
Chapter 13: Out and Back Again

Chapter 13: Out and Back Again

Remus Lupin seated himself in his office, exhaustion and fatigue adding to his slightly haggard expression as he heard the doors of his classroom open faintly. Sitting up at his desk in curiosity as to who could have entered so quietly, Lupin smiled warmly as he found the person to be none other than Hitsugaya Toshiro, the white-haired transfer himself, with a goblet of Wolfsbane Potion in his hands.

"Hello, Hitsugaya." Lupin greeted as Toshiro nodded his greeting, setting the goblet in front of the professor. "I presume you and Severus have finished the newest brew?"

"Evidently, Professor." Toshiro merely commented as he took a seat as indicated. "Professor Snape had wished to see if I could brew it myself as I claimed and that was it."

"I presume you proved him so?" Lupin smiled as he waved at the wisps of blue smoke from the distasteful potion. "I am, as you have undoubtably have drawn, preparing to teach Harry how to produce a Patronus, whether he is able to or not, incorporeal and corporeal."

"I see." Toshiro merely murmured as he waited.

"Hitsugaya, will you be willing to assist Harry in conjuring a Patronus?" Lupin asked with care in his words, as the captain lidded his teal orbs in thought.

"Then, will you grant me a request, Professor Lupin; if I agree to yours?" Toshiro questioned as Lupin looked at the captain almost incredulously.

"I will not force you into assisting with Harry if you are uncomfortable by it, Hitsugaya, and you are not indebted to me by doing so." Lupin cleared as Toshiro shook his head, noting at the misunderstanding.

"You misunderstand my intents, Professor Lupin." Toshiro began. "I am well aware that I am not indebted to you in anyway nor in the case of vice versa. I am not uncomfortable and am not declining your offer, I was simply trying to leeway into my request."

"Forgive me for misunderstanding, Hitsugaya." Lupin smiled good-naturedly. "Then what is this request of yours?"

"I need to borrow your classroom for the following hour, preferably empty if it is not too much to ask of you." Toshiro requested, as Lupin nodded before answering.

"It is not a problem, but may I inquire as to why?"

"It is not my information to share, Professor Lupin."

"I see, then. It is not mine to probe then."

And with that, the deal was set and done.

Approximately, an hour and seven minutes and fifty-two seconds later; Harry and Ron entered the classroom usually used accommodate the students with the facility for practicing Defence Against the Dark Arts, huffing for breath as if they had ran a marathon before coming.

Toshiro merely looked at the two with a risen eyebrow for a second before returning to his tea, seated in his usual desk when class was in session. It was a free period for Harry and Ron for the hour, while Toshiro and Hermione had Ancient Runes, but had already attended, thankfully due to the golden hourglasses around their necks. Seated beside him, Hermione was combing her way through the newly assigned work from Ancient Runes, the ice captain having completed a good portion of it in class, Granger being who she was, was now trying her hand at it.

"You two are seven minutes and fifty-two seconds late from the time that was given to you." Toshiro said in a clipped tone as he faced them fully, having seated themselves into adjacent desks.

"Lighten up, Hitsugaya." Ron whined as he gulped down the glass of water that Harry had poured for himself and his best friend. "We were coming from Hagrid's, how the bloody hell you and 'Mione get here so fast?"

"Yeah, how did you guys do that?" Harry piped in as well after taking a swing of water.

"Magic." Toshiro deadpanned as Ron and Harry frowned at him at the non-answer and Hermione, who couldn't help but giggle at Toshiro's retort. Waving away the question, the trio watched Toshiro, who flicked out his yew wand, that Harry once again noted how closely it resembled Voldemort's.

Silently voicing spells mentally, the Trio recognized several of them as they watched the yew wand twirl at the differing spells. It was several moments until the captain finished that he addressed the trio, retaking his seat. "Now then, now that the necessary precautions have been placed, shoot."

"Why were you there with McGonagall, Fudge, and Rosmerta at the Three Broomsticks? It almost had nothing to do with you." Hermione began, not realizing that she had voiced more questions. "And what did they mean that you encountered Black? Why are the teachers always meeting with you? What-"

"I swear, Potter, if you do not shut her up…" Toshiro trailed off, his head bent forward with two fingers at his temples, feeling the onslaught of an upcoming headache.

And the day was going so well… Hyorinmaru crooned as Sephiroth struggled to stifle his laughter.

Shut up. Toshiro hissed back as he glared at Granger with his usual glare, causing her to 'eep' into silence.

"To answer your questions," Toshiro began with an emotionless voice, tinged with the slightest hint of annoyance. "Do you recall the events of All Hallow's Eve?"

