
Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey

Tex Fett was a soldier that died in Afghanistan. He was 28 when he died and as a teenager he grew up with Star wars .As a die hard fan of these series ,Tex used most of his money on merchandise from these Star Wars series. When he died ,he was greeted by a screen that would change his life.

PhantasmLord · 映画
24 Chs

Jawas hate jedi(Edited)

I woke up surrounded by a bunch of Jawa. I knew that Tatooine sucks, but it's a nice place to start if you want to build a reputation. An unknown man tries to earn some credits .That's a basic backstory ,but that will do for now.

Back to me surrounded by Jawas.

Jawa: Should we kill him?

Jawa: No, no we beat him and took his stuff.

Jawa: He looks at us strangely!

Jawa: He really does. Maybe he's that type of person that like children.We do look like one.

Jawa: Ohhh, then we can kill him right?

Jawa: Of course.

When Tex heard the Jawas, a vein pop on his head.

Looking at the Jawas, Tex decided to kill them.

He stood up and picked his lightsabers that were attached in his belt.

Seeing that their target stood up, all of the Jawas pointed their guns at Tex.

Tex smiled at the Jawas and in the next second his lightsabers light up. Orange light shot from the lightsabers.

The Jawas where scared when they saw that their target is a Jedi, but they quickly calmed down, when they realized that they had 30 men while their target was alone.

For a normal Jedi Knight this number maybe a little too much, but for Tex, who gained the system , these jawas we're just a little bit harder to deal with.

While the Jawas were waiting for him to make the first move,Tex opened his system.

[Name : Tex Fett

Race: Human(Force Sensitive)

Skill Points : 2

Abilities : None

Skill Tree : Jedi,Sith,Force,Fighting Styles]

When he saw the his panel,Tex felt like he was an idiot.He doesn't have any abilities to use.Without any time to lose,Tex opened the Skill Tree for the Force and used one skill points to make his connection with the force stronger.After the used his first skill point he felt how the force was reacting to him,but as it was at the first level ,it didn't have much effect on him other than the fact that he would be able to recover his force faster.His second skill point was used on the Form III ,also known as Soresu, the Way of the Mynock or the Resilience Form, which was the third of the seven Jedi fighting styles.This form was a defensive one and was heavily used in the Clone Wars by the Jedi to deflect blasters.Putting the skill point into Soresu,Tex begin to gain new memories of the Jedi using this form. Unfortunately this were just basic memories and nothing to advanced,but this much will be enough for him to deal with the Jawas.

Without hesitation, Tex launched himself towards one of the Jawas, slicing him in two. The other Jawas were shocked, but they still managed to shoot at Tex, who easily deflect the blaster shots towards the Jawas.

Using his lightsabers to deflect blaster shots was a good idea ,but with his basic knowledge of Soresu,he barely managed to hit two Jawas .Now that the number of Jawas had decreased(With three)Tex felt that he may have a chance of getting out of here with any injuries.He still need to equip his Beskar armour,but he doesn't have time to do it now.

The Jawas were mad when they saw their brethren being killed by a stranger and begun to fire at him.

Seeing the incoming fire barrage ,Tex knew that he won't be able to deflect all of them,but that didn't meant that he would just wait for his death to come.

Using the force,Tex managed to jump in the air ,from where he used the force again to land right in the middle of the Jawas.

When he landed,Tex didn't waste any time and used his lightsabers to cut any Jawas that was near him .In just ten seconds ,he managed to kill ten more Jawas before the rest of them were able to react.

Seeing that they don't stand any chance against Tex, they decided to run to their fortress.Unfortunately for them,Tex was faster and he managed to kill all of them before they could have escaped and alert their fortress.

Tex: That was some serious work.I need to get more skill points ,if I want to fight a sith or a Jedi on even ground .

After he killed the Jawas, Tex starts checking their equipment, he managed to gather 20 ion rifles that worthless on targets that are alive as the rifles are made for disabling droids and 10 normal blaster. Well, they can still be sold for some credits.

When he was done with the looting, Tex decided to look at himself using one of the rifles. He looked exactly like Orga and with his clothes which didn't provide any resistance to the blasters.Tex decided that this was the best moment for him to equip the Beskar Armor and gain some protection.

Five minutes later Tex was fully equipped with a Mandalorian Beskar Armor with two lightsabers hanging from his sides.

When he was ready to move,a new panel appeared

[Combat Finished:Result:Victory]

[Reward : One skill point]

[Note:Not every fight will get you skill points]

Tex: So I get skill points when I won fights.Well the conditions are still unknown ,but I'll manage it somehow.Now I need to use this skill point on something that will help me in a fight.

Thinking for a good amount of time,Tex decided to use the skill point in the Jedi skill tree (Light side control skill tree)and get the force pull power. In the next moment memories of how the force will help you pulling objects or even life forms appeared in Tex's mind and with the new power ,Tex decided to hunt for more Jawas.

For the next four hours, Tex walked around the area hoping to find the Jawas fortress and when he found it he becomes immediately happy.

The Jawas were stealing metal from two floating cars. Seeing that the Jawas were occupied, Tex decided to sneak behind them..

Making his way towards the Jawas, Tex begins marking the Jawas. Twenty or so by the cars while god knows how many are inside the fortress, not to mention the ones that are on top of the fortress surveying the area. With a plan in his head, Tex moves towards the fortress and begin to climb it. When he arrived at the top, he could see ten Jawas looking around blasters in the hands.

Using the fact that he was still undiscovered Tex decided to use the lightsabers on the Jawas.

Immediately the ten Jawas were scared by the sudden light .Using this chance,Tex rushed to kill the Jawas fast and in the next minute he managed to kill all of them .Now that the guards were killed, Tex begins his next step of assassination inside the fortress and boy that wasn't easy as he thought.

The ship was so small that he had to crouch down to actually walk inside the fortress.

Making his way inside the mining vessel , he began his killing spree and in the next half an hour all of the Jawas inside the vessel were killed, leaving only the Jawas that were outside alive..

When the Jawas saw him walking out of their fortress they begin to shout at him and some of them pointed their ion blasters and normal blasters at him.

Seeing that the Jawas were so ready to die,Tex begin to close the distance while he delflect the incoming blaster fire.

Before he arrived in front of the first Jawa,six Jawas died from the deflecting blaster shots .In close combat, the Jawas were worthless and they quickly died by Tex's hands.

When the combat was finished ,Tex saw the combat panel .

[Combat Finished : Result : Smooth Victory

Reward : Two skill points and a big ass vessel

Tip :Better sell this vessel and buy a ship that you can use]

Tex wanted to curse the system,but he knew that nobody would care so he took the words to his hearth and decided to pick all of the rifles that were on the ground.