
Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey

Tex Fett was a soldier that died in Afghanistan. He was 28 when he died and as a teenager he grew up with Star wars .As a die hard fan of these series ,Tex used most of his money on merchandise from these Star Wars series. When he died ,he was greeted by a screen that would change his life.

PhantasmLord · 映画
24 Chs

So it begins

Another year passed by and Tex and Arla become closer to one another, but they didn't cross the line. Tex didn't really have any plans for romance, but he felt that this woman was interesting enough to try.

Back when Tex brought Arla for the first time in the main area of the ship, Zaki was shocked when he saw his master with a woman. Zaki had to say even if he didn't like, that his master was handsome. He didn't even age at all after eight years. He still looks like a twenty years old man.

When they first meet, Zaki didn't know to speak with a woman so he had some problems, but as time flew by, he begins to learn and after one year he was able to speak with a girl without blushing.

As for Arla, she was speechless by what she saw when she entered the main area for the first time. Thousands of terminators moving from a point to another doing jobs and things like that. She turned to Tex, who had his smile in his face the whole time.

She then begins to ask him about the robots and their weapons. Tex politely declined her, but he also informed her that right now he couldn't trust her completely. She accepts what Tex said and stops asking questions about his strengths.

As the months flew by, they begin to free closer and closer. Sometimes they would go missions alone just to treat the mission like a date. It's true that they grew closer, but Tex didn't force her on anything. He let her heal her wounds as she was quite traumatized.

Back to 33BBY

Tex: You sure?

Zaki: Yes...master.I want to finish my training.

Tex: Good then. I know that this would happen so I bought some materials that would be used to build your own lightsaber.

Zaki: Thank you so much. Can I start?

Tex: Of course. I'll watch you.

After that, Tex led Zaki to his workshop where he stored all of his modified weapons. He then brought a container filled with pieces for a lightsaber alongside a small chest.

Zaki didn't know why would Tex bring that chest here, but his question was quickly answered when he saw the kyber crystal.

A lightsaber wasn't just a normal sword. The lightsaber blade is a plasma beam, and it is powered by a crystal. The crystal is also what determines the color of the blade. They could be found in the ice caves of Ilum, and a few other places. Apparently, the kyber crystals are attuned to the Force and lacked color before being chosen by a Jedi. Once chosen, most crystals turned blue or green, but as Zaki was trained by Tex in a different type of Jedi beliefs, his lightsaber would be white.

After five hours he finally succeeds. His first lightsaber was floating near him.

Zaki was so excited that he failed to notice Tex walking in front of him.

Tex: Nice job apprentice. Now you are officially a Knight of our order. You are free to leave if you want.

Zaki: Now, now. How could I leave? Even if you aren't my real father, I view you as my own. You took care of all of these years. How could I not remain here? We have an order to raise, right?

Tex: Of course. You know, our way of gaining recruits is similar to that of Mandalorians.

Zaki: Adopting children and taught them our way. I see now. By the way, when would you marry that crazy woman?

Tex was stunned by what he heard. He didn't think that Zaki would ask about his relationship with Arla.

Tex: I don't know. A war is coming and I don't want to lose any of you. You two kind of makes me feel like a good man even if I know that I ain't one.

Zaki: Well, I'll just leave then. You will have to answer this question yourself.

Tex decided to meet with Arla and speak with her about their relationship.

When Tex arrived at her room. He was surprised to see her training. She may be older than him, but she didn't look like she had over thirty years.

Arla soon noticed that Tex was looking at her. She decided to stop training and walked in front of him.

Arla: Hey there. What can I do for you?

Tex: Arla, I have something to tell you.

Arla: What? I know that you are a Jedi if that was what you wanted to say.

Tex: Not that and how in the world did you find out.

Arla: You don't close your door when you train with the lightsaber and your stile is similar to that of a Jedi. I saw a few when I was on Mandalore.

Tex: I know that you suffered for so many years and that you closed your hearth to most of the emotions. I want to ask you is you want to be my wife...

Arla stood in front of Tex, how kneeled in front of her. She didn't expect that this blockhead would ask her if she would marry him. It's true that she closed her hearth, but he was the first one to gain access to it. Slowly she begins to fall in love with. She hadn't felt like this in her entire life. Tears begin to pour on her face as she answered.

Arla: Yess...Yes.

When Tex heard her words, he stood up almost hitting her. He approaches her face with his own, he was so close to her that he could hear her breathing. Tex didn't even hesitate when he kissed her.

From behind they could her clapping noises. They turned their heads towards the noise only to see a smiling Togruta.

Zaki: Congratulations. Now I have a crazy woman that I may have to call mother. By the way master, you should know how ferocious she is in combat. Do not anger her or we would both die.

Tex smiled at Zaki, but he knew that he was right. One time he was flirting with a woman when they were on a mission. The next day the woman was found dead in the bar bathroom.

Two months later, Tex ship arrived outside of planet Mustafar.

He decided to come here for one motive.Hk-47.

