
Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey

Tex Fett was a soldier that died in Afghanistan. He was 28 when he died and as a teenager he grew up with Star wars .As a die hard fan of these series ,Tex used most of his money on merchandise from these Star Wars series. When he died ,he was greeted by a screen that would change his life.

PhantasmLord · 映画
24 Chs

The dark side

Tex: Nice to meet you, miss Flivi, unfortunately for you, I don't have any desire to make any kind of contact with the Jedi council so you will have to suffer a little.

Flivi: Wha...

Tex smiled at her while using for the first time mind twist, mind control, and force persuasion on the same person at the same time. By doing this, Tex managed to change some things about their encounter. Flivi would still retain her memories, but some of them will be different forms of what had happened. Tex knew that at least one of the Jedi Masters would read her mind as she was MIA for some months. As he didn't want to be found by the Jedi, he decided to alter her memory. Instead of a Jedi mercenary, Tex changed his appearance to that of a Mandalorian that had some droids with him. His lightsaber had become a vibroblade. So the whole scene becomes a bit different, he fought with the mercenaries for some time and took some hits even some of his droids were destroyed. After that, Tex left the Jedi alone. That's how she will remember him.

Tex: I'm sorry, but I can't have the council trying to annoy me or to steal Zaki. Sometime in the future we may meet and I will let you remember everything, we'll only if I remember to do that. Goodbye.

After he successfully modifies Flivi memories of their meeting, Tex ordered the terminators to move the weapons and armors to the shuttle as they could use more things.

Two hours later, Tex landed near the Sandcrawler.

Zaki was already waiting for him near the Sandcrawler. When he woke up, he found that Tex had gone to do some business with the big lady that took care of him.

As Tex and the terminators were unloading the shuttle, Zaki begins to help around, even as a child he had some strength so he could carry two blaster rifles on his own.

Seeing how hardworking Zaki was, Tex smiled at him and decided to teach the boy more about the force after they eat something.

Day after day, Tex trained with Zaki and after a month of training, Zaki had finally managed to sense the force and use it, although he kind of sucks at it, in time he will be stronger than a Jedi. For him, a padawan needs to know to control their emotions and how to cooperate with the force. It seems easy no? Not really as the force was corrupting force users with the so-called dark side.

For Tex this was bullshit. It's true that the dark side could lead you to lose your mind if you succumb to the temptation of power. You will get a huge boost, but you will also lose your mind and become a slave to the force.

Zaki learned how to embrace the force and how to "communicate" with it so he could be safe from the corruption.

It wasn't easy as he was a young boy how can't manage his emotions, fortunately for him, Tex was there if not for his assistance, Zaki would have become a mindless sith One time, Zaki begins is meditation and after some time he becomes bored which add fuel to fire. Feeling how naive the boy was, the dark side begins to show him things that would make him entertain and how can the boy gain strength by becoming a sith.

As for Flivi, she woke up a day later. She was confused for a moment and then her memories begin to come back. She remembered what happened and how she was saved by a mercenary. He even let some credits for her to return home.

Two days later she was able to contact the Jedi temple and requested a ship.

The Jedi were glad that she was still alive and a week later she arrived home.

Of course, she was summoned by the council.

When she entered the room she saw all of the Jedi masters sitting in their chairs waiting for her to explain what happened.

Flivi: Masters. As you know I found a child that could be force-sensitive and I decided to bring him to the temple, unfortunately, the child died and I was captured. I thought that I would die, but the force saved me. As I begin to feel the dark side getting stronger and stronger in me, I decided to end my life so that I could die honorably.

When I heard that my buyer arrived, I was brought outside only to see a mercenary with a droid by his side. I thought that he would use me for something, but after a while, they finally settle the price and then the slavers brought my lightsaber. The mercenary brought the lightsaber and when they were ready to conclude the deal he begins to kill the slavers, apparently he had more droids.

After a hard fight, he killed all of them, then he untied me and leaves with the weapons and armors.

The Jedi were surprised by what they heard. In any case, the Jedi knight was safe and she saved her lightsaber which was good for them.

Yoda: Interesting, to you before he left the man said something, hmm? Yes, hmmm

Flivi: No master, he left without saying anything. He recognizes the fact that I was a Jedi, but that was all.

Yoda: If he is a friend or a foe we know not, but for the fact that he saved one of us we own him a favor. Yeesssssss