
STAINED: Billionaire x Mafia Love Affair

((Warning!: Mature Content! No RAPE No one Under 18 is allowed.)) *** Not knowing who her biological parents were and after getting rescued from the hands of a syndicate the twelve-year-old Zarah suddenly felt lost. Those who knew where she came from looked at her with prejudice and treated her as a troublesome child. They believed that her stained past had ruined her present and future. However, an old man proved to her that someone like her who knew nothing but darkness and emptiness deserved to be given warmth and walked on a path full of rainbows and sunshine. He made sure to change her outlook on life and reshape her future to prove her critics wrong. He wanted to save Zarah but it turned out that Zarah also saved him from loneliness. Zarah grew up under his care, feeling loved and cared for. The child with a stained past grew up into a gorgeous, smart, and fine young woman. She also found the type of friendship that everyone would be envious of. Aside from that, she was dating the love of her life and she was happy with him. She thought her life was heading in a better direction than where she started. Just when she looked forward to the best things that life could offer, life brought hard trials that tested her as a person. Isaiah was hospitalized and his health deteriorated. The happily ever after fairy tale ending she hoped to have with Josh ended tragically in a blink of an eye. Just when she thought that her life won't get any worse, she met Isaiah's son who would test her patience every time and turn her world upside down. He would make her feel emotions that she didn't know existed in this world. A lot of revelations about her birth and identity were waiting for her. Where are her birth parents? Why did they abandon her? Who is she? She didn't even realize that he would slowly help her uncover the answers to those questions. He who is a total stranger in her life! Or is he? Life made a sudden three-hundred-and-sixty-degree turn and she found the man reliable and started expressing his real feelings. With his help, she had slowly forgotten the heartbreak she suffered from Josh. However, just when she thought that she was fine, Josh realized that he could not afford to lose Zarah and that he wanted her back at the same time he was entangled with Natalie, his ex. She knew in her heart that she was over him. However, Josh would not give up just to change her mind and win her back. Just who is Xavier? What secrets does he hide from her? Most importantly, how would she react when he revealed all of his deepest and most dangerous secrets to her? Will both of their stained pasts bring them closer together or will they destroy them? Will these secrets be the reason why she would choose Josh instead? Or will his secrets make her realize her deep feelings for him and choose Xavier instead? ***

OrieNovel · 都市
109 Chs

Chapter 103: First Snow Fall

"Why?" Zarah asked him.

"Because he is against our relationship. They might make things difficult for you here."

Zarah bit her lower lip. She was silent for a while.

She heaved a sigh before answering him.

"Are you afraid I can't handle him?"

This time it was Xavier who was silent.

"Or are you afraid that they would kidnap me?"

Xavier's expression darkened when he heard what Zarah said.

"That's worse. However, I will not let that happen!"

"Then, there's nothing to worry about," Zarah replied nonchalantly.

The couple decided to go out and have dinner first.

They disguised themselves and went on a mini-date.

Zane, Vince, Tristan, and a few people, whom she just had met today, were following them.

Meanwhile, Joseph Lockhart learned from his people that Xavier was in Sterlington City.

His wife, Aurora, heard that Xavier was in the city. She became excited and called on her sons. She wanted them to bring Xavier home so she could meet Xavier's wife.

Timothy Lockhart also heard of the news.

He summoned his son, Joseph Lockhart, to his home office.

Dylan and Cole were hanging out outside when they received a call from their mother.

Meanwhile, Cole learned that Hope was in Sterlington. So he went to the hotel where Hope and Zarah were staying.

He was hoping to meet Hope. He messaged Hope and waited in the car.

Hope showed up thirty minutes after. She kept looking around before entering the car.

"Hi!" Cole greeted her.

"Hey!" Hope answered shyly.

"When did you arrive?"

"We landed a couple of hours ago," Hope answered.

"Have you had dinner?"

"Not yet."

"Good! I know a perfect place."

Cole and Hope sped off and blended with the traffic.

Meanwhile, Zarah and Xavier were ordering their dinner.

They were eating dinner at a fancy restaurant. Xavier booked a private room to eat peacefully.

Xavier's phone suddenly rang.

It was Dylan on the other line.

Zarah looked at the screen and said, "Answer it. It might be important."

"Hello?" Dylan asked on the other line.

"What's the matter?" Xavier asked him.

"Mom knew that you were in town. She wanted you to come home and bring my sister-in-law with you."

Xavier was not surprised about this. He knew that this would happen. The moment he stepped foot in Sterlington City, Joseph Lockhart would know.

He also didn't have to ask Dylan if Timothy Lockhart knew about it.

"I can't come back now," Xavier said.

"It doesn't have to be now. We can do it tomorrow." Dylan proposed.

Dylan knew that Xavier was hesitating on the idea.

They could easily bully Zarah now that she's in their territory.

The private room was so quiet that Zarah could hear their discussion.

"Let's go tomorrow," Zarah told him.

"Are you sure?" Xavier asked worriedly.

Xavier was aware of how harshly they might treat Zarah once they came.

"Well, I'd rather meet them sooner than later."

Zarah preferred to face the opponent sooner than later.

She wanted to know why they were so against their marriage.

Well, if she could meet the woman his grandfather had arranged for him to marry, the better.

Zarah would be lying if she said that she was not slightly insecure.

