
Chapter 12: Icy Interventions

Chapter 12: Icy Interventions

All seemed normal at Hogwarts as normal as it could have been for an institution of magic and spells for young wizards and witches, as Lupin returned to teaching his classes, declaring that the essay that had been assigned was not needed; despite Hermione having done it; with Toshiro having already handed it in to Snape, the following day it was assigned.

The captain's wounds had healed long before he had removed the bandages, but kept them for the reminder of the earlier half of the week for good measure to keep his facade as ordered. The sling was rid of after negotiating with Madam Pomfrey that he would check in with her everyday till he was fully healed under McGonagall's orders, having taken the transfer's relatives' warnings not as lightly as the Headmaster.

One day, in the duration of class, Lupin had silently given a small note to the ice captain, the only one who noticed as the other students busied themselves with the new assignment, reading the note and nodding his agreement as they both turned away as if the exchange never occurred.

Soon enough, the third-years were bustling out of the classroom, off to dinner as Lupin ushered them off, leaving only a lingering Toshiro who had taken a seat in front of the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor as of late.

"You wished to speak to me, in private without a doubt, seeing as you have requested it to be after class; what is it, may I inquire, Professor Lupin?" Toshiro addressed the seemingly exhausted professor, not bothering with small talk.

The professor merely smiled with slight amusement at his white-haired student having gone to know the transfer slightly better, having to see him in class. The transfer was bright, brighter than Hermione in the way that he was mature, composed and had a civil mindset to all things seeing as he himself was a werewolf yet the student held no prejudice over him. Yet the white-haired transfer was rather forlorn, isolated, and even reserved too much into himself; as if he were afraid to allow others in.

Lupin had no reasoning behind his thoughts other than his own observations and speculation, for it was not like Hitsugaya spoke much in class other than when he was addressed or spoke to, whether it be a question or of it be his personal opinion. When in regards to the former, it was always and undoubtably correct, answered always in a heartbeat and never outlined with arrogance or even the over-eager to impress tones like Hermione. It was always expressionlessly matter-of-fact and stated as it was simply because it was so. Yet when the latter was addressed, whether it be in a conversation or a class discussion, it was answered evasively or simply a non-answer to which none wisely did not press for answers, even when sorely curious, as Lupin could nearly see the bullets of questions that Hitsugaya would dodge from the rapid fire of Hermione.

"I had wanted to know, Hitsugaya, do you know how to repel Dementors?" Lupin inquired as he poured two cups of tea for them, accompanied with scones and chocolate.

"I presume Potter has asked of you to teach how to repel Dementors, then?" Toshiro questioned back, trying the tea, to find that it was not sweet to his relief. "Is Potter not aware that it is an advanced magic perhaps?"

"I had informed him, yet he is stubborn and wishes to be able to defend himself." Lupin explained as he fingered the rim of his tea, the sweets untouched as Toshiro held back a scoff.

That is the smartest thing I have heard Potter say all year, and it's winter.

But you must give the boy credit, Master. Hyorinmaru cut in. He has had two particularly horrid encounters with Dementors and so he wishes to be able to defend himself.

Yet, he is aware of how dangerous it may be if he believes that he has mastered to be able to conjure a Patronus, and he is unable to when the situation calls for it? Toshiro countered.

Elder, Toshiro has a point. Sephiroth spoke up. If the boy is truly wishing to master how to repel a Dementor then he must truly master it. However, if he does not, we may endanger the boy's life rather than assist in salvaging it.

Nodding their acknowledgment internally, Toshiro turned to Lupin. "Then you have already given your consent to teach him, Professor Lupin. I presume that it would be over the span of the holidays, seeing your fatigued form."

Lupin smiled cryptically as he nodded, allowing the transfer to continue.

"Then will you be teaching him to conjure a Incorporeal Patronus or a Corporeal one?" Toshiro asked, emotionlessly, one of his teal orbs obscured.

"It would be Incorporeal, of course!" Lupin proclaimed, setting his tea cup on the complimentary saucer. "It is already difficult as it is to conjure an Incorporeal Patronus, not to mention a Corporeal one!"

"Then will you accept the responsibility of Harry Potter's death due to your incomplete teachings, Professor?" Toshiro challenged, composed and single visible teal orb icy.

"Are you insinuating that I am incompetent in my teachings, Mr. Hitsugaya?" Lupin replied with a slight clipped tone, his defense growing.

