
Chapter 65

"I am Duchess Satine Kryze of House Kryze, Lt. Williams I don't believe that we have met before" Said Duchess Satine as she has to be cautious during a time like this. The fate of House Kryze rest in her hands and she is only 20 years old.

"No we have not met, in fact the Galaxy doesn't even know of my existence yet, But still I wish to offer my support to because I hate to see the suffering of innocents" Answered Lt. Williams

"How do I know that you are not a spy or related to the Confederacy" Asked Duchess Satine

Lt. Williams paused before he answered "Because I only serve his majesty Emperor Alexander" 

This statement caused Duchess Satine to face to change since of all the things that spies and other people looking to deceive her have said, none of them claimed to serve the Emperor of the so-called Terran Ascendency which was an unknown empire of unknown strengths.

Even their Capital world was unknown and the only planet that they have under their control is the world of Zakuul.

"If what you say is true then I want to meet you in person to confirm whether or not you are what you say you are" Said Duchess Satine

"Very well I shall make my way to your location now" Said Lt. Williams as he turned off the communicator.

Next he contacted both Commander I.T. and the rest of his squad "All force are to hold position until we get permission from Duchess Satine to join the battle" 

Both the Droid Commander and the rest of his squad had acknowledged his orders and held a position that was close to the battle but did not engage.

Lt. Williams made his way to the residence of Duchess Satine where he was met with a group of guards who surrounded him.

He told them that he was Lt. Williams and that he was sent here to meet with the Duchess.

The Guards were informed of his arrival so they escorted him inside the Residence to a room similar to a Throne Room where Duchess Satine was at.

Once he entered the room he saw that all of the Mandalorian's had their weapons drawn and pointing at him.

He didn't blame her for her cautiousness as he would do the same if in her position.

A few moments later and he was now standing in front of the chair where Duchess Satine was sitting.

"Lt. Williams, you don't look like a droid but whose to say that you are also human" Said the Duchess as she analyzed Lt. Williams. The armor he was wearing was much different from what she has seen before.

Lt. Williams took off his helmet revealing his face "I am indeed human Duchess Satine, now if we can skip all of this then I can help the Mandalorian people" Said Lt. Williams

"And whose to say that we need Help" Said Duchess Satine

Lt. Williams looked around at all of the Mandalorian's in the room noticing that some of their armor had marks indicating that they have already been in or fought in the frontlines.

But he didn't want to waste time so he reached to pull out his communicator causing the guards to tighten their grip on their weapons waiting for him to pull out his weapon.

Instead he pulled out the communicator and held it in his hands. Moments Later the image of Cortana appeared.

"Duchess Satine Kryze, you should stop wasting time and just accept our help because the position that you are in right now is not one to sit her talking to us for too long" Said Cortana

Duchess Satine couldn't say anything against that since it is true that they are on the brink of collapse from the Droid Army.

"We only seek to help but if you would prevent us from helping then we can leave" Said Cortana

After she said this a woman in armor came running up to the Duchess and whispered something in her ear.

Her eyes had widened and her face had showed fear.

"I'm guessing that your frontline just collapsed" Said Cortana

Duchess Satine didn't say anything but in her mind she had  threw her pride away "I believe that you are who you say are, so how will you help us" Said Duchess Satine as she motioned for the Guards in the hall to put their weapons away.

"First Duchess I will have my force help the frontline in holding back the enemy long enough for us to escape somewhere" Said Lt. Williams

Duchess Satine called up one of the Warrios in the Hall "You go and inform the frontline to hold on until we escape and that help is on the way"

The Warrior ran to go and relay her order.

"We have nowhere to go as most other clans have either joined the confederacy, in hiding, or won't allow us in" Said Duchess Satin.

This was one of the problems with the war as the Mandalorian's were split between three factions. Duchess Satine was on her own in her faction which sought to unite all Mandalorian's.

She had two other houses with her Clan Wren, and Clan Saxon who betrayed House Vizsla and joined her, but they were defeated and had either went into hiding or was killed by the Confederacy.

The next Faction was the Pro-War faction which sought to join the Confederacy in the war against the Republic. Clan Eldar, Clan Awaud, and House Kast were apart of this group.

The Last Faction was comprised of a bunch of small clan's and House Vizsla which was the leading house that had control over the small clans. They fought against both the Confederacy and Against other Mandalorian's as they wanted to take advantage of the war to take control of Mandalore.

"If you have no place to go then I can bring you to my HQ on the planet and allow you to speak with the Emperor Personally" Said Lt. Williams

This had caught Duchess Satine Attention since nobody had ever seen the Emperor of the Terran Ascendency before. She didn't hesitate to agree with his conditions.

"Yes Please take us to you HQ" Said Duchess Satine

"Very well then" Said Lt. Williams as he contacted his team and the droid commander and told them the new plan.

A few minutes later he returned his focus to Duchess Satine "Now Duchess if you will follow me I will take you to my HQ"

Duchess Satine didn't wait and left with Lt. Williams to his HQ.

Meanwhile on the Frontlines the Mandalorian warriors under House Kryze were getting crushed by the Droid forces.

They were told to hold off until told otherwise and they would do just that. 

Bo-Katan Kryze the leader for House Kryze forces on the frontlines was taking cover as the droids stormed her position.

She thought that this would be her last moments alive when a loud explosion was heard on the Droid sides and group of Droids which were different from the Confederacy droids had joined the battle.

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