounty hunter was armed with a pair of blaster pistols and a wrist-mounted flamethrower. He used them in combat of course. However, when it came to fighting the clones of Jango Fett or the Mandalorians, Durge instead preferred to give them a painful or horrifying death in order to achieve pleasure.

"No!" Leia cried as she cut her lightsaber through the bounty hunter, and that didn't kill him too. Durge was about to strike the girl, only for the clones to fire at him again. In retaliation, Durge grabbed blaster pistols of his own and fired back at the clones with the blue markings. Jesse was hit in the left arm as he, Fives and Kix took cover while Rex and Dogma did the same, hiding in the droid command centre just when the hologram of a droid commander appeared.

"Sir, the clones have broken the defence lines and are heading towards the… Hey! You are not the comman..." The B1 spoke, only to be shot in the back by a clone. Durge, however, heard that and yelled to Aubrie that it was time to escape.

"Oh no! You're not going anywhere!" Leia snarled as she threw Durge's own magna bolas at the bounty hunter, electrocuting him. After roaring in agony and pain, Durge managed to take them off himself. "You weren't the only one to use my own weapon against me. You're just like your master, young one." He spoke after breathing heavily.

"Aubrie, let me help you!" Anakin Skywalker as their lightsabers crossed again. "You are just a slave of the Dark Side! I can help you!"

"There is no Dark Side, Anakin!" Aubrie Wyn answered as she launched herself at him again. "Just like the other Jedi you lack the vision to see the full potential of the Force! I am not so blind!"

"You're tired, Anakin. Ready to fall." Aubrie mocked him. "I swear I'll make it painless."

Leia wanted to attack Aubrie, but she was stopped when Durge grabbed her by the neck. She tried her best to resist, but it was pointless as the muscular arm covered in armour held her tightly. What happened next was that Durge punched her in the face with a loud thud before throwing her away. She hit a rock and fell to the ground, losing consciousness.

"Leave her alone!" Anakin barked at the huge body in armour. He wanted to attack Durge, for hurting Leia and to protect her, only he was hit in the jaw by Aubrie. He then had to block another attack made by the 15-year-old with her lightsaber.

"So much emotion, so much fear and hope…"

Suddenly shots were fired and the girl barely managed to dodge the two blaster bolts. She turned and saw that she was surrounded not only by two Jedi, but also by the clones that have accompanied them as they aimed their firearms at her. Not to mention that reinforcements were on their way. Aubrie snarled as she knew that she was outnumbered.

"You may have won this time, Anakin." Aubrie spoke in a deadly tone. "But we will meet again. Though I admit, you have become more powerful in the Force. I will remember that."

With that, she jumped high. She was immediately grabbed by Durge, flying with a glider, as the clone troopers fired at them two. Skywalker, however, lost his attention on Aubrie and ran towards Leia. Desperate, he took her in his arms and called Kix for aid.

"I recall you told me that Aubrie Wyn perished." Obi Wan told Anakin. "I thought so too. But you know, I thought that you also died back then." Anakin responded, making Kenobi nod as he recalled the torture he endured by Ventress.

"Though I still can't believe that she is alive." Anakin added as he held the unconscious Leia in his arms while an LAAT/i gunship landed near the squad.

Jedi Hospital on New Holstice in the Mid-Rim.

Leia's eyes fluttered open. She couldn't recall what happened but she guessed that she was in a medical bay as she found herself in a blinding white room lying on a bed. She felt disoriented and groggy. Leia then saw a tall brown-haired man in dark robes. It was Anakin Skywalker!

Leia immediately recalled the recent events. The Republic assault on Queel, when they were attacked by a girl named Aubrie and something called Durge. Anakin turned and moved forward to her.

"Lena!" he exclaimed. "You're awake."

"What happened? Where am I?" Leia asked . "We are in the Jedi Hospital on New Holstice, Lena." Anakin answered. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Yes, I was hit by that thing, Durge. What was that?"

"Durge, I've encountered him before." Anakin answered darkly. "He is a Gen'Dai bounty hunter, one of the most deadliest bounty hunters in the galaxy, if not the most deadliest."

