
Son Of Erebus 2

This is the second book in the series Son Of Erebus, it’s is a basic continuation of the first book. Let me know what you think!!

King_RomanX · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Reliving The Past

I groggily got to my feet, then it hit me. I just killed my brother for being controlled, for doing disgusting things that he had no control over. I had to steady myself, my mind wasn't right. I began to look around for a way out of this massive whole I found myself in, as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see I had made a hole into a cavern. I felt a breeze and knew that there was another way out, so I dragged my aching body towards that breese. I had to get out of here, I had to live. I began remembering all the time that had led me up to this moment, my time in middle school before all of this. I was in blissful ignorance, I had no idea what the world held out for me, my main concern back then was surviving my home life. I began remembering the day that was so horrific that the fear of it kept my blood pumping. It was like I was reliving the day,

"Mom! Im home!" I said. Then I remembered mom didn't come home till well after I got home, the only person who was home was him.

"Ohhh! Look who it is!" He barked. He stormed towards me,

"You think you can just waltz in here like you own the place!" He barked. My mom's abusive boyfriend, I didn't want to remember his name.

"I'm sorry." I stammered, I could smell the vodka on his breath.

"Looks like I have to teach you a lesson." He said. He began to pull his fist back, I knew what was coming. I had seen him do it to mom countless times. His first flew at me, but to my own shock my body dodged the blow. Witch aggravated him even more,

"Let me hit you!" He stammered, slurring his words. He grabbed me by my shirt collar and smacked me upside the face, leaving a massive hand print. He kept hitting me, my nose broken, my ribs fractured. I was scared for my life,

"I'm so sorry.." I stammered, spitting up blood. I fell to my feet, he began to kick me, breaking my ribs. I had to fight back, but I couldn't. Every time I had a second to breathe he kicked me again. As he was kicking my mom walked in,

"NO! Stop it!" She screamed, throwing herself at him.

"Back Off bitch!" He barked, punching her in the mouth, cutting her lip wide open. But that didn't stop her, she got right back up and rapidly punched him. But that had little effect,

"Oh you want to take his punishment now don't you?" He barked. He focused his attention at my mom, rapidly beating her with repeated strikes to the face. By the time he stopped she had a black eye, broken nose and her face was dripping blood. He began ripping her clothes off,

"No.. not in front of him.. Please." She said slowly.

"I don't care! He needs to learn a lesson!" He barked. Then the bastard raped my mom. I saw every gruesome detail, but the images were fuzzy. All I could remember was my mom screaming in pain and agony as she was defined mercilessly. The last thing I remember of that day was me looking down at my moms nude broken body, she had shed tears during and after all she had just been through she looked up at me and said.

"It's ok my son, mommy's always gonna be here to protect you." I could imagine the look on my face when I saw her like that, I imagined a look of pure traumatization. I raced into my room, broken ribs in all, crying my eyes out. I collapsed on my bed, thinking to myself.

"Damn it! Help me dad…" If he had been here I know he'd have beaten that fat bastard for what he had done. I cried until later that night, I was sure everyone was asleep when I left my room. I walked over to the couch, where he slept. I just looked down at him, thinking,

"I could kill him right now." I was inches away from it. I was about to reach for a pillow when my mom walked out of her room with a massive silver knife. We locked eyes and she walked over to me.

"I know what you're thinking of doing. And it's ok, he's a bad man. He deserves what you want to give him. But this is a mom matter now." She said, pushing me off to my room. I went willingly, but little did she know I was watching when she attacked him. She rapidly tried to stab him in the face, while tears were flowing down her own.

"Why! I told you I'd do anything as long as you never hit my son!" She kept screaming. He didn't reply, he feared for his life. She stabbed him, at least twice, the blood splattered everywhere. I looked on in pure joy, the bad man who hurt my mom was getting what he deserved. Early that next morning there was a police investigation, but nothing was done. They stayed together, but one thing did change. He never hit me or hit my mom in front of me again, I knew he still hit her though. The way she talked and acted around him was enough to tell me, one day she pulled me aside and she told me.

"I'm with him to protect you." I didn't understand at the time but now i do, that fat bastard was so human the monsters would have found me long before I had any time to comprehend anything. I snapped back into this reality and realized I was coming into an open shaft,

"Hey!" Was all I could scream before I passed out. I did see Argos rushing towards me before I shut my eyes, so I knew that I'd be ok. I faded into unconsciousness with a smile.