
Son Of Sparda In A World of Anime

MC is reincarnated as the Hybrid son of Sparda into an amalgam world of Anime. That's about it, really. Cover photo doesn't belong to me.

Michael_Oxmaul · 映画
3 Chs

A Demon Speaks To His Sister And Realizes Something

"Nee-san, what are you doing in my room...?" I asked curiously, knowing just how eccentric this purple-haired girl could be - both from my new memories and my knowledge of her as an anime character.

From my previous memories, I knew she could be pretty stubborn and headstrong when she wanted to be.

Case in point, she doesn't reply to anything I'd say unless I call her 'Nee-san'. 'Saeko'? 'Sis'? You'll get nothing. Only 'Nee-san' would get a reply out of her. She was quite an unreasonable person, truthfully. Quite the bro-con as well, if my memories are anything to go by.

Saeko tilted her head back, looking away from the book she was reading as she lounged on my bed, "What? Do I need a reason to be in my beloved brother's room?" she smiled, her pink lips spreading delightfully as her eyes lit up with a teasing light. Despite not being my biological sister, we did share one thing in common - our blue eyes. A simple thing she took a vast amount of joy in, weirdly enough. Again, bro-con alert.

"Even if I said yes, you'd think of something witty to say to rebuke whatever I said," I sighed before walking over to the bed and taking the book from her, turning up so I could read the title, "Moby Dick, huh? I'm surprised you've taken an interest in something that isn't Kendo or swords, my muscle bound Nee-san," I teased her, plopping down on the bed just in front of where her thighs were.

Thankfully she was wearing casual-wear and wasn't in anything inappropriate for the current situation. Just some casual shorts and a surprisingly frilly and girly top for someone as tomboyish as her.

Still, the shorts were just a little too much of that - short, I mean. They barely even covered her upper thighs, leaving what I liked to call the 'absolute territory' completely in view.


Pulling my mind from the gutter - it didn't go quietly - I heard Saeko reply to what I said with a scoff as she sat up, reaching for the book I was still holding, "If it's that easy to rebuke, it wasn't very logical in the first place, Hiro. Now give me my book back," she said, reaching over my shoulder.

Two squishy - and big - things squished up against my back, letting me feel their remarkable shape and firmness through the rather thin fabric of her top and bra.

She was no doubt doing it on purpose, so I decided to not give her the reaction she wanted.

Instead I just passed her the book, smirking as I made a remark, "I'll think you'll find that that, is my book, Nee-san. Don't be so unreasonable otherwise you'll never find a boyfriend, you know?" I teased before getting up and walking over to my desk chair, sitting down on that as I looked back over at Saeko who was now pouting, her disappointment at my non-reaction being practically palpable.

"And you'll never find a girlfriend if you're always such a brute, Hiro. To think you used to be so cute...what happened to you?" she let out an exaggerated sigh, playing up how exasperated she was, "I truly worry for you, brother. Sometimes it seems like there's no hope for your love life~" she placed the back of her hand against her forehead, leaning back as if she were swooning.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, get all your teasing out," I said, shimmying my school blazer off. A thought came to me and I felt a smirk grow across my face, "And who says I can't get a girlfriend?"

"The last eighteen years of your life without one, I guess," Saeko replied without looking to me, instead looking down at the book she'd continued reading.

...Ouch. I'm not even the original guy and that one hit hard.

"Wanna bet? Pretty sure I could get a girlfriend by the end of the week," I smiled confidently, knowing I could probably do it. Why was I so confident? Because the old Hiroki was a dense bastard. I looked through his memories and saw some of the looks he received from the girls at his school. Even some of the female teachers. Like they were thirsty women in the Sahara desert and they'd finally found water, would be one way to describe it.

I wasn't some social genius or anything. I'd say I had a rather normal level of emotional intelligence. Sure, it'd been grown and elevated a bit by joining the military - got pretty good at reading expressions and what short glances/looks could mean - but either way, I had enough EQ to put the original inhabitant of this body to shame.

Which, speaking of, was what allowed me to see and understand the sharp and dangerous gaze Saeko gave me right after I said that, her piercing blue eyes looking up from the book and boring holes toward me.

"...Really?" she drawled, putting the book to the side as a smile that didn't reach her very dangerous looking eyes came across her face, "And what if I tell mom about this relationship you gain? Do you think they could pass her test? Or mine, for that matter?"

...Honestly, I really didn't. I'd have to find a real monster of a girl to survive the test these two overbearing women would throw at her.

What were the tests? 'Show me you can take care of my precious baby boy! Beat me in a fight!' and 'You need to be strong enough to protect my precious little brother. So, fight me.' - by mom and Saeko respectively. Both of which were complete monsters when it came to combat prowess. I could definitely find someone who could survive them, for sure, but I was only joking.

