
Combat Drill

With a loud sigh, Benji stepped out of the capsule and made his way to the Kitchen, where Sophia was already getting some food ready. "Took you long enough, what were you doing in there?" She asked with a frown, and Benji simply shrugged.

"Just had to finish some stuff up. By the way, how's your music practice actually going?" The young man inquired, while Sophia looked at him with a sigh. "Not well, to be honest. I mean, it's going great and all, but it's not as much fun as I imagined, mostly because that's not necessarily my style of music. I'm more of a…"

"DJ?" Benji finished his cousin's sentence, before she nodded her head. "Mhm, basically. But that's not really a thing in the game, so…"

"Why shouldn't it be a thing?" With a smirk, Benji began to help his cousin make some food, before she looked at him confused. "What do you mean? It's medieval fantasy, obviously there wouldn't be DJ stuff and remixing."