

"Bonnie, something's happening to me!" Dixie cries out in alarm. Her hands are not only glowing brightly, but the heat from them is like a torch. She instinctively holds them away from her face for fear of being burned. Again.

"It's the devil's magic!" The Pope declares. "She is drawing upon the powers of hell!"

The crowd is in an uproar.

"Kill her! Kill her at once!" The Emperor orders his knights.

Bonnie starts fighting but is quickly overwhelmed and pulled away.

One of the knights approaches Dixie from behind and raises his sword to strike her head off. A bolt of purple lightning shoots out of her glowing hands and shatters the man's sword. She turns around and grabs his legs. Her power enters his body causing him to collapse in pain. Out of instinct, she raises her arms and throws them out. The other knights are tossed back by an invisible force.

The assembly has turned into a stampede as all the terrified nobles and priests are scrambling to flee from the witch before her magic reaches them.

The Pope is intrigued. 

Constantine and Helena are stunned.

The Duke wonders if he knows his daughter at all. 

Tyren is rushing towards her own daughter.

The Empress is clutching her husband while their personal knights have formed a protective circle.

Dixie rushes towards Bonnie and throws out more purple lighting. It hits the two knights holding onto her sister and sends them flying. Bonnie rushes towards her sister. They meet halfway and instantly vaporize into an infinity loop before vanishing completely.