"I am not insinuating anything, Professor." Toshiro shot back with a hard glare. "I am merely warning you as a student to a teacher, the consequences of not teaching everything to student for their own good at the present but only to place them in greater danger in the long run. Potter may be stubborn and rather dense, but he is not incompetent."

"You speak of Harry as if he were a weapon." Lupin retorted with slight overprotectiveness. "He is a student and mere boy; he has gone through things that his classmates cannot even dream of."

"So have I, Professor." Toshiro argued back, his composure unmoved as his expression remained expressionless. "The wizarding world of the West has decided a mere babe was their salvation, and yet you hesitate to offer the boy to deal with Dementors for his own protection. You and your society gladly sent off a newborn to combat Voldemort yet you withhold him to learn how to defend himself against a weaker evil when he could be bruised. How ironic is that, Professor?"

Lupin had no counter for that as he slammed his fists on the mahogany desk in defeat as Toshiro spoke up once again, the icy teal meeting the concerned and haunted chocolate.

"As Moony, you wish to protect your friend, Prong's son." Toshiro whispered silently as Lupin's eyes widened at his old nickname. "Even if it is against Padfoot, you wish to repent for not being there."

"You still can, Professor." Toshiro spoke up as he lifted his yew wand, twirling it in a familiar motion. White wisps of vapor grew from the white-haired captain's wand as the said captain cast the spell silently, conjuring his Patronus of a large serpent-like dragon, a hybrid of his zanpakuto and wand guardian as Lupin gaped at the immense size of the Patronus. The ghostly, translucent version of his dragons nuzzled the captain as Toshiro allowed his Patronus to disappear, addressing the werewolf one last time before leaving.

"And I am sure you will succeed in teaching him." Toshiro whispered as he glanced with a slight nod. "Good night, Professor."

And with a swift shunpo that easily passed as Apparition, the captain vanished, leaving a confused, yet unknowing convinced Lupin at his wake.

Toshiro watched as the Weasley twins gave a ragged piece of parchment to Harry, well aware of what it was as the captain absent-mindedly placed a note from McGonagall into his pocket. It was rather accidental in that encounter as the twins had incidentally were in the midst of trying to prank him, only to find that the captain did not appear on the map.

The twins had confronted him of this to Toshiro's hidden amusement.

"Blimey, Toshiro. How did you defy the Marauder's Map?" One of the twins questioned, the other answering before the captain could answer. "Maybe he knows more magic than we do."

"It could be the hair."

"Or the eyes."

"Maybe, it's his frown."

"But Snape has the same expression."

"Maybe it is the eyes then."

"Oh no, we've got it!" They cried in unison as the twins and captain were seated in the isolated section of the library, high-fiving each other in celebration. "It's the eyes and the hair! Ingenious, mate!"

"Or perhaps, it is merely due to the fact that I did not practice Western magic until this year, and therefore, the map is unable to detect my presence due to my usage of Eastern magic." Toshiro cut in with his icy voice, hinted with slight annoyance. Not to mention that he was a soul in a gigai.

The twins gasped in mock-surprise at the revelation as they opened up the map to explain the contents of the disguised parchment, in their unique way of speaking, much like they were currently doing so to young Harry.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." George incanted with his wand held high as he placed the wood on the seemingly blank parchment to reveal the contents of the disguised map.

"Messrs.: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs…are proud to present the Marauder's Map." Harry read as the map unveiled it's secrets into appearance as he looked up to the twins incredulously.

"We owe them so much." George noted as Fred nodded knowingly as Toshiro rolled his eyes. Of course, they did; with the way they acted on a daily basis.

Curious without a doubt, Harry opened the parchment to reveal Hogwarts grounds. "Hang on. This is Hogwarts."

What a mind-blower. Toshiro scoffed with sarcasm as Hyorinmaru and Sephiroth hummed with amusement.

"And that…" Harry trailed off, narrowing his green orbs at the words his eyes were reading, doubtful in his body language. "No. Is that really…?"

"Dumbledore." Fred piped up with a mischievous grin that his twin mirrored.

"In his study." George nodded.


"Does that a lot." The twins said matter-of-factly as they saw a glimmer of awe glow in the spectacled boy's eyes.

"So you mean, this map shows…"

"Everyone." Fred finished for the boy as the twins began their conversing tirade.

"Everyone?" Harry cried out in amazement.


"Where they are."

"What they're doing."

"Every minute."

"Of every day." George finished as Harry looked up at them with glowing green orbs.

