
Son of Sanguine: Corvinius

Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels and the most loved son of the God Emperor of Man. The only man, Primarch, and demigod who boasted majestic wings. As well as the only Primarch who could have lead the Imperium of Man into brighter days. What I loved so much about Sanguinius was that he was truly loved by all the Primarchs, at least in my opinion anyway. So why it shouldn't have been a big of a shock when I go to sleep then wake up to find myself in a body reminiscent of Sanguinius, and in a whole other world that doesn't even know who I am....yet.

Corum_4752 · Anime & Comics
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Announcement Time 2.0

Hey Guys!

So a bit of good news and interesting news! I will be writing a separate story in the near future, below this paragraph the bookcover for it will he there. This is loosely based on the Independence Day universe. What you guys saw in the previous chapter comments was more or less a personal project that may or may not see the light of day. To give you an idea of how this separate story may go, do not expect things to be the same as the in movie universe. And do not expect the aliens to actually be that stupid. That being said, if you have any questions about it please ask in the paragraph comments here or chapter comments. Know that if there are spoilers involved in answering these questions that I may not be able to answer that question.

Now for the interesting news, I'm hoping that you all have been noticing Corvinius' subtle changes. That's more or less to give you all an idea as to what is to come. Hopefully you all have noticed something else in the previous chapter, one of which will change a key event that will ultimately change the course of the future of Star Wars. Here's a hint, there are only two Lucrehulks in orbit.

Other than that, that's it, sorry if I wasted your time. Stay tuned for a new chapter later on today. We are about to cross a threshold where Corvinius will face challenges. Challenges that will get him to become more of the body that he currently inhabits. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and see you then!