
Chapter 4: Loner Date

Zofi's First Job, 2019

It's like the first day of school but even more. Everything is new – shoes, bag, dress, and ATM card! All these on the first day in Zofi's first job.

Zofi began analyzing her colleagues as soon as the HR manager started touring and introducing her to everyone in the room. Some of them are almost the same age while others are probably double and can be her uncles and aunties. It's a good mix, she thought.

"Okay, I hope you can be settled soon. Your desk and pedestal cabinets are both new," the HR manager said.

"Thank you! I feel so excited to work. It' so much better here than in school," Zofi said.

The people around look to each other as if saying she doesn't know what she's up to.

"Let her discover and learn on her own. For now, let her enjoy the honeymoon stage at work," one of the senior colleagues said.

Come midmorning, everyone is already busy working while Zofi finds herself bored reading the company manual. She feels like she's in school again.

She decided to approach the most senior in the team to offer help.

"Hi, Ms. Mitch. Do you need help? Photocopying? Sorting? Filing?" she asked.

Ms. Mitch smiled. "Oh, dear. Here, everyone is independent. We don't ask anyone to do things for us. We can do those on our own. Keep that in mind so you won't be taken advantage of," she advised Zofi.

"Okay, then. I will go back to reading," Zofi said.

While walking back to her desk, she noticed a new face that's not yet introduced to her. She smiled at him.

"Oh, you haven't been introduced to Jiro. He's one of our analyst," Ms. Mitch said.

Jiro welcomed Zofi. Unlike the other members of the team, he looks shy.

"We're flexible here so he can come at 10am and leave later at 7pm," Ms. Mitch further explained why Jiro just came in.

"Yeah, I heard. I like that arrangement," Zofi said.

"That's best if you don't want to be with everyone all 8 hours of the day," Ms. Mitch said.

Billie just texted Zofi congratulating her on her first day at work. She told him not to call within office hours because she's still observing the people and her surrounding.

Lunch time comes. Zofi's young colleagues invite her to join them.

"Good thing I brought lunch. I don't know where to buy food yet," she said. She's continues building rapport.

They passed by Jiro's table as they walk towards the pantry.

"Are you not eating yet?" Zofi asked Jiro.

He smiled. "Later," he said plainly.

"Who eats with him?" Zofi asked her colleagues.

"Jiro? He always eats alone and outside the office. He's fine," Nadia, one of the girls, said.

Zofi sensed that they're not fond of him. He looks like a good person though.

The rest of the day is light and best of all, it's paid. Zofi now understands this period in a new employee's life as the honeymoon era. If there's someone who's taking advantage of something, it's none other that her.

"Let's have dinner next payday, Zofi. It's late notice that you're onboarding today so we're not able to plan anything to welcome you," Ms. Mitch said.

"I'll look forward to that! Thank you for welcoming me today," Zofi said.

"Do you have plans tonight? We're watching a movie. You may want to join," Nadia asked.

"Thanks, Nadia. Next time. I'm meeting my friend tonight," Zofi said.

Jiro seems to be in his own world looking at his monitor. He barely speaks to anyone and no one seems to initiate a conversation with him either.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that I will be on training tomorrow. I can't join you for lunch. It's going to be in the other building," Zofi told them.

"That's okay. Training usually ends early. You may go home right after it. There's no need to come here to end your shift," Ms. Mitch advised.

Everyone except Jiro prepares to leave for the day. It's also payday so the more they are excited to leave on time.

Dining inside the busy district is a whole different level for newly graduated people who just landed their first jobs. It's definitely not just fast food when allowance arrives. Here, people dine in good restaurants on paydays.

Dating is of course more free than when they were students. Young professionals have money to spend on clothes and food for date night like the couple across their table.

"Stop looking at them. That's rude," Billie said. Zofi didn't notice he arrived.

"Sorry, I had to watch these people because you're late. Don't change that fact," she said.

"Alright. I'm sorry," he said.

"What took you so long. You just needed to walk going here, right?" she asked.

"I got stuck in the ATM line. Everyone's withdrawing money," he said.

"That's why Mom said I should have savings so I don't have to endure long lines to the ATM machines on paydays," she said.

"She has a point but we are still newbies who are just starting to save," he said.

"Enough of that, let's order. But wait, are you sure you want to eat here?" she asked.

"But why not?" he asked.

"I checked the menu while waiting for you. Everything's expensive," she said.

"That's why we are eating here today because it's payday. Otherwise, we'll eat in fast food," he said.

Zofi wanted to convince Billie to consider other restaurants but she noticed someone familiar coming in.

"That guy is my officemate. He's a loner, I guess," she said.

"Oh, my bad. I didn't even ask you how's your first day in the office," he said.

"It's wonderful! Everyone's nice and independent and helpful," she said.

"Even that guy?" he asked.

"I think so but like what I told you, he's a loner. He barely speaks to anyone and he surely eats alone like now I guess," she said.

"Maybe he's just a private person and he's only in the office to work," Billie said as he discreetly looks at Jiro.