Besides, if I actually found someone I loved, I'd step in and put my foot down. I might be influenced and somewhat mixed with this body's version of Hiroki...but hell, I'm not letting two crazy women dictate my love life. Even if they are related to me (but not through blood, which explains their son-con/bro-con ways, I guess).

Ahem, anyway, I just smiled over at Saeko, raising an eyebrow as I spoke up.

"And what makes you think I'd ever let you two muscle bound women anywhere near a woman I decided to take as a girlfriend?" I asked, genuinely curious on Saeko's response. I knew such a question and word choice would alert Saeko to my behavioral changes almost immediately but it could easily be explained away as me growing up and maturing and not wanting to be controlled to much.

Saeko's eyes lost their dangerous look, taking on a widened and surprised appearance before she gave a wry smile, "It seems my little brother is growing up..." she trailed off as she stood up off the bed and strode over toward me.

When she was right next to me, with me looking up at her and her looking down at me, she reached over and ran her fingers through my hair and down toward the back of my neck.

Then she straddled me. Quite an unusual thing for a sister to do to their brother, but the fact she wasn't my blood-related sister eased that thought. The hormones in my body also urged me to just sit back and let her do what she wanted. So, I did. I sat back as he eyes looked into mine, as if searching for some sort of secret.

She settled her body against me, her breasts pushing up against my lower chest and her crotch firmly placed up against my own. Her eyes never stopped looking at mine.

"Say, Hiro...don't you like your nee-san?" she asked, out of nowhere, her eyes cloudy.

I narrowed my eyes, wondering how messed up my new familial situation was, but answered truthfully either way, "Of course I do," my memories of her only allowed for me to think of her in a positive light. I was obviously being influenced by the original body's inhabitant but it didn't bother me. Feeling love for someone close to you wasn't a harsh feeling, "Why would I not like you?"

She pouted, leaning her face closer to mine as she continued in a breathy whisper, "Because you keep talking about getting a girlfriend when your nee-san is right in front of you...you don't need to look elsewhere - I'm right here for you, you know? In any way you need."

...Okay, this is spiraling fast and turning into a hentai plotline. Abort! Abort! I'm not mentally ready!

Then again, it wasn't just that I wasn't ready to have sex or do something erotic with my foster sister...but rather that I found myself wanting to do it. I could already feel my cock rising little by little, and I'm sure Saeko could feel it too as her expression became incredibly sultry, her hips slowly gyrating back and forth, rubbing our crotches together.

"Just make your nee-san into you girlfriend...it's really simply, right?" she whispered and I found that my hands had, at some point, found their way onto Saeko's hips. Not stopping her from moving--no, no, no. That would be too logical for my hormone fueled body.

No, my hands were subconsciously guiding her to do it more.

Curse you, hormones! And curse you, demon puberty! I've been through normal puberty before and I sure as hell know it wasn't this stupidly unreasonable!

As if by the call of an Angel, the decree of God, or the decision of an idiotic author that decided he didn't want a lemon in the second chapter, I heard mom's voice call from downstairs, "Saeko, honey, can you come down here for a second? I need to speak with you about something," she yelled and Saeko clicked her tongue, her expression turning into one of displeasure as she muttered about mom always getting in the way.

"We'll pick this up at some other time, Hiro. Don't be ashamed of it. Don't hide from it. Both of us felt what we felt and how right it was," Saeko said, obviously thinking I was going to go into shock about what we just did when I came to my senses.

Thing was though, I didn't feel that shock coming at all. I only felt a faint sense of disappointment that mom had spoken up at that time.

Ah shit. I'm a pervert, aren't I? Someone who isn't a pervert wouldn't want to continue dry humping his, admittedly very sexy, foster sister, would he? The answer is no. It should always be no. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck, fuck. Fuck.

I blame this on this body's original Hiroki. He corrupted me. I was pure, I swear. He's the problem, not me.

My mental breakdown aside, Saeko left the room and I was left just sitting in my room, alone.

Pushing aside the hentai-ness of the last few moments, I realized something odd. Yes, odder than whatever just happened. I realized that I could feel something off about Saeko - then I realized I could feel something inside of me, moving around my body, like it was blood. Except I instinctively knew it wasn't blood.

...Is this--wait, this is demonic energy, isn't it? Holy shit. I tried to reach out and control it, and low and behold, it actually followed my mental instructions pretty easily.

Controlling it took a sizable amount of concentration but I eventually worked it up to my hand, where a cloud of red and black mist began revolving around it. I felt like I might've been seeing things, because for flashes at a time, I saw my skin turn black and scaly after the cloud passed over it, only to turn back to normal a moment later.

