

Bakugou finds the little snowhaired brat at his doorway and ends up being basically her babysitter.

Kazabby · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs


Katsuki was laying in his bed, allowed the rare time to relax between classes and his stupid peers. It was barely passed noon so he took to keep himself entertained before starting any homework for the next week.

Katsuki glances up from his phone. He's sure he heard some type of noise coming from the hallway. It wasn't exactly surprising, as he had his door just barely propped open and he lived with many loud assholes. He shot a glare at the door before turning back to his phone. Stupid extras.

He scrolled through social media for a few more moments before his door made a familiar creak of it being pushed open. Oh, so the damn idiots wanted to mess with him. "Shittyhair, Dunceface, I swear to god if-"

He cuts himself off. At the door was not the obnoxious blonde and red he had gotten accustomed to.

When he looked up, there, gripping her small red bag like a lifeline, was Eri. The little girl looked up at him with her big red eyes anxiously. Damn it.

Katsuki knew she was at the dorms for the afternoon, but usually, she stays downstairs in the common room. She should be there instead of up here, especially without someone with her.

He stared at her fidgeting figure before standing up with an annoyed sigh. She was probably lost or needed something. He walked toward her but she flinched away from him, clearly uncomfortable. Katsuki stopped. He let his shoulders drop, of course, she was scared of him with his angry face and loud voice. He sighed again and crouched down to her level. He could put away his pride for a small child. It's not like she would mock him for doing the bare minimum.

"Hey, pipsqueak." He spoke in the softest tone his gruff voice could manage(which wasn't very soft).

She shuffles her feet as her eyes wander away from him to his room. He stayed calm and still, not wanting to frighten the kid. Aizawa would have his head if she went back to him with tears and he was the reason for it.

When her eyes finally land back on him she looks a little less shaken.

More like a new kitten than a leaf in the wind.

"Do ya' need something or what?" He urged her to speak. He didn't want to upset the girl but that didn't mean he was suddenly a patient person. She stared at him for a few more moments before shuffling fully into the room. The girl grips the fabric of her red bag tighter as she speaks up."i-i" she looks to the floor. "I need help."

"With what?" He grumbles. It's just like the extras to be so incompetent she that needed to get help elsewhere. Idiots.

" I-lm "she sniffles. "Hungry, but they didn't notice me ".

God dammit. He's going to rip the class into pieces if they really starved the girl. Even if it wasn't on purpose she was still hungry. He was taking names on who to kill. How stupid did they have to be to not notice the child that they were told to watch?

He set aside his rage as he stood up in front of the small girl. He sighed. Why couldn't he have a peaceful Sunday?

"Alright, I'll fucking make you something. C'mon, pipsqueak."

He stomped out of his room with hesitant footsteps sounding out behind him.

He led her down the stairs, letting her hold onto his wrist when the girl nearly tripped on her short legs. Useless children, he thought halfheartedly.

He entered the kitchen, pointedly ignoring the idiots sitting in the common room. He looked down at Eri and tried to keep a calm face despite the other students' eyes on them.

"What do you want, pipsqueak?" The girl looked at her socked feet for many seconds before answering."nothing too salty, please." He strained to hear the girl's voice but he gruffed out an answer anyway." Is spicy food fine, for ya?" She nods her head.

He's pretty sure the girl has never had hot food but he's not going to interrogate her further. He sets out ingredients to make simple soba but with extra flavor. He looks through the cabinets and lands on the noodles he needed.

He thinks about his next steps before remembering that Eri is still standing by him. He gets her attention with a small "kid." before leading her to the dining table. He sets her down in the end seat, giving her a few moments to move away before helping her up. She doesn't, and he opens his phone and sets it down in front of her.

"I have a few apps you could play around with, just don't break my shit." And with that graceful sentence, he moves back to the kitchen

He makes sure to glare at his nosy classmates in the living room, it's a look that promises pain. They appropriately wilt from shame, as they should. Katsuki grabs the needed utensils for the small meal and gets to work. He can faintly hear the sound of Eri playing a familiar game on his phone accompanied by the extra's mumbled conversations.

In the time it takes to prepare their meal, no one approaches them.

