
Spinster Date

Month after college graduation, 2018

The students start to vacate the dormitory. Ms. Molly looks teary eyed seeing them preparing to leave. She is the dorm's sweet landlady who takes care of her tenants like her own little sisters or nieces. She's an only child who naturally inherited the property from her parents upon their demise.

Ms. Molly is single, childless, and almost a golden girl. Despite looking younger than her age, she cannot be spared from being referred to as a spinster.

Her friends are those she met in Zumba classes. They are either spinsters or widows.

"You don't need to hurry, Zofi. You can stay until next week free of charge. That's my graduation gift to you," she told Zofi.

They are having their regular coffee time in the reception area of the dormitory.

"Oh, thanks, Ms. Molly! I've so many stuff to pack," Zofi said.

"So, what do you plan to do now? Vacation? Job hunt? Masters?" Ms. Molly asked. She knows the usual fate of her tenants.

"Vacation but more of rest, I guess. I'm just not ready to plunge into what they call as the real world. I'll stay under the wings of my parents a few months more," Zofi said.

"I remember my own time. I told myself I would just rest for a few months before applying to companies but then my father saw a different opportunity. He told me that rather than becoming an employee, I should start running this business already. The rest was history," Ms. Molly said.

"Isn't it nice to be the boss of your own business? I think I'd love to have one myself," Zofi said.

"Well, I wished I had tried being a 9-6 employee even for a few years instead of being stuck here since I graduated, I would've wanted to experience it just for having some comparison," Ms. Molly said. She suddenly turned a little sad.

"Cheer up, Ms. Molly. My parents have a lot of friends complaining about their bosses and how they hate the everyday traffic. Even my parents have their share of those complaints," Zofi said to comfort her older friend.

"Well, at least some of them met their spouses at work," Ms. Molly said.

Zofi realized it's the one thing that Ms. Molly regrets the most. She can't think of anything to tell her that can cheer her up.

"I still wonder how it feels to go on a date after office or during weekends. I never had a chance to date at all. Well, I almost had once but my mother called me up a few minutes after I reached our meeting place. She said my father lost the key to one of the rooms that would be occupied that day and there was no locksmith available. All the excuses to postpone that date. I knew they didn't want the guy I was about to meet. They said I was too good for a part-time gym instructor," Ms. Molly narrated.

"That must be sad, Ms. Molly. Imagine being excited for your date and being there already only to tell that person that you had to back," Zofi said.

"That's why I thought it was better if I worked in the office. There's a bigger chance that I could date someone," Ms. Molly said.

"You mean you never had a date after that? Did you try contacting that guy again?" Zofi asked.

"Sadly. I got busy and then I began convincing myself that if it's going to happen, it would happen. It could be my excuse to stop me from pressuring myself to finding someone. In the end, I realized that I was foolish," Ms. Molly said.

Zofi looks at the wide but empty receiving area of the dormitory. Most days during school months, this area is filled with students entertaining their friends, suitors, and boyfriends. She herself prefers to meet people outside of the dorm. Billie and her parents were the only ones she entertained there during her entire stay.

"Oh, Zofi. Did I make you worry?" Ms. Molly asked after Zofi got quiet for a few minutes.

"Oh, not at all, Ms. Molly. I just had a sudden flash of memory of fellow tenants who used to occupy this area," Zofi explained.

"People come and go. It's something that I already got used to," Ms. Molly said.

"Do you have future plans?" Zofi asked.

"Just run this business year after year until I get old and be sent to a nursing home. Imagine running this property almost my entire life to end up in a house that I need to pay so I can be assisted there," Ms. Molly continued.

That night, Zofi can't help but think of Ms. Molly's fate. Unlike them, Ms. Molly is already past her prime no matter what others say about age being just a number. She may still have chances but it gets slimmer as years pass by.

Her phone rings.

"Hey, are you sleeping already?" Billie said on the other line.

"Nope. I'm still up. I haven't started packing. Good thing, Ms. Molly allowed me to stay until next week free," she said.

"Just let me know when I should come to get your things," he said.

"Have you arrived from your trip with the boys? How was it? You haven't uploaded any vacation pictures," she asked.

"Yup. I just got home this afternoon. I asked them to upload only the best photos. All we did was drink, eat, sleep, swim, then repeat for one week. I swear, my belly is like my dad's," he said.

"I'm running tomorrow with Ms. Molly to join me. You can join us," she said.

The three ran the following morning. Among them, Billie is the most tired after running.

"I need to get back in shape the soonest. I hate this belly," he said.

"You can lose it easily. You're still young," Ms. Molly said.

"You're so fit, Ms. Molly. Your breathing is actually better than mine," Zofi said.

"Oh, this is decades of manning the dorm. I really have to move around all the time. And of course, I do Zumba regularly. I am attending it after this," Ms. Molly said.

"Billie, we must do Zumba then," Zofi said.

Billie looked to her direction as if asking what is she up to again.

"You need to lose that belly the fastest way, right?" Zofi said.

Billie couldn't say and do anything. They joined Ms. Molly in her Zumba class.

Zofi and Billie are both exhausted from following the dance routine.

"I won't lie. I didn't expect it to be this hard," Zofi said.

"I'm sorry, Zofi but I noticed that between the two of you, Billie is the better dancer. He could follow the steps well," Ms. Molly commented.

"That's true, Ms. Molly. I wouldn't contest that. He's a good dancer," Zofi said.

"I got it from my parents. They love ballroom dancing. They said they it was their PE in college," Billie said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before we go, let me remind you all that registration for the ballroom and cocktails event is still open. We love to see you there. Let's have fun!" the Zumba instructor announced.

"Have you registered, Ms. Molly?" Zofi asked.

