
So I'm a Spider, So What?

I'm gonna survive-just watch me! I was your average, everyday high school girl, but now I've been reborn in a magical world...as a spider?! Wait-this isn't how these stories are supposed to go! Can I get a do-over? ...No? But how am I supposed to survive in this big, scary dungeon as one of the weakest monsters? It's "every spider for herself " in here! I gotta figure out the rules to this QUICK, or I'll be kissing my short second life goodbye... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When someone asks if you're a guardian spirit, you say...?I've really done it this time. After I saved my old classmate who's been reborn as an overpowered vampire, the townspeople took it upon themselves to worship me like some kind of guardian spirit. Not that I'm complaining about the delicious free food, but...I'm a loner by nature! I'm TERRIBLE at dealing with people! And they're not monsters, so it's not like I can just kill them to make them go away. What am I gonna do...? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A mystery man and a smart phone? Things are about to get interesting! I'm continuing to level up and kick some monster booty into the next stratum! But there's more to this world than I thought...and it seems there are some big figures at play behind the scenes. Like this man, for example-he just popped up out of nowhere! And...what's this? Holy crap, a cell phone?! Maybe I'll finally be able to communicate with someone down here in this labyrinth, and start getting to the bottom of things! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-i-it's not like a spider needs friends! I did it! I'm finally an Arachne!...Aaand things already aren't going the way I thought they would. I'm inexplicably on a road trip with the Demon Lord, a reincarnated baby, and her troubled vampire guardian. I don't really interact with them much, besides subjecting my reborn classmate to insane training, watching the party sneak off into villages, hearing about the delicious food they eat...Wait, hold up. Doesn't it seem like I'm the only one who's being left out?!? W-w-well, the monsters up here taste delicious, so whatever! Sniff, sniff. I wonder if my other brains are having a better time... What are they even up to?

Asara_Catboy · ファンタジー
248 Chs

The sinking earth

I extinguish the fire on my body with "Medicine Synthesis".

A relieved breath.

My decreased MP begins to recover rapidly.

Alaba can't move anymore.

It has no power to move.

Although the HP has not change yet, if the SP is exhausted, the HP will also be exhausted at the same time.

And, its SP is in a situation where it might be exhausted just by moving a little.

Now, it's like I can just boil it or roast it.


Although it was a harder fight than what I expected, it became the end as my assumption.

I have judged that it was impossible to reduce Alaba's HP completely from the beginning.

The skill of the scale series possessed by the Dragon species that obstructs magic has a very bad affinity with me.

Even if I hit it physically, it's like the hand used to hit aches.

Alaba's defensive ability is overwhelmingly higher than my offensive ability.

That's why, I give up on the HP.

If the HP is not good, I should just reduce the SP.

And, the one that can do it is "Sloth".

My broken skill number 4.

"Sloth" was acquired relatively quick after I evolved into Ede Saine.

To be honest, because I didn't understand the explanation, I didn't regard it highly, but when I acquired it, I was surprised of the good affinity with me.

If I use the "Evil Eye of Grudge", not only the HP, but the decrease of the other status also becomes greater.

Although there's not much effect on Alaba, when it's an opponent that don't have the "Abnormal Condition Resistance", it becomes a brutal combo to the extent that I can win with this only.

In addition, if I use it with Transfer, I can force a one-sided protracted war on my opponent.

I can always confirm my opponent's status by marking, interfere its meal by appearing suddenly with Transfer, and even wait for its SP to be exhausted thoroughly.

I mean, this was the strategy that I was going to use on Alaba.

Because it has acquired an unnecessary thing like "Space Perception", it was dangerous that it became impossible to use my Transfer thoughtlessly.

Among the skills that Alaba acquired, the most troublesome one might have been "Space Perception".

Because Alaba bring out its full power that can be said as desperate effort, I succeeded in exhausting its SP more faster.

If Alaba has more composure, the result might be different.

Because there were neither carelessness nor a chance, it was defeated conversely.

It's a nasty strategy even if I say so myself.

Well then, Alaba, have you compose a haiku?

I will help you.

It's time to put an end to our fight.

If you can't move, I can shoot magic as much as I like.

Will its HP be reduced finished first? Or, will its SP be exhausted first?

I wonder which is it.

I look down on Alaba from the air while a vulgar smile floats in my heart.

Alaba raises its neck slowly.

Our eyes met.

It startled.

Those eyes were freshly clear.

What's with those eyes.

You lost to me.

You should be more frustrated like a loser.

Alaba turn its body over slowly like warding off my abusive language.

However, only its neck is facing me straightly.

And, abnormality occurs in Alaba's appraised status.

The character of the skills become gray.

This is the activation of the skills being turned off.

By turning off the skills that are activated continuously, the color of the character when appraising becomes gray.

Alaba's skills become gray one after another.

The "Heaven Scale" skill that severely tormented me also.

Various resistance-type skills as well.

So, you won't resist, huh?

What's with that.

Really, what's with that.

Why are you satisfied arbitrarily?

Because you did your best, you have no regrets?

Is it like that?

Don't joke with me!

Be greedier.

Beg for your life more.

Live and struggle.

Why can you throw away your life so easy?

Life, if you lose it once, it won't return to you anymore, you know?

Because I was reincarnated, it might not be persuasive, but usually, it's the end when you die, you know?

How can you end it gallantly?

Then, what am I who struggle to not wanting it to end?

Or, is it because you know that it won't end even if you die in this world?

If that's the case, it's irritating all the more.

Ah, fine.

I will kill you just as you wish.

I release all Evil Eyes.

Grudge, Stasis, Magnetism, and Extinction.

Alaba's body became dust and vanished without resisting.

"Experience points has reached a certain degree. Individual, Ede Saine LV19 has become LV20"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Level Up Bonus:Skill Proficiency was acquired"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Fighting Spirit LV9』 has become 『Fighting Spirit LV10』"

"Conditions met. Skill 『Fighting Spirit LV10』 has evolved into Skill 『War God Spirit LV1』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Anger LV2』 has become 『Anger LV3』"

"Skill points gained"

"Experience points has reached a certain degree. Individual, Ede Saine LV20 has become LV21"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Level Up Bonus:Skill Proficiency was acquired"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Evil Eye of Extinction LV3』 has become 『Evil Eye of Extinction LV4』"

"Skill points gained"

"Experience points has reached a certain degree. Individual, Ede Saine LV21 has become LV22"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Level Up Bonus:Skill Proficiency was acquired"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Telekinesis LV1』 has become 『Telekinesis LV2』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Evil Eye of Magnetism LV1』 has become 『Evil Eye of Magnetism LV2』"

"Skill points gained"

"Experience points has reached a certain degree. Individual, Ede Saine LV22 has become LV23"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Level Up Bonus:Skill Proficiency was acquired"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『High-speed HP Recovery LV7』 has become 『High-speed HP Recovery LV8』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Thread Talent LV8』 has become 『Thread Talent LV9』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Slash Resistance LV5』 has become 『Slash Resistance LV6』"

"Skill points gained"

"Experience points has reached a certain degree. Individual, Ede Saine LV23 has become LV24"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Level Up Bonus:Skill Proficiency was acquired"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Blunt Resistance LV5』 has become 『Blunt Resistance LV6』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Fear Resistance LV9』 has become 『Fear Resistance LV10』"

"Conditions met. Skill 『Fear Resistance LV10』 has evolved into Skill 『Great Fear Resistance LV1』"

"Skill points gained"

It became an awfully bad victory.