
Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey

Tex Fett was a soldier that died in Afghanistan. He was 28 when he died and as a teenager he grew up with Star wars .As a die hard fan of these series ,Tex used most of his money on merchandise from these Star Wars series. When he died ,he was greeted by a screen that would change his life.

PhantasmLord · 映画
24 Chs

Dropped...Windu in front of the Temple

Half an hour later, Tex group was brought inside the facility where they would meet the leader of the Kaminoans, Sifo-Dyas, and Jango.

As Tex's group was lead inside the compound, Sifo-Dyas begins to fell Zaki's presence through the force.

Tex let Zaki reveal that he is a Jedi so that they can scare and put pressure on Sifo-Dyas.

When the group arrived inside the room, they caused quite a commotion.

With Tex leading the group, they looked rather intimidating for the nonfighters present in the room.

Seeing the group, Sifo-Dyas was 100% percent that the two young men are Jedi or at least force users.

Sifo-Dyas: Fellow Jedi what are you doing here?

HK-47: Puny meat bag you should shut up and speak only when my master calls you or when I allow you. Of course, you can try to speak without permission and you will die.

Tex: Now, now. We aren't here to fight. Well, at least one of my objectives is to not fight on Kamino.

Sifo-Dyas: You didn't introduce yourself fellow Jedi.

Tex: Of course I didn't do that. It's polite to introduce yourself first before you ask another one to do that.

Sifo-Dyas: Sifo-Dyas, Master Jedi at your service.

Tex: Tex Fett, Grandmaster Jedi of the White Order.

The people in the room were shocked when they heard Tex's words.

Sifo-Dyas and the Kaminoans were shocked because Tex introduced himself as a grandmaster of a new Jedi order, while Jango was shocked because Tex had the same name as him. He didn't notice until Tex introduced himself, but within Tex's group, he saw a face that he thought he had lost all of these years back when they were young.

Jango didn't even care about the deal with the Jedi as he runs towards the woman.

Tex saw Jango run towards Arla and smiled at the man. Jango saw Tex's smile and he knew that he was correct. The woman was his older sister.

Meanwhile, Arla was fighting the urge to cry as she watches her brother running towards her. She knew that Tex brought her here to see her brother and she was grateful for that. She may love him, but she hadn't missed her brother. As time flew by she thought that Tex lied to her just so he uses her, but today her paranoia was shattered by Tex.

As she was still in her thoughts, she fell down as she was hugged by Jango.

The people in the room looked at them slightly confused as to why would a mercenary run towards a random woman, but when they saw Tex smile they knew that the two were connected somehow.

After ten minutes of awkward crying, Arla and Jango apologize to the people in the room before they side by side.

Tex: Now, let's begin the negotiations, shall we?

Sifi-Dyas: I'm curious, how did you know that I will come here and do a deal with the Kaminoans?

Tex: Information. I have my ways of getting information and I'm sure that some of my ways are against the Jedi teachings and I don't really care about them.

Kaminoan Prime-Minister(I don't remember her name and I didn't find anything about it ): Hmm, so you basically came here to jump right in the deal. From what little do we know you may be an enemy.

Tex: That's true, but I'm sure that you won't miss the chance to do more business. Of course, your business with Sifo-Dyas will still be your primary objective. I will just add some additional requirements here and there. So do you agree?

Sifo-Dyas: What is getting out of this?

Tex: I'll piss off potential Sith lord and a bunch of his acolytes. So for me, this is enough.

Kaminoan Prime-Minister: Aren't you afraid of his possible retaliation?

Tex: Hahaha, you are too funny to miss. I'm as strong or maybe stronger than Grandmaster Yoda and that tells a lot about my power.

Sifo-Dyas and the Kaminoans were shocked when they heard Tex bold declaration.

Sifo-Dyas: You can't be serious...

Tex: I'm as serious as I can get. I don't joke about my strength. My family over here can tell you if it's true or not.

After a little small chatting between the three factions, they decided to start the negotiations.

Sifo - Dyas: I'm here to request an army of clones for the republic. The clones should age faster so they can reach maturity as fast as possible. This man here volunteers himself for the job. He's the best Warrior, I can get in the whole Galaxy. A Mandalorian.

Kaminoan Prime Minister: We will decide the price after we hear what Master Tex was to say.

Tex: It's simple, The clones would grow in the years to their physical limit and after that, they would age twice as slow as a normal human being. I'm pretty sure you Kaminoans have some DNA that would help you that. My second request is that you would create something like that for me and my family. I want to live as long as possible. So could you create something that would age us slower than the clones?

