
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · 映画
46 Chs

Stay There, I’m Coming For You

Alias Investigations

4 Hours Later

Violet was not prepared to deal with the fact that she walked up on the Winter Soldier breaking into Peter's apartment while the Captain watched on the other side of the street. She was not prepared when she ran off through the crowd, accidentally running into Peter and sent him hurtling to the ground. And she was certainly not prepared to explain her panic to Peter, simply blurting out the first thing that came to mind.

"Party night! Let's go!"

Peter went willingly enough, due to his confusion and Violet's insistence, but it wasn't long before he started questioning her motives and sudden change in demeanor.

"Vi, you're scaring me, what's going on?" He shyly asked once the pair boarded the subway.

Vi took a deep breath, feeling both ashamed and terrified. She searched her head for something good to say. Something that won't freak him out while explaining away her actions and all without straight up lying to him.

"I'm sorry, Peter. I didn't mean to scare you or anything. It's just . . . I've been really stressed out lately," which is one way to put it. "There's been so much drama I keep getting caught up in and I just to spend a night with my friends without worrying about any of it, even if it's only for a few hours." She turned to face him in her seat. "I'm sorry that I scared you, and probably forced you to come with me. I didn't think."

That was fairly honest . . . right?

Those big doe eyes widened with sympathy, "why didn't you say anything?"

Violet was going to Hell. "You were going through midterms. I didn't want to add to your pile when I can handle myself."

"Clearly not," Peter grumbled, slinging his arm over her shoulders and pulling her close, "and you don't have to worry about stuff like that. I can take care of myself, been doing it for years. You know that you can come to me if you're feeling down."

"Why do you think I dragged you onto the subway?" Violet laughed, ignoring Peter's comment about how he can supposedly take care of himself.

Peter chuckled, shaking his head, "who will be joining us tonight?"

Which lead Violet to haphazardly start listing off the names of her fellow Omega Protection Agency members while discreetly texting them at the same time.

Minor Emergency. Meet at Alias. Bring Booze. Peter coming.

Violet was making this up as she went. She hoped it didn't lead to her getting thrown in an unmarked grave and Peter in a collar and dog cage (Baron used to do that to Wanda, sick bastard) for the rest his days. With any luck, maybe they'll survive the night. If they were really lucky, someone might actually bring booze and Violet could get wasted and maybe Peter a little tipsy.

A girl can dream.

After some consoling from Peter, slowly killing Violet with his utterly honest concern for her wellbeing, and brief moments of silence as they nonchalantly cuddled to distract themselves from the curious and invasive eyes of their fellow passengers, the two Omegas reached their destination and quickly exited the train. Holding hands as they raced through the terminal, not wanting to deal with any unwanted attention, they ascended the grimy steps and stepped onto the busy streets of Manhattan. A few minutes later after shoving past a few passerby's, Violet and Peter finally made to Jessica's home and workplace.

Alias Investigations.

When the Omegas arrived, only Jessica and Sam were there, confusion quickly turning to joy at the sight of Peter where Violet quickly yelled, "party night," while Peter whooped in excitement. Violet gave the betas a look that said, "distract him," and Sam was quick on the uptake, guiding Peter towards the kitchen area so he can put his stuff down. Violet took the opportunity to inform Jessica of what she saw at Peter's building, hence why they were meeting now. Jessica was not pleased by the situation but was more scared for Peter than anything, so she kept her displeasure to herself.

Well, almost.

"If he pukes, you're cleaning it up while we take care of him." Jessica ordered, and Violet nodded fervently.

If it meant keeping Peter safe and out of the hands of the Avengers for another night, she'd clean the sewers with a broken toothbrush.

Karen, Foggy, and Matt showed up soon after, small cases of beer in each hand, minus Matt who had one tucked in his left arm so he could use his walking stick with his other hand. Jessica and Sam kept Peter busy with sticking the beer in her fridge while Violet explained the situation to the newcomers, who were similarly displeased with the situation. Karen pulled Violet in for a hug, whispering, "we'll make it through this, just breathe," before releasing her. Matt and Foggy took off their coats, Matt helping Karen with hers, and started making themselves comfortable, or as comfortable as they could considering the situation they were facing.

It was bad enough Tony Stark was hanging out and potentially courting Peter with the way the young man blushes while talking about the Alpha, but this was something else. The Winter Soldier and The Captain were watching/breaking into his apartment and none of them could figure out why. Were they bugging the place? Filling his clothes with trackers or other weird shit? Were they stealing something of his for Tony to keep as a keepsake? Using the bathroom? What?

Wanda and Pietro showed up about an hour after the "party" got started, needing to go home and wash up after their very long shifts during the day. During that time Violet subtly stole Peter's phone and turned it off, not wanting him to be distracted by any outside influences connected to the Avengers. Their reactions were no different when they heard the news, and spent the whole evening making sure Peter was none the wiser about their discomfort and agitated states.