"Master, I… I hit him with my lightsaber, but… but that didn't hurt or kill him." Leia whimpered, still remembering the horror she experienced when she saw that the bounty hunter was still alive after she cut him through and stabbed him.

"I know, little one. Killing him is considered impossible." Anakin explained.

"But how is that possible?" Leia asked.

"He is a Gen'Dai, a species that can regenerate themselves even from fatal injuries." Anakin answered. "When the Clone Wars began, Dooku began hiring various mercenaries and bounty hunters to command the droid armies. Durge was one of them. I encountered him during the first months of the war, when I was still a padawan of Obi Wan. We were investigating a Gungan colony on Ohma-D'un, one of Naboo's moons. When we found the colony, we discovered that all the Gungans, including women and children, were wiped out by a chemical weapon, a poisonous gas, created by the Separatists. That's where I encountered Durge for the first time. He killed numerous clones. However, he wasn't alone. With him was Dooku's servant, Assajj Ventress. I first encountered her when me and Obi Wan led the assault on Muunilinst. I chased her to Yavin IV, where we had our first duel. Now, it may seem Durge is now partnered with Dooku's new lackey, Aubrie Wyn."

"Who is she?" Leia asked catching Anakin off guard. "You seem to know each other."

"She… she was… a padawan." Anakin stammered. "And what happened to her?" Leia asked. Anakin froze as the memories of Jabiim haunted him again.

"It's nothing of your concern." Anakin answered instead after some hesitation. Leia scowled at him. "You haven't told me a single gods-dawn thing about yourself. I deserve to know! I am your padawan!"

"As a padawan, you do not instruct the master to reveal something that he considers not to!" Anakin interjected. "By the way," he added. "You are doing the same. I basically know nothing of you. All you do is disobey my orders, and for some blasted reason you are angry at me! Don't look at me in that way, I can feel you anger towards me, radiating like heat. What is wrong with you, Lena. What have I done to you that makes you hate me so much?"

Anakin hoped that maybe one day she will reveal the reasons to him, but he was already losing his patience. From what he was told by the Jedi Council, the girl was an orphan from Alderaan. Her father was a navigator for a spice trade, and her mother was some dance girl in one of the clubs, both from Alderaan too. Anakin tried his best to squeeze out any memories where he dealt with spice traders, but aside from saving the spice traders on Ohma-D'un, there was nothing. Not to mention that he never stepped foot on Alderaan. He heard it was a beautiful world, but he never visited it.

"It's none of your business." Leia just said bitterly. She still hated him for everything he did to her, for Alderaan, for torturing Han, hunting down Luke, everything.

"Anyway, when we will be having our next mission?" Leia just asked. "You are not going anywhere." Anakin flatly answered.


"You will recover and will be sent to the temple." Anakin explained. "You must get some rest."

"I can't." Leia meant it. She really can't leave Vader out of sight. "Lena, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you." Anakin interjected. Leia turned away from him.

"Leia," Anakin spoke gently. "Please understand."

"How can I understand?" she asked bitterly. "You're just leaving me, like I'm not useful to you anymore."

"I'm trying to protect you, Lena." Anakin tried his best not to get angry at her again. "Durge is deadly dangerous, even for a Jedi master like Obi Wan. He nearly killed you. In the temple you would be at least safe."

"Maybe I should go then!" Leia said coldly. "You can die for all I care." Leia barely added the word 'Vader' to that sentence. Anakin's expression was filled with pain as Leia felt it, feeling a sense of satisfaction. Anakin stood up and turned towards the exit.

"Good luck in recovering." He said flatly before leaving. As he walked, Anakin once again was thinking about Aubrie Wyn. While he was shocked and happy that she was alive, he was devastated that she became a follower of the Dark Side. He once again recalled the last time they saw each other on Jabiim.

Cobalt Station on Planet Jabiim. 22 BBY.

"All of the surviving clone troops and my Jabiim loyalists are falling back to a mesa south of your position." The hologram of Orliss Gillmunn told the padawans. "The Republic has planned a full-scale evacuation, but the transports can't arrive until the rain breaks again. Unfortunately, Stratus is on the move, with an army of at least ten thousand strong. You're the only soldiers between him and or evac zone."

