
Chapter 6 My name is Xiaowu, dance-related Wu (3)_1

Mo Hen said, "Tang San, you and Xiaowu are first-year work-study students. You'll be in charge of cleaning the garden south of the playground from now on. It's ten copper soul coins a day. Remember, you must clean every day. Especially make sure that any debris is thoroughly cleared. Otherwise, we'll deduct your wages. If you're found to be neglecting your duties, the academy has the right to expel you. Did you get that?"

Tang San and Xiaowu nodded their heads, indicating they understood.

Mo Hen continued, "Tomorrow is the opening ceremony. The day after, formal classes will begin. First-years will have classes on the first floor of the teaching building, in Class 1. Just be on time for class the day after tomorrow. From then on, you can start your work as usual. I'll be checking in periodically. Okay, take some rest now. Wang Sheng, you're the senior here, so you can explain the rules to them."

Clutching the bedding in his arms, Tang San felt a warmth in his heart and couldn't help but picture Master's somewhat stiff face.

"Bedding? That seems to be a problem," stated Xiaowu, looking blankly at the bedding in Tang San's hands, a hint of embarrassment appearing in her eyes.

Work-study students were typically from poor backgrounds and were much more sensible than the noble offspring. A few quick-witted students immediately offered help, "Boss, you can use my bedding first, I can just half-cover myself with the quilt."

Another said, "Boss, then you can use my quilt. I can make do with just the mattress."

Xiaowu glanced at these work-study students' bedding. Although it wasn't exactly filthy, it was largely tattered. She frowned and said, "Don't keep calling me boss; it makes me feel old."

Wang Sheng replied, "But that's how it has to be, it's the rule."

Xiaowu retorted, "Well, if I'm the boss, then what I say should become the rule. From now on, just call me Sister Xiaowu."

As she spoke, her gaze finally settled on the bedding in Tang San's hands, "Tang San, how about we discuss this?"

Tang San hesitated for a moment, understanding that Xiaowu probably fancied the bedding he had. He wasn't stingy, but the bedding was a recent gift from Master, and he felt somewhat reluctant to part with it. Yet, Xiaowu was a girl.

"Discuss what?"

Xiaowu suggested, "Your bedding looks quite big, enough for two people. How about this, we push our beds together, then we'll both have bedding to use, right?"

"Ah?" Use it together? Tang San looked at Xiaowu. His mind wasn't that of a six-year-old's, and even though he and Xiaowu were both quite young, the idea of sleeping together...

"Men and women should not touch each other's hands when giving or receiving things; this isn't appropriate," he protested.

Xiaowu snorted, "What's not appropriate about it? I don't mind, so what are you afraid of? Are you afraid I'll rape you?"

"Er..." They say girls mature earlier than boys, but the girl in front of him was only six.

Tang San was left speechless, the other students watched them with envy or amusement, all smiling but none speaking.

"Er what? Hurry up, pull your bed over. Aren't you pretty strong?" Xiaowu urged impatiently.

Without thinking, Tang San pushed his bed next to Xiaowu's. Xiaowu took the bedding from his hands and spread the mattress on the bed first. The adult-sized bedding was indeed large. Although it couldn't completely cover both beds, it covered at least seventy percent of them.

Xiaowu placed her bundle at the seam where the two beds met and said, "Put your bundle here too. From now on, this will be the boundary. If you cross the line, don't say I didn't warn you."

Seeing Xiaowu setting the boundary, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief, quickly nodded, and placed his bundle next to hers. Only then did Xiaowu lay out the cover, making a simple double bed, naturally with a dividing line.

Wang Sheng said, "It's time for lunch, Sister Xiaowu, Tang San, let's go together."

At the mention of eating, Xiaowu immediately jumped up, excitedly saying, "Sounds good. What delicious food is there?"

Wang Sheng and the other work-study students exchanged looks, smiling wryly, "What good food can we work-study students afford? We just buy whatever cheap food we can in the canteen to get by."

Tang San shook his head, "You go ahead; I won't join you." His family was so poor it clanked, Tang Hao had spent all his money on alcohol, and to make sure he didn't go hungry, he had brought some dry rations with him, crude bread he had made himself. It was enough to stave off hunger, and once he started working the day after tomorrow, he would receive a wage.

Seeing the patches on Tang San's clothes, Wang Sheng vaguely understood his situation and didn't press the matter, "Sister Xiaowu, let's go then."

Xiaowu's excitement froze momentarily, "Does eating cost money? You mean those soul coins or something?"

If it weren't for her notable strength, Wang Sheng might have lost his temper. Was there any need to mention that eating cost money? Who would give away a free lunch? But, of course, he could see that the new boss was likely just as penniless as Tang San.

Wang Sheng generously offered, "No problem. Tell you what, I'll cover your meals for the next couple of days. Tang San, we're dorm mates now, so come along. If it comes to it, you can pay me back when you have the money."

Tang San hesitated briefly before agreeing. Money had never been much of a concept to him, and Wang Sheng's straightforwardness was to his liking. Xiaowu immediately brightened up with a smile, almost batting her eyelashes at Wang Sheng. But remembering her Soft Skill, Wang Sheng kept his distance; he recalled how she had thrown Tang San while still wearing a smile. Who knew when she might get excited and toss him too?

With Tang San and Xiaowu included, a group of eleven set out from Dormitory Seven, following Wang Sheng toward the canteen. The canteen was inside the teaching building and required crossing the entire playground.

The playground was already bustling, with many students in academy uniforms heading towards the teaching building, apparently all going for a meal.

The canteen at Notting Primary Soul Master Academy was spacious enough to accommodate six classes plus the teachers, a total of more than three hundred people. At that moment, a long queue had already formed at the entrance. The canteen was spread over two floors, with the ground floor alone offering seating for three hundred people.