"You mean the night that Sirius ripped the Fat Lady's portrait, mate?" Ron recalled as Toshiro nodded.

"Surely with your impeccable observation skills, you and Potter noticed that I was absent from the dormitory and a number of my classes the following morning. And the fact that my right arm was in a sling and bandaged for the rest of the following week. Yes?"

Nodding in confirmation, the trio awaited.

"As a result of my injury, it was that night that I encountered Black."

Well aware that the three would pounce at the revelation, Toshiro cut all of them off at the root.

"I was on my way to the dormitory when I encountered Black fleeing from the portrait; fortunately, I was able to defend myself with my own magic. However, he quickly countered with a slash to my wand arm, resulting in my injury. Wounded, I fled; to which the Headmaster and Professor Snape collected me." Toshiro explained flatly, glancing to Harry before he continued. "And which you undoubtably know from your skillful eavesdropping, Potter, is why the Professors were discussing about me."

Whitened lies, Toshiro. Sephiroth whispered.

Half-truths with omitted detailing. Toshiro countered back as Hyorinmaru merely hummed in the icy Inner World of the ice captain.

Ignoring Harry's ever-growing embarrassment, Toshiro turned to Hermione who spoke up with a confused look. "Wait, I understand if the teachers wished to discuss with you what happened, but I can't believe that they allowed you to be included in their discussions."

"Initially, they were not, naturally." Toshiro replied smoothly, his tone still aloof. "However, they were sorely convinced."

"How?" Ron asked blankly.

"My family are convincing in the art of getting our way." Was all the captain elaborated as he internally snorted. In other words, do it our way or we'll send you to Soul Society or Hell. Either way you're damned.

And you run the lesser evil of the two places. Sephiroth noted as his older counterpart laughed loudly at the comment. Confused, the younger dragon looked to his master.

That is an arguable comment, if anything, Sephiroth. Toshiro replied as he silenced both of them.

"Why?" Harry asked, snapping the ice captain out of his Inner World.

The white-haired transfer merely rose an eyebrow in response.

"Why did you chase after him? Why didn't you get a teacher or something? Why do you go after him when he only wounded you?" Harry asked softly. "It's not like you're me."

Expecting this question, the ice captain sighed before he spoke.

"Why would you go after him, Potter?" Toshiro questioned back. "For revenge? Vengeance for your fallen parents? To avenge their deaths to salvage the remaining of your parents' honor?"

"How dare you-!" An angry Ron began as a just as furious Hermione stopped him, both glaring at a calm and composed Hitsugaya who regarded a frozen Harry; the only female noting an odd flicker in the normally icy orbs. Instead of icy indifference, a glimmer of pain and regret glimmered in the teal depths.

"Do not allow revenge to cloud your sight, Potter. Because, before you know it, the very thing you were trying to protect or even salvage from the flames, was burnt before you even decided to save it."

With a tone of finality, the ice captain lifted the charms as the period ended; exiting the classroom with a hand over his left shoulder, the phantom pain flaring over his faux-body as he headed for the Room of Requirement.

Several hours later, the ice captain had opened his teal orbs tiredly, noting the quiet in the train compartment, glad that it was quiet and that he was alone for once. A nip to his fingers made captain roll a wary eye to his animal companion. Well, alone in mortal terms; in regards to animals however, Korihana was nestled against her master, undoubtably exhausted from her most recent venture.

Changed from his school robes, the captain donned a navy blue shirt under a black overcoat with his division flower crest embroidered on the left breast in white, the buttons and gold buckle loosened. Ebony leather pants hugged the captain's toned legs, ending with familiar combat boots that held his wand. Wrapped loosely over his neck, the teal scarf seemed to provide little to combat the snow of the wintery season.

Sighing lightly, the captain pulled out a slightly crinkled letter, as it read.


I hope this letter gets to you before the holidays begin. The Head Captain has arranged for Urahara-san and Kurosaki-kun to retrieve you when you arrive at London. We have uncovered several things since our last meeting; and they will be discussed upon your arrival to Soul Society, concerning Aizen and the 'heavenly guardian'.

You will most likely return to Hogwarts after the holidays for further observation, but you may have some assistance to accompany you for the duration of the rest of the year. Rangiku has done all of the paperwork strangely enough, though it was after you sent back letters, so I presume you had something to do with it, Hitsugaya-taicho.

I hope you enjoyed the candy, my fellow Shiro-chan.

Candy is the very last thing on my mind right now, Ukitake. Toshiro sighed once more as he replaced the letter. Returning to Soul Society is suppose to be relaxing but I have a feeling that I'll just encounter a larger headache.