"What are your orders, Captain Gillmunn?" Kass Tod asked. "You don't any… your General Leska has disappeared. There's no one left to plan any strategy, and my officers are in full retreat." Gillmunn answered before adding. "Good luck."

The hologram of the Jabiim loyalist suddenly vanished. Vaabesh ran towards the communication controls.

"We've lost the signal." He told the Padawan Pack. "They'll never evacuate in time," Zule spoke. "Stratus will leave the Mesa before the ships can even get their engines primed."

"Unless we slow his advance, Zule." Somebody said, and the Falleen padawan turned to Anakin Skywalker, who had his padawan braid and short haircut. Mak Lotor and Kass Tod were arguing about Skywalker's idea. "Anakin's right, Kass. We're the mission's last hope. But it's basically suicide…"

"I'm not even going to pretend to make this decision for us. What does everyone want to do?" the Zabrak asked. All members of the Padawan Pack stood silent.

"I wasn't supposed to die here," Aubrie Wyn then broke the silence, obvious fear in her voice. "I was supposed to train with Master Windu on Coruscant. My master said I was destined for the Jedi Council."

She looked as if she was about to break down, due to being filled with fear. Anakin sympathetically placed his left flesh arm on the 13-year-old's shoulder. "Aubrie, we'll send you and Warble to Mesa…"

"No." Aubrie interrupted her fellow padawan, with her voice some little confidence. "Since I was a baby, someone else has made all of my choices for me. Today, I get to make my first real decision, on my own, and I'm not going to make the wrong one. I'm staying to fight. In the battles to come. The Republic will need all the troops and hardware on that Mesa more than they'll need me."

"I'm staying too." Nend spoke as he stood beside Aubrie Wyn. "It's what all of our masters would have wanted."

"I sense everyone feels the same," Tae Diath stated. "Except perhaps… Zule?"

"Mud crutch… Okay, I'll stay," Zule answered. "At least this way, I won't die in a cantina brawl like the Council predicted."

"Okay, then it's decided." Kass Tod took out her lightsaber. "But I promise we're going to bury Alto Stratus before we bury each other."

Soon, the clones were setting up the defences on the Cobalt Station as somewhere out there, a large force consisting of Battle droids, ATT tanks, MTTs, Hailfire droids and OG-9 homing spider droids were heading towards them.

"I haven't been trained to use any of this." Elora Sund spoke to Zule who was inspecting her prosthetic arm, as she held a grenade. "Neither have I. Just rely on instinct." The Falleen told her.

"There is no fear. There is no pain. There is no death…"

"There is only the Force." Nend finished for Vaabesh as they prepared themselves for battle. Same things were doing Mak and Kass. "Mak… don't leave my side." Kass begged the human boy. "I won't If we die, we die together, Kass." Mak assured his sweetheart. "This is Tae. I'm in position. We're settling in." Tae told his fellow padawans through the com device as he observed the field from the trenches with the clones standing beside him.

"The Force will be with us." Anakin spoke to himself as he observed the arsenal when Aubrie Wyn approached him. "Uh, Anakin…" she began. "Yes, Aubrie?" the young padawan asked.

"We're receiving another hologram signal. It's, uh, it's encoded for you."

Curious and confused, Anakin approached the communication device of the headquarters. Aubrie pressed a button and the hologram of Chancellor Palpatine appeared before the two padawans.

"Supreme Chancellor!"

"Anakin! Thank the Force we feared you were dead." Palpatine spoke. "Not yet." Skywalker assured him. "How did you get through to us?" he asked. "Persistence. We know the dire situation on Jabiim. Anakin, we need you to lead the evacuation efforts."

"I can't abandon my friends, sir." Anakin protested. "They'll die."

"They will die with or without you, I'm afraid." The Chancellor responded. "But we can't afford to let the evacuation turn to chaos. Anakin, I've put my faith in you time and again. You have never failed the Republic. Do not fail me now."

"Yes… Yes sir." The young padawan sighed. "I'll leave for the mesa immediately."

"Good. I hope to see you soon." Palpatine told him before ending the call. Anakin stood there until Aubrie approached him again.

"Anakin. He's right. You need to go."