Kaminoan Prime Minister: We can agree with your first request, as doe the second one. We can't really do much about it. Three or four times would be the best we can create for you.

Tex: That good enough for me. I have one final request if by any chance comes to another person here and uses one of our names for the purpose of adding something in the clones, could you please decline them. I don't want the clones to be used as mere weapons and then throw away for nothing.

Kaminoan Prime Minister: It shall be done. We agree with all of your terms. Now we will discuss the price.

From this point, the story continues as in the movie, the only exception was the Tex order and the fact that he offered half of the money for the production of the clones.

Jango agrees to take one clone that would age normally until twenty and from there twice as slow.

He was also questioned by Tex about Dooku. Jango didn't hide anything about his secret deal with the Sith. They planned to use Jango as the clone model and then most likely do something with the clones like in the movie. Tex decided to visit Dooku sometime in the future and kill him. As for Palpatine...he would have to wait for a little more before they can kill him.

Arla and Jango catch up with each other. Jango also found about Arla's relationship with Tex. He didn't have anything against the man so he was happy for his sister.

One week later both groups left Kamino.

Sifo-Dyas invited Tex to Coruscant to visit the Jedi so that they can be officially recognized as a Jedi order by the council.

Tex didn't really like the idea of meeting with the Jedi there, but Arla and Zaki managed to persuade him. So he decided to do it. Tex knew that his own existence changes the upcoming war, but he didn't care. He would still live for his new family even if he had to destroy every enemy in the galaxy with his own hands.

When Sifo-Dyas heard Tex answer, he was happy that this man was actually going to the Jedi temple. He still didn't believe Tex declaration and only Master Yoda would know for sure if the man was as strong as he claims to be.

Tex decided to let Sifo-Dyas land his ship in hangar. Sifo-Dyas was shocked when he saw the huge ship orbiting around Kamino. From what he knows that ship was a modified old republic ship.

One month later, Tex ship arrived outside of hyperspace, near Coruscant.

When they appeared in the orbit of Coruscant, Sifo-Dyas requested to be the one that would ask for docking permission. As he was a Jedi, he still holds some authority so they can get their right faster.

After some intense debating with the person down on the planet, Sifo -Dyas managed to get permission for the huge battleship.

Some of the people on the Coruscant weren't really happy about that. They didn't know that the Jedi had that type of ship in their arsenal.

When they landed, Hundreds of Coruscant guards arrived at the landing pad where the ship landed.

The whole group exit the ship. Tex and Sifo-Dyas walked in front leading the group while a captain form the guards walked forward.

After they clarify that the ship didn't belong to the Jedi and was a personal ship of Tex, who revealed himself as the leader of the Ministers of Death, the guards bowed to him and left afterward.

Sifo-Dyas was slightly surprised by the scene, but he didn't ask more about what Tex's words mean.

When they arrived at the Jedi Temple, Master Yoda and the council was waiting for them in front of the temple.

Tex smiled when he saw the welcoming they would get from the council.

They approach the temple when Master Windu walked in front of them.

Windu: You knew that we would come right?

Tex: Huh?

Windu: Ten years ago, you saved a Jedi Knight and then you vanished from Tatooine like a ghost. We found nothing about you only what all of the people know about you and that didn't help us find you.

Tex: And why should I stayed and waited for you? From what I know you would force me to come with you here to be interrogated.

Windu: Of course, you are an unknown force user. From what little do we know about you you may also be a Sith.

Tex: I'm usually friendly with new people, but you, my friend, managed to piss me of.I'm sorry for what I would do to you. You won't die, but you will get to eat the ground.

When Windu heard Tex, he ignited his lightsaber, but before he could do anything, Tex raised him in the air. The rest of the Jedi tried to help him only to be held back by the Zaki force wall. Well, it wouldn't last for long, but it would buy enough time for Tex to best Windu.

Meanwhile, Yoda stood and watched the whole scene. He was ready to interfere if the situation gets worse but as he was about to move, Tex dropped Windu, with enough force to kill a normal human being.

Tex: That should teach you some manners. Master Yoda, I'm sorry for this small incident, but as you saw your fellow master Jedi, challenged me and I had to force him. I don't want to fight you and as you already saw through the force I'm at least at your level.

Yoda: True, it is true. As strong as I am, you are. To discuss inside the temple we need. Shall we, hmm? Here her hear.

Hello there. I'm sorry for the title. I just had to do it. As you can see the clone would soon start and I would like some info on some events they would take in the next ten years.

If any of you want to support me you can do it on https://ko-fi.com/phantasmkun.

See you later.

Ps: Another chapter will be posted a later today/early tomorrow .

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