
Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey

Tex Fett was a soldier that died in Afghanistan. He was 28 when he died and as a teenager he grew up with Star wars .As a die hard fan of these series ,Tex used most of his money on merchandise from these Star Wars series. When he died ,he was greeted by a screen that would change his life.

PhantasmLord · 映画
24 Chs

Jedi doing Jedi things(Edited)

When Tex and the mercenaries arrived in front of the gate, the guards pointed their weapons at them.

Guard: Who are you? What are doing with that Sandcrawler?

Tex: Haaaa? That's my transport.

Guard: Don't lie to me. How a none Jawa have access to a Sandcrawler? Unless you are a slave or a Jawa in disguise.

Tex: You know something? You start to piss me off and I don't like that. What I do with a Sandcrawler isn't your business, Mr guard so go bother someone else.

The guards were shocked when they heard Tex words, but their curiosity was overturned by anger. How can someone dare to disrespect a guard that can restrict his access to the settlement?

Guard: You have some guts. I give you that, but you should watch your mouth. You are speaking with a guard that can ban you from entering the settlement.

Mercenary Leader: Now,now.Why don't we discuss this matter a little?Maybe we can make this work .

Guard:Let's see,100 credits per person and one thousand for him.

When they heard the price for entering the settlement,the mercenaries become angry.It was true that the Hutts were the Big Fish around this parts of the galaxy,but that didn't meant that the guards could act like that.

Unfortunately for the guards ,they met Tex.Without waiting for a second longer,Tex ignited his lightsaber and cut the guard's head .The rest of the guards were scared when they saw this scene and didn't even bother to take their credits.

Tex: Good boys.See it was easy.

After their little incident outside the settlement, Tex and mercenaries entered the settlement that was named Mos Doba.

Inside the settlement,the mercenary leader bit farewell to Tex and took his group to a canteen,leaving Tex on his own.

As he was looking around, some of the mercenaries inside the settlement start watching him. Some of them were curious about him while some tried to find how can they rob Tex .

Tex felt their eyes on him and he decided to play with them a little. He decided to have the thieves following him to a place where he could kill them without any problems.

Tex led his stalkers towards a secluded zone inside the settlement. As they walked the number of people that he could see starts decreasing very fast and after ten minutes they arrived at an empty landing pad.

Thief: Stop right there buddy.If you do what we demand you may live. Now give all of your weapons and credits.

Tex heard the man's voice and when he turned around, he saw ten Trandoshans armed with blaster rifles.

They looked like some war veterans, but Tex knew better that these ten were just acting tough. In reality, they were new mercenaries that want to gain some easy loot and credits or just some thugs.

Thief: Are deaf or something? I said something to you.

Tex: Did you say something?

Thief: I will kill you.

The thieves aimed at Tex while two thieves decided to use stun weapons and capture Tex for some extra credits.

Tex wasn't scared of their little show, but when he saw that these guys were trying to capture him, he decided to stop playing with them and kill them immediately.. He looked at them and raised his arm. The mercenaries weren't sure of what Tex was doing, but when they saw that Tex wasn't in front of them anymore, they realized that they attacked the wrong target. A Jedi was considered a no go for most of the mercenaries. Well some of them were stupid enough and tried to hunt some of them only to be killed.

As they begin to turn around, the thieves saw two of their comrades being killed by an orange lightsaber.

Using the momentum that he created,Tex begin to kill the thieves even faster and when they managed to comprehend what happened ,only four were left alive.

Seeing their Reaper before them,the thieves begin to beg for mercy ,only to meet the end of Tex's lighsaber.

Now that the thieves were killed,Tex decided to look inside the hangar .Ten minutes later he finally managed to open the hangar.Inside , he found an old shuttle that could be used for a better transport as the sandcrawler wasn't meant for anything other than a jawa.

After he looked inside the hangar,Tex decided to loot the thieves first and then look at the shuttle. On the thieves, he found ten blaster rifles, five ion rifles, ten blades, and 2000 peggats. For a bunch of nobodies, they had some value on them.

After he stripped the Trandoshans of their armor, Tex gained another ten armors that could be sold for some credits.

Back to Tex, after he dealt with the thieves, he focuses his attention on the shuttle. The shuttle was a Taylander shuttle. From what he remembered this shuttle was used in the outer rim and that it would become popular sometime in the future.

Before he could focus on the shuttle,the panel appeared before him.