"This isn't fair, my place is here." Anakin argued. "There's nothing fair about this entire war. Just go, before it's too late." Aubrie assured him. Skywalker nodded and was about to reluctantly leave when Aubrie stopped him. She took out a small cube, giving it to Anakin. "Anakin, will you take this with you? It's my master's holocron." She explained. "I promised him I would return it to the Temple. Will you keep that promise for me?"

"I will, Aubrie." He answered. Looking at each other, Anakin and Aubrie embraced in a hug. Three minutes later, Aubrie followed her fellow padawan to the courtyard of the Cobalt base.

"Aubrie… I… I don't know what to say…" Anakin stammered as he was sitting on his BARC speeder. "Go," Aubrie Wyn told her friend. "Live a good life. For those of us who are soon to die, Anakin Skywalker."

Aubrie watched Anakin riding off into the horizon on his speeder with tears on her eyes, just as the Hailfire droids fired on the Republic defenses.

Jedi Hospital on New Holstice in the Mid-Rim.

Anakin Skywalker walked through the corridors as the Kaminoan medics and medical droids were treating the injured clones. He then passed the hall filled with bacta tanks that were filled with other clones. He was in despair, depressed, lost. It couldn't have gotten worse. He lost so many people close to him. His master, Obi Wan Kenobi, and his friends. To make matters worse, their sacrifice was in vain, as the Republic lost Jabiim. Anakin mentally roared, angry at himself. He was mad because he didn't stay there to help the other padawans, he could have saved them. He was mad because he had to leave the Jabiim loyalists, who fought bravely along with them, to the mercy of the Separatists. His jaw still hurt from Gillmunn's punch. He was not angry at the commander, he deserved it. He betrayed them, and now they are cursing his name. Skywalker's thoughts were disturbed when someone called out to him.

"You seem lost, Skywalker."

The 19-year-old padawan turned around and saw two Jedi approaching him. One was a Nikto, and another one, much to Anakin's frustration, was a Tusken. He immediately knew who it was.

"Uh, Master Hett." Anakin greeted the Tusken Jedi knight wearing beige and brown robes. "I thought you were on the front lines on Metalorn…"

"We took Metalorn over a week ago." A'Sharad Hett answered then added. "New orders should be arriving soon. Until then, Bhat Jul and I are a between assignments."

"Greetings, Bhat." Anakin greeted the Nikto padawan. "Any news about the war?" he then asked. "Very little." Khat simply replied. "Though rumors around. In fact, we heard that you were killed in some heroic last stand on Jabiim. Clearly we can't trust anything we don't see with our own eyes." He stated, before adding. "But it appears that the reports of Obi Wan's death are accurate."


"Bhat, the item we discussed when we learned Anakin was on the transport…" Hett interrupted Anakin, causing the padawan to frustrate. "I'll get it, master." Bhat assured the knight as he left.

"Follow me, Skywalker." Hett told the young padawan. "We have much healing to do."

"The Jedi sickbay, where we treat the most severe injuries." The Tusken knight spoke as Anakin reluctantly followed him. "And on our own, of course." He then added as they entered the sickbay. Various Jedi and clones were lying in beds, with Jedi healers treating the injured. They then approached a bed where Barriss Offee was sitting beside a clone with a breaking mask on, his skin covered in burns.

"Master Offee has saved countless lives. She seldom leaves her post to rest. But we all work long hours." Hett continued. "I didn't know you were a healer, Master Hett." Anakin spoke to the Tusken. "You will be, too" he heard the response. Hett then turned to another bed containing a female Jedi, whose condition was far worse. Other than wearing a breathing mask, her face was also covered in burns while her head was bandaged. Her eyes were white, revealing her blindness.

"This is Master Mobari. She led an attack against Ithorian terrorists." Hett explained as he touched the woman's forehead. "But she was betrayed by her padawan. He died in the same explosion that took her sight. She is dying. We have tried every treatment imaginable, and still, she will not recover."


"Incredible!" Anakin Skywalker exclaimed once he saw it. "What is it?"

"A memorial that the people of New Holstice created eons ago to honor all the Jedi killed since the birth of the Republic." The Tusken answered as both he and Anakin stood in front of what seemed to be a large beam of light emerging from the surface in the center of a large garden. Aside from the two, numerous Jedi surrounded the monument as glowing moths flew around it.

