
SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

After her death, a young woman is reborn in the world of Young Justice. But wait…why am I in jail?! Why am I Gwen Stacy, and what the hell is a Street level system?! ___________________________________________ Additional Tags - Harem, Yuri, Lesbian, Decent Harem, GxG, Young Justice, Love, Action, Romance, Multiverse, System, Smut, Lemons, R18, Cartoons, Anime, Live Action. Current World - Young Justice Confirmed Love Interests - Artemis Crock, Miss Martian/M’gann M’orzz, Raven.

ArtoriaPendragon_ · アニメ·コミックス
73 Chs

Chapter 57: Lightfall

Huge thanks to Chris, Lilfruit, and King for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd POV]

Within the large Zeta-tube room of the Watchtower, a man stood. Black hair, heavily scarred face, and tall form.

Vandal Savage stood within the Watchtower, a grin on his face as members mind controlled League kneeled before him. There was Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Shazam, both Green Lanterns, Green Martian, Flash, and Captain Atom. Aka most of the heavy hitters/important members.

"At long last, my plans will come to fruition" Vandal spoke, gazing at the League, the tools he will use to jumpstart the evolution of humanity. The Light was made for that reason, to jumpstart the evolution of humanity, in hopes of it becoming the "Center of the Universe" in all the ways that matter.

"And what of the brats? Will they not cause issue? The Fate girl certainly will" A feminine voice sounded out, causing Vandal to glance at his recent partner...Circe.

"They will join their mentors soon enough. As will the Fate girl, if not...then they shall be eliminated" Vandal replied, causing Circe to scowl.

"And you think this League will be enough for her? She crushed my clone like it was a bug! You need for more than just this group to defeat her" Circe said, scowling at his "Foolish" plans. She had fought the girl once, and she knew just from that encounter, that she was powerful, but even more htan that, she was intelligent, incredibly so.

"I suppose it is a good thing you not the only friend I have made, as of recent, now is it?" Vandal said with a wide grin, as another figure revealed themself.

The man was tall, had red skin, black hair, and yellow eyes. But the most noticable thing about the man, was the ring upon his finger, that glowed with power.

"I believe my new friend, Sinestro shall be quite enough to deal with her" Vandal said with a grin, as the man revealed as Sinestro, mirrored it.

"Even the most powerful beings in the universe Fear something, I'm sure I can draw hers out as well" Sinestro said with a small smirk, knowing that Vandal would be giving him quite the boon from this deal of theirs. All for taking care of some child.

Circe silently stared at the man, wondering if he'd be enough. 'Let us hope this fool will be enough to deal with her'

"Man, I was hoping for a super cool secret weapon, but a Yellow Lantern, really?" A voice sounded out through the intercoms of the Watchtower.

"...Spider, you're here"

"Yep! Your security is awful by the way. I mean really, splitting up the League like that? I know you have Bats, Supes, Wonder woman, and a few others, but did you really think that's enough? I'm sure if you were paying attention, you would have realized that you can't access the camera's of the watchtower anymore, nor can you mind control the rest of the League" Gwen spoke over the intercom, grinning inside of one of the rooms within the Tower.

"You..." Vandal growled slightly, annoyed with the girl. He had plans of using the League to attack other worlds, but it seems he miscalculated.

"Ah, and don't try escaping. Those teleporters won't be working, magic is pretty cool like that" Gwen said with a smile, as she watched the man grit his teeth in anger. She had placed wards around the tower a long time ago, preparing for this. Only now had she awoken and turned them on.

"She is telling the truth...we are trapped" Circe said, frowning as she tried breaking through the wards, only to find that they were...strong, very strong.

"Hmm, I shall go take care of the girl" Sinestro spoke, before flying off.

"That fool!" Circe scowled, before turning to Vandal.

"You may not be able to die, Savage, but I can! You swore to me that you'd be able to help me get my revenge on Fate, only for this to happen! And with my real body at that!" Circe growled in anger, knowing there was a low chance of her making it out of this alive.