Which brings to what they were currently doing.

Drinking games rarely end well, but the group was desperate, and Peter really wanted to watch Game of Thrones. Jessica had the first season, some hard liquor for shots, and everyone for the most part was willing. Ergo, drinking game.

Sam did not participate since he had to work in the morning, so he was the "bartender" which meant he tallied out the drinks and decided when it was time to cut people off. Whoever drank the most/outlasted everyone else wins the biggest hangover of their lives and the possibility of getting their stomachs pumped.

Naturally, Peter and Violet were the only ones genuinely excited. Peter because he loves Game of Thrones and has never played a drinking game before. Violet because it meant she had to something to focus on, people to defeat, and trash to talk. Behind their backs, the rest of the group started making bets on who would win between the pair. The popular choice was Peter because Violet would throw the game just so he could beat her. She was a softy like that. The next popular choice was Violet due to Peter puking before she could throw the game.

No one considered the possibility the excited Omegas might actually win the whole thing.

Pietro barely finished the first episode and Karen quit after the second one started. They wanted to make sure that Sam wasn't dealing with a whole bunch of drunk people by himself. Foggy tapped out when Tyrion was giving Jon an informative talking to, having pre-gamed before they started, and Wanda shortly after. That left Matt, Jessica, Peter, and Violet in the running.

Jessica was the first to get cut off by Sam because she wouldn't quit flirting with him after he warned her to stop. It was at the beginning of episode 3. Matt was disqualified because was drinking tea he had brought, and then somehow snuck into the game. Everyone was up in arms about that, but Matt just smirked. Amused and happy for the Omegas sitting on the floor, and quite pleased that he won half the bet already. Has was the only one to bet that Peter or Violet would beat everyone, now he just needed Violet to throw the game and he would win the whole pot.

Both Omegas were messed up. Totally drunk, room spinning with the wrong tilt of their heads, and feverishly warm. Still, when the third episode ended, they sloppily grinned at each other, raised their bottles and shouted, "another," in unison, sending the pair into a fit of giggles. Karen and Foggy found it extremely hard not to laugh at them, Wanda and Pietro shaking their heads in concern, but Sam was not having it anymore. Though he was a cop, he allowed the pair to drink with the adults because Violet needed a break and Peter needed to loosen up. Most importantly, they were drinking with trusted and responsible adults instead of out in the streets where they would only get into trouble. As a responsible adult, it needed to end.

But he also had a bet win.

So, when the episode ended, he stood up from the couch and grabbed their beer bottles, ignoring their complaints and cries as he dumped the liquid down the sink then through them into the trash. He opened the cabinet, pulled out two empty glasses, and filled them up with water from the sink. He carried them over to the complaining Omegas on the ground.

"Do you want to watch another episode?"

They nodded in unison, Peter grinning like a child at a candy store.

"Then drink this water. First one to finish wins the game."

Peter jumped towards the glasses in Sam's hands, and starts chugging one of them down. Violet moves quickly, her eyes on Peter as she did, and but slowly drinks the water until Peter was done, finishing her glass as Peter gasped in air, raising his arms in victory.

"Yes! I did it!" Peter screeched, jumping around excitedly before starting the snoopy dance.

The room filled with laughter. Violet joined in once she finished her water, running circles around Peter who could not stop at Violet's ridiculous antics. Sam was smiling. The Twins beaming, the lawyers sniggering and Karen giggling. Even Jessica and her famous surly attitude was smirking from her perch against the wall. Everything was great.

Then the pounding started.

Everyone stopped, even Peter who was blitzed out of his mind. Silence fell across the room. Violet became painfully aware, fear and adrenaline the ultimate cure for inebriation. Tension filled the air, and no one moved.

The pounding continued. A man's voice shouted through the door.


Violet glanced at Jessica, confused as can be. Jessica's eyes were wide, her bottom lip trembling. "Shit!" She exclaimed, jumping from the couch and towards everyone else. "Hide Peter in the bedroom," she ordered.

Karen and Wanda moved in sync, grabbing poor, drunk Peter's arms and carting him out of the lounge area. Randomly mumbling, "what about the episode?" before taken out of sight. Matt and Foggy moved off the couch to stand next to Violet while Sam went to the front door, intent on confronting the intruder.

"I know you're in there! Open up for me!" The man was shouting when Sam roughly pulled open the door.

The first thing Violet noticed was that he was not one of the Avengers, and more than likely never would be. He was flashy, dressed in stylish clothing and had an evil glint to him, but his eyes were wide with open desperation and obsession. Appeared incredibly off balance too. Even in the state she was in, Violet couldn't miss that. The second thing was that he was an Alpha. Her nose had trouble smelling anything except copper thanks to her consistent nosebleeds, but even couldn't the pungent scent of Alpha. Like sunscreen and warm fish heads. He looked at Sam as if he were a bug on splattered on a windshield. The third thing, they were all armed and pointing their guns at Sam.