"What are they?" Anakin asked. "Memory moths." A' Sharad Hett answered. "They are supposedly immortal. There has been one moth added for every Jedi who has ever been killed. Now, the monument grows brighter every day."

With that, the Tusken sighed heavily as his Nikto apprentice approached with a jar of some memory moths while Anakin approached the monument. He immediately heard whispers coming from the light as the moths flew around.

"I hear it… whispering." Anakin told the two Jedi with his eyes round with wonder. "It's repeating the same name, Oss Wilum, over and over again."

"Yes. Any words you speak as you release a memory moth will be repeated in the whisper of that moth's wings forever." Hett explained to the young padawan as he held the jar in his hands. "I thought there might be some names you would like remembered for all eternity."

Anakin nodded in reply as he took the jar from the Tusken. He opened it and once the moths flew out, Padawan Skywalker began naming the padawans, his friends, that have perished on Jabiim.

"Kass Tod, Mak Lotor, Tae Diath, Elora Sund, Vaabesh, Windo "Warble" Nend, Zule Xiss, and Aubrie Wyn… and Obi Wan Kenobi." Anakin took all his strength to say the last name as he still could not accept his master's death while the last memory moth dashing towards the monument. The 19-year-old padawan watched as tears poured down.

"And this one is for Sora Mobari." Hett spoke as he unleashed another memory moth. "She was severed from the Living Force days ago. We could not stop her from dying, any more than we could bring back to life all the Jedi honored here. But, we can always remember her."

Just then, Master Ki Adi Mundi approached the three Jedi.

"Master Hett, Bhat, Anakin. We have new orders." Mundi told them. "You're to accompany me to Aargonar. A new front has opened up."

Now a Jedi knight, Anakin Skywalker approached the monument. As the moths were flying around it, he heard a moth whispering the name, Aubrie Wyn. The only thing is, Aubrie was still alive, and the moth whispered the name of a Jedi that was not dead yet. This didn't surprise the young Jedi knight, as he said the name of Obi Wan back then, and yet, Kenobi was still alive. He was captured and tortured by Ventress. Now Assajj Ventress was gone and from what Anakin understood, she became a bounty hunter. Instead of her, Dooku had Aubrie.

He remembered the day he met her when he stood up for her. Anakin remembered as if it happened yesterday, despite the fact it was six years ago.

Jedi Temple on Coruscant. 25 BBY.

"Why, master? Why can't I advance to the next stages? I am doing quite well in the Force, I have passed these lessons many times! You've seen it!" a 16-year-old Anakin Skywalker asked his mentor Obi Wan Kenobi, almost exclaiming.

"You must understand, Anakin." Obi Wan answered. "Despite being the Chosen One, the Council has decided it would be best not to give you any special treatment and you must go through the standard training exercise as everyone else."

"But the other padawans are not progressing well as I do. Everyday, I have to watch as they try to accomplish the same exercise I have overcome." Anakin protested, pointing his figure at a group of younglings, meditating with Jedi Master Tera Sinube. "Then help them." Kenobi told his padawan. "You can be useful by assisting your peers, and who knows, maybe you will be able to find some friends."

Anakin in response sighed in defeat as he had no other choice but to stay in the same class, despite being successful in his accomplishments. It is because Master Kenobi and the Council still doubt that I am the Chosen One, Anakin thought. They think I could not be a Jedi.

"Is everything alright, Anakin?" Anakin looked up and saw Chancellor Palpatine standing there, flanked by two Senate guards in their blue armor and blue robes. Obi Wan Kenobi wasn't seen anywhere, though the teenage padawan immediately guessed that he was headed to the Jedi hangar.

"Supreme Chancellor!" Anakin Skywalker exclaimed as Palpatine smiled at the boy. "I have come to discuss important topics with the High Council, but I have decided to also pay you a visit." Palpatine explained.

"I have to stay in the same class as always, despite that I have succeeded in completing my lessons." Anakin finally answered his question. "And why is that?" the 57-year-old man asked. "They think that I'm not good enough, especially Obi Wan. He thinks that I will never become a Jedi. He doesn't listen to me."