[Combat Finished:Result:Victory]

[Reward : Two skill points]

[Note:Feeling great killing a bunch of noobs?Here is a bonus point for what's gona happen next]

Now that he has three skill points (One from the fight with the mastiffs that I forgot to add),Tex used one point in the force skill tree making his connection with the force even deeper while the last two points were put into force sensing and force control.

Skill tree : Light ,Dark , Force,Fighting Styles

Light : Control(2/10)-Using the force to do your bedding (higher control means more powers)

Aspects of the Body (0/10)-Every two levels will upgrade the body of the user at max level he can live forever and will get a healing factor(User can still be killed by more mortal wounds)

Mind(0/3)- Every level will make the user immune to various force attacks that would affect the mind.

Technometry(0/5)- You can tap into and read technological devices and, in some cases, control them,depends on the level.More complex droids or devices require higher level of this skill

Force Alter(0/10)-Belongs to both sides,but will powers ,only when certain conditions are met.

Dark:Control(0/10)- Using the dark side of force to do your bedding (higher control means more powers and more defense against the corruption)Warning:Using the Dark side will result in corruption that can make the user into a mindless killing machine.

Corruption Resistance(0/1-Locked)-Negate the effects of the Dark side – Unknown condition to unlock.

Force : Force Connection (2/10)-How fast do you recover you force and how much can you use the force.

Battle Meditation(0/5)- Battle meditation was the ability to use the Force to coordinate allies and even entire fleets of ships, allowing them to perform at maximum efficiency, acting as a single entity with the ability to counter every enemy move quickly and effectively.

§ Fighting styles : Form 1 Shii-Cho (0/5) - Disarming Slash: A strike directed at the opponent's weapon in an attempt to rip it out of their grasp or destroy it.


§ Sarlacc Sweep: A wide sweeping attack in which the duelist struck against multiple enemies.


§ Form 2 Makashi(0/5)- Contentious Opportunity: A tactic based upon recognizing and exploiting an opening in the opponent's defense before swiftly moving to strike the exposed enemy.


§ Makashi Riposte: A defensive technique where the duelist slightly alters the angle of an opponent's attack before quickly retaliating with a counter strike.

§ Form 3: Soresu (2/5)- Circle of Shelter: A technique where the duelist creates a protected area around themselves and their allies, making it difficult for enemies to penetrate.


§ Deflecting Slash: A technique where the duelist redirects the momentum generated by deflecting an enemy projectile into a slashing attack at an adjacent target.

Form 4 Ataru (0/5)

§ Hawk-Bat Swoop: Was intended to allow a combatant to quickly strike their opponent without giving them a chance to react.

§ Saber Swarm: Numerous short strikes were aimed at the adversary.

Form 5 Shien / Djem So(0/5)

§ Barrier of Blades: Defended the user from blasterfire and redirected some of the incoming blasts.

§ Falling Avalanche: An overhand power blow that crashed down upon an opponent with incredible force.

§ Fluid Riposte: A smooth transition from parrying an attack to a counterstrike.

§ Shien Deflection: Simultaneously deflect weapons fire and leap towards an opponent.

Form 6 Niman (0/5)

§ Draw Closer: It consisted of the duelist telekinetically seizing an opponent and pulling the enemy into the path of his/her blade.

§ Pushing Slash: The duelist would slash an opponent before blasting him aside with a Force push.


Form 7: Juyo / Vaapad(0/5)

§ Assured Strike: Trading sheer power for a near-certainty of landing a hit.

§ Vornskr's Ferocity: Involved "ferocious" attacking of an opponent.

§ Swift Flank: The user leaped or dashed around an opponent to make a quick strike. The speed of the maneuver was intended to catch opponents off guard.

§ Tempered Aggression: Used to describe the ferocity of the Vaapad form, but with more control against succumbing to the dark side even in the heat of battle.


Tex used the force to open the shuttle. When he entered the shuttle, he was stunned by what he saw. A dozen bodies were piled in the cargo bay of the shuttle. He starts using the force to senses anything near him. The closes sentient being was five minutes away from his location, but something was missing. Why would someone deposit so many bodies inside an abandoned shuttle in an abandoned zone? He could just simply feed the bodies to one of the many monsters of Tatooine.

As he walks towards the cockpit, he felt a disturbance in the force. He turned around only to find a small savage-looking Togruta.

Seeing the small Togruta, Tex begins to think of a way to retain it without doing any harm. he didn't want to injure the little one.