Of course, they had reasons to bully her. She was an orphan. She didn't have strong backing. More importantly, they didn't belong to the same social status.

She didn't want a repeat of what had happened between them and Josh.

There was no way she would let anyone ruin her marriage.

Xavier would only be hers.

Xavier frowned after seeing that she was in a daze.

"Okay. Let's arrange for lunch tomorrow. However, let's have it outside. I won't bring my wife to the mansion for now."

He then mouthed "Sorry" to his wife.

Zarah understood Xavier's concern. What he did made Zarah love Xavier more.

"Okay. I'll tell mom about your decision."

After calling Xavier, Dylan messaged his mother.

Aurora completely understood why Xavier decided to do so.

Still, she was happy that Xavier allowed her to meet his wife.

"Xavier will send us the location tomorrow, mom. So, don't worry," Dylan reassured his mother.

"Can I bring any food to get a good impression?"

"It's up to you, mom. However, I'm sure that Xavier would choose a restaurant."

Aurora was a little disappointed. She was looking forward to having a good impression from Zarah.

"It's fine, mom. Zarah's a good person. She'll like you." Dylan consoled his mother on the other line.


While Dylan was talking to his mother, Zarah and Xavier continued the conversation while eating.

"My Aunt Aurora wants to meet you. So she invited us to the mansion. However, I do not think he is ready to meet you."

The person Xavier was talking about was Timothy Lockhart.

Xavier didn't want Zarah to be unwelcome there.

"Do you think she'll like me?"

"I know you'd ask that. However, you don't have to worry about anything. Aunt Aurora will like you."



"Why do I feel like you're not on good terms?"

"How could you say so?"

"For starters, she did not call you personally," Zarah pointed out.

"Well, you got the point. However, it's not like that. Aunt Aurora is like a second mother to me. And I love her."

"Do you mind explaining why she didn't call you personally?"

"She doesn't have my number," he calmly explained.

Zarah almost spat the food out of her mouth.

"What? That's weird. How would you communicate with each other then?"

Xavier was silent.

"We don't."

"That's weird. Why?"

"Yup. However, it's our choice not to."

They both agreed to stop communicating when Xavier left the mansion.

Xavier had his reasons why he decided to do it. Aurora had no other choice but to respect his decision.

"Dylan and Cole would update her about me. The same goes for me," he explained.

"That's very weird." Zarah could not understand it.

However, Xavier did not explain further why.


After their meal, the couple decided to have a stroll around the bay walk area before going back to the hotel.

The weather was cold even though it had not snowed yet.

The couple held hands as they walked beside each other. The couple did not utter any words. They were peacefully walking while enjoying the view.

A few couples were having their peaceful time in the bay walk area, too.

Zarah subconsciously yawned as she started to get sleepy.

There was something in the weather which caused her to be drowsy.

"Do you want to go back?" Xavier asked.

"Not yet. Let's stroll some more if you don't mind." Zarah said.

"Okay. Let's stay thirty minutes more."

They found an empty bench, and the couple decided to take a seat.

Just then, a snowflake landed on Xavier's shoulder.

Zarah gasped when she witnessed it.

"Snow," Zarah whispered.

It was not the first time that Zarah and Xavier had seen snow. However, this moment was special because this was their first snowdrop as a couple.

Snowflakes started raining from the sky.

Zarah stuck her hand out and tried to catch some snow falling.

Xavier giggled as he saw Zarah's reaction.

"It's beautiful!"

"Yeah," Xavier responded while looking at her face.

Zarah had never appreciated snow before. She found them annoying instead.

However, it felt different now.

"Seems like winter had come earlier," Xavier commented.


"We should go back before the cold bit us."

Zarah could not agree more.

Zarah and Xavier went back to their car.

They started their journey back to the hotel.

As they entered the parking lot, Zarah and Xavier met Cole and Hope.

The two had just gotten back from dinner. Zane parked the car right beside Cole and Hope's car.

"Xavier," Cole greeted Xavier immediately.


"Did brother tell you about mom's request?" Cole asked Xavier.

"Yes. I'll send the details tomorrow," Xavier answered softly.

"I've heard from Vince that you got shot. How are you?"

"I'm doing better. Thanks to my wife, I'm recovering well." Xavier said while looking at Zarah.

"I've heard that you got injured too, sister-in-law," Cole said.

Hope gasped after she heard about what had happened to her sister.

"You got injured? When? Are you okay?" Hope bombarded Zarah with questions.

"Yes. I'm recovering just fine. I'm sorry if I made you worried," Zarah explained guiltily.

She could not look Hope in the eye.

Hope felt upset.

After all, she still felt like an outsider when it came to Zarah.

"Really? Then, that's good to hear." Hope didn't forget to smile in relief. However, her smile did not reach her eyes.

"Anyways, we'll head first," Xavier told Hope and Cole. The couple entered the building first, with Zane in tow.

The couple left Cole and Hope alone in the parking lot.

"Are you okay?" Cole asked Hope.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me," Hope responded weakly.

"Now that you're in Sterlington, I'm sure that Uncle Jacob would look for you."

"I'm not afraid of my father. I have many questions that I need answers from him."


I'm sorry for the short update. I'm nursing bad sinusitis these days. I hope you understand.

OrieNovelcreators' thoughts