Who was knocked out the second he came into view.

Matt and Foggy pulled Violet behind them just as Sam landed with a loud thump on the floor. The flashy man stepped over him, straightening and surveying the room before he sniffed the air. A smile appearing on his face as he unbuttoned his jacket.

"Omegas," he spoke with a smile, wild eyes landing on Violet, "there's one. Where's the other? I'd like to meet them."

He could smell Peter. A cold chill went down her spine.

"Get out!" Jessica shouted.

Everyone turned to look at her just in time to see her cock a shotgun and aim it at the intruder.

Violet was impressed, admiring her badass friend even more. The intruder, not so much.

"Jessica," he implored, turning away from Violet, Foggy, and Matt.

"Stop right there, asshole," Jessica shouted, taking a threatening step forward. Her stance was firm, her grip tight, but her lip still trembled, fear prevalent in her expression.

The man smiled pitifully at her, "Come now darling, you and I both know you don't have the strength to do that."

"Yeah? Try me and we'll find out." Jessica challenged, but broke slightly.

He grinned, "Oh I intend too."

Jessica blanched at the threat but held steady. Fighting the fear that threatened to overtake her.

Foggy and Matt started reasoning with the man, taking the more diplomatic approach in dealing with the present situation, but Violet wasn't listening. Her focus zeroed on the man's inside pocket.

His phone.

For a brief second, Violet shouted at herself for focusing on something so inconsequential, until she remembered something vital. Something she put in her back-pocket hours ago. Peter's phone. She couldn't understand why it seemed so important, but suddenly she couldn't stop staring at it. She shoved her hand in her back-pocket where she put Peter's phone and quickly turned it on.

Then, before she could even think about stopping herself, she jumped at the man and tackled him to the ground. Shouts and screams filled the apartment as she quickly straddled the man, used one hand to punch him in the face and the other to swipe his phone. Right before she felt hands on her shoulders grabbing her tightly and pulling her to safety, she put Peter's phone in his pocket and put his in her own.

"You little bitch!"

The man tried hitting her with his gun, but Foggy stepped in and kicked it out of his hands before he could stop him. The intruder scrambled away from the group, leaving his gun behind as he jumped over Sam's unconscious form and back through the doorway.

"I might be a bitch, but at least I'm not an alpha like you!" Violet yelled at his retreating figure.

He turned to face her at that, grinning maliciously, pointing to her and Jessica, who had dropped her gun in favor of restraining Violet. Foggy as now pointing the gun, shaky as can be.

"I'll take both of you." He took a few more steps backwards, "mark my words."

"I can't! I don't have a pen!" Violet shouted.

"Just wait," he reached the elevator, "I'll claim both of you!"

"Bold words for a man who can't hold onto a gun!" Violet flipped him off.

The Alpha bared his teeth but said no more as the elevator doors opened. He stepped through, eyes never leaving Violet and Jessica's defiant forms until the doors closed on front of him.

The mood instantly relaxed when he was finally gone. Foggy clicked the safety back in place on the gun, set it on Jessica's desk, and went to the window to watch the man leave. Matt went to Sam, confirming he still had a pulse. Jessica turned Violet around in her arms and shook her forcefully.

"What were you thinking!?"

Violet didn't answer, thinking hard about why she took the guys phone.

"Do you realize what this means?! He's after you now too!"

"Who is this guy?" Foggy asked from the window, his tone shaking.

"Kilgrave. His name's Kilgrave. I dated him one time a few years ago, and ever since then he won't leave me alone. Got a restraining order on him, and eventually put him in prison, but apparently he's out now." Jessica growled, but scared tears filled her eyes. "Jesus Christ, Vi. What were you thinking?"

"I have a really terrible idea," Violet responded slowly.

That was not what Jessica wanted to hear. "What?"

"I have an idea, but it's not a good one."

"Oh God," Jessica sighed, biting her lips, "what is it?"

Violet took a breath. "Two birds, one stone."

"What do you mean?"

Violet pulled out Kilgrave's phone, "two birds, one stone."

Jessica stepped back, "what are you doing with that? Where are you going with this?"

"Use Kilgrave to save Peter from the Avengers."

Jessica flinched, "wha- how?" Her eyes popped with realization, "did you switch their phones?"

Violet nodded, "We text Tony using Kilgrave's phone. Say a whole bunch of bullshit and make him believe that he's with Peter. Kilgrave will reach out once he realizes that he has Peter's phone and we'll use that to our advantage. Tell him we'll meet up at a certain location, one that Tony will track him to shortly after we send him the messages."

"How does that solve our problem of protecting him from the Avengers?"

