
Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey

Tex Fett was a soldier that died in Afghanistan. He was 28 when he died and as a teenager he grew up with Star wars .As a die hard fan of these series ,Tex used most of his money on merchandise from these Star Wars series. When he died ,he was greeted by a screen that would change his life.

PhantasmLord · 映画
24 Chs

Still kicking

Qui-Gon: And that's all I have to report, master Yoda, Master Windu.

Yoda: Disturbing news, you brought. As for master Tex, only wait for him to wake up, we can.  Stronger than we ever imagined, our enemy is.  Yeesssssss.

Windu: We should take the sith lightsaber and stored it in our vault. We can't let it in the hands of an unknown like Tex.

Qui-Gon: I'm pretty sure that I can't take it. Tex's droids would shot us dead if I try anything.

Yoda: Do something so dishonorable like this, we cannot.  Wait for him to wake up before we begin to talk about the lightsaber we will.  By the way, why I sense a dark presence on the planet, hmm?  Weak one indeed, but still from a dark user, it is.

Qui-Gon: That's Tex new apprentice. He was a sith, but Tex slowly cured him of the corruption.

Windu: We need to capture the sith. Qui-Gon, as a master of the Jedi Order, you are tasked with this task.

Qui-Gon: Master Windu, I'm sorry to say this, but I refuse. I can't do that the man that saved my life.Jar Jar was stronger than any of us would ever imagine. Even so, Tex fought with him and manages to kill the sith. For that, I'm willing to refuse an order given by the Council.

Windu: How do you dare to refuse? We are Jedi, we are protectors of balance. You should feel glad and honored that you have gotten a mission like this one.

Yoda: Angry, you are, master Windu.  Calm down, maybe we should punish you a little so that you will.  We will capture master Tex apprentice not.  Yeesssssss.

Qui-Gon: We will meet soon, masters.

One day later.

Tex woke up feeling his whole body in pain.

Tex: What...happened?

[Host was injured by your own power. Apparently, you used a new power unconsciously and that harmed you. You were brought here almost dead and I had to consume all of the points to save you]

Tex: What did you do to save me?

[Your body wasn't able to contain any extra energy so I had to modify it.

You had a small number of Midi-chlorians that could absorb more force. I had to recreate your entire Midi-chlorian system so that you can store for force in it. Right now, you are a completely new species. You still look the same, but you aren't human anymore. In the future, you will grow stronger and stronger as you consume more Midi-chlorian from your enemies. Of course, it needs to be richer and stronger and the last one]

Tex: Holy shit.I'm getting stronger now. Perfectly fine by No real challenge, fuck it.

[Don't be so sure, there are places that hadn't made contact with space. There ate still many possibilities]

Tex: Thanks for cheering me. Now let's see how the rest of the people are doing.

As Tex walked outside, he saw Obi-Wan and Maul sparing. They didn't notice him, but Qui-Gon, who was a few meters away saw him.

Qui-Gon: Are you feeling better?

Tex: Still kicking. I still have a wife that awaits me back on my ship. I can't die yet.

Qui-Gon: I spoke with the Council.

Tex: Let me guess, Windu was there he entered rage mode and demand things right?

Qui-Gon: I don't want to know how did you figure it.

Tex: Mate...All of the Jedi are a bunch of idiots that don't know shit about war. Your balance and peace propaganda isn't helping you at all. You fucking kidnapped kids from their parents for your Order and then steal their emotions as the emotions would bring them closer to the dark fucking side. Look at me. I still have my emotions and I'm not a sith, I have a wife and in the future, I will have a child for sure. What you are thought in the Academy is just propaganda to make you tools. Think about it.

Tex left Qui-Gon alone as he walked towards Padme ship.

When he entered the ship, he saw some guards and from them he found were the Queen was.

As he knocked on her door, a handmaiden opened the door. She was shocked too when she saw Tex.

Padme also noticed something and walked towards the door, when she saw Tex, fear engulfed her. Does he know?

Tex smiled at her and walked closer to her.

Tex: Hello there Little Queen, I heard that you were naughty. Amidala, your only chance right now is me. For what you wanted to do, you deserve death, but I'm sure that the Jedi would use their rights to save your life so I won't even try. But...hear me out, this is your last life. If you try something like this again, you will die slowly and very, very painful.

Padme and her maids tremble in fear. They knew that Tex wasn't joking.

Padme: I'm sorry for my behavior, Master Tex. I hope you will forgive me. I will give anything, just forgive me.

Tex: Anything you say.

Tex then begins to look at the Queen. Padme felt naked, it was like she wasn't wearing anything and Tex studied her body inch by inch.

Tex: What if J says that I want Naboo or your body? What will do? What will you do if I say that I would forgive you if you kill one of your maids?

Padme trembled. She didn't know how to respond to his question. She wouldn't kill her maids or sell her planet or even her body.

Padme: I will refuse.

Tex: At least you are honest. You are forgiven, but every droid on Naboo will be taken by me. Any problem?

Padme: No...everything is fine.

Tex: See, isn't it better now? Prepare yourself. We will leave later this day.


Tex: It seems that I'm experiencing some changes in my personality.

[ It's temporary. It will disappear after some time]

Tex: I hope so. Now, what should I do? Get Anakin and his mother would be a good idea. I'll send Maul for this. As for me? I should meditate a little.


So guys, shortly the first volume will end and the second one would be set in the clone war period.

I'm writing this to ask you if you want to do a mini-arc between the two major arcs.

And for that, I need a new enemy. I want you guys to create a character that would fight with Tex and his army. The character could be anyone ( From star wars only, maybe from Terminator, I would let you guys decide). If you want me to create the mini-arc, write in the comments a description of the character.

See you next time.

Hello there.Not a lot of action(no action) in this chapter.

A short one, but I had a lot of work today and I barely had time to use my phone to write and edit.

If you want to support me, you can do it on


The first two people will get a chance to create a character that would be used in the story.

See you next time.

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