Demonic energy imbuement can change my appearance to something more demonic, huh? Should've figured. Then can I achieve a sort of pseudo-Devil Trigger if I have enough demonic energy? That also brings up the question on how do I expand my amount of demonic energy.

But back to another important thing I learned from this. I let go of the demonic energy and it flowed back inside of me, going back to flowing through my body alongside my blood. The important thing was that Saeko also had a sort of energy inside of her. I couldn't see it and I could barely sense it with what I assumed was my natural energy sensing as a Sparda Hybrid...but it felt different to my energy.

It felt just as strong as my energy, if not a tiny bit weaker in purity and overall quality, but it dwarfed mine in quantity.

What was that energy? And if Saeko had it, what about mom? Are they also somehow a part of the supernatural? Is mom a bit more than just a strong human? Jeez, this is getting a bit complicated and mysterious. Now I have to deal with the sexual advances of Saeko, potentially mom, and also figure out what that energy inside them is?

Thinking of it, I groaned, leaning back into my chair before covering my face with my hands and trying to wipe away the exhaustion I was no doubt feeling after thinking about all of this. Why couldn't I have just been sent to a normal anime world?

. . .

POV Change - General 3rd Person

Saeko arrived in the kitchen to see Raikou looking rather grimly as she sat at the dining room table, her hands clasped together as she leaned her chin on them, her elbows propping her up on the table.

Her beauty was marred by the frown twisting her face, her eyes signaling for Saeko to sit down next to her. Once her daughter had done so, Raikou began, "Your brother's awakening is finally happening. He's a candidate, so it'll be occurring soon. Prepare yourself and get ready," she solemnly said, her words being vague but obviously understood by Saeko.

The younger purple-haired woman's face dropped the slight annoyance it held, being replaced by a deadly seriousness as her eyes glinted coldly.

"...And you're sure he's awakening? I couldn't feel any demonic energy inside him just now," Saeko asked, clasping her hands together so tightly her knuckled turned white, her worry apparent in just that small action alone.

"Yes," Raikou nodded, "It's a faint change but the strengthening is intricate in nature, going through his once human body and changing him on a cellular level - it isn't easy to spot with the naked eye that he's changing, but he's definitely awakening his heritage. I used my magic to scan him through physical contact earlier and the results were rather shocking to say the least," her usually airheaded and kind nature was nowhere to be found on her person as she described this to Saeko, her expression taking on a solemn and serious look as she spoke.

Saeko sighed, clutching at the bridge of her nose as she squeezed it, closing her eyes as she composed herself and sorted through her thoughts.

After a few moments, she opened her eyes and looked toward her mother, "Then I assume we're going to be doing battle against the clan then?"

Raikou chuckled - though it wasn't a happy one. It was a cold one, filled with despise, as if remembering something you hated so much you couldn't help but laugh somewhat at how absurd your hate was.

"Was there any doubt in your mind that I would let Hiro-kun get hurt?" her eyes took on a somewhat blank look of emptiness that would've scared the shit out of a veteran soldier and caused a priest to get down on his knees and start praying to God. "I'll kill anyone who comes for him, no matter who they are. I assume you're with me on this, daughter?"

Saeko scoffed, as if the question itself was flawed and stupid, "Do I even need to answer that, mother? Anyone who wants to hurt Hiro deserves to be killed in the cruelest of ways fufu~" she giggled, her eyes taking on a similarly blank look of emptiness as her mother's, her laugh sounding hollow and like something out of a horror film.

Raikou, hearing this answer, nodded with pride and her serious expression vanished, as if it'd never been there in the first place. She lifted a cup of water to her mouth and began drinking from it, while Saeko picked this time to talk about another major thing.

"Hiro mentioned getting a girlfriend just now. I think we should step up the plan," she casually mentioned, making the whole room go cold and somewhat darker.

A malevolent aura burst out of Raikou, the glass cup she was holding covered in a spider-web of cracks. She put the glass down carefully, her eyes completely closed as she lifted a hand to her cheek, holding it with her palm, "Oh, dearie me, I suddenly thought about some bugs being around my precious Hiro-kun and had the sudden urge to crush something. I'll clean this up," before you could ask what she was gonna clean up, the glass burst into small pieces, covering the table in glass and water.

Saeko also held a similarly dangerous aura, a smile that wasn't quite a smile on her pretty face.

...Up in his room, Hiroki had a terrible premonition that he'd sealed his fate by mentioning a girlfriend to his bro-con sister, Saeko. Oh how right he was.

I made 'em both into yanderes. Don't like it, don't read it.

Disclaimer: Neither Raikou nor Saeko will kill any of the women interested in Hiroki. They may frighten them a little but they won't kill them. Hiroki will get a handle on controlling their yandere tendencies in no time.

Michael_Oxmaulcreators' thoughts