
Souls Hero Academia (Rewrite)

Izuku Midoriya always wanted to be a hero. His quirklessness was the only obstacle, but when society deemed him useless and a waste of space, there is only so much a person could take. Feeling despair eat at him from the inside, Izuku didn't notice where he was when a rumble shoved him off the rooftop. He survived, but not in the way he expected. (I don't own Dark Souls, nor MHA)

IAmGuavaFruit · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs


Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia and Dark Souls, both belongs to their respective owners, Kohei Horikoshi and FromSoftware respectively (Armored Core 6 LEZGOOOOO!)




Blinking his eyes, he tasted the scent of serenity and peace, green leaves rustling with the wind. Mouth agape, the figure, no, Izuku, stared at the tomb where he once rested, before rising up once more.

'Technically, it isn't just mine.' Izuku's mind rattled, a habit formed from the lack of interaction during his time in Lordran. He noticed a few more names listed on the tomb, all with the same Midoriya family name.

His breath hitched.


Eyes narrowed, his gaze focused on every single name engraved upon the slab of stone, only for it to widen in relief.

"She's not… Mom isn't…" Words couldn't describe what Izuku was feeling in the here and now. Relief, anxiety, terror, or even joy? It was hard to put a pin on the specific emotion, but these feelings were a reminder that he was alive, and back in his world… Back in Japan…

Even if his memory is a bit spotty on some concepts…

And then his eyes trailed down onto the ground where he burst from, or more accurately, the giant, gaping hole in the stone slab that dictated his resting place, a cracked urn lying at the bottom with its contents emptied.

"… I forgot we cremated the dead here." Izuku remembered a bit of the culture they practiced here for those that died. "Then…"

Memories of the kiln surfaced, his body shivering at the phantom pain that accompanied the horrifying nightmare in the fire.

Shaking his head, Izuku drew blood by biting his lip, the red liquid trickling down his chin and into the ground where his bare feet touched the cold, hard stone.

It was only then that Izuku felt the grave chill currently assaulting his body as his naked form stood out in the vast, open area.

"… Where's my gear…?" He rubbed the top of his head with his right hand, his fluffy hair being rustled about. "This… This didn't happen before…"

Modesty thrown into the wind, Izuku continued to ponder silently as a light shone onto his bare back.


He jolted up in shock, the sudden noise quickly throwing his mind into a flight or fight response. Looking back at the figure shining a light on him, he snarled and defaulted to a quick tackle towards the blurry figure.

Only to stumble down to the ground when his leg felt a jolt of pain upon the sudden exertion.

Mouth tasting dirt, Izuku hacked slightly and gazed upwards, the light shining in his eyes making it hard for him to see the figure behind the gleaming object.

He then felt pressure upon his back, a somewhat noisy click, and something cold that cuffed his his wrists together, making it impossible to move with the added weight currently holding him down.

With his strength back in Lordran, he could've broken free from the binds and turned this around, but his body was feeling somewhat lethargic and worn, like he hadn't exercised in what felt like years.

"I got a situation down here at the Musutafu cemetery. Some naked teen was vandalizing one of the graves." The voice yapped about as Izuku stirred in his mind, the pressure on his back irritating him as the familiar pain made him more attentive than ever. "I got him in cuffs, gonna haul his naked ass over to the precinct in a few. Get some clothes ready."

As the masculine voice of the figure on top of him faded, he then felt a tugging sensation that brought him to his feet.

"Alright kid, gonna have to let you come with me until we sort this all out." Izuku groaned as he was forcefully pushed forward. Noting that he couldn't do anything but comply, he grudgingly trekked forward with his modesty exposed. "And get you some clothes while you're at it."

Staying silent, Izuku and the man behind him continued through the path as the clouds parted, revealing the sun hidden behind.

Eyes squinting, Izuku felt the sun rays bathing his naked body from top to bottom, the sensation incredibly unfamiliar during his time in Lordran even when he streaked naked a few times for reasons.

As they made their way, a few people were noticeably snickering, gasping, and taking pictures or a video of the naked, handcuffed Izuku getting escorted by an annoyed policeman.

"What were those things called again… Pholes? No, Nophes? No, not right either." Izuku muttered under his breath as he paid no attention to the growing crowd of onlookers.

"Alright, in you go." After a few more minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the exit of the graveyard and arrived at a police car. "Move it kid, don't waste both of our times."

Complying grudgingly, Izuku hopped into the backseat with his hands still cuffed behind his back. A few moments later, the officer also got into the driver's seat with a small grunt, before quickly switching on the car and driving off.

"You know kid, if you really were the one to destroy that grave, then I hope you're ready for the consequences." The officer said in a grave tone before going silent as he kept his eyes on the road.

Izuku did not respond back, a slight scowl on his lips as he recalled the vivid sensation of the sun here in Japan while comparing it to the lackluster experience with the sun back in Lordran.

There was something he was missing, and after the feeling of betrayal from Guinevere for manipulating him into linking the fire only to burn…

"That said, she didn't lie…" Izuku murmured, a bit confused at his current predicament. Lady Guinevere did say that he would be able to return one he did so, but she didn't say anything about burning. "… I'll give her the benefit of the doubt now. I'm just glad I'm back."

If the police officer driving the car heard Izuku's words, he didn't show any reaction. A few more minutes of silence went by when they finally arrived at the Musutafu Police Station.

"Alright kid, time to face the music." The police officer said towards Izuku before he hopped out and unlocked the door for him to exit.

Alright, I'm back from the clutches of Kenshi. Seriously, that game has a grip on people. Just got finished destroying the Holy Nation, as a one man Martial Artist, next is putting Emperor Tengu into the peeler machine.

Kenshi addiction aside, really sorry for the delay. I blame Kenshi and my addiction to those kinds of games. Anyway, this is very different from the old SHA, where instead of the hospital, Izuku is now in the graveyard (DS3 vibes, anybody?). He is also naked, and kind of destroyed his own grave (as well as those of his relatives) while trying to escape. Very different, yeah?

Gonna be a few more chapters before we get into the first major arc, and I'm not going to spoil on which timeline we are in right now in the MHA verse. That's gonna be for next chapter.

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patreon.com/IAmGuavaFruitFictionHub (I might be posting some advance chapters there in the near future)


discord.gg/F7cqan8kNF - discord server :/

Now hopefully, Kenshi doesn't chain me back again into its clutches.

IAmGuavaFruitcreators' thoughts