"Go and control the League, have them support Sinestro. Their combined might should be enough to deal with her" Vandal said after thinking for a few moments.

Circe glared but did what he said nonetheless. While Savage watched the League run off.

'This is but a small obstacle...once that the Light will quell' Vandal thought, inwardly hoping that the League would be enough to get rid of the girl that had been a thorn in his side for so very long.


[With Gwen]

'This is going a hell of a lot better than I was hoping...' Gwen thought, having taken care of most of the League, and faster than she was anticipating.

'Sinestro will be easy enough to defeat. The man's powers are born from fear...something that I have little...if not none of, thanks to my memories. I've got kryptonite for Superman. Flash is easily counterable thanks to my instincts and speed. Wonder Woman will be a bit annoying but should go down nonetheless. The Lanterns will be easy to take care of, easier than even Sinestro. Black Canary is...not really a issue. Shazam and Captain Atom...will be annoying' Gwen thought, making sure she had her kryptonite on her.

'Shazam will be easier than Captain Atom, as all I need is to get a single touch on the guy, and he'll be out, thanks to me absorbing all that starro tech. Captain Atom will be annoying, thanks to his flight and strength, and not having any real weakness, but I should be able to take care of him as well' Gwen thought, knowing that none of the League were going to be genuine threats to her, Superman would have been if she didn't have Kryptonite, just as Wonder Woman would have been, if she didn't have the starro tech and it's counter.

Gwen stopped as her spider senses flared 'Hmm, looks like Sinestro's about to attack me. The League is coming soon too...'

'Let's take care of the unknown factor first' Gwen decided, before rolling out of the way, as a beam of Yellow light slammed against where she once stood.

"So you must be the child Savage wants me to kill. You are...smaller than I was expecting" Sinestro spoke, while Gwen ignored the man.

'No need to entertain this' Gwen decided, before blurring off. Using her maximum speed, she reappeared in front of the man, causing his eyes to widen.

A shield of Yellow energy formed in front of him, as Gwen struck with her full strength (without the demon back).

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Sinestro's eyes widened in horror as his shield of energy cracked and shattered in front of him.

Before the man could even fight back, Gwen's hand blurred, as a scream of pain left Sinestro.

"ARGH How dare yo-" "Oh shut up you mockery of a Lantern" Gwen said with a roll of her eyes, as Sinestro's head slid to the ground, a simple cutting spell was enough to sever his head from his body.

'What a joke. If he was anything like the real Sinestro, then I would have had genuine problems fighting the man' Gwen thought with a scowl, before glancing at his lantern ring as it slowly flew off his finger.

"Gwendolyn Wayne, of Earth...you have the ability to instill great fear"


[Hidden Quest Complete!]

Darkest Days, Brightest Nights

Details - You have the fear of an immense amount of creatures, due to your nature as the combination of various characters. Due to this, you are quite possibly the perfect Yellow Lantern host! Sadly, getting your hands on one of these rings is difficult, and must be done when in close proximity to one. Get one for yourself, making you a being of Will and Fear!

Reward - 10 UL Tickets

'Again...huh?' Gwen thought, as the ring slowly slid onto her right middle finger, right next to the Green Lantern ring.

She could feel a new influx of power begin to pour into her being. Power...on par, if not higher than that of the Green Lantern ring. Power gained from the fear of the souls of entire Universes thanks to the characters she had. All the fear others had towards them...was now fear towards her, fear she could use to empower herself...fear that made her...strong.

As she felt this power, she slowly spoke, as yellow energy of fear poured off her being.

"In Blackest Day, in Brightest Night"

"Beware your fears, made into light"

"Burn like my power...FEARS MIGHT!"

As she spoke her second Oath, the lantern ring glowed with even more power, as her eyes began to give off yellow energy of fear, glowing with the power of fear, fear felt towards her, and the characters that made up her being.