After finishing his complains, Anakin shuddered as he felt Palpatine's hand on his shoulder. "It is disturbing indeed that the Jedi do not trust you, whether you are the Chosen One or not." He spoke to the troubled boy. "What about your friends, the other disciples?"

"I don't have any friends here." Anakin reluctantly answered. "Oh." Palpatine simply responded, his look full of sympathy. After some silence, the Chancellor saw Master Sinube gathering the padawans for a lightsaber combat.

"You know what, I want you to join the class now." Palpatine spoke again. "What?" Anakin asked. "Show me your skills. Please, I want to see it myself." Sheev Palpatine answered. The two approached Sinube as he turned his head around and saw them.

"Supreme Chancellor." Tera Sinube greeted the chancellor by nodding before turning his attention to Anakin. "Ah, Skywalker. There you are. The lessons are about to begin."

"Whatever." Anakin grumbled to himself, and no one heard that. In a few minutes, the young Jedi were sparring with their lightsabers, while both Master Sinube and Chancellor Palpatine overwatched the exercise. The two padawans that were doing their best were Anakin Skywalker and 14-year-old Zule Xiss. Both of them were fighting aggressively, even punching and kicking their opponents. Right now, Anakin hit his opponent, a Wookie, into the chest with his knee before kicking into his jaw.

"Good, very good." Chancellor Palpatine whispered to himself, grinning as he was impressed, apart from the Cosian master. At the same time, Ferus Olin, a human boy in his late teens, and another padawan, ignited their lightsabers, preparing to attack him.

"He may be good in lightsaber combat," Ferus spoke to his friend, assuring of their success. "But he does not have the potential of a Jedi. He's just a slave."

Hearing his words, a frustrated Anakin used the Force to raise the Wookie padawan and throwing it at the two, knocking them out. At the same time, Zule Xiss successfully disarmed another padawan before viciously punching him in the face. Grinning, Zule looked at her defeated opponents as a 10-year-old girl charged at her with her blue-colored lightsaber. Zule, however, managed to block the attack and then began viciously striking with her lightsaber, while the girl desperately blocked the attacks, her face filled with horror. The Falleen was about to strike again, but her blade was blocked by Anakin's lightsaber. Roaring in anger, Zule began fighting Skywalker, but was quickly stopped by the Cosian.

"Stop this!" he barked at the two padawans while the rest stood up. "Zule, it's just a lesson. You must control your emotions."

"Yes, master." Zule reluctantly agreed. Anakin, meanwhile, extinguished his lightsaber and approached the girl who was still lying on the floor.

"It's okay, it's over now." Anakin told the scared 10-year-old as he offered his hand to her. Hesitant at first, the girl grabbed it and allowed the 16-year-old to pull her up from the floor.

"Are you alright?" he asked, with concern on his face. "Yes, I am. Thank you for defending me." The girl flushed red as she answered. Smiling, Anakin once again offered his hand. "Anakin Skywalker." He introduced himself.

"Aubrie Wyn." The girl answered and took her hand, shaking it, smiling shyly as she looked at the boy's face. On the other side of the hall, Chancellor Palpatine watched them both with curiosity as he eyebrow twitched.

Meanwhile, Fives and Rex walked through the corridors of the hospital until they found Leia's room. The girl was sleeping with her arms pierced by needles. The hearts of the clones broke seeing her like this. Yet, they gained the courage to enter.

"Hey, kid. How are you doing?" Fives asked first, attracting Leia's attention. "Not really." Leia answered. "Master Skywalker is sending me back to the Jedi Temple."

"Anyway, how are things going with the chips?" Leia changed the subject. "Everything is fine, we are extracting the inhibitor chips from the other clones by encouraging them to make a medical test, as if in order to prevent a similar incident with Tup and Fives." Rex answered. He recalled the events after the incident on Coruscant.

Despite thinking that what Fives told them at that warehouse was absurd, he trusted him. He knew Fives since he met him on Rishi. Rex loved him as a brother, just like the other clones, but accusing the Supreme Chancellor of being a part of a plot against the Jedi and the Republic was a serious accusation. Rex feared for the worse if his brother's accusations were wrong. Yet, Rex knew that Fives was a good soldier to the end.

