

Sparks of Love is the story of a young girl in her early twenties named Wang Fang, whose love for her boyfriend was taken for granted. After several altercations and disagreements between Wang Fang and her boyfriend, Li Wei, as a result of unfaithfulness and trust issues, Fang decided to end the relationship. She thought Li Wei was going to feel bad about the whole breakup thing, but unfortunately, it occurred to her that he (Wei) had always wanted the relationship to be over. Wang Fang decided to be very strict towards any man that crossed her path. Years later, Li Wei was back to ask for Fang's forgiveness; this time around, he was ready to be committed to Fang. Before his return, Fang had already found a new lover who gave her queenly treatment. The question now is: will Wang Fang tie the knot with her newfound lover or with her ex-lover? Let's find out what happens by reading this interesting story!

Roland_Marigold20 · 都市
25 Chs

Two Months Leave Application

Chang took Fang back home after dinner and made sure she had gone inside her apartment before leaving for his house.

Immediately after Fang got inside, Zhang Min was still awake and probably waiting for Fang to get back so she could get the full list of how Fang's dinner date with Chang went.

"Welcome back. Fang. How did the dinner with Chang go? Tell me everything!"

"It went well; we had a great dinner and caught up on a lot of things." She responded, beaming with a smile.

"That's good to hear. Did you two talk about, you know, what he wanted to discuss?" Zhang Min asked curiously.

Wang Fang nodded as she responded to Zhang Min's question. "Yeah, we did. Chang confessed again that he had feelings for me and asked if I'd consider dating him. But he also understands my concern about his friendship with Jinyong."

"That's a lot to take in; what did you tell him?'

"I told him I needed some time to think about it and to discuss it with Jinyong as well. I don't want to rush into anything that could complicate our friendships."

"That sounds like a reasonable approach, Fang. Take your time to figure out what feels right for you. I'm here to support you through this." Zhang Min sounded supportive.

"Thanks for being there; I will always say this; even when everything seems complicated, your words mean the world to me." Fang appreciated Min's effort.

"Likewise, Fang. We'll navigate this together, and I'm sure everything will work out in the end." Zhang Min assured her friend.


It was Monday morning, and Fang was getting prepared for work. Before now, she had been thinking of applying for work leave to go visit her mother in Country C.

But she had been all confused about what to do. Thank her stars, Zhang Min was still around to give her some advice on what to do.

While she was dressing, she thought it was the best time to tell her friend since she may be leaving before she comes back from work.

"Min, I've been thinking of taking two months' leave from work. I need some time for self-care and to visit my mother in Country C.

What do you think?"

"Two months is quite a long leave, Fang. Are you sure your job will allow it? And will they manage without you for that long?"

"I've checked the company policies, and they do allow for extended leave in special circumstances. Plus, I've been saving up some vacation days, so it shouldn't be a problem. As for the workload, I can delegate tasks and make sure everything is in order before I leave." Wang Fang assured

"I understand your reasons, Fang, but are you sure they won't face any challenges when you return, especially if you are away for that long?" Zhang Min is showing concern.

"I've thought about that too. I will make sure I communicate with my colleagues regularly during my absence, and I'm confident that they can handle things in my absence. Plus, I need this time for myself and to spend with my mom."

"Alright, Fang. If you've thought it through and you believe it's the right thing for you, then go ahead and apply for the leave. Your well-being is important, and spending time with family is precious." Min responded supportively.

"Thanks, Min; your support means a lot to me. I'll go ahead and start the application process."

She got to her workplace and went straight to her boss's office to tender a brown envelope containing her application letter for leave.

Although she didn't tell Zhang Min that she had already written a letter, it could be that she didn't remember to do so or that she intentionally didn't want to tell Min about it.

Stepping into her boss's office immediately, she pressed the regulator to the office and got the office door opened.

"Good morning, Mr. Cheng." She greeted her boss.

"Good morning, Fang. You seem quite determined today. What brings you to my office so early??"Mr. Cheng inquired.

"I've been giving it a lot of thought, and I wanted to discuss something important with you," Fang responded respectfully.

"Of course, Fang. Please, take a seat. What's on your mind?"

"Well, sir, it's about a personal matter. I've put together a request for a two-month leave of absence. I've enclosed the details in this letter." She said this as she presented the envelope to her boss.

