
Spatial Supermarket: Period Transmigration and Marriage with a Strong Guy

Song Xi, a supermarket owner in the 21st century, woke up and found herself in an era of extreme poverty and hardship. She was also married in a mountainous region where conditions were harsh. To her surprise, the supermarket in the small town became her portable space. Moreover, her husband was a wonderful man who knew how to hunt, catch fish, and farm. Song Xi thought it'd be nice to live a simple life as a low-profile individual with a lot of money, a husband who loved her, a few good friends, and an endless supply of fruits and vegetables. [Kingdom-building + Poor to Rich + Food] The main storyline involves earning money, leading an entire village and town out of poverty, and heart-warming scenes. There won't be any competition!

Yuan Jiu · 一般的
40 Chs

Chicken Soup

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

After Song Xi finished the chicken soup, Zhou Yi took out a biscuit box and opened the lid before handing it to Song Xi.

Under his sparkling gaze, Song Xi slowly lifted a piece of cloth.

What greeted her eyes was a stack of notes.

One cent, two cents, five cents… and one cent, two cents…

Song Xi was a little surprised. She looked up and met Zhou Yi's smiling gaze. She was very surprised. "Didn't you say…"

"Wife, you're still a high school student. Don't you know the principle of not revealing your wealth? If the villagers find out that I have so much money, do you think I'll still have a good life? Those who come to borrow and steal money can flatten our doorsill. I don't want outsiders to use my money. I just want it for my wife. Wife, when we go to the commune, I'll go to the big restaurant to buy meat buns for you. How about that?"

Zhou Yi reached out and touched the tip of Song Xi's nose. He was very satisfied with his little wife! He could do anything for her.

Then, Zhou Yi counted the money inside again in front of Song Xi.

There were a total of 232 dollars and 65 cents.

In this era where each family could save 10 to 20 dollars a year, it was rare for him to have so much savings alone.

Zhou Yi took out two dollars and sixty-five cents and handed the remaining 230 yuan to Song Xi solemnly. "Wife, I'll give you all the money I earn in the future. You can use it however you want."

Song Xi couldn't take it anymore. "You can hold onto it yourself. You're in good health and can go out often. I'm afraid it's not convenient for me to go out for the time being."

She knew her body well. She would probably need a long time to recover.

"Then I'll get it from you when I need money. Only when my wife holds onto the money can I be full of energy."

Zhou Yi patted his chest and said heroically.

Song Xi could not believe that such a person was behind this seemingly serious man.

How should she put it? He was much better than most men she had known in the past.

Not many of her young relatives were willing to hand their salaries to their wives for safekeeping.

"Then I'll have to trouble you to find a place to hide it first, in case someone steals it while we're away."

Song Xi handed the biscuit box containing the money back to Zhou Yi, tacitly agreeing to Zhou Yi's request to manage the money for him!

She had been a little anxious because of their poverty.

She did not expect this man to give her such a surprise.

Now that they had more than 200 yuan, she did not have to worry too much for the time being.

She could slowly make plans for the future.

Just as Zhou Yi was about to hide the biscuit box in a secret compartment under the bed,

He suddenly remembered that his little wife was rushed into the Song Family and he did not prepare any new clothes for her.

He planned to take another twenty yuan from it, but he gave up on the idea the next second.

This money was handed over to his wife for safekeeping. It was his wife's money.

Since he wanted to buy new clothes for his wife, he had to use his own money to show his sincerity.

Besides, the next time he brought his wife to the commune, his main goal was to do a follow-up checkup for her.

How could he leave his wife alone in the hospital and go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy clothes?

What if his wife was taken away from the hospital?

Therefore, it was better to buy new clothes for his wife when he went to the commune alone.

This way he could also give his wife a surprise.

Song Xi did not know that Zhou Yi was thinking so much. She fell asleep again after a while.

When she woke up again, the entire world was dark. Song Xi was a little afraid, so she shouted, "Is anyone there? Is anyone there?"

Song Xi did not know her new husband's name, and she did not think of asking him during the day.

Now that she had to call him, she really did not know what to call him.

After hesitating for a long time, Song Xi spoke again, "Comrade, Sir, Husband, where are you? Why is the room so dark?"

As no one had been paying attention to her, Song Xi changed the way she addressed him.

"Hubby… where's the light? Where's the light?" Song Xi patted the bed and asked.

After a while, a faint light appeared at the door of the room.

Zhou Yi held a kerosene lamp and stood there nervously. "Wife, what's wrong?"

"The room is so dark. Where are the lights?" Song Xi was so shy that she wanted to cover her face.

She actually called a stranger 'Hubby'.

Fortunately, Zhou Yi did not ask further. Otherwise, she really did not know how to explain.

It was only when she saw the kerosene lamp in Zhou Yi's hand that Song Xi realized.

There was no electricity in this era. As someone from the future, Song Xi did not like life without electricity.

Zhou Yi placed the kerosene lamp on the table beside the bed and sat beside Song Xi. He reached out and held Song Xi's soft hand. "Wife, what did you call me just now? Wife, you approve of me, right?"

It turned out that this man had heard everything. He had only appeared after she called him 'Hubby'.

Hmph, he was really full of evil tricks.

Song Xi retracted her hand. What did she approve?

She had only interacted with him for a day and she already acknowledged him. Was she that rash?

As someone from the future, wouldn't she have to open her eyes wide to look for a husband?

"Wife, in the future, you can call me Zhou Yi or Brother Yi. Brother Zhou is fine. At home, you can call me my husband."

Zhou Yi pulled Song Xi's retracted hand over and patted it gently. He was extremely excited.

"It's hot!" Song Xi glared at Zhou Yi and retracted her hand again.

He held her hand in the middle of summer, his palm was sweaty. It was really embarrassing.

"Are you hungry? Let's go out for dinner." Zhou Yi carried Song Xi and came to the osmanthus tree in the courtyard.

She placed Song Xi on a chair and returned to the kitchen to bring the dinner over.

Song Xi's was chicken soup and soft chicken drumstick meat. There was no bone at all.

As for Zhou Yi, he had chicken soup and meatless parts like chicken neck and chicken claws, and two steamed potatoes.

Seeing that Song Xi was stunned, Zhou Yi urged, "Wife, what are you looking at? Hurry up and eat. I stewed half a chicken today, and the other half is chilling in well water. I'll continue to stew it for you tomorrow. You can eat whatever I cook for you. Don't think too much and don't save for me. You're my wife. It's my duty to raise you."

"Why do you always emphasize this?" Song Xi was a little embarrassed by Zhou Yi's gaze and quickly lowered her head to drink the soup.

She did not expect the rough men of this era to have such thoughts and awareness.

However, the constant emphasis on this matter made her ears almost have calluses.

After eating and drinking his fill, Zhou Yi was not in a hurry to clean up the dishes. Instead, he sat under the osmanthus tree with Song Xi to cool down.

The kerosene lamp on the table swayed slightly in the hot summer evening wind.

Song Xi noticed that the rough man opposite her had been looking at her deeply. Her heart immediately beat like thunder. She was nervous and afraid.

Now that she looked so weak, it would be easy for others to attack her.

She could not resist at all. How could she not be afraid?