The cost of being a captain of the Thirteen Court Squads. Hyorinmaru teased toothily, as Toshiro merely groaned internally in response.

'The cost of being a captain of the Thirteen Court Squads,' my ass. The ice captain snapped back irritably. I'm put through more crap than the other twelve, and madly enough, I'm still captain.

Are all the captains mad, elder? Sephiroth asked innocently as Hyorinmaru's laughter echoed in the Inner World as Toshiro cracked a smile himself.

'Mad' is not the term, youngling. Hyorinmaru laughed. It's more in the ballpark of insane.

Yama-jii has been Head Captain for as long as Gotei 13 has been in existence, and gets rather upset whenever any of us lose our haori. Toshiro began to list off as he was seemingly oblivious to Sephiroth's growing disbelief at his descriptions of his colleagues. Soifon follows orders to the tee, whether it is moral or not, not to mention her obsession of black cats due to Yoruichi. Ichimaru smiles at dying puppies or kicked kittens. Unohana is the most terrifying of the thirteen of us in history. Aizen tried to take over the world. Kuchiki upholds the law above everything but his adopted sister. Komamura is a wolf. Kyoraku is a drunk half the time of his frivolous habits. Tosen only cares about his definition of 'justice.' Zaraki thrills in battling with reckless tactician. Kurotsuchi experiments on himself. And Ukitake is always physically ill.

You're forgetting someone. Hyorinmaru chuckled whimsically as Toshiro snorted.

I'm probably the most insane of us all. I'm the youngest captain yet I am a wizard who wields a zanpakuto and a wand to conjure magic. Toshiro muttered, his voice dripping with contempt and sardonic tone. Yes, very sane indeed.

Boarding off the train, the ice captain scanned the crowd of children and guardians with a look mirroring the expressionless owl on his shoulder, ignoring all as he found a certain orange-head substitute shinigami chasing a just as irritating blonde one. He had half a mind to board the train to return to Hogwarts but quelled the irritation and strode over to the noisy twosome that were beginning to draw attention.

"May I ask what the hell you two are doing, Kurosaki and Urahara?" Toshiro snapped in Japanese as the two whipped their heads to the Tenth Division captain, pausing in mid-strides.



"It's Hitsugaya-taicho to the both of you." Toshiro snapped as the teen frowned and the blonde pouted. "Now then, to Soul Society."

With a swift shunpo, the ice captain disappeared, with a blonde former captain, and a substitute captain trailing his steps as they returned to a long overdue return to Soul Society.

The Tenth Division captain breathed in familiar reiatsu condensed atmosphere of Soul Society as he stepped through the Senkaimon, finally out of his confining gigai.

That feels so much better. Toshiro thought as he exited the Senkaimon, a familiar purple butterfly in front of him. No more souma-fixers or any more children trying to go on idiotic adventures.

Well, if you don't count Ichigo. Hyorinmaru smiled, too glad to be back.

I would choose Kurosaki over Potter and his little adventures in a heartbeat, at least Kurosaki has some level of common sense unlike Potter.

"TAICHO!" The shrill cry of a strawberry blonde lieutenant rang out as the said woman scooped up her superior in a suffocating hug, his face planted into her assets, effectively cutting off his air circulation. "I missed you, taicho! How was school?! Did you make friends?!"

"MATSUMOTO!" Toshiro roared as he pulled himself from the woman's backbreaking embrace. "Get off of me!"

"Mou," Matsumoto pouted as Hitsugaya unlatched from her arms, ignoring her whining voice. "I miss you taicho! You're so mean even after taking a long vacation."

"I went on a mission posing as a child, Matsumoto. Not a getaway vacation." Hitsugaya snorted before he smirked almost evilly. "I heard from Ukitake that you did your paperwork, for once. I wonder why?"

"Eep!" Matsumoto squeaked as she recoiled in mock fear, recalling the red envelope that her captain personally yelled to her. HItsugaya held back a chuckle as his lieutenant ran off, as Ichigo looked at both of them with curious looks.

"Oi, Toshiro — It's Hitsugaya-taicho.— what did you mean when Rangiku-san did her paperwork?" The orange substitute asked, ignoring Toshiro's cut in.

Shrugging off the question, the white-haired captain turned to an incoming shinigami, his Fifth Seat.

"Welcome back, taicho!" The Fifth Seat greeted as he knelt to one knee, his voice lined with respect, head hung with proper form. "All of the captains and vice captains have gathered in a duo-meeting as you were informed, you are to bring the substitute shinigami, Kurosaki Ichigo, to the meeting as well, per as Head Captain's orders."