"Brilliant!" Harry cried as he questioned them immediately. "Where did you get it?"

"Nicked it from Filch's office, of course." Fred answered rather proudly as Toshiro mentally rolled his eyes once more. "First year, too." Of course they stole it from the gatekeeper. Where else would twin pranksters go to find mischief to wreck havoc on in their first year of being introduced to mastering magic?

"There are seven secret passageways out of the castle." George began as he pointed to the map, saying the last bit in unison with his twin. "We'd recommend this one."

"The One-Eyed Witch passageway." Fred remarked as they began again.

"Leads you to right to Honeyduke's cellar."

"Hurry. Filch is heading this way."

"Oh, and don't forget. Harry, when you're done, just give it a tap and say:" George explained as he lifted his wand once again onto the parchment. "'Mischief managed.' Otherwise, anyone can read it."

At the incantation, the parchment turned into blank, worn paper once again.

It took less than an idiot to conjure as to what Harry was thinking.

With the Marauder's Map and the Invisibility Cloak at his use and disposal, all the boy needed to do was keep his mouth shut and he would be able to do nearly everything with ease. But unfortunately, that was not enough to bypass Toshiro in the slightest.

Toshiro watched with icy indifference as Malfoy and his two goons neared a peaceful Granger and Weasley, sight-seeing the Shrieking Shack behind a barbed fence. Even as 'invisible' retaliation for Malfoy's words appeared, the captain remained unmoved from his perch above in the trees, dressed in a thin black shirt, with a black embroidered on the shoulders', courtesy of Matsumoto. Leather black pants wrapped his legs as his combat boots did the same with his feet. The captain's teal scarf was the only item that indicated to give the captain warmth as his clothing was thinly worn, the icy winds looking like it rejuvenated him rather than obscure his mood.

Even as Malfoy and his goons were ridiculously humiliated and the cries of the trio's laughter echoed, the captain was unmoved.

Noting that Granger would suffice as of the day to keep Potter and Weasley out of trouble, the captain shunpoed away, leaving nothing to indicate that he was ever present.

Toshiro sat within a hidden room of the Three Broomsticks, a pub apparently run by a witch by the name of Madam Rosmerta. She was skeptical of allowing Toshiro into the pub; but after proving his note from McGonagall was genuine, she conceded. Pouring himself a cup of tea from a teapot, the captain awaited several moments until the door was flung open, the screeching of a Madame Rosmerta loud and clear.

"—come to a pub where they'll get scared out of their wits, Cornelius!"

"Professor Dumbledore doesn't want dementors around the place, I can assure you, Rosmerta." McGonagall's calm voice snapping softly as three persons entered. "And neither does Cornelius."

"Besides, Rosmerta, we have a kill—" A man paused, catching a glimpse at Toshiro who he concluded to be Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic.

The wizard did not seemed like much, however. He was portly and stout, dressed in a pinstriped suit underneath a matching cloak; a faded lime-green tie the only splash of color on his dreary appearance. Black boots covered his feet as a similarly colored bowler hat nestled on his grey tufts of little hair; to say that the Minister was surprised to see him was an understatement as the man quickly turned to Professor McGonagall, who unbuttoned her cloak and hat.

"Why is there a child here, Minerva?" Fudge asked as he absorbed his shock and followed in suit.

Irked by the child comment, Toshiro set his cup with a clink.

"Cornelius Oswald Fudge, the current Minister of Magic; I am Hitsugaya Toshiro, a third-year at Hogwarts and a transfer student from Japan." The said person addressed as the Minister stood beside the door as Rosmerta locked it after it opened once again.

The Minister's eyes widened in realization of the boy in front of him.

"You are Mr. Hitsugaya?"

"Yes, he is." McGonagall cut in as she thanked Fudge for the glass of whiskey he poured for her and himself, Rosmerta passing on the liquor as they all seated themselves. Toshiro remained unmoved from the armchair he seated himself on a suitable distance away from the fire as the three seated themselves in front of fire.

"Then you are the one who encountered Black?!" Cornelius questioned as Rosmerta's eyes widened with Fudge's as the professor and student remained unfazed.

"It is as Professor McGonagall has what, I presume, explained." Was all Toshiro said as Fudge ceded, deciding that reliving such an experience once was enough.

Only Rosmerta remained confused as she spoke up.

"Wait!" She cried shrilly. "Tell me what this is all about."

