
Chapter 23

A year later after the conquest of O'reen Alexander has been training and mastering all force abilities that he knew about from TB.

He even mastered some of the more darker abilities that he would only use on his most hated enemies or when he sees that the time is right.

The First Batch of regular Clones and Elite Clones has been produced which numbered a total of 400k which was currently the Maximus that he can produce and maintain. He had the capacity to produce 900k, but he was told by Cortana that the current food that is being produced is not enough to maintain all the 900k Clone's, so he could only produce 400k.

(Clone armor) Keep in mind that this is only the Mark I version of the armor, meaning that as time goes by new upgraded armor that will probably look different will be introduced.

Cortana had also came up with the idea to start creating artificial farms, which Alexander thought was a good idea, but they didn't start building the farms until late in the year because of all the ship building construction that was going on.

Throughout this year, Alexander also discovered the Rakatan Archipelago, which was a region in the Unknown Regions that consisted of several scattered, isolated Rakata colonies. All of the planets were inhabited by the descendants of the Rakata who had fled Lehon just before the fall of the Infinite Empire in 25,200 BBY.

But unlike Lehon these Rakata have discovered Space flight and have begun fighting amongst themselves over resources in hopes of once again achieving their once lost Glory. Before these Rakata fled the planet, they took slaves with them, which have survived throughout these thousand's of years and are still enslaved by the Rakata to this day.

Many of the slaves consisted of Togruta, Twi'leks, and Human's, the rest of the slaves of other ancient descendent's died.

The Droid Admiral Ethan had first tried to negotiate with the Rakata Tribes of Makatak and Tulpaa about surrendering, but they didn't like that idea and decided to fight back.

But with their insignificant ship's they didn't last long and soon their planet was invaded. After taking Makatak and Tulpaa Ethan had requested transport ship's for the million's of Rakata that were on the planet.

Alexander had already gotten the report from Ethan and was glad that he didn't have to contact him and what to do, so he had the construction droid's build two massive ships that could carry up to 5 million each and had them sent to the two world's to transport the Rakata to their homeworld.

Makatak and Tulpaa would be turned into mining world's once the Rakata are gone.

Ethan after finishing setting up a mining operation in the Makatak and Tulpaa System's had proceeded to the next System which was the Fitomp System that contained the next planet called Fitomp that also had Rakata on it.

But unlike the other two planets, these Rakata had reverted to a tribal stage and had no type of advanced technology. This made taking the planet easier and much faster. Ethan had only left a hundred thousand droid on the planet while he left to take the other planet's.

Within a month, Ethan had fully taken the planet's Hilak, Persappa, Malata, and Griwstrick which all contained scattered tribes of the Rakata species and even a few slaves that were still left.

It took a full week to get all the population of these planets back to Lehon the Rakatan Homeworld which has been completely transformed not physically but by how much activity is on the planet.

The population of Lehon had grown from 4.5 million to 144 million. Each of the 7 planet's had 20 million population each, which a low population being slaves. So now the population of Lehon was split into four different species which were Rakata, Human, Togruta, and Twi'leks.

Of the 144 million population, 5 million were human, 3 million were Togruta, 1 million were Twi'leks and the rest were Rakata. Now over thousand's of years their number's could have been more than this since unlike on Lehon where the population had to live underground the other planet's had Rakata roaming the surfaces and establishing tribes and colonies, cities, and such but with various tribes comes many wars which made the population start to drop, and also some Rakata still had the Virus in them that has been passed down for generation's preventing some Rakata from reproducing or some even died at birth.

This was a lingering problem for the Rakata in the Rakatan Archipelago for thousand's of year's but luckily now it could be fixed by Alexander once he visits Coruscant to get the necessary ingredient's to use for both the cure to the disease and to make a cure so that the Rakata can use the force once again.

But back to Lehon on the surface of the planet hundred's of thousand's of droids could be seen working building cities for the new population of people that have just arrived. Thousand's of Artificial farms were also created to accommodate for the increase in population and for the future increase in population.

The Rakata once brought to the planet were scared and some thought they were going to be killed, but when they arrived they were greeted by their own species, which surprised them. The current Rakata resident's of Lehon started telling them about why they are here and what's going on.

So the Rakata that were already on the planet informed them of what happened to them and what will happen to them in the future also about the promise of restoring their former glory just without the slavery part.

All the slaves were happy since they wouldn't be slaves anymore. All the people brought to Lehon had gone through a type of orientation that told them about the Terran Ascendancy and the rules and laws that must be upheld and followed by all citizen's.

Various job opportunities were introduced to them and a new life was beginning for them.

As for the former Slaves, Alexander had all of them tested for their Midi-chlorian count to see if he had any potential force user's that he could have Yrena and Yona start training. It took a couple of days for both the orientation and the testing, as the testing was done first.

Out of the 9 million freed slaves, only 200 of them possessed the ability to use the force. The average amount amongst those 200 were a 10,000 Midi-chlorian count, with the highest being 12,000.

Alexander hoped to get somebody stronger, but he wasn't complaining as he now has 200 future force user's under his Empire. Within these 200 150 were human's with 10 being Twi'leks and the rest were Togruta's.

Majority of the users were male, while only 30 were females. Alexander had pulled these 200 people into his Palace as he wanted to personally speak with them.

Within the next couple of chapter's the 3rd sister of Yrena and Yona will be introduced while the 4 the and last sister will be introduced later on as well

Dr_Dredcreators' thoughts