
Spider-Man Mayhem

Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · アニメ·コミックス
186 Chs

Chapter 38

[Third Person's PoV]

'Are you kidding me, sandman, sandman is my first actual real villain…' Peter thought.

Gwen sighed as she didn't get the chance to confess but still stood up, she went and ate the last piece of what she was eating and pulled down her mask.

Peter and Gwen looked at each other as Peter said "It looks like we're going to be fighting our very first super villain, are you ready?"

Gwen nodded, as both Peter and Gwen jumped off right from the rooftop causing the pedestrians on the bottom to let out a scream thinking they were deleting themselves.

Both Gwen and Peter then whipped their webs to the closest building and swung away much to the relief of the people below.

While swinging Gwen got low enough and dumped bags where the leftovers came from into the closest bin and swung away.

While swinging Gwen asked "So what's the current situation Arnny…"

"The main offender has already started to retaliate, the officers are getting injured as we speak"

Peter and Gwen looked at each other before picking the pace and going faster to where they needed to be.

When they arrived, they saw sand everywhere. The police were behind their car doors firing shots, while Marko was getting shot he absorbed the bullets and moved them around his body. He stored them by his fist and sent them flying back to them.

"Get out of my way! I have no time to deal with any of you!" He shouted, he then started to get bigger and swatted his large hand made out of sand in their direction.

But before he made contact with them both Peter and Gwen appeared and webbed the cops and pulled them out of the way in time, leaving only the cars to get tossed around.

Seeing a clear path for himself, Marko grabs the bags with the money but before he moves Gwen appears and kicks him in the chest.

Instead of flying back, Gwen's legs go right through Marko's torso with her leg coming out right the other side. Marko hardens his sand around Gwen's leg making it difficult to escape and turns his hand into a mallet.

As he was about to swing it before shot a large webshot right on shoulder taking off his entire arm.

Gwen with her other leg available sweeps Marko's leg destroying one of them making him lopsided and drop to the ground dissolving into sand, freeing Gwen.

He quickly regrouped and in that same motion turned his hand into a spiked ball and smashed it against Gwen sending her flying, luckily Peter swung in and got her.

"Just using our hands and feet is not going to work like how it works for everyone else, let's start using your ice and my lightning"

Gwen nodded her head and as she breathed out her breath became visible exiting her mask.

While Peter surrounded himself in blue and black lightning.

Both Peter and Gwen then ran towards Marko, who wasn't forming his legs, from the waist down he was just a pile of sand, while his arms turned into two large tendrils made out of sand.

He started using the tendrils as whips and tried to Peter and Gwen, but both of them would dodge it when their Spidey-Senses would tingle.

As he missed, the tendrils would hit the floor causing it to slightly crack due to the force he used. .

Peter using his fast speed went around Marko's body destroying it, every chance he got making Marko more tired the more he had to reconstruct himself.

"C'mon Sandy try and catch me, I heard of quicksand before but you are too slow" Peter said keeping him distracted.

Due to Peter distracting him, it gave Gwen the perfect opportunity to get close enough and put a hand on Marko's torso. She managed to send out a blast of cold air freezing a small area of sand.

She then pulled back her fist "It's time for you to chill out and catch a break" and sent a fast and strong punch that shattered the ice and sand sending it flying back.

When she did that Marko screamed out in pain. "ARGHHHH"

He turned his hand into a giant palm and slammed it down where Gwen was, luckily Gwen was able to pull herself away.

Marko then curled himself into a ball, he then started growing spikes all around his body. He then uncurled himself in a fast manner while spreading out his arms and yelling, sending out all the spikes he made flying everywhere.

Due to how much and how fast the spikes were coming Peter and Gwen weren't able to avoid them then. They were sent flying and crashing into the side of the buildings and police cars.

The police officers in the back watching everything weren't safe either. A spike managed to penetrate an officer in the arm, while another got a spike inserted into his thigh causing them to scream out in pain.

As Peter crashed against the police cruiser, Marko elongated his large hand to Peter and managed to grab him by the torso. He proceeded to slam Peter in the ground over and over and over again until Gwen appeared behind Marko.

She sent out a blast of cold air that froze Marko's entire shoulder, breaking it apart and releasing Peter.

"Hey Ghost-spider, for our next date let's not do the beach, I'm getting real sick of sand right about now" Peter said on the ground looking at the sky.

With a sigh he shoots up from the ground surrounded himself with electricity and ran towards Marko, he then injected his hands inside his torso and said "Some villain's just need the right amount of shock therapy to set them on the right path"

Peter sent a jolt of electricity inside the sandman crystallizing his insides.

Marko let's out another painful scream as his insides shattered and crumbled. Marko started looking scared as he tried lifting his hands up but they quickly fell off his torso and turned into sand.

"No! I have to save my daughter! I can't die like this!!!" Every part of Sandman's body slowly started crumbling until all that was left was a pile of sand on top of the bags of money.

Peter looked at everything in shock 'He's… dead? No that can't be…. How… I didn't use a lot of power, at least I don't think so, so how?…'

Peter's thoughts were a jumbled mess at the moment while looking at his hands 'I killed a man… no… What have I done?'

"Spider-Man" Gwen said as she appeared next to him and softly put a hand on his arm. "Let's go help the others first. When we finish we can talk about what happened if you're in the mood to do so"

Peter let out a long winded sigh and nodded his head. As he went and don't a step forward he was brought to his knee, "Ugh, damn looks like that beating I took plus the amount of electricity I used too it out of me"

Gwen then went under Peter's arms and lifted him up and slowly walked him towards the Injured officers. When they arrived both Gwen and Peter started wrapping their wounds with their webs.

Peter tightened the webs to the last injured one stopping blood from escaping his wounds "There that should do it, although it should only hold until you can seek medical assistance, so be careful"

The officer nodded his head "Thank you Spider-Man"

Peter nodded his head and with a sigh and reluctance turned back to look at what was left of Marko… except there was nothing there.

No sand, no bags of money, Peter stood there staring at the empty street for a while before he snapped


Gwen appeared next to Peter while motioning him to calm down "I know how you feel but getting worked up isn't going to solve anything"

She slowly caressed his arms "We'll get him next time"

Peter sighed before nodding his head, although he was still pissed. He then turned towards the officers and pointed at them "Remember medical assistance"

And jumped away swinging away followed by Gwen…