
Star Wars:Eternal

Appearing in the void, John finds himself in front of a strange floating text. With a mission to fulfill and a system as a guide, John begins his new life in the star wars universe. Watch how John changes fate and leads the galaxy to a new era. ************** (English is not my main language, I just use a translator to help anyone who wants to read the story, but I'm writing just for fun, so don't expect to much, and if there's something you don't like, just don't read it.) ************** (Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of their intellectual property,just my own character) ************** (Disclaimer:i do not own the cape image,it's just something that i found on google,the character won't be exactly that way, but it's a good general idea)

Barruch · 映画
27 Chs

Chapter 25:The End of the invasion (part 1/2)

Arriving at Naboo's space, we can see the orbital driod control station still orbiting Naboo, to tell the truth this was kind of unexpected, I wouldn't be surprised if they had already fled after what happened in the Senate, it's really hard to believe that the viceroy has not received the news, then either he is still confident of taking Padme and forcing her to sign the treaty, or he simply did not have time to escape.

Anyway, it benefits me, I want that droids control station and the droids that I own, I can get a substantial amount of credits when reselling to the system store, which would allow me to buy more advanced droids and ships, although in much smaller numbers, but still, just that's not nearly enough, so I'll really have to pay a visit to Geonosis before the war starts.

Activating the camouflage systems we entered the atmosphere of the planet without any problems, the pilot set the course towards the city of the Gungan, Otoh Gunga under order of the queen.

After landing, in the forest near the lake where the city Gungan is located, everyone starts to disembark, Jar Jar had been in charge of meeting with the leader of the Gungan, and trying to convince him to negotiate with the queen.

Meanwhile, begin to form the action plan, which is actually quite simple, the Gungan army would gain time, while The Queen's committee accompanied by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan would proceed towards the palace and try to capture the viceroy, in the meantime, I would be in charge of handling the control station in space.

But while we were discussing the details and routes they used, a bad feeling came over me, I could feel a slight intention to kill, it wasn't being aimed at anyone in particular, it felt more like some kind of force warning, the strange thing was that it was not very powerful, but it has a keen intention to kill.

Looking at Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, they both seemed to have felt nothing, and it made me frown, I could be just being paranoid, but I really doubted that, I had already killed Maul, so I wasn't too worried that it was something that the jedi could not handle, if it were Sidius or any powerful force user, I would know, which leads me to believe that they are bounty hunters, probably at the behest of Palpatine.

Even though I believe that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan can handle this, I prefer not to risk Padme's safety, and since I won't be with her for a while, I think it's time to put the reward I received last time to use.

"Did something happen, John?" Qui-Gon asked when he saw me lost in thought.

'' I'm not sure, I believed that by killing the Sith apprentice, things would be easier on your side, but it seems that I was mistaken, be aware of your surroundings during the mission, it is likely that bounty hunters may appear ''

'' if that's all, we can figure it out, I don't understand your concern, '' Obi-Wan says, genuinely confused.

"Well yes, if it is one or two of them, but what if it is a dozen? Could you handle them while protecting the queen from the droids?"


"In that case, what do you suggest?", Qui-Gon asks after considering my words, and agreeing, although he is not afraid of the bounty hunters it will not be easy to fight with them and protect the queen at the same time.

* (Now how would I explain this killer droid to them?) *

'' hmm .. give me a second '', I say before teleporting to one of the ship's crew compartments, as Sidius himself already knew about me having this ability, there was no need to hide anymore.

Appearing in the compartment, I take a look around before using TK and moving the furniture away a little, and with a thought I take the droid out of the inventory, looking only at the appearance, it doesn't seem to be very dangerous, but my opinion changes quickly when I I approach and keep my hand to a few satin gauges of what appeared to be the head, it was still disconnected so I intended to start a connection through Mechu-Deru and start controlling it, while checking the components it has.

'' Heh? ... damn now I understand why this is called a killer droid, '' I mumble to myself, surprised by the various weapons embedded in the droid.

-Blaster rifles

-Concussion discs

-DAS-430 Neural Inhibitor


-Needle dart gun

-Poison darts

-Pulse cannons

-Sonic device

-Toxic gas dispensers


These are some of the weapons hidden in this droid, along with its multi-articulated structure that allows him to shoot 360 degrees, with extreme precision, really a killer droid.

Finishing specifying, I establish a connection with the droid before giving an order to activate, then the sensors start to activate and the droid begins to squirm in all directions, apparently doing a movement check, before fixing its position and turning for me.

'' What are your orders, master? '' He says in a cold robot voice.

* (he doesn't seem to have a programmed personality) *

"although you are a killer droid, your first mission will be one of protection, you must ensure that the target is safe no matter what"

'' Affirmative '', the sensors in his eyes seem to glow for a second, as if he is understanding and saving my orders in his memory.