"Very well. Dismissed." Hitsugaya acknowledged with a wave of his hand as he disappeared in a shunpo toward the First Division, not bothering with the unable-to-sense-reiatsu-to-save-his-life substitute behind him.

"Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro of the Tenth Division," The said captain stated flatly at the doors of the First Division, sending a wary glance to the panting substitute behind him. "Accompanied by Substitute Shinigami, Kurosaki Ichigo."

It was a mere second after the ice captain finished speaking that the lieutenant of the First Division, Chojiro Sasakibe, appeared, bowing before the young-appearing captain. "Welcome back, Hitsugaya-taicho. Everyone has gathered to meet your arrival."

True to his words, the captains were alined with their respective vice-captains knelt at their feet as Ichigo stood in the side, with Toshiro taking his position while sending a glance to his lieutenant who playfully winked back. Repressing the urge to roll his eyes, the ice captain turned to the meeting at hand.

"Now that Hitsugaya-taicho has returned to Soul Society, Kurotsuchi-taicho, you may begin." The Head Captain said sagely, introducing the floor to the Twelfth Division captain, who smiled in mirth of finally being recognized.

"To begin, so that you who have lower-intelligence and stature may follow," The clown-faced captain began, drawing glares from the jabbed victims. "It seems that these Dementors are a differing branch of hollows, infused with wizarding magic to be able to hunt for souls in taking the happiness from the living and eventually their soul."

"Will we be able to use zanpakutos against these things?" Ichigo blurted, not caring about the fact that he spoke out of turn.

"As Kurosaki Ichigo has rudely interjected," The Head Captain addressed with a stern glare to the orange-head, who merely brushed it off like he did most things. "Hitsugaya-taicho has combated= against the Dementors and has found that our weapons and forms of combat are effective against the Dementors, releasing the souls that the Dementors have eaten."

"As for the 'heavenly guardian' and Aizen," The Head Captain began with wry tinged in his voice as he slit open an eyelid to meet the ice captain's blank and emotionless gaze. "The concerns are more prominent."

"It seems Aizen had allied himself with this Voldemort, and in turn we are concerned whether he had sent any Espada or Arrancar to this Dark Lord's numbers." Kyoraku sang lackadaisically, as if nothing were troubling. "However, in exchange for Hitsugaya-kun here."

All eyes turned to the ice captain who merely quirked an eyebrow in thought and a mixture of anger and irritation.

"To answer the question that is on everyone's mind at the moment," Kyoraku continued with a lazy smile, yet eyes sharper than Byakuya's sakura. "It seems that Hitsugaya-kun is indeed what he is rumored to be, the 'heavenly guardian.'"

"In the pondering through Aizen's research, I had found that the 'heavenly guardian' was a white-haired reincarnation that would wield one of the strongest zanpakuto at their entrance to Soul Society, and display mastery in differing forms of magic." Ukitake took over, his caring face pulled to a serious one. "With Hitsugaya-kun under the control of this Voldemort, we maybe forced to dire circumstances."

"If that was the case, than why would Aizen not take Hitsugaya for himself? But instead trade with this Voldemort?" Soifon asked, her voice inquisitive as she glanced at Hitsugaya who returned the action, exchanging them.

"Che." Hirako Shinji, the Captain of the Firth Division, scoffed. "No one here would put it past that bastard to turn on that arrogant wizard on their deal, only costing him some Espada or low Arrancar."

"Besides, after allowing Voldemort to take over the wizarding world after he had taken over Hueco Mundo; and theoretically, Soul Society; Aizen would have no qualms in taking over the wizarding world, especially if Hitsugaya was under his control when the trade was made."

"Especially with the use of Kyoka Suigetsu." The Fifth Division captain finished as eyes drifted toward the ice captain, ignoring the flares of phantom pain on his shoulder. Not that everyone else was better off.

Many of the lieutenants were pale at the assault of put off memories and kinks in the captains' composure were seen if observed well.

With a swift slam to the wood floor boards, the Head Captain called for attention, which he quickly received. "Enough!"

"Hitsugaya-taicho, your findings."

"Sir." Was the obliged response, as the ice captain followed with a report consisting of his assistance to Black, Potter's misunderstanding of Black, and Lupin's involvement.

"Black is Potter's godfather, then?"

"So it may seem, however, Black has refuged to the Shrieking Shack and is currently under my orders to stay put."

"How did you manage to keep a wizarding serial killer in line?" Kenpachi asked, marveling at the description of how Black had murdered and left a mere finger, actually listening for once.

"The same way we deal with you, you mindless imbecile." Kurotsuchi hissed with obvious contempt as Toshiro merely frowned as incoming onslaught of a daily argument.

