
Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn

A Star Wars Fanfic where both the Republic and The Galactic Empire exists at the same time in a Galaxy that is full of constant wars and suffering. Our MC Alexander Hamilton after successfully passing a trial by a Goddess gets put into this war torn Galaxy after he dies from being overworked in his previous world. Now in his second life, he strives to never work under anybody ever again and to live his life how he wants to. Can he build up his Empire in this New Galaxy while bringing peace and prosperity to the Galaxy, or will he be overwhelmed and succumb to the Darkness.

Dr_Dred · その他
169 Chs

Chapter 100

Mother Talzin had led Alexander to the village of the Nightbrothers which was a short walk from the Entrance of the cave.

Once they arrived the Nightbrothers whose numbers were less than 20 had all gathered once they seen Mother Talzin approaching the village.

The Village Leader was the first to come and greet Mother Talzin.

"Mother Talzin It's a pleasure to see you again" Said Village Elder Mak Eak as he looked at the Mother Talzin and the group of people behind her.

"You as well Mak Eak. But I am not here to waste time, So have all the Nightbrothers gather their things as we are leaving this planet with our new Lord, His Highness Alexander" Said Mother Talzin as she pointed to Alexander.

Mak Eak looked at Alexander and he could feel that he was dangerous along with the person next to him.

Mak Eak turned around to face the remaining 20 Nightbrother warriors "Alright everybody gather all your necessary things from the village and prepare to leave the planet" Announced Mak Eak.

The Nightbrothers who had heard what Mother Talzin said about Alexander being their new Lord didn't even question anything since they wanted to get far away from this planet which was controlled by the Empire.

Their Hate for the Empire was caused when the Emperor had came and forcefully taken over half of the village with him.

Their fellow brothers were taken and put on a ship after being knocked out by the Imperial Stormtroopers who had weapons that knocked out the Nightbrothers instantly.

The Nightsisters tried to fight back as well but were ultimately defeated by the combined forces of the Imperial Inquisitors and Stormtroopers.

So they were glad to leave this planet, they didn't care where they would go.

It took a total of about 15 minutes for the Nightbrothers to gather their things before they all walked back to the Front of the village where a Shuttle was already waiting.

The 20 Nightbrothers including the village leader had all loaded their belongings on the Shuttle before boarding it themselves.

Alexander, Abeloth, The Royal Guards, and Mother Talzin boarded the Shuttle as well. Once they were on board the Shuttle departed the planet and back into space where Alexander's ship was waiting.

Once they landed in the hanger of the ship the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers were given rooms to stay in while they travelled back to Lehon.

Alexander and Abeloth had walked to the bridge followed by Mother Talzin who was curious about the soldiers that followed her now new Lord.

She referred to Alexander as her Lord because Generally in her experience powerful Force Users refer to themselves as Lord's and Alexander was no different.

Once they walked into the bridge Alexander had sat down in his command seat while Abeloth had sat down in the seat next to Alexander. Mother Talzin just stood up next to Alexander observing the atmosphere of the room.

That's when a man had walked up to Alexander wearing a military uniform which had various medals and such on the breast part of the top.

"Your Highness shall we head back to Lehon now" asked the Captain of the ship.

"Yes I'll leave everything up to you Captain" Said Alexander

The Captain acknowledged his order and turned around to take command of the ship and get them home.

Meanwhile Mother Talzin had observed the men who were operating the ship and she could tell that they were trained professionals because of the way they carried out their jobs.

She didn't know much about her Lord so she was curious exactly how powerful was the Empire that her Lord has built.

And so for the remaining trip Mother Talzin stayed standing next to Alexander while occasionally talking to him and Abeloth. She had learned that Abeloth was also very powerful like him but she was still his servant.

She had also learned that besides them two everybody else was not as strong as them. Then they talked about what the future would look like for the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers.

Alexander first told her that the Nightsisters will be able to grow more powerful and will be able to take revenge on the Empire in the future, while they continue to grow more powerful and discover new abilities with their witch powers.

The Nightbrothers, since they were powerful fighters Alexander would like them to become his personnel Guards after they gain their new power or they could take their abilities and fight on the frontlines, or be used for assassination/sabotage missions.

A Brand new Temple will be built for the Nightbrothers and Nightsisters. The Nightsisters will get their own temple while the Nightbrothers will get their own Temple. In the Temple they will undergo training to enhance their abilities and to discover new abilities. It will also be the place where they live.

Unlike the Order of the Guardians the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers will be like a sub organization under the Order of the Guardians.

Integrating them was not something he planned to do since the Order of the Guardian's principles were not meant for the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers who utilize Dark Arts and the Dark side of the Force.

All three Force Organizations would work together but they would not train together since main thing about the Order of the Guardians was Balance in the Force.

Besides all that Mother Talzin was glad that the Nightsisters will get their own Temple to experiment with their new abilities that they would get.

She was glad that she made the decision to serve under him because now she would be able to fight back against the Empire and take revenge in the future.

The Trip to Lehon lasted a few hours before they had arrived in the System which was bustling with activity.

The Ship had flew to the Military Docking Yards above the planet where it docked. From their Alexander, Abeloth, The Nightsisters and the Nightbrothers had all headed down to the surface of the planet.

Both the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers were shocked at what they were seeing. Although the planet wasn't Coruscant it still looked amazing and they could see so many people flying around in spaceships as they flew towards the Palace.

Once they were at the Palace Alexander had gathered them all in inside of the Throne room where he started giving them their new power.

Each person was granted this boost in their force abilities by Alexander. The Nightbrothers were the energetic as they had started to have practice fights with one another to test their new abilities.

The Nightsisters including Mother Talzin was ready to test their new abilities, So Alexander had some soldiers take them to the Training room which was big enough to fit all them.

There they had started to test their abilities and discover the extend of their new power. The Nightbrothers tried to fight the Nightsisters but they were still defeated even with their new abilities.

But they still proved to be a formidable force against the Nightsisters who before could defeat them easily but now that they had grown stronger it proved to be a lot harder for them.

Alexander had sent Abeloth to the training room to teach the Nightsisters and Brothers the new rules that they would have to follow while they are his servants now and to have them train with their new abilities.

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