
Old Sword

In the heavens, Hicarius and Archangel Rafael were conversing as they walked.

"The number of warriors entering continues to drop," Hicarius said to Archangel Rafael.

"What's concerning is the decrease in the number of souls entering heaven," replied Archangel Rafael.

"You're right, Mighty Archangel Rafael, this is indeed more worrisome," Hicarius agreed.

As they continued their conversation while walking, they reached the armory.

"If it pleases God, I wish to request permission from Him to..." Archangel Rafael paused in his speech upon noticing that the old sword was missing from its place.

"The sword?" Archangel Rafael asked, puzzled as to where the sword had gone and how it had been removed from its position.

"Indeed," Hicarius replied, also puzzled. "Just a moment, and I will summon the angel in charge of the armory." After speaking, Hicarius quickly walked off to find the armory in charge.

Meanwhile, in the Shadow Realm, to its northern part stands a terrifying Catedral, the dwelling sanctuary of Amaymon. Who has elongated ears, two horns atop his head, an alligator-like tail, and muscular arms, all adorned in green with red markings.

The Catedral of Darkness is surrounded by rocks with various symbols carved into them, while the sides are lined with lava trickling down from above. The entrance resembles a very wide bridge with flowing lava underneath.

"My lord Amaymon, as we have long expected. The guests have arrived." Gaap said with a smile that seemed confident in what was about to happen.

Gaap is a demon who serves as Amaymon's general, known for his intelligence and excellent tactical skills under Amaymon's command. Its appearance is almost similar to a bat, similar wings but with a pointed nose. Two small horns on its forehead. Its shoulders, chest, and thighs are hairy as well.

"If that's the case, inform everyone to prepare for the warm welcome to our guests," said Amaymon with a thunderous and mischievous grin.

Back in heaven…

"Mighty Archangel Rafael, how may I serve?" asked the armory supervisor.

"I'd like to know about the whereabouts of the sword displayed in this area," Archangel Rafael asked.

"My apologies, Mighty Archangel, but I noticed the sword missing just the other day. Throughout my tenure as the armory in charge, even before assuming this role, that sword has always been there."

"I thought that sword was just a display here in the armory because it seemed to be fixed in place or perhaps it was just too heavy to remove from its position." said the armory keeper.

Hicarius spoke up, "Many have tried to take that sword from the warriors, but they couldn't get it, so many also thought it was just a display. However..." he paused, exchanging glances with Archangel Rafael.

"You may now return to your post. Thank you," said the Archangel.

Hicarius and Archangel Rafael continued their conversation.

"Besides you Archangels, is it possible that others could have the capability to lift and use it?" Hicarius asked, seeming pensive. "Even I tried to lift it, but I just couldn't remove it from its place," Hicarius said.

"Yes, besides us, there are none, unless he has chosen a new companion, but… " said Archangel Rafael with a slight hint of concen.


Meanwhile, back to Rod…

"FROM THE NOTHINGNESS... WE WERE CREATED BY HIM... HE GAVE US LIFE... SO THIS LIFE, WE WILL OFFER BRAVELY!" Rod shouted as he charged towards the monsters. "FOR HIS HOLY NAME!" Rod yelled as he rushed into battle, echoed by his comrades who were also charging behind him.

As the monsters charged forward, Rod's charge mirrored theirs, his eyes gleaming with determination and courage.

As Rod neared the monsters, he jumped high into the air. His sword seemed to have veins of light running through it as it emerged and connected to Rod's arm. It was as if Rod and his sword had become one.

Descending rapidly, Rod slashed one creature, splitting its body. Then he quickly charged at another. As he lunged at a monster, it unleashed a slash with its sharp, long claws, but Rod slid to evade it and countered with a slice to its legs, causing them to sever. Afterward, he finished it by cutting off its head.

While everyone was busy in combat, another wave broke through their front lines. Twenty more creatures were approaching Rod's group. The battle became bloody, but at that point, Rod's group still had the upper hand. However, with the arrival of an additional twenty creatures, the fight became more challenging for them.

Unexpectedly, while the two angels Gaspar and his companion were busy battling the winged creatures in midair, another flying monster suddenly appeared and stabbed Gaspar from behind until he was impaled. Seizing the opportunity, the creature quickly beheaded Gaspar.

"GASPARRR!" Rod saw this, but he couldn't do anything as he was engaged in combat with two gigantic beasts.

After Gaspar was slain, three flying monsters ganged up on another angel. Although he managed to kill one flying monster, he was gravely wounded until he was eventually slain by the other two flying monsters.

But suddenly, when the two flying monsters were flying downwards into the bottom of the ravine, Ferdie jumped and tackled one of them from edge of the ravine, landing on the back of the creature. In midair, they grappled until gradually descending towards the bottom of the ravine.

In the ongoing battle above the ravine, there continues to be infrequent additions of monsters approaching Rod. There are ten, fifteen, and then another ten monsters.

And after a few moment, once again, around thirty more monsters are approaching Rod. At this point, Rod's companions are feeling the fatigue, as the relentless arrival of monsters seems endless. And gradually, Rod's numbers are decreasing.

After a long period of battling, as the number of souls dwindled and their fatigue became evident, they continued to fight. At this point, it seemed that almost fifty monsters were advancing towards them.

"Urgh..." Anna grunted upon seeing the many monsters approaching.

In Rod's estimation, only about forty of them remained.

"Comrades!" Rod said as he stood up again after slaying a monster.

Despite feeling the strain and fatigue, he made an effort to rise.

"Let's gather together… We'll defend ourselves. We'll stick together... Every attack, we'll kill together…" Rod said.

Everyone listened and they gathered and huddled together in one heap. Despite the fatigue, they continued to stand and take formation.

"Why are we like that, souls? We never feel hungry, but we get tired." Rod said playfully.

"Sigh, I hope we don't feel tired like we don't feel hungry. Haha," Ian the fat guy joked, followed by smiles and laughter from the others.

"Comrades!" Rod said with a loud voice. "It's an honor to fight alongside you all. And it's an even greater honor to fight for God with you guys." Rod added with a smile.

After those words, despite the fatigue and pain of their wounds, it brought smiles to everyone's lips.

As the monsters approached Rod, he and his companions formed up, waiting for the creatures to attack. But before the charging monsters reached them, the first wave came from the sky. The flying monsters.

And when the flying monsters swooped closer to them, they were suddenly suprised to see them dropping one by one. As the creatures fell to the ground, they noticed arrowheads buried in their heads.