
Son of Sanguine: Corvinius

Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels and the most loved son of the God Emperor of Man. The only man, Primarch, and demigod who boasted majestic wings. As well as the only Primarch who could have lead the Imperium of Man into brighter days. What I loved so much about Sanguinius was that he was truly loved by all the Primarchs, at least in my opinion anyway. So why it shouldn't have been a big of a shock when I go to sleep then wake up to find myself in a body reminiscent of Sanguinius, and in a whole other world that doesn't even know who I am....yet.

Corum_4752 · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter IV

{Argall Herec}


The Sergeant ordered, then dove out of the way of an incoming strike from one of the Trade Federation hovertanks. It blew through the debris cover that he and his men were using for cover. Almost immediately, he rolled onto his back and began opening fire through the smoke that kicked up. He didn't care if he couldn't see the enemy, he knew that they were going to be marching through the hole in their defenses.

"Pull back! Retreat to the stairs!"

Herec got to his feet as quickly as he could, the moment he did, he found himself be shot right in the shoulder. Grunting and gritting his teeth, he moved back while continuing to fire. His shots not striking true once the smoke cleared to reveal more than a dozen droids marching inside. They were overwhelming them, but the Sergeant was not prepared to give in. He trekked up the stairs, watching as fellow Guards were either behind him or in front of him do the same. Then not a moment too soon, the droids began their barrage of laser bolts. One by one, Guards crumbled to the floor dying or lifeless. Yet, the few who reached the top of the stairs took cover and began returning fire. Herec ripped his shirt off and wrapped it around his wounded shoulder. His bare chest exposed and for all to see. One of the Guards came to his side, inspecting his wound.


The Guard called with a hint of worry in his tone.

"The droids have broken through sectors Five and Six, our perimeter is falling!"

Herec looked at the Guard, glanced at the marching droids headed their way, then focused back on the Guard beside him.

"Very well, we fall back into the throneroom and make our stand there."

Herec ordered, then watched as the Guard parroted his order. Just as Herec got up to move, a stray laser bolt hit him right in his back.All the Sergeant felt was a sharp burning sensation, then the feeling in his legs leaving him. He fell face first onto the marble floor with a thud. A groan escaped his lips as he began to think that this was it. He was about to die here.

"Sergeant Herec!"

Called another Guard, then Herec felt his body be lifted by a pair of strong arms.

"We've got you sir, hang on!"

The next thing Herec knew, he was being dragged down the corridor by a Guard while several others covered him. He was fading in and put of consciousness, not knowing when he would stop seeing the floor and would simply see nothing but black. Just as his eyes closed one more time, a single thought came to Herec's mind as he lost consciousness.

'Is this how it ends'


The hero lifted his boot heel from crushing yet another battledroid. His helmet's visor faced forward as multiple laser bolts impacted him. He didn't know what armor he was wearing, nor who made it, but by the fact that it continued to be impervious to laser made him think that the T entity made sure he was a force of nature. Of course, Corvinius didn't think that he could die to droids. Then again, he wasn't sure what threats were in this galaxy that were genuine threats to him.

Charging forward, Corvinius folded his arms behind him before sending an armored fist forward into a Droid that was surrounded in a bubble shield. His fist cracked against the shield and sent the Droid flying into pieces.

'That's new, did I just get stronger?'

He thought in wonder, then went back to slaying the enemy before him. The next Droid was met with a back fist that cleaved them in half, and another was met with hammer fist that crushed them like a can. Glancing behind him, Corvinius watched as the Guardsmen that came with him trekked in firing at any droids that he missed.

Caden of course was leading their charge, his shooting showing that they have gotten better as he fired continously. He found that the young man was very resourceful. Moments ago, Corvinius couldn't figure out how to get to the bridge, but Caden was able to use a terminal to find a map. Now they were marching their way towards the bridge whilst fighting more than a hundred droids on the way.

Behind them was a corridor filled with destroyed droids, each having either been met the behemoth that was Corvinius, or shot by the Guardsmen who came with him. Unfortunately, amongst the remains of the droids were two of the Guardsmen who came with Corvinius. Their deaths didn't haunt him, at least he believes that they didn't.

Their names were Mical Gent and Paela Forg, brave Guardsmen who knew the stakes.