"Welcome...to the Yellow Lantern Corp"

Gwen listened to these words, and couldn't stop the smirk from forming on her face 'I definitely wasn't expecting this...but I sure as hell am not going to complain' Gwen thought, knowing that this ring was a huge power boost, especially for when she goes to future worlds.

Seeing the ring on her finger, she smiled and covered it with an illusion, just as she did with the Green Lantern ring.

She was cut off from her thoughts as the remaining League members entered the room.

Grinning, Gwen stared at them all 'Now...let's get this over with'


Within the Zeta-tube room.

"They are taking too long" Circe said to Vandal, it had been a total of 5 minutes since the mind controlled League had left, and they were still not back. Something that had begun to worry Circe, who was trying her best to find a way out of the Watchtower.

"They shall be done any minute now" Vandal said, not showing his own growing worry at the fact that they had not returned. He wondered if he had miscalculated, if Gwen was truly as strong as Circe believed, if she was truly strong enough to defeat the entire Justice League.

"You've said that many times now! Face it Savage, we have lost! We must flee with the little time we have rema-" "Avada Kedavra!"

A flash of green light filled the room, as Vandal turned around, only to find Circe on the ground...dead.

"You know...I was expecting more from a man who has lifted for 50,000 years" A voice sounded out behind him. As he turned, his fist was fought, and his arm was promptly broken.

"Yo-you!" Vandal growled.

"Me-me!" Gwen mimicked, gasping in mock horror.

"You know Savage, you disappoint me. I had expecting something more...grand, rather than the addition of a weak Yellow Lantern, and a washed up Magic user. I mean really, did you think either of them would be enough?" Gwen asked, looking at Vandal who roared and attempted to strike her with his other hand, only for that arm to also get broken.

"Normally I'd use more quips, and make fun of you for a while longer, but I won't because...well, I don't really like you very much. Especially not after you controlling my dad, and attempting to control my girlfriends, friends, and brother" Gwen said, a small grin forming on her face as she stared the man down.

"Well then...I suppose this is goodbye Vandal Savage. I truly do hope you enjoy the afterlife alongside all those monsters you've worked with over the years" "HAHAHA you cannot killed me, I am immort-" "Avada kedavra"

As she spoke the spell made specially to target the very soul, Vandal dropped to the floor...dead.

'Avada Kedavra truly is a cheat against seemingly unkillable enemies. Because not even Vandal Savage can survive his very soul being attacked and "killed". The wizards of Harry Potter had no idea just what this spell was capable of' Gwen thought, smiling as she flicked her fingers, burning the two corpses to dust.

[Quests Complete!]

Circe or not?

Details - Long ago, the real Circe created a ritual to create "clones" of herself through dark magic, allowing her to take control of them from vast ranges. They are quite a bit weaker than the real her. Every clone killed damages the real body, making it weakened for quite a large amount of time. Find Circe's real body, and end the 2000+-year-old woman's life, once and for all.

Rewards - 10 UL Tickets. 1 UL ticket for every "Clone" killed.

Main Body killed, 10 clones killed (all of them) = 20 UL Tickets.

Justice League Mind-Controlled

Details - The Justice League is being mind-controlled. Stop them, especially before they go off-world and cause untold damage!

Reward - 10 UL Tickets

Extra Details - Defeat the entire Justice League...alone.

Reward - 25 UL Tickets (35 total)

[Main Quest Complete!]


Details - Kill off the main members of the Light, most notably the leader of the group, Vandal Savage.

Reward - 25 UL Tickets

'...100 UL tickets...I have 100 of them...' Gwen thought, eyes wide at the amount of rewards she got from it.

'That is going to take forever to read through...' Gwen thought with a groan.

'Still don't understand why Circe brought her true body but...I'm not going to complain I guess. More UL tickets for me, and more power to prepare for the next world. Or the three ones I have in mind at least' Gwen thought, remembering the three worlds she thought of going to.