Sighing, McGonagall resigned herself to this task.

"Years ago, when Harry Potter's parents realized that they were marked for death, do you remember?"

Rosmerta nodded, as she responded. "Yes, they went into hiding."

"And yes, they hid. Few knew where they were." McGonagall continued as her voice took on a bitter one. "One who did was Sirius Black. And he told You-Know-Who."

"Not only did Black lead him to the Potters that night, but he also killed one of their friends, Peter Pettigrew!" Fudge announced as none noticed Toshiro's teal eyes flickering to the nearest corner to the door, narrowing slightly only to flicker away.

"Peter Pettigrew?" Rosmerta questioned as she looked to McGonagall to elaborate.

"A little lump of a boy. Always trailing after Black and Potter."

"Ah, ah, yes. I remember him. Never let James and Sirius out of his sight. But what happened?"

"Peter Pettigrew tried to warn the Potters, and might have managed to, had he not run into an old friend, Sirius Black."

"Black was vicious." Fudge cut in as he sipped the whiskey. "He didn't kill Pettigrew. He destroyed him!"

"A finger." Fudge stated as he lifted his pinky in emphasis. "That's all that was left. A finger. Nothing else."

"Yes." McGonagall agreed wholeheartedly as she spoke. "Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the Potters but he's the reason they're dead."

"And now, thirteen years later, he wishes to finish what he started." Fudge said as he took a swing at the whiskey once more.

"And that I'm afraid is not the worst of it." McGonagall sighed as she fingered the ring of the whiskey-filled glass.

"What could be worse?" Rosmerta questioned.

"This:" McGonagall announced. "Sirius Black was and remains to this day, Harry Potter's godfather!"

It was several more moments until the meeting was adjourned, each giving their respective farewells as a shaking and invisible Harry awaited for the occupants to leave. As he numbly watched Toshiro near the door behind McGonagall, Harry unconsciously felt eyes on him.

"Hitsugaya," McGonagall addressed her student, as Harry snapped out of his reverie. "Are you alright? I did not want you to accompany me, but Professor Dumbledore insisted under the impression that you would be further protected by the Ministry."

"I am fine." Toshiro merely drawled rather dully, as he smiled weakly at her. "I have simply grown homesick as the holidays draw near."

Accepting his words with a small of her own, the professor withdrew as Harry turned away feeling as if he had intruded when a small creak made him turn.

Looking up, the Chosen One found icy, cold fury within teal orbs on him, until they flickered away so quickly that Harry almost convinced himself that it was a mere trick; only to remind himself that the transfer made no mistakes. None.

And there was only one person that could possess such an icy gaze.

Hitsugaya Toshiro knew he was there.

The same icy gaze remained unmoved as the captain watched Harry sob, comforted only by Granger and Weasley's presence; the icy captain seemingly walking on air hidden within the trees.

"Will you tell him, Toshiro?" Hyorinmaru asked as he and Sephiroth materialized in their humanoid forms on either side of the captain.

"No." Toshiro replied. "Potter is stupid but this is a new low that he must learn from."

"That eavesdropping is a double-edged blade?" Sephiroth enquired as he fingered his blade.

"No," Toshiro watched coldly, as Harry's declaration of murder rang out in the silence. "That if he tries to find out too much, he will find that it merely clips his wings rather than strengthen them; only to find that it maybe too late to make amends."

The air was frosty and colored with silence as the two dragons and their master watched with cold indifference at the three children; idly allowing the falling snow cover their form.

Depression clung to Potter like Yachiru did once she found candy. It was to be expected after what he had 'discovered', so it did not really surprise the captain that night when he was confronted by Potter and his two friends as the captain idly wrote a report to Soul Society.

Let the accusations be read. Toshiro thought as Hyorinmaru's and Sephiroth's laughs echoed in his mind.

"What do I owe for this visit, Potter?" Toshiro began as he set the parchment aside to dry. "Granger and Weasley?"

"How about we start about the fact that you knew that Sirius Black was my godfather?!" Harry hissed as Hermione and Ron kept their eyes defiant. "Or the fact that your encountered Sirius Black?!"

Heavy accusations, Master. Hyorinmaru commented as Toshiro merely nodded. Yet, ironically true.

"Oh, am I no longer accused of poisoning Professor Lupin with Professor Snape?" Toshiro shot back who rose an eyebrow at the shock and surprise on the trio's expressions.

"You knew?" Ron blurted as Toshiro held back a sigh.

