
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · アニメ·コミックス
175 Chs

Angra Avesta-1


I bit down at my newest meal with a disinterested gaze as the tasteless substance made way into my stomach. What was I eating?

A cursed spirit.

Confused? Let me explain. There is a type of energy called Cursed Energy that is created through the negative emotions of humanity. When these energies come together they form a monster that people without sufficient amount of Cursed Energy can't see. Most of the time these monsters come to being around places humans are scared or have bad memories about. Like an abandoned building or a cave.

Sound familiar? If you guessed it, the answer is: yes I am talking about the monsters from Jujutsu Kaisen, a very well made manga and anime.

How am I eating a monster that is supposed to be fictional?

It happened when I died. Quite an interesting experience. First time I had been ran over by a truck. Definitely did not expected to wake up in a forest.

After a while memories started to play inside my head and it caused me to scream like a bloody banshee as I tried to think through the pain.

I failed.

Memories belonged to someone else from another anime. Angra Mainyuu, the Avenger class servant.

Story goes that there once was a village and then one day the people of the village decided to blame everything that went wrong, was going wrong and could go wrong on a single person. A little boy. Then they carved every curse they could think of and many that they never could have thought alone on the boy's flesh and declared that he was Angra Mainyuu, the source of all evil in the world and sacrificed the boy in a ritual in hopes that their lives would go well from then on.

It failed.

But the boy was recorded into the throne of heroes and then summoned as the weakest Servant that could be summoned. And I had his powers and experienced his memories on second hand.

Pretty sure those memories changed me. When I woke up I could not even remember my own name or family but in exchange I had Angra Mainyuu's power.

It might sound lame with him being the weakest Servant but the fact is, even the weakest Servant had at least E rank in strength which was ten times more than a very healthy and strong adult. Just as a stray cursed spirit that attacked me learned.

There is a certain cathartic feeling you get when your fist splits open the head of a being that had aimed for your life. A feeling that I loved very very much.

Unfortunately being strong did not make me exempt from the common rule of living that is one needed to eat. And one day, where I had no luck with hunting or gathering plants to eat, I was attacked by a cursed spirit. It looked like a giant head with limbs and as it tried to bite me with teeth almost as big as my head, I lost all sense, jumped on it's back and bit down.

It was the most disgusting meal I ever had but after I could calm down I realized that my cursed energy had risen considerably. This required further testing and I tested it by capturing more Cursed Spirits and eating them. Result was always the same, more cursed energy capacity for me.

Hungry for more power, hunting Cursed Spirits became my life's new purpose. Fighting them became more enjoyable than anything else and the energy I gained from eating them was nothing less than cathartic. Later on I didn't even need to eat them anymore, any I killed was absorbed within me. But that had garnered some attention that I didn't like and a revelation that I really didn't like as I finally got out of the forest.

Revelation: I was far from the canon timeline. It was 1669, more than three hundred years before the canon.

And the people whose interest I had gotten: Three families and the rest of the Sorcerer Community.

Somehow some sorcerer had seen me eat a cursed spirit and the elders of the organizations had declared me a monster and sent sorcerers after me.

Fortunately I had already mastered the use of my new strength, my cursed technique and Avenger's weapons. Tawrich and Zarich, the left and right Fang Grinders. C ranked Noble Phantasms as reverse grip weapons shaped like something between a beast's fangs and claws. They allowed me to make quick work of the sorcerers trying to kill me, sorcerer kebab ready to go if you will.

...I still miss those things after they got broken against that katana obsessed old bastard...

But what was truly important came after that. I was able to use fire. Just like one of the sorcerers that I had killed.

The King of Curses, claiming back what already belonged to him. That was the only conclusion I could come to, other sorcerers and higher class cursed spirits with techniques became my proof. I could claim the cursed techniques of enemies I had killed and the elders of the three families were sending many strong sorcerers after me, possessors of innate techniques and inherited techniques alike.

It was a massacre.

I killed every sorcerer they sent after me, every sorcerer with technique I killed allowed me to become stronger and every sorcerer I killed became a bigger motivation for the worthless geezers to send sorcerers with even stronger techniques. A grinding loop if you will.

As I continued killing, I had gathered a reputation. A demon who was the second coming of Ryomen Sukuna, or so they claimed. A demon in human skin, a Shura. So I made that title my name and choose 'Sakaki', which roughly meant 'divine woods', as my surname. Mostly because I spent most of my time in the woods.

Sakaki Shura, the Demon of Divine Woods. Though such reputation had gotten interest of another man. A man with stitches on his forehead. He tended to act like he was my friend around me but I knew that he didn't like me very much. Not after I had deprived him of three very useful pawns. Three Cursed Spirits of Disasters, not to mention another similar spirit I had eaten before meeting him. And many many other cursed spirits of special grades that he likely wished to turn into his pawns one way or another.

Which had led me to discovering another part of my cursed technique. One that had me laughing like a maniac for hours.

Pretty sure the only reason he didn't come after me was because he was wary of the amount of cursed techniques and cursed energy I possessed.

Speaking of the stitched forehead…

"What do you want, Kenjaku?"

"How cold, is this how you treat an old friend after not seeing them for years. And I have to say you still look as young as you always have, what's the secret?" Kenjaku asked with an easygoing smile. He was wearing a rather stylish black kimono with flower patterns on it and his blond hair was tied in a low ponytail that completely showed the stitches on his forehead. A side effect of his cursed technique, to transplant his brain to younger bodies to extend his life.

"To always make sure not to get wounded and not to do risky transplants. Always eating balanced meals might help too." I deadpanned at the centuries old sorcerer as I ate the last remaining part of the cursed spirit in my hand.

"So cranky, does your mood have anything to do with that poor person there?" Kenjaku asked as he pointed at the corpse behind me. It could have been once a beautiful woman but right now with all of her lower half and right side of her face gone and the left side frozen in an expression of frightened shock, it was a rather gruesome scene.

"You really should learn to keep your nose out of my business." I glared at the stitched man.

"Was she an assassin? One that had tried to seduce you?" Kenjaku smiled like an imp as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"None of your business." She was, and she wasn't even one of the nice ones who would actually sleep with you before trying to kill you.

"Ahh, such hostility. What have I ever done to get such treatment?" Kenjaku over dramatically held a hand on his forehead with a sad expression that was far too realistic for someone like Kenjaku to be actually feeling it.

"Just get to the point. And you know what you did." Which was sending the last Gojo heir after me by revealing my location to the man. The bastard hadn't been anywhere close to as strong as Gojo Satoru would be in three hundred years something later and didn't have the six eyes but the man still had Limitless which was a pain in the ass to deal with.

In the end I killed the bastard and got his technique, even if I was pretty much shit with the technique, while Kenjaku got nothing. I even hunted down the three disaster curses so that he wouldn't get them later on because I was that petty.

"Ok, ok. I'm just here to tell you three sorcerers are coming here and will be here in a few hours."

"And why would you do that?" No way it was from the goodness of his heart since his had none of that shit.

"I won't be in Japan for a while so I thought that I would give you a faraway present. My offer is still open by the way, even if you don't seem to need it." By offer he meant sealing me in a cursed object so that he could revive me later on and let me fight many strong sorcerer. Which I didn't need as I had been around for almost hundred years and still looked in my early twenties, no idea how.

"The answer is still no. Now get off my lawn."

"We're in the woods."

"Just get out of my sight you creepy bastard." I half heartedly threw a pebble at the man which he dodged by disappearing entirely. Likely the cursed technique the body had before the stitched bastard stole it.