Mr. Cheng takes the envelope. "I see. Two months is quite a long time. May I ask what is prompting this request?"

"It's a family matter, sir. My mother needs my assistance during this period, and I feel it's my responsibility to be there for her."

"Family comes first, Fang. I appreciate your dedication to your work, but I also understand the importance of supporting loved ones. Let me have a look at your request."

As Mr. ChengT read the letter, there was a moment of silence. It was so obvious that if a pin fell on the flow, the sound of it could be heard.

Mr. Cheng looked up as soon as he was done reading through the letter.

"I understand the situation, Fang. Let's discuss how we can manage the workload during your absence; we will need to ensure a smooth transition and cover your responsibilities."

"Thank you, sir. I'm going to help with the transition and provide necessary training to ensure a seamless workflow during my absence."

"Alright then. But before we proceed on anything, I would like to remind you of the company's policy regarding leaves of absence, especially extended ones like the one you are requesting."

"Of course, sir. I'd appreciate any information you can provide."

"Great. Firstly, we do understand the importance of family matters, but such an extended leave request is subject to approval based on certain conditions. These conditions usually involve your hourly position, the workload, and the availability of resources to cover your absence."

"Understood, Sir. I believe my team can manage in my absence and am willing to help with the transition." Wang Fang assured her boss.

"That's a good start. Secondly, you will need to complete the official leave request form, which includes details about the reason for your leave and the dates you intend to be away. This form is available in HR."

"I'll make sure to get that form promptly, sir."

"Excellent. Also, remember that during your leave, you won't accrue any additional paid time off. Your benefits and salary will remain unchanged."

"Thank you for clarifying that, sir."

"Lastly, we will need at least the company's specific notice period."Notice before your planned leave start date.

This gives us time to make arrangements for your absence."

"I'll make sure to provide the required notice, sir."

"Perfect, Fang. If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to ask. We'll do our best to accommodate your request while maintaining the efficiency of our operation."

"I appreciate your guidance, sir. I'll ensure everything is done to make this transition as smooth as possible."

"That's appreciated, Fang. We'll work out the details and make sure that everything is in order. Family is important, and I respect your decision to be there for yours."

"Thank you for understanding, sir. I'll do my best to minimize any disruption, sir, and keep you updated during my leave."

"That sounds like a plan, Fang. We'll handle this together. Now, you can go to your office."

"Alright, Sir. Thank you very much. I appreciate it."

After she left Mr. Cheng's office, she went straight to her office as a receptionist.

Fang had seen a guest approaching the receptionist's desk with luggage. He was like someone who had come to make a reservation.

"Good morning. I have a reservation under the name Smith."

"Good morning, Mr.Smith. Thank you for choosing our hotel. Let me just check your reservation." She smiled warmly.

She starts typing on her computer to confirm the guest's reservation.

"Ah, here it is! Welcome to Hotel Redezvousz. How was your journey here today?"

I appreciate the friendly welcome. "It was quite good; thank you. Your hotel came highly recommended by a friend, so I'm looking forward to my stay."

"That's wonderful to hear! We're delighted to have you with us. If you could kindly fill out this form with your information, I'll get you checked in right away." She said she was beaming with a smile.

Mr. Smith took the form from Wang Fang and started filling it out immediately.

"Sure, no problem. Can you also tell me about any dining options you have on-site?"

"Mr.Smith. We have a lovely restaurant on the ground floor that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Our chefs prepare a variety of delicious dishes, and we also offer room service if you prefer dining in the comfort of your room."

"That sounds great. I'd have to try the restaurant during my stay. Also, do you have any recommendations for local attractions or activities?"

"Certainly! There are some beautiful parks, so if you enjoy nature walks, And we have brochures with information about local museums and historical sites at the concierge desk. Plus, our staff at the concierge can help you plan any excursions or yours you might be interested in."

"That's very helpful. What time is breakfast served in the morning?"

"Breakfast is served from 6:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the restaurant, Mr.Smith. Is there anything else you'd like to know or any special requests for your stay? #

"No, that should be all for now. Thank you. You've been very informative and welcoming."

"You are very welcome, Mr. Smith. If you need anything at all during your stay, don't hesitate to reach out to us at the front desk. Enjoy your time here at Hotel Rendezvous, and if there is anything you think of, just let us know."

"Thank you, Fang. I appreciate it."