I am dealing with idiots.

Well, they are children. Sephiroth said as he gave them the benefit of the doubt.

Idiotic children. Toshiro snapped back as the dragons merely laughed.

"Of course I did." Toshiro snapped as he folded the report and sealed it. "The three of you are so loud and public of what you are going to do that I would be obtuse to not to have noticed." And deaf.

Red blushes emerged from the trio's faces as they tried to regain their composure.

"Then you're not mad?" Ron asked as Toshiro seemed to raise an eyebrow to the question.

"What I feel in regards to your accusations is irrelevant. I would have thought you incompetent if you did not suspect me, nonetheless trust in me. Potter is hunted like an animal and you two are obstacles, you would be idiotic not to be cautious." Or naive.

"Therefore," Toshiro continued as he narrowed his teal orbs over Harry who froze. "I suggest you recount as to who and where your sources come from; especially if you are sprouting accusations without anything to back it up other than your own word. Because Potter, words are merely that. Words."

"And as all of you know, words can be manipulated, played, and lie. So before you bombard with accusations that you suggest that I may be conjuring to murder someone, I suggest you take a moment and think."

And with that, the captain gathered his things and strode past the shocked trio.

The following morning, it was the Friday before holidays as the students of every house seemed to be in high spirits as they all spoke in anticipation for the holidays, with notable exceptions as they ate at the Great Hall.

And surprisingly enough, Toshiro was not one of them.

The ice captain was in a surprisingly good mood, having completed the paperwork that his lieutenant had sent him several months prior, which mysteriously stopped coming thanks to a certain red envelope. Although the fact that he had dealt with Sirius the previous night also added to his mood.

"I shall be fine, Hitsugaya." The framed killer assured as Toshiro allowed himself a snort.

"I am not worried of your well-being, Black." Toshiro said monotonously as he flicked out his wand, summoning a small bag. The bag was about the size of Black's hands, easily hidden within the confines of a sleeve or pocket. It was a velvet red in color with a golden string to tie it closed. "I am worried of you acting recklessly with me out of the country. Seeing how Weasley's rat has conveniently disappeared, you are desperate enough to pounce on any rat you see."

The wizard had no counter for that as he instead looking at the bag in question as Toshiro threw him two others along with the red one, only differing in color.

"The red contains food, the green with suitable clothing, and the blue with water." Toshiro began as he pointed to the each with an explanation.

"There is an unlimited amount in the red, so you shall have enough to eat. But do not overdo, Black. The clothing in the green is Charmed to fit you, but I want all of them in order once I have arrived back. And the water is the same as the food in the red."

The wizard was stunned at this as he managed to utter out, "…Thank you, Hitsugaya."

"It was no trouble." The captain shrugged off as he replaced his wand. "And remember, Black; no incidents or spontaneous interventions. Or I shall have to do away with you before you realize that I have."

And with that the captain disappeared.

Are you certain that Black will heed your words, Master? Sephiroth questioned as Toshiro sipped his morning tea, anticipating to once again taste the Japanese teas that were not obnoxiously sweet.

Black has been tricked and framed before Sephiroth. He is not incompetent enough to allow the same happen to him. Toshiro replied. He may be unhinged and slightly mad, but he knows when to practice patience for his existence to continue.

Yes. Hyorinmaru growled his agreement. Black has awaited twelve years, he can await another month or two.

Exactly. Toshiro cut in with a clipped tone as he felt a shift in the air.

"Potter, if you would like to keep your arm, I suggest you do not touch my person. Otherwise, I would be forced to sever your limb with my butter knife."

The outstretched hand recoiled as the captain remained where he was, only moving to pick up his tea to sip silently.

"Sorry, Hitsugaya." Harry said as Toshiro looked up at the boy with a single teal orb, the other obscured by his snowy locks, as Granger and Weasley flanked him, all with apology and shame in their expressions.

"We weren't sure how to talk to you without annoying you." Potter said sheepishly as they grew identical awkward smiles.

"Calling me by my surname would have sufficed, Potter." Toshiro waved away the apology as he noted how Longbottom seated himself beside him but still minding the captain's space. "Now then, what is it that you wish to say?"

"We're sorry about accusing you." Harry began as Hermione opened her mouth to speak, only to have Toshiro hold a hand out to silence her.

"This is not the place to speak of such things." Toshiro whispered just loud enough for the three to hear. "Meet me at Professor Lupin's classroom in an hour."