"Sir, we should be arriving at the bridge's doors!"

Caden reported, just as Corvinius delivered a haymaker into another unsuspecting droid. He narrowed his eyes to the other side of the corridor. His eyes being able to make out the doors going into the bridge. Yet, something didn't feel right. It was like an instinctual feeling that he had of danger up ahead. After all, there were no more droids coming down the corridors.

Caden was about to run past the paused Corvinius before he was stopped by a hand grabbing his shoulder.

"Halt there, Guardsman."

Corvinius ordered, then moved his other hand to the sword on his back. He wasn't sure what made his body feel that he was threatened. He was a Primarch, at least his body was. Then he started to come to a realization after the pieces were starting to come together. He had gotten taller, he was stronger, yet he wasn't at his full peak. His body was not at where it should be for a Primarch. Meaning the faith that he was getting made him stronger, but not where he should be. He knew this because if he truly was at his full peak, he wouldn't have such a hard time to call forth any Psyker abilities.


Caden called confused, then watched as Corvinius drew his sword. The blade was immediately engulfed in golden flames as he marched forward. He knew that something was in this corridor, and that it was very much a threat to him, at the moment. That was when a thought occurred, one that he hadn't fully considered.

'Where is Darth Maul at this moment?'

Just as he thought that, a tingling sensation made his body instinctively move. He raised his sword up to block an incoming strike from a glowing scarlet blade. Sparks went off in different directions, blinding the Primarch for a nanosecond due to his helmet. Figuring that the helmet was no longer helping, he removed it quickly and swayed to the side before an incoming thrust could pierce him through.

The red and black tattooed Sith assassin was illuminated for him. A single red lightsaber ignited as he glared up at Corvinius menacingly. Yet Corvinius returned the Sith's glare with a stoic yet serious glare. He was not afraid, but he was wary. The man wasn't at his full strength, at least not where he should be as a Primarch. It was better to take someone as low as Maul seriously rather than play the fool. If the Sith was here, it meant that his master was starting to feel annoyed at how things were going on Naboo. Which was good, he wanted Sidious to know that a "man" was messing with his plans.

Maul wasted no time, immediately going in to strike against Corvinius. The man moved to counter, striking the Sith's lightsaber and watching as Maul flung backwards. The Sith's back collided with the corridors wall as a gasp left him.

"Guardsmen, get that door open, now!"

Corvinius ordered, then charged in to try and deliver a killing blow. He raised his sword, the blade continuing to hue with golden flames, and brought it down. The Sith narrowingly dodged, but looked to see the sword carve through the wall and burn through it. Immediately, Maul outstretched his hand and began trying to use the Force. A second passed, nothing happened, a moment passed, and still nothing happened. A genuine look of confusion came over Maul. Corvinius wasn't aware of what the Sith was doing, but he wasn't willing to see why he was his hand out like that.

Pressing his advantage, Corvinius swiped at Maul, who used the Force to jump back and ignite the other end of his lightsaber. Twirling the blade, he charged at Corvinius and began to unleash a flurry of blows. Any normal man would be dead, any other man would be unable to anticipate where the strikes were coming from. Corvinius however was quick enough not only to anticipate the attacks, but was also fast enough to parry and counter. He didn't know how durable his armor was, after all, it wasn't a Primarch's armor. That said, he would rather test the durability of it when he wasn't being attacked by a Sith whilst in the middle of a battle.

Caden and the other Guardsmen had already rushed past them. They were beginning to try and get the door open. Knowing that he had the Sith's full attention on him, Corvinius decided to try something reckless. When Maul moved his lightsaber to strike at Corvinius once again, the man moved with the blow as he parried the Sith's strike. In the next instance, he grabbed Maul by the throat who let out a surprised gasp. Hoisting him upwards, Corvinius hurled the Sith down the corridor like a softball and watched as he hit the wall and skidded across the floor. Maul remained motionless after his body came to a stop. Then a small growl escaped him as he began to rise up, almost surprising Corvinius. Any normal person would be dead since that was roughly more than a hundred feet that he just threw Maul to. Then again, he remembered that the Sith had been cut in half and survived that. So know this he wasn't going to take his chances.

