

As the novel or tv series depict "Love" it is not in real life.

It doesnot involve other members of the family,or it will just show that they accept or decline it.

But its not in real life we live in a society were relations are needed.

Family were in laws, brothers,sisters and all other relation included.

The problem arises when the family is not united-means sons,father are at odds.

The decision is not stable and everyone has say in it.

This is not acceptable for anyone who is new to that family.

Also the groom who can turn his words as per wishes,while bride stick to her words.

It is just frustating that you grow up in a different environment and not adjusted to their way of life.

The way of talking is different in past and now it changes radically will defintely irk your nerves.

You cant accept the way they are talking and handling things.

One cant understand their inner feelings when a person is forced to stand like a doll and twenty people say different opinions on one saree .

Disregard everyone's feelings and select a saree at higher rate and flaunt that they done it well.

Seeing the rate,they turn upside down and point the other side they were wrong.

Even more humiliating was that ,they force is to return the saree and buy a saree at low cost ,force to wear the saree at any cost by instantly pestering for fifteen days.

You will defintely grow irritation towards the person.

You wont have any attachment and only wary of him.

He may say he loved you but it is not and we should always remember it is not as shown in tv.It is just an infactuation or fleeing time that they say those words.

If you believe it,or dwell in it ,it will only burden you.

To be frank,i am burdened by many thoughts that i was exhausted both physcially and mentally.

The food we eat wont be consumed by body ,but with thoughts.