"Nope. I have no interest in ballroom dancing. Besides, I know some of the people who go there only want to dance with young dance instructors," Ms. Molly said.

"Don't judge them, Ms. Molly. They could just be having fun," Zofi said.

"I hope so. Anyway, I'm not joining because I have no one to accompany me there. It's funny but I really worry that I will just bury myself in the table watching the others," Ms. Molly said.

Zofi sensed some insecurities in her words.

"What if we join you? Billie can be your dance partner if you don't want to compete against the others for those young dance instructors," she suggested.

Billie's eyes grew bigger again.

"C'mon. I'll be there too. Don't worry, I won't leave you," she said to him.

Billie and Molly looked at each there. The next thing they knew, they're already inside the venue of the ballroom event.

"Say cheese!" Zofi asked as she takes a lot of photos of them.

"Thanks for doing this, Billie. I'm sorry that Zofi had to drag you to this," Ms. Molly said.

"Knowing her good intention, I couldn't say no," Billie said.

"Your friendship is really amazing. Do you tell her everything?" Ms. Molly asked.

"95%, I guess," he said.

"That's fair enough. You still have to keep a little something from her," Ms. Molly said.

"Ladies & gentlemen, we'd like to announce that we have some guests from the ballroom association….," the host announced while the guest dancers from the association line up.

"These gentlemen here, don't you like anyone of them?" Billie asked.

"I don't know. I may still be having my regrets not dating in my youth but none of these men interests me. Perhaps, I don't want to hope anymore. These men are either married or way too young for me. Sorry about the excuses but none," Ms. Molly gave a long answer.

"That means you have to settle with me. Can we dance, Ms. Molly?" Billie asked.

Ms. Molly becomes teary eyed. She reminded Billie of the time he danced with lady in the wedding reception.

"Thank you for doing this," she said again.

"You've thanked me enough, Ms. Molly," Billie said.

The two take the spot near the center and start dancing. Zofi starts cheering too. She's the loudest among the spectators.

"Go, Ms. Molly! Go, Billie!" she cheered.

"Zofi is so pretty but I didn't realize she could be…," Ms. Molly could not finish her comment.

"Annoying?" Billie finished it for her.

"But we love her," Ms. Molly said.

"I do," Billie said.

The first dance finished but Billie is pumped up for the next. Ms. Molly is more confident by now.

Zofi is in awe that the two didn't take their seat after the first dance. She's a proud supporter so she continues to cheer for them.

"Take my lead, Ms. Molly," Billie said.

"What?" Ms. Molly asked.

"Just turn slowly, I got you," Billie instructed.

Ms. Molly did a graceful turn. She couldn't believe she did it on her first try and with the help of a non-professional dancer.

"You did it," Billie said.

"We did it, Billie!" Ms. Molly said. She looks so happy.

"Can I have my turn?" a guy probably in his 50s asked Billie.

Billie looked to him then to Ms. Molly.

Zofi stopped cheering.

"You owe me a date, Molly," the guy said.

"Sean?" Ms. Molly asked. She recognized her date from way back.

"Is he your son?" Sean asked.

"Oh no. More like my nephew. I never married," Ms. Molly gave away a straight answer.

"Likewise. You didn't return my calls," Sean said.

"I didn't know you called," Ms. Molly said.

Zofi called Billie to come over and leave the two on the dance floor.

"Did we have another accomplished mission?" she asked.

Billie nodded.

The two fist pumped.

After the event, they learned that Sean owns a dance studio and he's there because he is the new president of the ballroom association. What a coincidence!

Billie gets ready to load their stuff to the car while Zofi is still busy talking to Ms. Molly and Sean – the unexpected new couple of the night.

"You must be Molly's lucky charm," a lady probably in her early 50s said to Billie as he passed by their table.

"Hi, I'm Minnie. Just Minnie," she said.

"Glad to meet you, Minnie. I'm Billie," he said. He's a little uneasy talking to her.

"You dance so well. Where's your dance studio?" Minnie said.

"Oh, I don't teach. I just accompanied Ms. Molly tonight," he said.

"You single?" Minnie continued asking. Other ladies her age begin to join them.

"Ah…I'm not. My girlfriend's over there," he said pointing to Zofi's direction.

Billie waved at Zofi. She looked but ignored him. He repeated it.

Zofi laughs. She knows what's happening.

"Zofi, please get him now. I know those ladies," Ms. Molly asked her. She worries about Billie being mobbed by older ladies.

Zofi ran to Billie. "Hi, babe. I see you're popular with these lovely ladies," she said.

The ladies stopped bugging Billie but they're not very convinced.

Billie smiled. He thought the show was over but Zofi gave him a quick hug.

"So proud of you. You danced well," she said.

Ms. Molly and Sean are laughing from where they stand. It's a wonderful night care of these two young people.

"Just call me when you need me, Ms. Molly," Zofi said.

"Don't worry. We are only eating in the hotel. You've done enough. Thanks to both of you," Ms. Molly said.

Billie and Zofi dropped off Ms. Molly and Sean in the hotel. The car is silent after the two got off. No one wants to talk now.

"Okay, I'll be the first to talk," Zofi said.

"I'm sorry that I did that. I couldn't think of anything to do to save you from those ladies," she explained.

"What are you sorry about? I'm okay," Billie said.

"Really? I'm relieved," she said.

"Unless, you are feeling awkward with me now," he said.

"Excuse me? I don't. I was just worried because you're silent," she said.

Billie breathed deep. "There's something I haven't told you. I've been waiting for the right time," he said.

Zofi being intuitive herself already has a hint what Billie has to say to her. She knows she will be happy for him and she will never stop supporting him.