Rethinking about Fives words on Coruscant, the clone captain recalled him saying about organic chips inhibited in every clone. Fives extracted his own out, and he seemed normal. Maybe he could extract his own one too. As he walked through the corridors of legion's star-destroyer he encountered both Fives and Skywalker's new padawan.

"Rex." Fives greeted him nodding. "Hey Fives. May I talk with you both?" he asked. Leia was caught off guard but nodded.

"What you were talking about sounds like the words of a madman," Rex began. "But I trust you, Fives. We've served together since the first year of the war and considering these chips… if you are right… that means I have a chip of my own, so do all of our brothers. I want it out."

Using Rex's occupation as captain, the three immediately got access to one of the cruiser's medical chamber where they extracted the chip. It was then decided to decode the program within the chip and uncover the secrets. Soon, they managed to decode it and found a whole list of orders the clones would follow without question.

There was Order 4, which was to be issued if the Supreme Chancellor is unable or unfit to act as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. When issued, the Grand Army of the Republic's entire command shall fall to the vice chair of the Senate until a new chancellor is elected, or an alternative authority is created. Order 5 was similar to Order 4, except that the Chief of Defense Staff shall assume control of the clone army and form a strategic council of senior officers until a successor is appointed, or an alternative authority is identified.

Order 37 caused Leia to find nothing but disgust. This order called for the capture of a single wanted individual through the mass arrest and threatened execution of civilian population. If the wanted individual(s) is not turned over to the authorities by the population they are being protected by, civilians are to be executed as a consequence. The order then called for the disposal of civilians' bodies without them being ever traced back to their families, as well as having all communications of the local system suppressed for a month while the authorities try to cover up the act.

Next was Order 65, which was to be issued if the majority of the Senate, or the Security Council of the Senate, declares the Supreme Chancellor to be unfit to lead the Republic and its armies. The clones are to arrest the Chancellor, and if necessary, kill him. Once this happens, an acting Chancellor is appointed, until the Senate has elected a new leader. Leia definitely liked this order.

The next order, Order 49, horrified both Leia and the clones, for it called for the complete destruction of an entire key Republic world if it were to switch sides during the war and align with the Separatists. Thankfully, it wasn't executed, despite numerous worlds have joined the Confederacy, but it still frightened Leia as it reminded her of the Death Star.

Finally, they have found what they were looking for; Order 66. Under this directive, if the Jedi officers were acting against the interests of the Republic, then the Supreme Chancellor has complete authority to issue this order directly to the clones and have them eliminate the Jedi generals on sight. Once this is done, the entire command is reverted directly to the chancellor until a new military command structure is created by the Senate.

"We are also doing this with the clones that have recently been assigned to the 501st." Fives added. "Don't worry, you will return. Meanwhile, we will continue getting rid of the chips. For now, you must rest. In fact, we are kind of jealous of you. Not only us, but even the Jedi Generals rarely get very little time for vacation during the war. So, you better not waste it. Who knows when you'll have another one."

Leia genuinely smiled as the ARC trooper attempted to improve her mood. This reminded her of Han and Luke. They were always there for her when she was distraught, or in despair, especially Han, even before Hoth.

Castle Ventress on Planet Rattatak in the Outer Rim.

Aubrie Wyn sat on the floor of her personal chambers, meditating. She has just recently arrived from Serenno after making a report on her mission in Queel. Durge immediately tried to make her the scapegoat of the whole situation. Not only the Jedi were not killed, but the Republic have taken Queel. Aubrie remembered the bounty hunter stating that her predecessor, Assajj Ventress, was far more competent and skilled than her. Thankfully, Dooku dismissed the brute. He then asked Aubrie about Anakin Skywalker and his new padawan, Lena Luce.

Yes, by then, the former padawan already knew about the young Togrutan Ahsoka Tano. Aubrie shared her impressions about the two with the count, believing they are both powerful with the Force. Dooku stated that there is a great possibility that she must kill the girl, for her Sith masters have great plans on Skywalker. What were these plans and what role did Anakin had in the future, Aubrie knew, but she was more concerned that by killing that girl, she will make Skywalker suffer.

As she sat there, everything seemed fine until the mocking voices of her fellow padawans haunted her once again. Aubrie yelled and cried as she tried her best to ignore the voices.