
Spatial Supermarket: Period Transmigration and Marriage with a Strong Guy

Song Xi, a supermarket owner in the 21st century, woke up and found herself in an era of extreme poverty and hardship. She was also married in a mountainous region where conditions were harsh. To her surprise, the supermarket in the small town became her portable space. Moreover, her husband was a wonderful man who knew how to hunt, catch fish, and farm. Song Xi thought it'd be nice to live a simple life as a low-profile individual with a lot of money, a husband who loved her, a few good friends, and an endless supply of fruits and vegetables. [Kingdom-building + Poor to Rich + Food] The main storyline involves earning money, leading an entire village and town out of poverty, and heart-warming scenes. There won't be any competition!

Yuan Jiu · General
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40 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Although this rough man in front of her was her cheap husband.

They were considered married. He treated her well and did his best to take care of her.

But she couldn't accept it now, at least not for the time being.

"Wife, I'll wash the bowls and chopsticks later. I'll send you back to your room first. There are too many mosquitoes outside."

Zhou Yi stood up and came to Song Xi's side. He picked her up from the chair.

It was the romantic and beautiful princess hug in idol dramas.

However, it was not romantic or beautiful in Song Xi's eyes.

The better Zhou Yi treated her, the more she felt pressured.

If she returned the favor in the future and Zhou Yi did not want money and only wanted her, what should she do?

With Zhou Yi's 'help', Song Xi finished washing up with difficulty and shyness.

Zhou Yi placed her on the bed and went out to clean up the dishes.

After a while, Song Xi fell asleep.

She dreamed that because of her 'sudden disappearance', all the goods in the supermarket she opened had been emptied by her employees.

Song Xi's eyes widened in shock. Under the weak kerosene lamp, Song Xi panted heavily, her heart aching.

It was the supermarket she opened in town.

She went through so many hardships alone from rags to riches.

Could it be that it had really been emptied by the employees in the supermarket?

That was her many years of hard work!

Perhaps it was because Song Xi had been talking about the supermarket.

Suddenly, Song Xi disappeared from the bed.

If anyone saw this scene of her disappearing into thin air, they would definitely be scared out of their wits.

As for Song Xi, she looked at the familiar supermarket and familiar goods in front of her and was frightened.

She did not expect the supermarket she was worried about to appear in front of her.

She stood in the aquatic area and looked at the various fish that had sunk into the bottom of the tank that was neither dead nor moving.

As well as the shrimps in the shrimp tank, she found it unbelievable.

There were frozen fish and shrimp on the counter beside the shrimp tank and they were neatly placed there.

Further ahead was the cooked food area. There was meat, vegetables, and various braised foods.

Smelling the fragrance, Song Xi's mouth watered.

During the few days she was unconscious, it was Zhou Yi who fed her water and medicine.

She had only drunk a little soup today.

Her mouth was bitter and dry. She felt very uncomfortable.

Now that she smelled this fragrant smell, she felt that she could eat a cow.

Song Xi also knew that her body was currently weak.

The various functions had yet to be completely restored.

She could not eat these heavy-tasting things. She could only eat them when she was better.

However, she was not sure if this supermarket would still be there when she recovered.

She would probably be in despair if she suddenly lost it after getting it.

Song Xi walked around the supermarket slowly with a thumping heart.

There was no one in the supermarket. It was very quiet. She could only hear her footsteps.

Song Xi came to the entrance of the supermarket and planned to go out to see if she could see the familiar streets.

In the end, she could not see anything outside. It was pitch-black and looked a little sinister and terrifying.

Moreover, the glass door in front of her seemed to be shackled.

She couldn't push it away no matter how hard she tried. She couldn't get out at all.

In other words, she could only move around inside the supermarket and not outside.

Song Xi, who was exhausted, retreated to the cashier.

She sat on the chair and looked at the darkness outside through the glass door in front of her. Her mood was a little low.

To be honest, she wanted to return to the previous technological world.

After all, she owned a supermarket there. She had money, looks, a car, and a house.

When she was not busy, she would call her friends to drink afternoon tea, take photos, and watch movies. Her life was extremely comfortable.

Why did she have to stay in this era where she could not eat her fill?

There was a bitter taste in Song Xi's mouth. She reached out and took a box of chewing gum from the shelf beside the cash register.

After removing a piece, the minty taste had just entered her mouth when she heard footsteps from afar.

Song Xi thought of Zhou Yi, who was clearing the dishes. Afraid that Zhou Yi would enter and find that there was no one in the room, a trace of panic immediately rose in her heart.

She did not know what to do because she had just entered the supermarket for no reason. Naturally, she did not know how to leave the supermarket.

The disorganized Song Xi shouted in her heart, "I want to go out" and "I want to go back."

Then, she returned to the bed before Zhou Yi entered. She maintained her original posture and did not even move.

Zhou Yi, who had just washed himself with well water, walked over refreshed. He lay down beside Song Xi and looked at her sideways. "Wife, are you asleep? Do you want to go to the toilet?"

Without waiting for a response, Zhou Yi lay down and closed his eyes. After a while, he heard even breathing.

Song Xi exhaled softly and was about to move to the side when Zhou Yi sat up again. He was a little anxious. "Wife, do you want to go to the toilet?"

Song Xi was very surprised. Was this person a soldier?

Otherwise, how could his senses be so sharp?

He was clearly asleep just now, but he woke up instantly when she breathed out.

This man was definitely not as simple as he looked.

"No…" Song Xi had just moved her mouth when she realized that there was chewing gum in her mouth and she was holding the remaining chewing gum in her hand.

Song Xi was extremely excited to find that chewing gum could be brought out of the supermarket.

Since she could bring things out, it meant that she could bring other things out too.

As long as she found a suitable opportunity, she could take out rice, noodles, food, and oil to improve her life.

Realizing that all of this was not a dream, Song Xi was so excited that she wanted to jump up.

However, her body did not allow it. She could only lie here calmly, but her excited heart was about to jump out.

The supermarket she opened actually transmigrated with her.

Then her stepmother and her stepmother's child would not get anything. Just thinking about it made her happy.

She was really happy!

While she was happy, she did not forget to immediately throw the chewing gum back into the supermarket.

She did not want to be reported by Zhou Yi and then arrested for research. After all, money moved people's hearts!

She was not familiar with Zhou Yi and did not know him well.

She could not guarantee that this man would not betray her for benefits.

Song Xi still wanted to go to the supermarket to clarify the situation. Now that Zhou Yi was beside her, it was not convenient for her to go to the supermarket to check on the situation.

She could only wait for Zhou Yi to leave tomorrow before going to the supermarket to understand the situation.

Don't make me feel happy for nothing.

"Brother Yi, thank you."

Thinking of how Zhou Yi had taken care of her these few days, Song Xi thanked him sincerely.

As a 'husband', he was really responsible.

Zhou Yi reached out and touched Song Xi's forehead. "Silly wife, what nonsense are you talking about? Shouldn't we take care of each other? Don't tell me you won't take care of me when I get sick in the future?"

"Brother Yi, you can rest assured. If that day really comes, I'll definitely take good care of you."

Song Xi said seriously, even if they were not together at that time.

But as long as he needed it, she would definitely not refuse.