Maul snarled as he reignited his lightsaber, then dashed down the hall while using the Force to amplify his movement. Corvinius remained stationary, waiting for the Sith. After all, the Guardsmen were behind him doing their best to get them inside the bridge. He was sure that they would be able to handle themselves inside. That said, Maul was a problem for them. Though after trading blows with the Sith assassin, Corvinius knew that he was physically far superior and able to keep up with the Sith. That gave him an idea on how to gauge where he was in power. Most Jedi and Sith wouldn't be a threat to him at this time, meaning he could kill quite a few before he even encounters a genuine challenge. As long as he has faith pumping to him, he would surpass them before they even know how he gets strong.

Moving his blade to clash against the raging Maul's strike, Corvinius felt no strain or recoil. Instead Maul was pushed back once again while trying to match the man blow for blow. Without missing a beat Corvinius stomped forward, swinging his sword. Maul tried to move back and block with his lightsaber, but instead found the man's blade cut through the hilt of his weapon. The tip of the sword cutting across Maul's chest and leaving a gash there. He fell backwards and onto his back, then rolled back into a crouched position.

Maul's hideous yellow teeth made their appearance, the Sith gritting his teeth in anger as he used the Force to call back a seemingly intact lightsaber. He ignited the weapon just as Corvinius stared down at his opponent. One could say that he was toying with the Sith, another could say that he was trying to see how skilled he was against Jedi and Sith. The truth? Both would he right.

"I was expecting a warrior to halt my path, not a child who has yet to face a real man."

Corvinius mocked suddenly, a slight smile coming to his face as another snarl escaped Maul. The Sith immediately charged at Corvinius once again, though this time he moved while knowing that the man was physically stronger than him. Corvinius stroke, swinging his sword horizontally to cleave the Sith. Maul used the Force to jump up, and came down to try and bisect the man. Corvinius took a step back, dodging Maul's attack with ease, then sent his boot heel forward and watched the Sith get flung across the corridor once again.

'This is going alot easier than I thought.'

Corvinius thought, then realized something, he couldn't hearing the Guardsmen.

He turned his head and looked to find that there was something blocking Corvinius. A white barrier, one that he remembered seeing in Revenge of the Sith. He couldn't remember what it was called, but he remembered that the Jedi couldn't get past it. Caden and the other Guardsmen were steadily trying to enter the bridge. They knew not what was happening.

"Caden, stop!"

Corvinius called then rushed towards the barrier. His sword collided with it, and for the first time, his attack was repelled. Gritting his teeth, ge continued his assault, striking with so much force that everything behind him was being pushed back. Caden looked back, having heard Corvinius' plea, but by the time that he faced forward it was too late.

The door to the bridge finally opened, a host of droids were inside and immediately opened fire, downing another Guardsman who was littered with laser bolts. Caden and the remaining Guardsman took cover and fired inside whenever they could. Corvinius drove his sword into the barrier, the blade piercing it as he was breaking through. He was doing his utmost to get inside. His instincts however, betrayed him. He felt something approaching and knew that it was Maul trying to strike while his back was turned.

Corvinius turned, leaving his sword embedded in the barrier. He raised his forearm to block a strike from Maul and watched as the lightsabed cut him. It didn't pierce the armor, but it was enough for him to feel the heat from it. Before the Sith could attempt another attack, he found Corvinius' armored fist impacting his face. Maul's face nearly caved in, the Force having been used to protect him at the last moment. Yet it didn't stop the force behind Corvinius' attack from sending the Sith flying once again. Right as Corvinius turned around to finish breaching the barrier, he found Caden staring at him. The young man looked as if he were resolute. Knowing what he was about to do, Corvinius shook his head and used his bare hands to push open a hole in the barrier.

"Guardsman, hold your position!"

Corvinius ordered, but watched as Caden took in a deep breath.


Corvinius watched as the young Guardsman began firing from behind cover, blasting several droids with his blaster. This lead to the droids focusing on the exposed Guardsman however, his body immediately being impaled by multiple laser bolts just as Corvinius breached through. He watched as Caden fell to the floor, time seemingly slowing down for him.

Then his eyes landed on his sword clattering to the floor after he had breached the barrier. Ultimately however, he balled his armored fists up just as the first laser bolt impacted his armor. With a resolute yet stern look on his face, he charged into the bridge knowing exactly what he was going to do.

Rip and tear...