
SSS Class Returner From Another Galaxy

In a Far away Galaxy a group of aliens trying to find their lost Emperor who once was the greatest and powerful being in their whole galaxy but one day the emperor suddenly went missing but a prophecy was revealed that he will be reincarnited in another far away galaxy without his own memories and will live like a normal life until he one day will find a space craft from that galaxy crashing near him and when he will find the space craft and will enters, His memories will begin to come back partially so will his powers......

BoyLikeSam · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 1 : The End And Beginning

Narrator: Once In a Far Away galaxy a being so powerfull that he could even rival gods,He ruled as an emperor and always looked after his people.As a result he was beloved by his subjects and people, None dared to provoke him but who could have thought that the mighty being will disappear one day without any reason. After his disappearance a prophecy was revealed that he will be reincarnated in another far away galaxy and he will live a normal life without his memories and one day he will find a space craft from their planet and he will regain his memories and power. After regainning his power he will be even stronger then before.

After hearing this prophecy his royal subjects sent many space crafts in various parts of the universe in hope that the prophecy comes true but there was an another part of the prophecy which was not revealed then and soon It will be revealed at correct time...

Now the main Story starts,

when our main character sam becomes at the age of 17 and a college study trip was planned by the college professors, Sam is an ordinary looking boy but full of curiosity, He is the kind of guy who does not like to stand out much but when there's an opportunity to do something he does not step down.

So for this particular study trip, His college wanted to help the students to understand the way to survive in unfavorable situations and explore some ruins. The Professor's thought that it will be a 3 day trip, Day one will be camping, Day two Hiking and Day three was visiting one of the lost civilization ruins near the camping site. As planned the teachers took the whole class A and B together in Two Buses.

Sam and his college friends reached the camping position near a hilly area where there are large trees and some big rocks and a river flowing near the campsite too.

Sam had one best friend and both of them are really close from childhood, His friend's name is Dev.

Dev asked sam if they have any plans for the night like roaming around or helping out dev to talk with his crush julia. Sam replied to dev that he was not feeling good and there was something that does not feel normal in this woods. Dev asked Sam if he had eaten something wrong to talk about this weird nonsense out of nowhere.

Dev told sam that they should roam after the camp fire and find a good spot from where they can enjoy the night sky full of stars and gossip together. The Camp started to feel like a fun picnic rather then a study tour, all the students sang and told each other some scary stories and dev also participated in this activity, Sam was having fun but suddenly he felt a chill situation spine, He Felt someone was calling from him a distant voice which was nothing like a human being could sound like, it was like a heavenly being whose voice was so sweet at the same time was equal horrifying.

Sam thought he was imagining these things and he is sleepy, He thought he should go to sleep early.

He told dev that he is not feeling good and will go to sleep. Sam left the camp fire and was about to go to the tent which was already built by sam and his group before joining the camp fire.

As he was about to go inside he heard a more clear Whispering voice saying, "Today's the day when you will awaken, At last I have found you after searching for 1600 years....Look out for the gift which was sent towards you".

As soon as the whisper ended sam saw a shooting star like an object coming crushing down towards him at first he got scared but in his heart he got a feeling that it was a moment which was for him and he should not miss this shooting star, Otherwise he might regret later.

The shooting star crashed near the camping side and there was a huge explosion. Sam rushed towards the site and saw that a spaceship which was not like anything he saw before, It was unique and kind of allienish, He heard another whisper saying," that touch the ship and you will get your answers."

As soon as sam touched the ship he was sucked Into the allien ship...

The story continues in the next chapter