
Light's Struggle

When Rod looked back, he saw Ezra at the edge of the ravine with most of the group armed with bows, while others had just finished climbing up from below the ravine with Ferdie.

The nearly forty remaining companions of Rod smiled at what they saw. It seemed to imply that the mission below the ravine had been completed.

As Ferdie approached Rod along with their companions, he asked Rod, "Are you tired? Can you still fight?" Ferdie's smile seemed playful.

"Nah! We're just getting started." Rod replied with a smile, seeming to give strength to everyone.

Afterward, Rod pointed his sword toward the oncoming monsters.

Under Rod's leadership, they charged forward while yelling, "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH…"

Their shouts caused a thunderous roar that caught the attention of the angels and some souls who were still fighting not far from them.

As they reached the monsters, and with their companions by their side, it seemed that the strength of each one in battle was revitalized. Those with bows were busy shooting at the flying monsters and assisting their comrades in combat.

Ian, despite of being fat, he displayed strength using his weapon, a battle axe. With a swing of his axe, he split the bodies of the monsters nearby. Anna, despite being a woman, possessed a remarkable agility in combat, wielding dual weapons in both hands. And Ezra, despite being young and having some weaknesses, especially in close combat, excels in archery.

And with the increased numbers of Rod's companions and their skill and determination, they quickly finished off the monsters that approached them.

After clearing out the monsters, Rod said, "It's time to join our brothers and sisters who are still fighting." he shouted, pointing his sword towards their other angels and souls companions who had been with them in the beginning of the journey.

With a count of over three hundred, they ran again, shouting, their determination and courage evident as they reinforced their other comrades who were fighting.


Meanwhile, in Amaymon's sanctuary, Asmoday arrived. One of Amaymon's servants who leads the eastern part of the shadow realm.

"My lord Amaymon," said Asmoday. "As expected by Gaap, they sent forces to the east, and we successfully defeated all the forces of light," Amaymon remarked, smiling.

"As Gaap said, we will leave no one alive so that the Archangel will think he still has forces in the east, but little does he know that no one else will come here, except for our forces. Hihihi," he added, chuckling mischievously.

"Well done, Asmoday. And you, Gaap," Amaymon said in a booming voice.

"Thank you, Majesty. And perhaps their forces in the west are also depleted. With the anger and fury the monsters will feel, their strength will double, and that will be what awaits them once they disturb their lair. Hihihi..." Gaap said confidently.


Back in the ongoing battle in the west where Rod is located.

From the sky, Cyrus (the angel in charge of the ambush on the monsters and blocking those trying to go down into the ravine where the mission to eliminate the monster offspring is taking place) heard the shouts of the souls who carried out the mission below the ravine, approaching to lend assistance.

"It looks like the mission below is finished," he said, smiling.

"EVERYONE! WIPE OUT ALL THE MONSTERS!" he shouted to his comrades, boosting their morale.

Upon Rod's arrival, the souls seemed revitalised, knowing that their comrades led by Rod had succeeded in their mission.

Once again, they plunged into battle, this time together with all the comrades that had accompanied them on their journey earlier.


Meanwhile, Archangel Remiel and his forces continued to advance straight toward the Cathedral of Darkness where the demon Amaymon resided.

In Amaymon's Sanctuary, Amaymon sensed the approach of Archangel Remiel and his forces.

"Gaap," it said.

"What is it, my lord?" Gaap asked.

"Our guests are approaching. You may greet them now." Amaymon said with a smirk.

"Hihihi... As you wish, my lord." Gaap replied, with a hint of excitement.

As Archangel Remiel and his forces continued to advance, they caught sight of the Cathedral of Darkness.

The grayish light emanating from the wings of Archangel Remiel provided additional brightness to its surroundings. From the front of the Cathedral of Darkness where Gaap stood, the Archangel is already visible because of the light emanating from its wings.

"Archangel Remiel... Hihihihi," Gaap whispered upon seeing the color of the light from its wings.

"Thuddd... Thuddd... Thuddd..." As Archangel Remiel advances, the thunderous march of tens of thousands of souls accompanying him and the fluttering of the wings of thousands of angels are heard.

With a signal, Archangel Remiel halts his warriors in their advance. "Thuddd!"

The area is surrounded in a momentary silence.

And while leading the way and soaring above them all, Archangel Remiel suddenly flicked, "Tingggg..." creating a sound, and simultaneously with the flick, it generated a light resembling a wave creeping towards the Cathedral of Darkness.

As the light crept forward, they saw the multitude of monsters they would face, positioned in front of the Cathedral. Some of the monsters growled as they passed through the streak of the light.

"The time has come to bring light to the Shadow Realm. LET US SHOW THE POWER OF LIGHT! CHARGE!" declared the Archangel with full strength and courage.

And at his signal, the warrior souls and angels in the front line charged forward. And followed by the second line of warriors with Archangel Remiel. This was followed by the third, fourth, and fifth lines. The seventh and eighth, the last lines, were left behind.

As the warriors of light charged forward, Archangel rushed to catch up with the first line to join them before they reached the enemies.

However, unexpectedly, as Archangel flew forward, he collided with an invisible barrier, only partially visible from the impact of the collision. While other souls and angels continued advancing freely, Archangel attempted to move forward again but still failed to pass through. Despite his attempts to break through the seemingly glass barrier using his fists and sword, Archangel always ended up unsuccessful.

"What is this?" he wondered aloud. Afterward, he observed that the first lines that had advanced with him, upon passing the invisible barrier, were gradually diminishing in number. It was only then that he realized it was a strategy of the demons to diminish their lines.

"RETREEEEEAT!" shouted Archangel Remiel loudly.

Upon hearing this, the warrior angels and souls realized that it was already too late. Some managed to retreat, but almost all of the first three lines that charged forward were nearly depleted.

With the huge number of enemies, the absence of an Archangel is a significant loss for the warriors.

"Hihihihi... An immortal has no capability to enter my shadow barrier," Gaap said, laughing. Gaap is one of the few types of demons with this kind of power.

In an instant, it seemed like the wind's direction had changed. Archangel Remiel now seemed to be pondering what possible way to break through the barrier that hindered him from entering and leading the warrior souls alongside him to fight against Amaymon.