'RWBY, Legend of Korra, and Owl House. Each of them have their positives for both me, and the girls. RWBY would be good for more Aura training, dust, and some other stuff. LOK would be good because of the bending, potential dark avatar shit...and Korra being hot as hell. And then Owl House has some genuinely impressive magic, the Titan, Glyphs, and its potential connection to Gravity Falls and Amphibia, giving me even more chances for power. Plus Amity and Luz are positively adorable...with their Beta and older forms being pretty hot' Gwen thought, knowing that these three were her potential next worlds.

'I'll think more on that later. For now, let's get back to pops and the League. Hiding this as Vandal getting away, will be easy, especially with Circe traveling around with him. And no one else saw or will remember Sinestro, so that shouldn't matter too much' Gwen thought, as she made her way back to where the League was.

'This talk is going to be fun...not'


The talk was indeed...not fun. Especially considering Captain Atom was incredibly antagonistic with her, probably because of how hard she kicked him in the crouch. The rest of the League had simply been knocked unconscious, lie Superman with kryptonite, or using sleeping gas on the more human members.

Explaining her plan, and the fact that she single handedly defeated the entire League, had caused some...worries. As they had realized she was even stronger than they thought, and had known each and every secret they had. Something that worried them...deeply. The only member she had genuine troubles with, was The Flash, because he was still faster than her. Something she very much wanted to fix, once she got the next tier of the system unlocked, which she suspected would happen in the next world, or the one after.

But, thanks to her dad, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and a couple of others, she was able to get off relatively scot free. Although, she knew that it was only a matter of time before the rest of the League realizes she killed Vandal, Circe, and all the rest.

Her own team had reacted a lot nicer, as they all knew what she had actually done to Vandal, Circe, and Sinestro. They were also the only ones besides her father, that she trusted to tell her killing of them to. Something they had all come to accept, as Vandal was definitely better dead than alive. While Circe and Sinestro were probably also the same.

M'gann, Artemis, and Raven had reacted...surpisingly well to the news that she beat the shit out of the League, because by their words "It wasn't surprising in the least" and "They knew she was going to do it, and easily at that". In order to repay the girls, she had promised each of them a date, as well as a family day to Dick and Bruce, something she had severely been missing out on over the past few months. While she hadn't even gone on more than 1 date with Raven...something she was more than happy to fix.

For now though, Gwen was laying back in her bed, her girlfriends cuddling up against her, while she was laying awake.

'System, use 10 UL tickets' Gwen decided. There was no point in waiting to use the tickets, and she knew that doing

Alice Nakiri | Food Wars [SL]

Alice Nakiri, aka the White Viper. Alice has no powers, but is an Masterful cook. She specializes in molecular gastronomy, the culinary branch of science that investigates physical and chemical changes that occur during the cooking process. This cooking style also focuses on the three pillars of artistic, social and technical aspects to form this style of cooking, making it more of a scientific cooking style. Includes all helpful/important knowledge.

Norman Osborn | Green Goblin | Marvel Earth 1610 [SL]

Norman Osborn, aka the Green Goblin. As the green goblin, and having a similar serum to his 616 counterpart, he has superhuman strength, leaping, speed, durability, stamina, agility, reflexes, regenerative healing factor, as well as his own unique powers of pyrokinesis which he can use through bolts from his hands. He can also absorb fire, has rather strong fire immunity, fire manipulation, flight through flames, immortality, and evolution, which allows him to get stronger over time, evolving and growing more powerful. He also is a genius level intellect. Includes all helpful/important knowledg and abilities.

