
Chapter 39

[Third Person's PoV]

Both Peter and Gwen were swinging away after the escape of Sandman, while swinging Peter was still grumbling about the situation.

"Stupid.. sand.. guy. I hope the next time he washes his feet and goes to put on shoes there will be sand inside them, making his feet dirty again so he would have to go wash them again"

Gwen hearing this chuckled while shaking her head "Well I'm just he's still alive, that was scary, I was way too much into shock at what happened to react at the time"

Peter let out a long winded sigh "Yeah, I guess you're right, I'm somewhat glad he's okay as well"

"Do you think there could be more guys like that out there?" Gwen asked a bit nervously.

"Absolutely, no doubt in my mind" Peter said while nodding.

Both Peter and Gwen then went and landed on top of a rooftop and sat near a ledge. They started taking off their boots and dumbing the sand that was inside out.

"How can you be so sure?" Gwen asked while trying to relax and regain her stamina after fighting.

Peter then looked at her in confusion "You haven't read Professor Xavier's research papers on mutation and the likes"

Gwen put a finger to her head trying to remember, after a few seconds she shook her head not really remembering.

"I thought for sure you would have known of it, considering it has to do a lot about biology, it mostly talks about the X-gene" Peter said trying to jog her memory.

"Wait, now I'm remembering something, I think I read a little bit about it but stopped since I thought it was mostly talking about supernatural abilities, which wasn't logical.

But what does that even have to do with anything we were talking about"

Peter then flail his arms around "Hello, spider super powers over here"

"Wait, you don't mean that what was written there is actually real right."

"Yup it's real alright, there's probably like a secret society or something of super powered people out there."

"If that's true then why aren't there like super powered individuals fighting crime or something." Gwen asked as millions of questions kept popping up in her head.

"Who says there isn't? They could but just decide to stay hidden, who knows of many power hungry individuals there are out there just waiting for them to show up, just to catch them and experiment on them"

Gwen's eyes then grew wide with concern, "Then what about us?"

Peter just shrugged his shoulders, not even looking worried. "I wouldn't be surprised if there are people making plans to capture us now as we speak"

Hearing this Gwen grew more scared and concerned, although she thought of the possibility it doesn't make it any less scary,

"They don't know who we are right? I mean we have been making sure to keep our identity a secret, so they shouldn't know who we are, right?" Gwen asked, looking for reassurance.

"Oh yeah, you don't have anything to be worried about, Arnny is helping us out with that, I don't think I would have ever become Spider-Man without her, so you don't have anything to worry about.

Now what we do have to worry about is our close friends and family" Peter said with a weary smile, even though Gwen couldn't see it.

"Are we going to tell them about what we're doing?" Gwen asked, thinking of different ways such conversations would go with her father, especially since he's a cop.

"If we keep this to ourselves for too long, they would feel betrayed and hurt that we don't trust them with this secret… and honestly I really don't like lying to Aunt May and Uncle Ben."

Gwen's smile then turned wearily as well "I know what you mean, I don't like lying to my dad… so how do we tell them?"

"I say we wait until we can show results, then we can tell them, if we just go and show ourselves now, they're going to be worried about us all the time and they're going to try and stop us."

Gwen then finished Peter's thoughts "But if we do it when we have results, they would see we are making a difference and helping people and won't be able to stop us"

"Couldn't have said it better myself" Peter smirked.

After relaxing for a few more minutes, they put back on their shoes, and started stretching to get back on the rhythm.

"Well back to our duties i suppose, We got a City to protect afterall Ghost-spider" Peter said before jumping off with a backflip.

Gwen front flips off the building as she said "How else are we supposed to keep this city safe"

As they both swing away to stop more crimes and do they're daily patrol.

Location: Oscorp, Norman's office.

Norman is sitting in his office alone talking on the phone with an angered expression, although he wasn't speaking like he was angry.

"Norman, We have been funding your projects for a few years now, yet we are seeing a lack of results…

Do not make us waste our investments Norman. Well anyways I have a new job for you to do, and this time there will be results, I don't care how you do it, but you will get it done.

The spider couple that have been appearing in New York, I want them captured, and I want them delivered alive in my office.

Use any means necessary to get the job done, and shall you fail, you can forget about receiving any more funds.

How about this as a good motivation, shall you succeed, we'll quadruple the amount of money you are receiving and make it worth your wildest imagination"

Through gritted teeth Norman replied "It shall be done, you don't have anything to worry about."

"Good, I expect great things from you Norman Osborn … Hail Hydra"

"Hail Hydra" Norman replied