
100 Strong

While continuing to destroy the offspring of the monsters, Rod suddenly paused and sensed something.

Along with the falling of some rocks from above came the thunderous sound of rapidly approaching trampling.

Rod shouted, "EVERYONE, GET READY!" He positioned himself and prepared to face the possible monsters that would come from above.

While everyone was on alert and waiting, shortly after, a monster jumped from above, rolling down uncontrollably. It was soon followed by ten more, then thirty more. The souls fought with all their might, the air filled with the sounds of their grunts and "Urrgh!" scream of determination and pain, together with the snarling and growling of the monsters.

As the battle started, fifty more monsters came and joined the battle.

Most of the monsters that went down were around ten feet tall, with sharp fangs and long, sharp claws. Some had tails. Others had horns and three arms. Some had one eye, while others had two. Their noses were flat without a bridge, with two holes. Their ears were pointed. Some had red skin, while others were dark brown. Their mouths were salivating.

Not far from Rod, there was a gigantic monster that stood out with its towering height, for about twenty feet tall. Its right hand was unlike the others. It resembled a hammer in shape, which it used to strike and sweep away all the souls around it. Almost no one dared to approach it, because with just one swing, everyone nearby would scatter far away, frightened by its hammer-shaped right hand.

After Rod stabbed and beheading his monster opponent, he noticed the giant monster causing the downfall of many of his comrades. So, before it could harm more of his comrades, he decided to confront it.

Not far away, he saw Gaspar, who had just finished off his own opponent, so he called out to him. "GASPAR!" Rod shouted.

Gaspar looked at him, understanding Rod's intention with just a look, so he quickly flew towards Rod.

As Gaspar approached him, Rod raised his left hand. Once Gaspar was close enough, he grabbed Rod's left hand and lifted him up to a height of forty feet towards the gigantic monster that is wiping out their comrades.

When they are almost near, Gaspar hurled Rod towards the monster. While the Giant monster was busy attacking their comrades, unaware, from above, Rod's sword was plunging downward, aiming for its nape.

"Take this, you MONSTERRRR!" Rod shouted as he push his sword with all his strength into the monster's nape, plunging downward until it reached the top of the spine, followed by a spurting of blood.

"Roarrrrrr!" The giant monster roared in pain loudly. It immediately attempted to reach Rod from its back, but Rod had anticipated it. Before the creature could reach him, Rod pulled his sword from its nape and quickly executed a backflip to evade being grabbed by the monster.

And as Rod landed to the ground behind the monster, he quickly slashed its leg, almost cut it off. This caused the monster to roar loudly once again. Afterward, it lost its balance and fell to its knees.

After that, Rod saw an opportunity to finish it off.

He stepped on the back of the monster and jumped forward.

While in mid-air, he twisted towards the creature, and before his feet hit the ground, Rod quickly slashed its neck. As Rod's feet touched the ground, the head of the giant monster fell to the ground and rolled.

With Ferdie's strike against the last monster, the situation momentarily eased. In Rod's estimate, they had suffered almost a hundred casualties, with some of them wounded.

Rod understood that this wasn't the end, so he thought of a plan. Shortly afterward, he stood up among them and spoke."

"I NEED ONE HUNDRED SOULS WHO HAVE TRUST IN THEIR ABILITIES AND COURAGE TO RISK THEIR LIVES FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS MISSION!" He said it loudly, looking at Gaspar and nodding as a request for permission. Gaspar also nodded in agreement.

"Let's climb up to the top and position ourselves before the edge of the ravine. There, with all our courage and strength, we will intercept and confront the incoming monsters while those left behind carry out and finish the mission down here," Rod said, showing the determination within him.

Anna stepped forward. "Count me in, Rod!" she said.

"Me too!" Ian followed, moving closer to Rod.

"Of Course count me in as well!" Ferdie chimed in.

Rigor also joined them. Ezra, the youngest among them, despite volunteering to join, Rod noticed his nervousness. He approached him, placed a hand on his shoulder, and said, "You stay here, Ezra, and accompany them to complete the mission." Rod's smile was filled with understanding.

Ezra replied, '' Thank you, Rod".

After a while, one hundred souls were completed under Rod's leadership, joined by two angels, Gaspar and the one who delivered the message to them earlier from Cyrus.

After this, Rod and his companions climbed the rocky and steep parts of the ravine to reach the top and take their positions. The climb itself became a challenge for them. However, it did not stop them from continuing with their plan.

While they continued to climb up, the two angels, using their wings to fly, lifted other climbers and carried them to the top. In this way, the positioning of their companions on the top was sped up.

And when everyone reached the top, they saw from afar the ongoing battle between the angels and the souls who were their companions on the journey earlier. Despite the relentless efforts of the warrior angels and souls to prevent the monsters from advancing, they could see from a distance that some of the monsters were managing to break through.

After witnessing what was happening from afar, Rod stood up and took his stance. His companions, the souls behind him, did the same.

Nearly fifty monsters broke free and rampaging forward towards the nest at the bottom of the ravine.

While above, a hundred brave souls and two angels stood ready with determination evident in their faces and stances to defend their comrades below and complete the mission..