" •☆Time skip☆• "

He sets two plates down, one in front of Eri and one before his seat (an empty seat between them.). The girl set his phone down to look up at him and the plate. He sits and they both mumble prayers before digging into the food. Bakugou ate his portion at a normal (if not angry) pace and Eri hesitantly brought the soba to her mouth. The food shouldn't be too spicy. As much as he wanted to make it super hot, katsuki knew not to burn the poor child's tongue off. So he, unfortunately, had to keep the food relatively bland.

A shame.

She seems to handle the little spice in it well, taking pauses between every few bites. He thought maybe he shouldn't add any but she had a small smile that told him otherwise.

They finish their meals in silence as both aren't much for talking. He stands to take their dishes to the sink and returns to retrieve his phone. ("I need that back" "M'kay" she whispers.)

He turns back to the kitchen to put the leftover food in a container. The portion is relatively large so it should work just fine. He wraps it in a cloth sitting on the counter before addressing Eri again. "Kid, imma' need you to get ready to head back to Aizawa."

Her wide eyes bore into him for a moment before she scrambles off the chair. He checks the kitchen over before finally heading toward the living room.

Iida, Denki, sero, Hagakure, and Mineta were in the room, turning to look at him when he got closer. Most of them seemed to slump under his gaze but Sonic didn't seem to get the memo that Bakugou was upset.

Why, did Deku have to be out training today.

"Bakugou!" he shrieks." where are you headed with Eri?! You should inform others when you are taking her somewhere els-"

"SHUT UP LOUD ASS!"Bakugou cut off with a yell.

Hypocritical, he knows. But it shut the annoyance right up.

"Im takin' her to Aizawa, since I apparently can't trust her alone with all of you!" Pikachu perked up.

"What do ya' mean bro?" the bright blonde's head cocked to the side.

He snarled at him, "Eri was hungry, and not a single one of you paid attention enough to notice her."

He shoved past the small group, standing by the little girl who had been strapping on her shoes. They could give Aizawa whatever excuse or reasoning they had.

He pushed open the door and they headed out of the dorms without a glance behind them.

The walk towards the staff dorms was just shy of a ten-minute walk. He made sure not to walk too fast for her as he clutched the container of food.

They made it to the teachers' dorm and front door with little issue as Bakugou knocked on the wood harder than necessary.

Conveniently enough, Aizawa opened the door, tired eyes boring into him. He stared back.

"What is it, Bakugou?" He sighs.

"I brought the pipsqueak back." He motioned toward the girl beside him." The idiots weren't watching her, can't trust them so I brought her back."

The man makes room for her to get past him into the building. The pro's eyes widened.

",,,why?" He asks in a tone weary of the answer he'll receive.

"The shitheads didn't know she was hungry even after she tried to get their attention! I made sure she got fed though." His nose scrunched at the thought of the poor girl being unsatisfied for the two hours. Realistic he knew that she had probably been fed before getting to their dorm, but she had still been hungry enough to go look for someone else to help.

Aizawa's eyes flashed with anger and the use of his quirk, hair floating. The man bristled with a deep scowl set on his face. He was definitely upset. ",,, Thank you for telling me this Bakugo." His hair flopped down as he took a deep inhale and he pinched the bridge of his nose. He was still very tense, though.

He was probably going to make those students' life hell for the next weeks

His teacher nodded to him, "You may head back now."

He grunted at his teacher before shoving the container toward him.

The man's eyebrows rose but otherwise took the box with no other response.

Bakugou turned on his heels and stomped down the stairs before the man could really respond anyways.

It was extra food, and it was bland as hell so he sure as hell didn't want it. He wasn't keen on throwing food away, though. (He ignored the fact that he could've given it to his classmates, the ones more likely to try and eat it were the ones he was pissed at.)

He made his way back to the dorms, taking deep breaths. There was no use in losing his temper when Aizawa would likely punish his incompetent peers. And he was exhausted. Even with the limited time (and even more limited interaction) it was still tiring.

When he's assigned to watch the brat the next time Deku isn't available to watch her, he's not surprised. If he gets saddled with the responsibility to keep her safe and okay then at least he knows for sure she will be.