
Spirit Fox in MHA

I Died saving a girl and her mother, but due to some neat circumstances, I'm being given another life to wait for my family because I died too young. I chose to reincarnate as Ahri in MHA. My powers are straight from League of Legends and I got told that it's ok to deviate from the plot. I am so excited. Female Lead, monogamous relationship, F/M relationship, Partner not picked (not todoroki) Overpowered Lead. I Do not own the Image for the cover of the Book. All credit given to Chubymi from DeviantArt, (I tried getting in contact with you but couldn't, If you want me to take it down I will)

Grumper · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Chapter 12: First Patrol

A/N: Just wanted to give a heads-up that there may not be a chapter tomorrow. I had a long week of work and tomorrow is an off day. I will probably still post because this has been a good way for me to relax recently but having a day break when I have been uploading so frequently will help me maybe get a stockpile of chapters ready for you all. Thanks for being awesome readers.

Also, we are almost at 100k views which blows my mind. Thank you all for the support. The support you guys have given me is amazing and shows in how quickly this fic has grown on Webnovel.


One of the best things about my quirk being based on stamina was that If I drained stamina from someone, it helped me stay awake for as long as I needed. Obviously, sleep was better because it restored my natural stamina and expanded my personal pool of stamina but the ability to take stamina would help me immensely on my first night out on patrol.

I waited for the students to fall asleep and slipped out the gates making sure to swipe my card over the gate pass mechanism so that Nezu knew I was away.

It was a quiet night. Musutafu since the appearance of All Might had been one of the most peaceful parts of Japan for the last few months.

I stopped a few small-time criminals and thieves by draining their stamina until they fell unconscious and turned them over to the police along with recordings from my visor.

It was wonderful being out at night. The moon lit up the streets and buildings just enough to permit easy movement but not too much to stop the underground heroes from being nearly invisible.

I worked close to six hours before anything serious happened. I heard voices in the alley below me. Making sure my visor was on, I got close enough for the mic to pick up sounds without giving myself away.

The two small-time criminals looked like they had minor mutant quirks. One had a rhino horn and massive fists, the other had a shark fin and razor-sharp teeth.

"God, that bitch fucking folded so early once I ripped off her arms. She screamed and cried for hours before just kicking the bucket. I'm so glad she is fucking dead. Bitch abused me for so long. Hearing her scream was so sweet." The shark-faced murderer was so elated about his kill that it almost made me sick. I would have to make sure this woman was found.

"Hey man, the boss needed proof you were in, if you could kill your foster family then he knew you were down to fuck up some kids." The baritone of the rhino man made his already massive figure even more intimidating.

A purple swirl of energy slowly appeared in front of them. It was Kurogiri. They were rounding up the villains for the attack at the USJ. "I did it. You asked for proof I could kill some kids. Here is the bitch's head." He opened a bag that he had stashed in the alley and pulled out a severed head of the woman he had killed.

"You really didn't need to bring her head. We are a far nicer establishment than one that needs to claim the heads of the people we will rule over. The heads we need to put on a stake are the heroes and the biggest of them all is All Might." Kurogiri spoke his villainous dribble.

"You two will join us on our attack once we steal their schedules. It could be in a few days or by the end of the week but once we find the opportunity you will join us in bringing down UA." His voice was commanding before he wrapped himself around them and disappeared.

Those two would be captured after the end of the events at the USJ. Now, I needed to run to UA and give the video to Nezu. He can contact the police, but this is the perfect way for me to warn him about the USJ.

I made a mad dash to the UA gates, swiped back in, and booked it to the principal's office. The door opened right as I got there as usual.

"Pleasant seeing you tonight, Kyuubi. you seem a little frantic, would you like some tea?"

The next day saw the breaking in of the media on campus. The schedule was stolen from the teacher's lounge. There was little I could do about it since Kurogiri was just able to warp in and out with Shigaraki and he could have been in a few places that had the schedule he needed.

Nezu called all the teachers together once the day was over. The students were a little rattled, but we were able to calm them down. The teachers were the only ones that needed the full story currently.

"I have something all of you need to see. Kyuubi had her first patrol last night and caught some dangerous footage."

Nezu played the video for the staff. All the heroes were appalled at the ecstasy the villain felt for his first kill. It only stressed the danger of the media break-in and what it may potentially be to the teachers.

"Is that a warp quirk? Aren't those incredibly rare?" Present Mic asked a good question. "Can't we just look at the quirk registry to find this guy?"

"Our contact with the police looked for us and couldn't find anything. We will have to find a way to deal with it because the threat is closer than we think." Nezu broke from his usual cheerfulness.

"When combing over the documents to see what was taken, we found fingerprints on three different teacher schedules, All Might, Eraserhead, and Thirteen. This only leads me to one conclusion about a possible villain attack that may be coming. The USJ trip tomorrow will be attacked by villains." Nezu had considered every possibility and properly identified the event that would take place in the canon."

Thirteen and Aizawa were a little shaken. All Might, on the other hand, was not smiling. Seeing the number one hero not smiling made a chill run up my spine.

"We need more teachers at the UA tomorrow, if they are bringing street thugs and murderers, then they could swarm the students and kill them. As cruel as it sounds, we need to be really careful taking all these guys out. If we don't show up or show up with too many people that aren't students, they will just run away." Aizawa's had years with the nightlife and the darker criminal types. His advice was spot on to even what I had experienced the night before.

I chimed in, "What if we sneak a few heroes into the USJ before students get there early in the morning? We could use midnight to set a trap along with ectoplasm clones everywhere in the USJ to give intel to other teachers while inside. I can even join All Might, Thirteen, and Eraserhead in fox form to hide a sixth hero."

Nezu broke into a smile and pulled out a diagram of the USJ for the teachers. "A wonderful idea Kyuubi."