"Another thing is, he looks okay to me like he's not a bad person but the people in the office, especially ladies my age don't talk to him. They're actually cold towards him," she said.

"Oh, enough of that, Zofi. You're becoming an office gossiper," he said.

"Okay, let's stay here as you wish," she said. She's actually curious about Jiro so she agreed to stay.

The food is served and the two starts to dig in.

"Please leave now!" the lady from across their table said. She caught the attention of the diners including Billie and Zofi.

Zofi realized that the lady is talking to Jiro. He is the one she's asking to leave.

The two can't help but discreetly watch the scene happening in front of them.

Zofi carelessly looked to Jiro and he recognized her.

"Please let's talk," Jiro said to the lady.

The guard came and asked Jiro to leave voluntarily.

"Fine. We'll be the one to leave but don't you dare follow us again," the lady said. She left with her date who's a fine looking rich gentleman.

"Oh my God. That's insane. Don't you think she left him for that rich guy?" Zofi asked.

"Let's not conclude. That's not good. Let's just eat." Billie said.

Jiro left after a few minutes.

The following day, like what Ms. Mitch said, the training would end early than schedule. Zofi is excited to go home. Honeymoon period at work is surely the golden period.

"Wait! Please wait up," she asked as the elevator is closing. Someone quickly pressed the button to keep the door open.

"Thank you. Oh, Jiro? You're here too?" she asked upon realizing Jiro was the one who opened the door.

Jiro nodded. "I have systems training here," he said.

"Are you going back to the office to finish your shift?" she asked.

"Yeah. I still have 4 hours to work," he said.

"Is it really okay for me to come home now? Ms. Mitch told me yesterday," she asked.

Upon exiting the elevator, Jiro quickly looked left and right.

"Are you free? Do you have a few minutes?" he asked Zofi.

The two went to the coffee shop inside the building.

"Listen, I know you saw the incident yesterday. Can you just keep it between us?" Jiro asked.

Zofi nodded. She understood.

Jiro is relieved.

"Who do you usually go out with in the office?" Zofi asked to be comfortable with him.

Jiro shook his head slowly. "I can do things on my own. I always have," he said.

Zofi feels bad for him. She can't imagine a day without anyone to talk to.

"I'll go ahead. You go home after you finish eating," he said.

"Thanks for the treat," she said referring to the coffee and sandwich.

"Consider that as my welcome present," he said. He smiled wider for the first time.

Jiro prepares to leave.

"Wait. Do you still have training here tomorrow?" she asked.

Jiro nodded. "Until Friday," he said.

"Our next session starts in the afternoon tomorrow. If you want, we can have coffee here again before going home," she said.

Jiro looks to her.

"Ah, I mean, only if you want company," she clarified upon realizing that her intention could be mistaken as inviting him to go out with her.

"That's okay. See you in the office tomorrow," he said. "Thanks for your company today. I really appreciate it," he added.

The ray of the sun enters thru the glass wall of the building. Afternoon in the coffee shop looks brighter. The music gives so much positive vibes.

"Are you even listening to me. Your mind is wandering," Billie asked.

"Of course. I want your suggestion. It's best to move to an apartment near the office," Zofi said.

"Alright, so we are taking two separate units next to each other," he said.

"Definitely. We can't live in the same unit," she said.

"Great! We can move as early as next week," he said.

"Why are you in a hurry?" she asked.

"Cindy is leaving next week," he said.

"Ahh..I got it. I should prepare myself listening to your endless stories about her," she said.

"Who else supports us like you do? Wait. What's with you? You don't seem to be your usual self today. Something happened at work?" he asked.

"Nothing. I'm still in the honeymoon stage," she said.

"Then why? Actually, you don't look sad. You look more of worried," he said. Billie could notice those tiny details about her.

"Remember my officemate?" she began.

"The one we saw yesterday in the restaurant?" he asked.

"Yeah that one. We bumped into each other this afternoon. He's attending a different training in the same building," she said.

"And then?" he asked.

"He asked me to not tell anyone about the incident," she continued.

"And that's it?" he continued to ask too.

"Well, we had coffee and sandwich. His treat," she said.

"Hmmm…," he said.

"I couldn't help it. He is a lonely guy. He needs company," she said.

"Are you telling me you're making him your next mission?" he asked.

"Why do you sound like that? And why is this my mission mine only?" she asked.

"I don't know. Something about that guy, I don't like," he said.

"You don't even know him. Do you have man intuition now?" she asked.

"Just be careful. That's all," he said.

"Alright. I got it. I'm a burdensome third wheel now," she said.

"What?" he asked.

"You said you don't trust him but that's it. You're just telling me to be careful. I'm on my own now," she said.

"I said there's something about him I don't like. I didn't say I don't trust him," he said.

"Those are synonymous," she said.

"You like him. I know it. That's why, even if that's how I feel about him, I'm not telling you to not be involved with him but I want you to be careful," he explained.

"Alright. I think we will be the best of neighbors," she said.