
Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey

Tex Fett was a soldier that died in Afghanistan. He was 28 when he died and as a teenager he grew up with Star wars .As a die hard fan of these series ,Tex used most of his money on merchandise from these Star Wars series. When he died ,he was greeted by a screen that would change his life.

PhantasmLord · 映画
24 Chs

Jedi and pirates

Yoda: If he is a friend or a foe we know not, but for the fact that he saved one of us we own him a favor.  Yeesssssss

Cyslin Myr: Master Yoda, the man is suspicious. Not many mercenaries know about the Jedi and even more, he helped one. He may have some hidden objective by doing that.

Yoda: True, that may be the case. Go to Tatooine six months later to investigate the mercenary, you and your former padawan would. Yes, hmmm.

Cyslin Myr: As you wish, master, but can I ask why in six months and not right now?

Yoda: Strong, you are, but your Mace Windu's padawan needs more training before, go on her first mission, could he. Twelve years old, she is. Yes, hmmm.

Cyslin Myr: I understand master. I will speak with Mace and his padawan.

Six months later

Another day for Tex and Zaki. In these six months, Zaki was trained so hard by Tex and T-850 that his daily routine sounds like this: Wake up early in the morning, eat breakfast, train with Tex, eat lunch, Train with T-850, eat dinner and meditation and repeat.

It was hard for a child to follow this training regime, but with some persuasion from Tex, Zaki continues to do the hellish training every day.

Zaki was very talented for a young padawan and that helped him a lot. As the trying begin harder and harder, he found that his body grew stronger while his control over the force improves greatly. He knows that this was just the beginning of his training as he heard Tex talking about how he trained for five years before he could be called strong enough to withstand a Jedi knight.

Meanwhile, in these six months, Tex's army grew a lot. Now he had one T-850, forty T-800, two T-1, thirty scout drones, and twenty maintenance drones. When he didn't have any intention to fight, T-850 will lead half of the terminators in a hunt for mercenaries, pirates or cargo convoys that belong to the Hutts. They even captured a new Sandcrawler that was combined with his old one making a bigger version of it and with the additional space he could land the shuttle on it.

In these months they travel all around Tatooine doing some jobs for folks that would pay a good amount of credits.

As he was meditating, Tex felt something coming on Tatooine. Three force users. Tex knew that his little story would bring some suspicion and the Jedi Council will surely send a Jedi to investigate. He knew that he needs to find a ship that had a hyperdrive.

Tex decided to take T-850 with him.

He decided to check Mos Espa as it was one of the most popular places where you could find slavers and them usually the ships.

Half a day later, the duo arrived. Tex and T-850 sneaked past the guards and walked around the place until they found a landing pad that had their prize. A YV-865 Aurore-class freighter, one big freighter that could house all of his robots and will still remain space.

As they approach the ship, they could see at least fifty pirates and a bunch of slaves. Tex didn't really care about the slaves, but we will still try to save this one as a payment for the ship.

He grabbed his lightsaber while T-850 took cover behind some crates.

Tex begins to use the force to make himself invisible. He sneaked near the pirates and begin to kill them one by one. After thirteen pirates, he was discovered and the pirates begin to shot towards his general direction.

the pirates begin to shot, T-850 also opened fire.

The battle lasted for some minutes until one of the pirates died near the slaves that found the key to unlock their collars. After they were free they begin to help Tex killing the pirates.

The fight took half an hour to finish and both sides had casualties.

In the beginning, there were one hundred slaves and now, only seventy were left alive. While the pirates were all killed.

After the fight, Tex and T-850 walked right on the ship. Tex entered the cockpit while T-850 stood near the entrance to guard it against the slaves. Of course, some of the slaves were angry. They wanted to take the ship for themselves, but before they could do something five of them were shoot by T-850.

T-850: All hostile are designed as targets that need to be terminated.

That scared the slaves greatly. They didn't want to die and so they left the ship alone. Ten minutes later, Tex finally starts the ship.

When they landed near the super Sandcrawler, Zaki was the first to arrive.

Tex spoke with him for a while and after that, they begin to move their stuff inside the freighter. The weapons and the armors were the first ones followed by supplies and then the robots.

Tex decided to claim the freighter for some extra points.

[YV-865 Aurore-class freighter acquired. Ten simple points and fifty basic points awarded]

Tex was shocked when he saw the reward. Simple points. That was huge for him. Right now he didn't have enough for an upgrade, but in the future, he would get enough of them.

He also found that the points can't be converted to another tier.

After he claimed the freighter, Tex decided to deconstruct the shuttle and the super Sandcrawler.

Tex: Deconstruct the Sandcrawler and the shuttle.

[Sandcraweler(Upgraded) and Taylander shuttle deconstructed. One hundred basis points awarded]

Once again, Tex was left dumbfounded by the reward. With 150 basic points, he decided to build another twenty maintenance drones as they could be useful in space. With the remaining 130 BP(Basic points) he builds another 26 T-800 that would serve as soldiers.

As they finished, Tex entered the cockpit and start the engine.

Ten minutes later they were in space.

For someone how hadn't been in space before, Tex and Zaki were so surprised that they forget that one of them was piloting the ship while the other one should have meditated. Tex quickly regains his attention. He flicked Zaki's forehead lightly to bring him back.

Meanwhile, a republic transport ship entered the Tatoo system. A girl how to look like she was twelve years old walked behind, two people that were sitting in the cockpit.

Depa Billaba: Are we there?

Cyslin Myr: Of course. We just entered the system. You should work on your patience, my dear.

Mace Windu: I tried to teach her that but she hasn't really listened to me. By the way, you didn't tell me why have we come here. You said that we are to find a man.

Cyslin Myr: Well, we are here to investigate the man, he may be dangerous for us, as he knows more than Jedi Knight Flivi told us. I suspect that we aren't really a mercenary

Mace Windu: Is he a Jedi or something around that line?

Cyslin Myr: We don't know. That's why we were sent here to find. Even if he isn't a Jedi we must find him and let him answer our questions.

Hello there. Here's another chapter.

Terrier my friend you almost guessed the first part of the chapter. Well, I don't really know when or how Mace's master died so I decided to let alive and bring her in the story.

PhantasmLordcreators' thoughts