He knew that the bastard was still alive and he could use someone like him. Plus the fact that he would get some points from all of the droids that had followed Hk-47.

Right now Tex had 6000 T-800 that could decimate the whole droid army that was on Mustafar.

When they entered the planet he could see only mountains of lava and volcanoes. He entered the planet with a big transport ship that could provide fire support if needed.

They quickly found the factory where the droids we're building.

He ordered the pilots(Who we're T-800) to land near the factory. He knew that Hk-47 saw them coming and was ready to fight him.

Ten minutes later 1000 Hk-50 droids exit the factory. Tex smiled when he saw the number. 1000 vs 1000.Terminators vs Assassins droids. Thu would be fun he thought.

As the terminators finish their preparation. The transport ship flew in the sky and begin to do to raids on the enemy.

The terminators soon followed and the chaos begins. Hundreds of blaster fire flew around the battlefield. Against most of droids or soldiers, Hk-50 was an enemy feared by many, but T-800 wasn't a normal soldier or droid. They were better than most of the droids build in the star wars universe, but they didn't really have the numbers. As the battle continues more and more droids begin to die. The terminators had some casualties as well. The battle continues for another hour which signaled the end of the fight. Hk-50 lost the fight but manages to take down 150 T-800.

Tex was sad that he lost so many terminators, but in a war, casualties are to be expected.

As they walked inside the factory. Tex found Hk-47 with a dozen of Hk-50.

Hk-47: So this is my end... The Karma finally found me.

Tex: Not really. I want you as my companion.

Hk-47: Why?

Tex: Aren't you bored to just sit here? If you decided to follow me, you will be able to do what you were created to do or so something else. It will be up to you.

Hk-47: You may be the second or the third person how saw me as a living being and not as a simple droid.

Tex: Well... How should I put it? Most of my robots have their own thoughts and my kind of know how you feel.

Hk-47: I see. Maybe this will be my own way of getting good karma for what I have done in the past.

After they cleared the factory of anything that could be used by Tex, they returned to the ship.

Zaki and Arla were surprised to see a Hk-47 that was supposed to be destroyed almost four thousand years ago.

Tex introduced Hk-47, who become somehow more respectable and he somehow was more like a terminator.

[ Hk-47 was added to the network. He will be loyal to you until he will be destroyed ]

Tex finally understands what really happened with Hk-47.

Hk-47 was tasked to lead the infiltrations missions. He could take with him T-850 if he needs or if he just wants someone to speak with.

Another two months flew by and Tex still hadn't got any information on Jango's whereabouts. He knew that Jango would soon be taken to Kamino to create the clone army and Tex would be there to stop Palpatine. As he knew that Palpatine would use the clones as a double weapon against the Jedi. Tex would stop the dark lord with force if necessary.

The second motive would be the fact that he wants to modify the deal a little and maybe get a modification for his family.

As he stood on his chair in the cockpit. An HK-47 hologram appears.

Hk-47: Hello there master. I finally found the target. He would go with a Jedi somewhere tomorrow, I can follow them is you want.

Tex: No need for that. Go to Kamino we would meet there. Leave now if you can.

Hk-47: No problem master. See you there.

After he spoke with Hk-47, Tex called Arla and Zaki.

He begins explaining his plan and both of the agreed with. Arla was so happy that Tex found her brother that she hugged and kiss him, forgetting about Zaki, who stood there looking at his parents with a smile.

A week later, a huge ship appeared out of hyperdrive outside of Kamino.

Tex decided to take Zaki, Arla, Hk-47, who just arrived, five T-850 and twenty T-800 with him.

They boarded a small transport ship that would take them to the cloning facility.

When their ship appeared on the Kaminoans sensors, the Kaminoans begin to panic. As they didn't expect another ship to appear today. They thought that this may be an attack, but why would someone attack the cloning facility.

Sifo-Dyas felt that something was wrong. He didn't expect another ship to appear here without him knowing.

Tex's ship landed on one of the landings platforms.

When they exit the ship they were greeted by a dozen guards with blaster rifles.

Tex: Easy there. We are for businesses. We don't want to fight.

Guard: If you are here for businesses, tell me your name.

Tex: Tex Fett, grandmaster Jedi of the White Order.

Guard: I didn't know that you were a Jedi, I'm sorry for my words.

Tex: No need for apologies, you are a guard and you did your job.

Guard: I will inform the Kaminoans about you, master Jedi.

Tex: No problem, we can wait.

Half an hour later, Tex group was brought inside the facility where they would meet the leader of the Kaminoans, Sifo-Dyas, and Jango.

Congratulations boys and girls. You did it. You made me happy. 100 power stone. Thank you for your support and I hope you like my story. If you guys have any suggestions you could tell me and I may add them.

Big thumb up for Hk-4747. He gives me an idea about the first Jedi and White Order official meeting.

if you are feeling generous you can support me in my ko-fi. I'll post it in the comments section if anyone is interested.

See you later.

PhantasmLordcreators' thoughts