
Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey

Tex Fett was a soldier that died in Afghanistan. He was 28 when he died and as a teenager he grew up with Star wars .As a die hard fan of these series ,Tex used most of his money on merchandise from these Star Wars series. When he died ,he was greeted by a screen that would change his life.

PhantasmLord · 映画
24 Chs


Now that he has two skill points,Tex decided to put one into the force skill tree making his connection with the force stronger while the last point was put into the Soresu Form,making his defense even better.

Now that he upgraded his defense ,Tex start picking up rifles that would be sold when he would get to place that didn't have Jawas.

As he was picking up rifles,someone was watching him,with him knowing.

Tusken Raider POV

TR: Another intruder, what should we do Chief?

Chief: We confront him,we have twenty men ready to shot if things go bad.

TR: As you wish Chief.

As the tuskan raiders approach Tex, they could see the bodies of their rivals lying on the sand. This sight brought Tex some points with the Tusken raiders.

When the group of Tuskens accompanied by five massifs were ten meters from Tex, they raised their rifles pointing at him.

Tex didn't sensed the Tusken Raiders ,so he was surprised when they surrounded him.Seeing that he won't have an easy time fighting them,Tex decided to go the friendly route and see what happens.Even if the situation become dangerous he is convinced that he will be able to fight them off and win or at least escape.

The Tusken Chief walked in front of Tex and begin to speak in Huttese.

Chief: What are you doing on our sacred land stranger?

Tex was surprised when he heard the Tusken Chief. From what he knew Tuskens weren't that nice to outsiders even their own people will ignore each other.

Looking straight in the eyes with the chief, Tex spoke.

Tex: Good day to you Tusken Chief. My name is Tex Fett and as you can see I was ambushed by some Jawas that believed that I was easy prey.

Chief: I see, well I don't know how you did it, but you may need to go somewhere else. The Jawas live in their fortress and they are at least 80 of them in that monstrosity.

Tex (Smiling): You don't need to think about that. I already took care of it. Now I own a Sandcrawler.

Chief: You are strange for an outsider and pretty strong I may say.

Tex: You say? You are pretty strange as well. I didn't hear about any Tuskens that would initiate a conversation with an outsider first and then maybe shot.

Chief : Our tribe was taught that not all of the outsiders are our enemies, we can help ourselves by befriending an outsider that earn our respect.

Tex: I would love to hear how your elders found this way of thinking about outsiders. As far as I know, the Hutts aren't nice to the people that don't work for them.

Chief: We have our ways of doing business with them . Now back to your objective. What are doing here?

Tex: Well as you can see I come back to pick up my loot and bring it back to my Sandcrawler.

Chief: Are you willing to do some trade with us?

Tex: That depends on what do you want to buy of me and what I'm willing to sell to you.

Chief: Weapons, clothes, food or water works for us.

Tex: I may be willing to work with that, but first I would like to get your help, as you can see I can't really carry all of these weapons. Of course, you will be paid with ten free weapons.

Chief: That's fair enough for me.

Tex: Pleasure doing business with you.

After their conversation, Tex and the Tuskens returned to his Sandcrawler.

When they arrived there,Tex told the Tuskans that they can put the weapons down .

When the Tuskens saw the Sandcrawler without any Jawas and the big pile of bodies some distance away from it, they knew that they made the right decision when they decided to be friendly and trade with this man.

Tex: As you can see, I don't really have that much for selling, but I can put for sale some weapons and some of the ion blasters if you want. As for food and water, I only have what the Jawas had inside the Sandcrawler.

Chief: That would do. Now, what do you want for these things?

Tex: Credits or Hutt currency .

Chief: We don't have that much money, but we can buy the weapons off of you.

Tex: That would work for me.

After ten minutes, the Tuskens bought all weapons from him. From this deal, he gets 400 pegatts(Hutt currency).

Now that the tuskens had bought some weapons they could defend themselves better.

Tusken Chief: You have done us a great favor.I want to thank you for that.

Tex : No need to thank me,after all this was a business deal.

Tusken Chief :That may be true ,but that doesn't mean that you have to be nice when you trade with someone.

Tex : No comment there.Every living being is different and everyone has their own judgement,at least that's what I want to belive.

Tusken : You are a strange man,but that doesn't mean that we can't become friends.I hope to see you in the future,Jedi.

Tex was surprised when he heard the Tusken caling him a Jedi,he just smiled at the tusken as he returned to his sandcrawler.