
Spider-Man:The New Era

It's not the same being a hero as waking up in a hero's body. Taking control of Peter's body, the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, and that hero is Spider-Man. He manages to find a balance between being a hero and a regular teenager. Readers can expect adventures and character development as the new Spider-Man discovers his own path as a hero.Will include MCEU and more --------------------------------- If you like my writing, support me in Parteon!Advance chapter are available there. Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store! patreon.com/Jesse_Smith

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Once I was back in my normal clothes I stuffed my…'uniform' into the bag and threw it into burning car. I couldn't bring it with me, MJ would ask where I found a bag, and I certainly couldn't leave it behind in case SHIELD or even Ross started to get curious.

With all evidence destroyed I took out my phone and found three missed calls from home and one form MJ.

I called MJ first, "hey, it's me, where are you?"

"Peter? Oh thank God! You're aunt has been worried sick! I'm at the Starbucks down the street near the Ambulance."

I looked around and spotted her, "I see you," I quickly ran to her and grabbed her into a hug, "I'm glad you're safe."

"Me?! What about you?! When I told your aunt what you were doing she nearly got a heart attack!" MJ yelled as she broke the hug.

"Shit," I cursed, I really didn't want to get yelled at, "I'm sorry. Are you okay? Did anything happen?"

"No, no, I'm fine. What about you?"

"Helped out a few soldiers stuck in a helicopter, the fight is over, some guy in a red hoodie and mask came in and stopped that raging monster."

MJ blinked, "some guy?"

I nodded, "yeah. I couldn't catch him name though, he spoke to the general there and then just left. I think he was a superhero."

"I see..." she narrowed he eyes at me, I gulped, "fine. We're going home, now. And you're going to call your aunt and tell her you're alright. I swear, the last thing I need is her death on my concious."

"Right," I agreed as we tried to hail a cab, but since the city was in complete disarray we couldn't get one. We were forced to use the bus instead, and on the way I had to sit and listen to aunt May ye at me through the phone.

By the time we got onto the train May got tried at yelling at me. She hung up with the promise of more yelling the moment I get home. I sighed as I disengaged the call and leaned back my seat.

"That bad?" MJ asked.


"Well you deserved it," she huffed.

"I was just trying to help," I shrugged.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack Peter!"

"That seems to be going around theses days," I smirked.

MJ groaned, "I'm serious. I literally just meet you and news flash if you got yourself killed that would be a shitty way for me to start school."

I smirked, "awe, I love you too," growing bold I pressed a little peck on her cheeks causing MJ to blush.

"Gr, you're lucky you're so cute," she huffed, "still, what were you thinking going off on your own like that? What is you had gotten hurt?"

"I couldn't just stay there and do nothing," I argued, "I'm not that kind of guy."

"I thought you didn't want to be a hero. Isn't it stupid or something?"

I was silent for the longest time, "maybe," I replied, "but to be honest….I don't think I was ever going just stand by and let people get hurt. Not when I can prevent it, or at least stop it from hurting any more."

"And why is that you're job?"

I smirked, "with great power comes great responsibility."

"How zen, where did you hear that one?"

"Uncle Ben," I told her, "it's his favorite line. I...I think I'm just starting to understand what he meant."

"Hm, he's a wise man."


"But you do know he's still going to whoop your ass the moment you get home right?"

I sighed, "yup."

"Good," she chuckled, leaning her head on my shoulder. My body was sore, especially my arms. The amount of muscle strength I needed to swing from building to building was intense, I would need to start working out. Maybe somewhere privately? Some place no one can see me. After all if they saw someone like me benching half a ton or something they would freak out.

"For what it's worth though Peter, you're my hero," she pressed her lips on my cheek and gave it a smack, "good job Tiger."

I blushed as silence reigned between us. The train's constant shaking filled our ear. MJ looked exhausted, and so was I. I just fought the Abomination, and won! I knew I would be big news this time tomorrow, maybe it's time I take this whole thing seriously.

I have super powers now, how long have I always wanted super powers? And now I have them! I could help people...no, I had to help people. Guess in the end nothing I never really had any choice in this life, I have to become Spider-man, I had to become hero.

Looks like life just got a whole lot more complicated.

"What were you thinking?!" Aunt May yelled.

"I was just trying to help," I argued.

"By leaving Mary Jane alone to go into a war zone?!"

"She was safe-"

"-I don't care Peter! What you did was whole irresponsible and dangerous! You were lucky to be alive! I don't understand why you did that!"

"I...I wanted to help-"

"-Are you the police?! Are you the army? You are just a child Peter and-"

"-And because of me one man is going home tonight to his family!" I snapped, "I saved his life, and many more. I don't regret what I did."

May looked horrified, I don't' think Peter ever snapped back at her like this, but then again I'm not Peter Parker.

"May, maybe we should call it a night," Uncle Ben spoke softly, "gone on, go to bed. I'll handle this."


If you like my writing, support me in Parteon!Advance chapter are available there.

Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store!
