

So this chapter is really just information for the fic that I plan to have floating around for anyone before they begin reading (though most will not read this if I had to reason). Anyways I shall leave them in bullet points with explanations to keep it simple.

-The force will function a bit differently in this fic. The idea of 'balance' is kinda getting thrown out the window due to the idea that the force is pushing towards that. Basically, if the force is seeking out balance then it will in a sense 'rig' fights and events until it reaches such, which I obviously take issue with. So instead of it forcing things I will characterize it as more of a sixth sense that is a tool for any user. It's a bit hard to explain but you will understand as the fic progresses.

-The rule of two is going to go out the window eventually. Personally, I find that the idea of the rule of falls flat on its face throughout Star Wars. From what I know the rule was created to concentrate the dark side of the force into a Master and Apprentice of the dark side, so that instead of dividing the force amongst many users like the Jedi the Sith would instead have two super elites. It was also meant to cut down on the betrayal relationship that almost all Sith had with each other (Not that it did in all actuality). So I am throwing that away, I think it goes against the usual reckless and Greedy nature of the Sith, and it will allow for much more menacing prospective antagonists.

-I will probably incorporate some legends material. I don't know exactly what yet so if you have any suggestions leave them on a chapter or on a comment.

-I shall also include some original force powers that for all intents and purposes should be included in any force user's arsenal. I will probably look at KOTOR I and KOTOR II for inspiration if not concepts to use. And again if you have any suggestions leave them.

-And lastly (at least for now) I am probably giving everyone that uses the force an 'amp'. Basically, Palpatine is going to actually be practically unbeatable except by top tiers (Like he was in the original except probably even stronger). In essence, Jedi are either absurdly strong or barely better than average bounty hunters depending on who writes them and I am going to make a clear distinction. After seeing some of the powers the Jedi and Sith should have or are capable of learning, they are getting put in the strong category. Now that's not to say there won't be outliers outside of the order. Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Cad Bane, are just a few who are just way to strong to ignore and will probably get a amp as well.

And that's about it. I will add more if any come up. If you have any questions leave them.