
Son Of Erebus 2

This is the second book in the series Son Of Erebus, it’s is a basic continuation of the first book. Let me know what you think!!

King_RomanX · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The First Great War

Two Years later

"ATTENTION!!!" I screamed. I was standing in front of a massive army of well trained soldiers, I had trained them from the ground up. I was remembering the day I started the training program for war, it's been two years since Emma was taken and the war was at a standstill. Neither side has made a move since that day, I was planning to finish this war before they even made a move. It has been a strangely peaceful two years, but I was still counting down the days until I could march on the enemy encampment. And my loyal soldiers were finally ready, I had put them through a new kind of hell to make sure they were ready. I had done everything I could to break them and they never broke, I was proud of them like there were my own sons.

"It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it." I stated. "And I tried to break your will, but you never broke!" I barked.

"I firmly believe that you all are ready to begin and end this war. I am proud of you, my sons and daughters." I said.

"LET'S GO WIN THIS WAR!!" I screamed.

"Prepare yourselves, this will be like nothing you've ever seen before, war is where the boys become men." I said.

"Now go, get a restful night for tomorrow we march at dawn!" I barked. My men dispersed and I walked to my cabin, climbed into bed and tried to get some sleep. But I couldn't, I just layed in my bed thinking.

"Emma…" I said aloud.

"I know you're worried about her, we'll get her back Josh." A voice said.

"Thanks Marco." I said.

"I can't believe I was out when all that crazy shit happened back then," He began.

"Hey man, don't worry about it. There was nothing to be done." I said,

"We just need to get her back." I said. I turned to face the wall and shut my eyes. I had to get her back, it was my one singular goal for the past two years. I trained and trained until I was confident enough to beat the ever living hell out of Thesus. Just at the thought of him was enough to make my blood boil, I couldn't wait to get my hands on him. At the thought of me destroying Thesus I faded into sweet slumber.

That next Morning

Once I snapped awake I saw the sun creeping over the horizon, I rapidly got mygear and walked to the front of my army. They were already waiting for me, I heard hushed murmurs of fear and anxiety.

"We might not be able to do this.." I kept hearing that over and over from the crowd.

"Those who live in fear of failure slowly but inevitably fail. Don't let the fear of failure stop you; the world needs your greatness.The fear of failure has sabotaged many hopes and dreams.Regret is the heritage of people who choose to live a fear-driven life." I tried to calm down my troops, but they just looked at me in awe and I could feel their worries die off.

"Are YOU ready!" I barked.

"Sir YES sir!" They replied. I faced the direction of the enemy encampment,

"Then let's go." I said, My voice steely. We marched in silence, our mind ready for the horrors we were about to witness. We got within sight of the camp,

"READY!!" I barked, the plan was to launch massive fire balls to take down the enemies main front forces, then we'd advance in waves at a set interval of time. Essentially destroying them with a surprise attack.

"Fire!" I barked. The first wave of fireballs were launched and they were absolutely beautiful, and once they landed I could see the destruction from where I stood.

"I'm going in," I barked to my second in command, Foxy. She was a ruthless daughter of Ares who wanted them dead as much as I did.

"Keep launching the fireballs, once I give the signal send down two waves of troops. Summon the allied forces just in case." I continued.

"Yes sir," She replied. I covered my face with my black cloak and charged once the second volley of fire was launched.

"THESEUS YOUR DAY OF DEATH IS UPON YOU! COME ON OUT AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN!!" I screamed. I looked around for him or those two giants but i couldn't find the giants anywhere.

"Josh!" I heard a fearful cry pierce through the sounds of screaming and destruction. I knew it was Emma,

"Keep screaming! I'll find you!" I yelled back.

"HERE I AM!!" A man's voice barked. I froze instantly. My blood began to boil, my skin began to crawl. I slowly turned around and faced the man.

"Thesus, you have committed crimes so heinous and vile that this world must be rid of scum like you." I said confidently. I tore off my cloak, revealing my bare chest.

"No armor, gods you are foolish!" He sneered. I looked down at my new body, I was pure muscle. My body was a monster slaying machine, it was riddled with cuts and scars from my extensive training.

"I need no armor to deal with meager trash like you." I sneered back. He stepped out from the shadows, revealing himself. I nearly wavered, his body had scars up and down his back. He was wearing no armor accept some dark colored wrist bracers,

"This is my true armor!" He said, flexing every muscle at once. "Ten times harder than steel!" He screamed. I drew my blades and summoned my mark,

"Enough talk, lets fight!" I screamed.

"Argos I need you to free Emma!" I thought. And in a flash I saw a white figure lurking in the shadows towards the sound of Emma's voice. We stood ready, neither daring to make the first move. In a flash he vanished, but I knew his movements exactly. I swung my dagger and blocked his blade without laying eyes on him. And in a blur of speed and sparks we fought like two wild beasts defending something we love dearly. Our bodies each acted on their own to block each other's strikes, neither of us landed a hit until I gashed his sword arm. The blood spattered everywhere, he recoiled in pain. I took that chance to go for his legs, but he expected that. A massive boney hand emerged from the earth to stop my blade from reaching, I sprang back before it could grasp it. We just looked at each other, two former brothers now fighting to the death.

"Thesus, stop this! We can still go home!" I pleaded.

"No, brother. I have no home!" He barked.

"Please brother, stop this madness!" I begged.

"I wish I could be my brother, but I'm too far gone now!" He charged at me, sword in hand.

"Damn it all!! Can I not save my lost friend?" I thought.

"The best thing you can do for me now is death!" He screamed. I shed one single tear, we attacked at the same time. Neither blocking the others attack. He slashed at my face, and I went straight for the kill. Our blades pierced skin at the same time, he cut a huge gash in my face just below my mouth. While I stabbed him in the heart, I pushed the blade deeper, causing him to fall backwards. I jumped on him and kept the blade in his chest, my blood dripped onto his face. I looked into his glazed over eyes, and they changed colors.

"J..osh…" He said, he coughed up blood with every word.

"Thank you brother...tell emma it wasnt me… im so sorry.." His eyes slowly closed, and his body began to grow cold. I grabbed him by the back of his head and pressed it to my head, I began to cry.

"Rest easy now brother, this case is now free of you." I said slowly. I began thinking, whoever did this to him is still out there. I couldn't let them live, they had to be punished. But first I had to do something about this camp. I looked around slowly, seeing the carnage and destruction that was enough for me to weep. I felt my uncontrollable rage beginning to burn,

"AHHHHHHH!" I screamed. Darkness poured from me, seeping into the earth. I let lose all of my pent up emotion over the past two years, the heartache, the pain, all of it. I just exploded, destroying everything nearby. Once all the emotion had faded from me I fell down the massive hole I created, and I began to cry. I began to cry so hard I passed out.