'' Who is the target that I must protect, master? '' He asks, still with a cold robot voice.

"Come on, I'll take you to her," I say before approaching and touching him on the shoulders, then teleport us back to where Padme and the others are gathered.


It had only been 5 minutes since I left, so even though they were confused by my sudden departure, everyone was still in the same place discussing the details of the mission.

The first to notice my return were Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, who immediately gave the droid beside me curious looks, but Padme overcame them in curiosity and was the first to ask.

"John what is this droid? Where did you get it from?", She asked as she studied the droid with curious eyes, while the jedi raised their ears to hear my answer.

* (I'll explain later) *, I sent Padme telepathically, I don't mind telling her about the inventory, although I don't mean to tell her about the system, even if I trust her, everyone has a secret or two that they never tell to anyone, and I prefer to keep this one.

'' This is a secret '', I say before turning to Qui-Gon '. Seeing how the order reacted to me wielding the sith's red lightsaber, I can say that they don't trust me yet,and I can understand that, but this is also the same for me ''

"I understand, trust takes time to earn," he replies calmly.

Giving a nod and I turn to Padme, '' what you need to know is that this droid will help you protect Padme during the mission, he should be able to handle some of the bounty hunters ''

(AN: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan already know that Padme is the true queen)

the droid's sensors seem to recognize my words when he starts walking towards Padme and stands behind her.


Jar Jar finally came back after some time at the lake, and the fact that he was alone was not a good sign.

"There is no one there, the city Gungan is deserted,there must have been some battle there," he says after approaching.

"Could it be that they were captured and taken to the fields with the citizens of Theed?", Obi-Wan suggested.

"They're probably dead!" Panaka says, and that seems to have riled up Jar Jar a little.

'' I don't think so !!!, the Gungan are powerful warriors, '' he replies.

"Do you know where they are Jar Jar?" Qui-Gon asks, interrupting the discussion.

He seems to ponder a little before replying, "When Gungan has problems, they go to the holy place, let me show you where it is."

I choose this moment to say, '' I think you can take care of everything here, I am going on my own mission now, the sooner I disable the droids control station, the better it is, so I must leave ''

"And how do you intend to approach the fleet? The queen's ship would probably be shot down before it can approach," Qui-Gon asks.

'' I have my means, you don't have to worry about me, just focus on protecting the queen and buying time '', I reply before exchanging glances with everyone and focusing on Padme, I smile a little when I see the concern in her face, then with a nod, I teleport from there.

Padme seems to be in a stupor for a few seconds before a determined expression appears on his face, "Come on, we have our own mission to accomplish", and with that everyone starts to follow Jar Jar towards the sacred grounds of the Gungan, where they are taking refuge.


Appearing on a plain with low green grass and hills around, I take a deep breath before taking the 'Scimitar' out of the inventory, an animated smile appears on my face when I see the boarding ramp at the rear opening, I finally have an opportunity to take a ride on that ship.

Entering the boarding ramp, I go directly towards the elevator on the right that takes me to the second floor where the cockpit is, taking a look around everything was the same as before, so without hesitation I sat in the pilot's chair before closing eyes and focus.

Stretching both hands towards the controls, I establish a connection with the ship using Mechu-deru, and soon I can feel again as if the ship is an extension of myself, I can control any part of the ship instinctively as if it were my own body. , with a mental order to take off, the ship starts to float a few meters from the ground, before gradually increasing its speed towards space.

Looking at the giant station floating in space, I activate Scimitar's camouflage system before I start approaching it in the future, my intention in coming here alone is to steal this whole ship, and the droids that are in it.

But it reminds me of a problem, there can be no living beings inside the ship so I can steal it, which means that I will have to kill everyone inside, and it brings a complicated feeling to me, but I shake my head apart from those thoughts when I remember what they did to the people of Naboo, so if they are willing to kill and destroy out of greed, they must be prepared to suffer the same fate.

"I wonder how much exp I'm going to get from this, hehehe ..."

(AN: when I wrote this I remembered that it was Anakin who blew up the station in the cannon, and like, a 9 year old kid did a mass murder, and everyone celebrated it)

Sorry for not posting on the weekend, I really didn't have the time or the patience to write, 2020 is not a good year for me, I also want to make it clear that until now I was following the cannon in the movies, so I could write one chapter per day, even though I only have the free morning to write, before I was just making some changes here and there and inserting my MC in the story, but now I will have to think and research more before writing, so the releases will be slower, but I don’t want to stop writing, I’m a reader too, so I know what it’s like when they abandon a story you’re enjoying.


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