
Chapter 6 My name is Xiaowu, the dance in dancing (4)_1


"Isn't this that gang of paupers led by Wang Sheng?" As soon as they entered the canteen, a discordant voice came over.

Tang San looked towards the direction of the voice, only to see a group of senior students standing at the staircase between the first and second floors, looking down at them disdainfully.

The speaker was a handsome-looking male student, about eleven or twelve years old, with thick disdain in his eyes, waving his finger at Wang Sheng, "Paupers will always be paupers, probably never able to dine on the second floor."

On the way to the canteen, Wang Sheng had already told Xiaowu about the rule of the dormitory boss standing up for the work-study students, and Xiaowu had readily agreed. Seeing someone provoke them now, she immediately bristled, "What are you, and what's so great about the second floor?"

A work-study student beside Xiaowu whispered in her ear, "The second floor is for ordering meals separately. It's pricey, and indeed we can't afford it."

Xiaowu was about the same stature as Tang San and had been hidden behind Wang Sheng; now stepping out, the students on the stairs naturally saw her, and the speaking student's eyes brightened, "What a pretty little loli, what a pity she's a work-study student. Wang Sheng, I'm going to eat now, I'll let you off this time."

With that, the group made their way up the stairs to the second floor.

As Xiaowu raised her foot to follow them, she was pulled back by Tang San, "Forget it, we're here to eat."

Xiaowu looked at Tang San with some disdain, "Are you always so cowardly?"

Without explaining, Tang San just walked to the end of the queue to buy food.

Tang Sect rules: Any Tang Sect disciple must not readily provoke trouble, but if any attack without provocation, one should respond with Thunder.

From the perspective of an adult, the students in this academy, regardless of their personalities, were just a bunch of children. Tang San, with the mentality of an adult who had lived another life, had no interest in competing with a child barely into his teens.

However, Xiaowu's character had prompted Wang Sheng to appreciate her even more.

Just then, Tang San saw a familiar face and quickly approached, "Teacher, you're here for a meal too."

It was Master who had arrived. He nodded at him, "Have you packed up your things?"

Tang San answered respectfully, "Thank you for the bedding, Teacher."

Master patted his shoulder, "Come eat with me on the second floor. Then I'll take you to see where I live."

Tang San shook his head, "No, Teacher, I'll eat with my dorm mates." He never wanted to be someone who stood out.

Master didn't insist, nodding, "Alright, you're doing the right thing. Go ahead. Wait for me at the canteen entrance after you finish eating." Saying so, he headed upstairs.

For some reason, Tang San felt that Master was somehow similar to his father, although his father spoke less and Master spoke more. Still, they shared a dignified air in common. Particularly Master, who even in laughter, conveyed seriousness.

Wang Sheng came over to Tang San, "You know the Master?"

Tang San nodded, "He's my teacher."

Wang Sheng looked puzzled, "Really? You took Master as your teacher? His strength isn't that great. At our academy, Master is just like a guest elder. Supposedly, he's here because he's close friends with the dean. Frankly speaking, he's just freeloading. I heard that Master hasn't broken through the Grand Soul Master state even at nearly fifty years old, with his Martial Soul only at level 29. It's unlikely he'll ever break through."

Tang San raised his head and looked solemnly at Wang Sheng, "If you don't wish to spar with me a second time, please refrain from judging my teacher so casually. This is the first time, and I hope it's the last. Thank you for your good intentions, but I think I'll decline your offer to treat us."

With that, he turned and walked out of the canteen.

Wang Sheng didn't expect such a strong reaction from Tang San and was momentarily stunned. Xiaowu and the other students also didn't understand his behavior.

To Tang San, "Once a teacher, always a father" was not just a saying. Since he had taken Master as his teacher, his respect for Master came from the heart. If Wang Sheng, who had left a good impression on Tang San, hadn't been the one to disparage Master, perhaps Tang San would have responded physically.

Wang Sheng muttered annoyedly, "What the hell. Does that kid have a screw loose?"

Watching Tang San's retreating figure, Xiaowu noted that though he was still dressed in patched clothes, his slender figure seemed to take on an air of greater stature imperceptibly.

After a meal of dry rations with plain water, Tang San quickly returned to the entrance of the canteen but didn't enter. Instead, he stood and waited quietly. Many passing students cast curious glances at him; however, he seemed not to see them, his eyes half-closed, not sparing them a glance.

After waiting for an hour, Master finally came out of the canteen, accompanied by a middle-aged man around his age.

The middle-aged man dressed in a robe, slightly more handsome than Master, with a slightly protruding chin, and a gentle smile on his face.

"Let's go, Xiaosan," Master called out to Tang San standing at the entrance.

The middle-aged man beside him smiled, "Is this your new disciple?"

Master nodded.

Patting Master's shoulder, the middle-aged man said, "All right, I wish you success. I'll be leaving first." After glancing at Tang San, he walked off in another direction.

Master's residence was in a small room in the corner of the top floor of the dormitory building, about thirty square meters. Inside, it was sparsely furnished, with only a bookshelf full of various books occupying two walls, catching Tang San's attention.
