
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · アニメ·コミックス
242 Chs

against the odds & raticate's revenge?

Rex could see that the odds were against him in this battle.

He knew that he could not afford to extend this battle otherwise it would be his loss.

Knowing that, he made a decision to bet it all on the new set of moves him and Machop had been practising recently. it was in the experimental phase and there had been many accidents but the power increased with each practice they did.

Rex "machop we can't drag this out or we'll lose so let's use the new move"

Machop hearing Rex's command was elated as he had wanted to use this move against an opponent but couldn't find one. the thing about this move was that it's very taxing on his energy as he wasn't strong enough to use it for more than one and a half minutes tops.

Rex "let's do this Machop nice and quick, USE ICE-FIRE FUSION" he yelled, half excited to see the power of the move this time round.

Machop smashed his fists together creating a massive shockwave that sent the incoming rattata's tumbling backwards.

massive amounts of ice energy began to condense on his left fist followed by scorching energy erupting from his right. the collision between the two opposing elements created a strong wind pressure that acted as a sort of cloak around Machop.

Rex "such power! this is making my blood boil, only in such situations surrounded and outnumbered can I have such an exciting battle," he said exhilarated by the power coming off of Machop.

machop barreled forward with immense momentum before leap smashing his way right into the middle of the wave of rattata's, creating a crater half-covered in ice and the other scorched black.

this single attack had wiped out a quarter of the rattata's in one fell swoop.

without wasting time machop rushed towards the largest group of rattata's swing his fists as he spun at fast speeds creating a massive torrent of air that blasted the incoming rattata's who intended to attack. after a minute, half of the rattata's were wiped out by machop alone.

but such a burst of power did come at a price, Machop was getting exhausted and started to pant heavily.

Rex seeing this knew that Machop could not keep this up for much longer.

yet just when he thought that maybe the rattata's would scatter due to the damage machop caused, a raticate appeared and stabilised the increasingly jittery rattata group.

That's right, it was the Raticate that attacked Professor Oak and it seemed to have come back for revenge. the leader that organised this attack on Rex was this raticate, and seeing that it could no longer watch from the side it decided to lead a final attack and take down this hateful Machop.

Rex "tch, no wonder Machop hates these rodents, their so annoying," he said with a sullen look

Rex knew that this raticate was trouble and Machop was already running on fumes and probably had only one last attack in him.

thinking thus far Rex decided to bet it all on a final move, balls to the wall.

Rex "machop let's send these rodents flying, were using our ultimate move ok?" he said with more determination than ever before.

Machop seeing his trainers resolve burned with fighting spirit.

Machop [this is going to do a lot of damage hehehe] he chuckled in thought before nodding towards Rex

seeing Machop nod he voiced his final command

Rex "machop use everything you got, BLAST CANNON"

BOOOOM an intense shockwave spread all around, feeling machop's power increase suddenly startled the raticate, it knew it couldn't afford to take this hit and needed to knock out machop before he completes the move.

Machop seeing the incoming rodent wave fully focused on his move, he could not afford to lose. His left arm rose 90 degrees to the side as he released an immense amount of cold air everywhere before also raising his right arm that had a massive blazing green flame erupting on it 90 degrees to his side as well. what this caused was the initial concentrated cold air to abruptly heat up and expand, and due to this sudden change, the air pressure in between the two arms increased many-fold.

Machop opened up his fists pointing the palm of his hands towards the wave of rattata's lead by raticate like he was trying to hug them and suddenly clapped.


The combination between the two opposite energies caused a sonic boom before expanding outwards at immense speed colliding with the wave of rodents sending them flying without being able to resist in the least. The raticate didn't stand a chance either and was subsequently blasted away hitting many trees before disappearing altogether.

The impact itself created a barren zone spanning 100 meters in a cone shape where many trees could be seen uprooted and laying on their side or shattered into bits.

Machop stumbled heavily as he started to lose consciousness and finally fell.

Rex who's face went pale from the mere energy released by Machop's move woke up by the sound of Machop's body hitting the ground.

AN: good battle? Leave a comment telling me what you think :)