Frost | Mortal Kombat [SL]

Frost has several powers, but most notably cryokinetic powers. These powers are not on par with Sub-Zero, but are powerful nonetheless. She primarily uses this power to freeze the areas around her, instead of fighting directly with it. She is also a master combatant, assassin, spy, etc. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Maria Hill | MCU [SL]

Maria, aka Nick Fury's second in command. While not having any powes, Maria is an incredibly skilled individual. She is a master tactician, martial artist, marksman, spy, and is multilingual. And is also privy to many many secrets that no one else knows about Nick Fury. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Sage | Marvel Earth 616 [SL]

Sage, aka the supercomputer mutant. Sage as a mutant, has the power of immense intellectual capabilities, as her mind functions similar to how a supercomputer would. Through this, she has photographic memory, multitasking, kinetic memory which allows her to perfectly execute a skill after being taught it once. She can also see the DNA of others, and even jump start/enhance the mutant gene of others, strengthening or awakening their power. Sage has complete control over her own physiology. Finally, Sage is a telepath, trained by Charles Xavier himself, she is skilled enough to deflect Psylocke's telepathic attacks. Through this telepathy, she also can create illusions, has telepathic immunity, and has astral projection. Thanks to her power, she is a genius level intellect, an expert engineer, peerless hacker, master martial artist, weapons expert, mutant genetic expert, has indomitable will, and a host of other skills. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

John Diggle | Spartan | Arrowverse [SL]

John Diggle, also known as Spartan. Master martial artist, expert archer, expert knife wielder, master marksman, master stick fighter, expert swordsman, high level intellect, military training, master tactician, skilled leader, expert driver/pilot, expert medic, multilingual, indomitable will, and high tolerance for pain. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Mei Hatsume | My Hero Academia [SL]

Mei Hatsume has one ability of note, which is Zoom. This allows her vision to zoom in on whatever is within her line of sight. If she really focuses, she can see as far as 5 kilometers. She is also an expert engineer, skilled manipulator, skilled combatant, and is business savvy.

Diego Hargreeves | Number Two | Umbrella Academy [SL]

Diego Hargreeves, aka Number Two. Being one of the children with marigold in his system. Diego has one simple power, which is "Trajectory Manipulation" which is: the ability to curve or even stop the trajectory of anything he throws, usually one or both of his dual knives, as well as other things in motion such as Soviet or Commission bullets. He is also a master knife thrower, martial artist, proficient staff wielder, skilled lockpicker, and is multilingual. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Damian Wayne | Robin | DC Prime Universe [SL]

Damian Wayne, aka Robin. Due to his training from his mother, he is far beyond any other Robin at his age, giving him more potential than any of them. He is a master martial artist, master assassin, master at stealth, master acrobat, skilled at drawing, genius level intellect, skilled archer, skilled swordsman, and many more skills. Including all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Jessica Bradley | Sister Sage | The Boys [SL]

Jessica Bradley, aka Sister Sage. Sister Sage's main ability is her superhuman intelligence, being smart enough to cure cancer and stop global warming, if she really wanted to. Through her superhuman intelligence, she has hypercognition, empathic accuracy, superhuman hearing, and a regenerative healing factor. She is also a skilled engineer, actor, and has photographic memory. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Yang Xiao Long | RWBY [UL]

Yang Xiao Long, aka sunny little dragon. Besides having aura, and being a skilled combatant, Yang has her semblance known as "Burn" Yang's Semblance lets her absorb kinetic energy from every blow she takes and use it to make herself more powerful. This is a form of kinetic energy absorption, with Yang subsequently redirecting said energy against her opponent. Yang has the ability to absorb energy from the damage she has taken, and redirect it twice as hard at her opponent, effectively making her stronger with each hit she takes. She can save up the energy to use later for an even more devastating attack. She isn't invincible through this, and her aura can still be harmed. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Nora Valkryie | RWBY [UL]

Nora Valkyrie, aka the pancake addict. Besides being a skilled combatant (especialy with the hammer) and having aura, Nora has a rather powerful semblance. Nora's Semblance known as "High Voltage" is the ability to produce and channel electrical energy into her muscles, which lends to her already absurd strength. Furthermore, she's practically immune from taking low levels of electrical damage as she simply absorbs any electrical current to fuel her strength, though she still feels the pain that comes with it. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Tai Lung | Kung Fu Panda [UL]