Violet sighed, "because knowledge is power. If we want to protect Peter from Tony, then he needs to see Tony at his worst."

"By walking in on the meeting and seeing him for what he really is" Matt surmised from the floor.

"And taking care of Kilgrave once and for all."

Violet rubbed her face. She was burning up. "Like I said, terrible idea."

"If it gets rid of Kilgrave, I'm all for it. He wasn't kidding earlier."

"But will it protect Peter in the long run?" Matt wondered aloud.

"Probably not, but maybe it'll buy us time to plan something better?" Foggy interjected, "it's more exciting than having him over for dinner."

"Is it worth it though, taking this chance?" Violet mumbled, the gravity of what's doing weighing heavily on her.

"Yes," Jessica spoke vehemently, squeezing Violet's shoulders, "anything is worth the risk where are friend's lives are concerned. Remember?"

Violet's lips quirked at that. She said that to Jessica a long time ago outside a food truck serving burgers. "At the time I was talking about the special sauce they were serving on the burgers we ordered."

"Don't you agree that it applies to everything?"

Violet nodded slowly, her head sinking forward and resting on Jessica's shoulder while the beta wrapped her strong arms around Violet's smaller form.

"I won't lose you, Vi. You're the only family I have."

Vi closed her eyes and sunk into Jessica's embrace. "You're my family too."

Avengers Tower

5 minutes earlier

Natasha grinned at the sight of James below her. He looked gorgeous and mysterious on any given day, but there was something special about the way he looks with a red ball gag strapped in his mouth. The way his teeth dug in, the strain and arousal on his, the contrast between his flushed skin and the black leather stretching from his mouth.

His hands were strapped to the headpost above his head with his own belt, his feet tied to separate bed posts, naked, covered in sweat, spit, and his own release. Multiple releases. Natasha licked each one before putting his cock back in between her legs and continuing the torture.

Shortly after taking in their Omega's fresh scent after all these years, both Alpha's went into their ruts prematurely. Barely stopping for a drink of water, the two fucked and they fucked, and they fucked. The need to mate, to bond, to knot was unbearable, but much as the need controlled them, they were not fulfilled. Try as he might, James has never been able to knot Natasha, and she has never been to find relief inside of him, not in the way it mattered. They needed an Omega for that, and they have not found their Omega. Yet.

So, all they could do is fuck until they can't anymore. With the consistent fast and frenetic pace they've been maintaining throughout the rest of the day and well into the night, it should be over soon. Both Alphas were so close, so tired and drained yet still so aroused it wasn't even funny, but with the end in sight, they kicked it up one last notch.

James was on the verge of what he could feel was his final release when the speakers started chirping at them. He groaned in frustration as Natasha pulled him out of her, smirking in amusement before speaking.


"It's Hawkeye. The picture of that girl you wanted is cleaned up."

"How clean?" Natasha asked, placing a gentle hand on the struggling beneath her.

"TV ready clean. Zoomed in and everything."

Natasha grinned, "send it to FRIDAY, have her hold it for us while we finish up."

Hawkeye chuckled, "will do. Have fun finishing each other off."

The speaker went dead before Natasha could respond.

"Don't worry darling, we'll get him back for that later." She bit his nipple, sinking down on his cock one last time.

A few minutes later, with a muffled, agonized shout from James and a piercing scream from Natasha, both Alphas finally finished their rut and found release one last time. After resting for another brief moment, Natasha moved to release James from his bonds, starting with the gag and capturing him a warm, lovers kiss. Then came the hands, then his feet. He pulled her into his arms, stood out of bed, and carried her to the lounge area where their TV hung on the far wall.

"FRIDAY, show us our Omega."

The picture instantly arrived, and James collapsed in the nearest chair while maintaining his grip on Natasha.

She was beautiful. Much thinner than they wanted her to be, that innocence in her eyes long gone, and worse for wear based on the worn state of the Air Force hoody and denim jacket. But those were all things they could change. That innocence might be gone, but even with just this one photo they can see that hope remained. Their Omega was a fighter, the challenge they've so desperately desired for so, so long. She's been through a lot, seen a lot, but softness remained.

"FRIDAY, did you run a comparison analysis with picture of Brea Abernathy?" Natasha asked hesitantly, wanting to be sure before she got her hopes up.

"Yes. Based on Mr. Rogers and Dr. Banner's depiction of Brea today, there is a 92% match between the photos."

Natasha held in her cry for joy.

"Comparing that to the evidence of her scent outside the apartment of Mr. Stark's chosen, then there is an 86% chance that Brea Abernathy is in fact the mysterious Vi Mr. Parker has discussed with Mr. Stark."

James tightened his hold on Natasha, kissing the crook of her neck with absolute care. Natasha turned to look at him. "Halloween."

James nodded, his mouth set, "Halloween, we'll bring our Omega home