"What the hell did you say, you mad scientist? You wanna fight?!" The one-eyed captain snarled as the clown-faced captain sneered back.

"As if I would sink to the the low level of fighting you, you uncivilized oaf!"

"Are you going to fight Ken-chan, Mayurin?" The pink-haired child lieutenant of the Eleventh Division giggled as she, unlike the fellow youthful in appearance captain, acted her appearance. "Go Ken-chan! Yay for Ken-chan!"

A malicious grin spread over the said captain's features as a sneer took over his supposed opponent's, only to be cut short once again.

"Cease at once!" And the scoldings began.

After about five minutes, the Head Captain turned to Hitsugaya with a cracked open eye. "Regardless of how Hitsugaya-taicho has kept Black in line, we must continue to deal with the issue at hand. The Dementors."

"Therefore;" The Head Captain commanded with absolute obedience and attention on himself. "Hitsugaya-taicho will continue to observe and interfere in the wizarding world as he deems fit while making continuous reports as Ukitake-taicho, Kyoraku-taicho, and Kuchiki-taicho will continue in their findings. Kurotsuchi-taicho will investigate further the Dementor that Hitsugaya-taicho has captured. Dismissed!"

"Sir!" Came the swift reply from the captains' mentioned as all filed out with the exception of the youngest and oldest captains in history.

Once certain that all were out of contented earshot, Hitsugaya awaited.

One awaited until the Head Captain addressed them, no exceptions.

"Do you intend to assist Potter with his misunderstood vengeance against Black, Hitsugaya-taicho?"

Lidding his teal orbs half-way, the ice captain spoke with icy nonchalance. "Prior to his mindset, I had intended to. However, ironically, Black is now at my disposal and has trusted that I may assist him."

"I see." The Head Captain merely supplied, closing his eye. "Very well."

"Sou-taicho, —" Hitsugaya began only to be cut off.

"Hitsugaya-taicho, you will continue to observe and interfere in the wizarding world as you deem necessary; however, not to include yourself into another war. Not until the issue of Aizen and the 'heavenly guardian' is finally resolved."

Bowing his head in obedience, the ice captain voiced it so.

The Fifth Seat of the Tenth Division entered the First Division with a smile, noting the large stack of paperwork in his hand all for the week, for once finished and on time at that. After delivering the papers, the same Fifth Seat came to his superiors' office, only to find all of the division members outside. Well, all of the members in Soul Society anyway. A group was placed in the palace constructed in precaution.

A confused look marred the black-haired shinigami's expression as he surveyed the group.

"What's going on?" He questioned the nearest member, an Unseated grunt.

A sigh came from the fellow division member's expression as he spoke. "Taicho found Vice Captain Matsumoto's sake in his desk, again. And from what Takezoe saw, she was drinking when he was in the meeting."

Piecing together the events afterward, the Fifth Seat paused at the paper doors of the main office, freezing at the familiar feel of growing icy reiatsu.

"Ho." Sounded their captain, who sounded way too calm for the division's liking as they involuntarily shivered. "So, the minute I come back to Soul Society and are in a meeting; you pull out all of the sake."

"Taicho~!" They could almost see the strawberry blonde whine with a pout. "Sake is medicinal for paperwork allergies! Didn't I tell you~?!"

The inaudible snap of their captain's patience was deafening.


A shrill cry from their vice captain rang through the division as the doors burst open revealing their furious captain and fleeing lieutenant, the office in disarray with unfinished paperwork and empty sake bottles littering the office. Speeding to hide behind her division members, the strawberry blonde wore a sheepish smile as her captain fisted his palms, well aware of his division's presence.

In actuality, the ice captain was not furious.

His lieutenant did do her paperwork, as to his expectations as she hid a good section in his desk. It was just her luck that he returned from his extended meeting to her pulling the sake from his desk and she had so happened to spill.

Not to mention the fact that he had learned the division's account holdings after the burning down of the barracks quickly after his departure.

Simply put, it was not the best of circumstances for the ice captain to see his lieutenant pull out sake bottles from his desk.

Before he could berate her any further, he was interrupted.


Turning to meet the sole missing member of the Tenth Division, Hitsugaya found his Seventh Seat, Kokichiro Takezoe, knelt before him, with the rest of the division looking curiously as Matsumoto stood a step behind her captain, all changing to solemn expressions as they noted their fellow member's tightened one.

"What is it?" Hitsugaya questioned icily.

"Reporting!" The dark purple-haired shinigami announced as he lifted his head. "Moments ago, in the set palace in Hokkaido, a wizard has requested to see you. Reports have indicated that it is a professor who goes by the name of Moony."

At those words, the captain visibly twitched.