Tai Lung, aka "Our battle will be legendary!". Besides being a literal snow leopard, giving him improved senses, strength, etc, Tai Lung is also an immensely skilled martial artist. He mostly uses his leopard style, but thanks to his talent, and training, he read all the thousand scrolls of Kung fu, and has mastered all of them. This makes him a master of many Kung Fu styles, and is perhaps the best martial artist in the series, behind only that of Oogway. He also knows skills like the nerve attack, wuxi finger hold, and many many more. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Kevin Moskowitz | The Deep | The Boys [UL]

Kevin Moskowitz, aka the Deep. The deep has the powers of amphibious physiology and anatomy, aquatic telepathy, marine life enhancement, superhuman swimming speed, superhuman strength, superhuman durability, speed, healing factor, and hearing. He is also a skilled swimmer, expert combatant, is bilingual, and a skilled actor. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Rascal | Marvel Earth 616 [SL]

Rascal, aka the symbiote bonded to Normie Osborn. Being a sort of clone of Carnage, Rascal has all the same powers and abilities as it's predecessor. Including the more than 80 tons of strength, superhuman durability, and all his other powers and abilities. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Natasha Romanoff | Black Widow | MCU [SL]

Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow. Thanks to her training in the red room, Natasha is an immensely skilled individual. She is a master martial artist, staff wielder, marksman, acrobat, spy, assassin, gifted intellect, expert tactician, master interrogator, expert pilot, hacker, and is multilingual. She is one of the best martial artists and assassins in her universe. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

'Hmm, not bad. Tai Lung, Rascal, Sage, Diego, and The Deep are easily the best of the bunch. Each of them either boost my powers, or give me new ones. Telepathy will be especially helpful, through Sage's teachings and what she knows. While Tai Lung has access to more Chi, chi techniques, and martial arts I don't know of. Diego and Deep both have some rather unique powers, with both of them having some serious potential for the future' Gwen thought, knowing just how strong something like Trajectory manipulation could be, in her hands.

'System, go ahead and assimilate the characters while I'm sleeping' Gwen thought, deciding to use the rest in the morning, as at that moment, she just wanted to cuddle with her girlfriends.

Slowly, she leaned back in her bed, as the warmth of sleep began to slowly overtake her.

'Let's hope the characters I get tomorrow will be just as good'

___________________________________________Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like more than 35 exclusive stories) on my patreon for three dollars a month! Or 30 dollars for an entire year!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)


That's the end of the chapter!

Not sure how well this was done, but I sorta realized that Gwen wouldn't struggle much against Circe, when she's taking her seriously at least. Sinestro was a last minute add on, as I thought he'd fit in with his whole "fear" thing, something he'd gain a lot of, being in the Light. Sadly he miscalculated, and underestimated just how strong Gwen truly is. And thanks to him, she just got her hands on another immensely powerful artifact, roughly on par with the Green Lantern Ring. They weren't much of a fight, but that's to be expected when Gwen has the senses she does. But, she'll be having some genuinely challenging fights within the next world, with the the world 2-3 arcs down the line, being a genuine and very big threat to her being.

Originally I was going to use all the tickets in this chapter...until I realized how long that will take, so I'm going to do the rest in the next chapter.

Also, is it okay if I just give the names of the characters? And for the new sources of energy, or something of note, will be added on by Gwen through dialogue? Because honestly, writing an entire description for these characters, is getting seriously old.

This is the last bunch of UL tickets for quite some time, probably until her next system evolution, in which her rate at getting tickets will drastically lower, as the quests get longer and harder.

I plan on uploading a chapter for Unique gamer later as well, probably a long one too. As I had some major writers block, but I should be good now.

I'll give her full status in the next chapter, but it'll be long, so be warned, lol.

Which world should be next?: RWBY, Legend of Korra, or Owl House?

I plan on her going to all three either way (probably for a shorter period), but still.

The chapter after the next will have some family bonding as well!

Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like more than 35 exclusive stories) on my patreon for three dollars a month! Or 30 dollars for an entire year!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

ArtoriaPendragon_creators' thoughts