
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs

chapter 25


Kirishima takes Izuku to a secret beach he found as a celebratory gift towards them officially becoming boyfriends after a few months of dating. They plan to have tons of fun together, but that all changes. It turns out that the beach wasn't so secret anymore as there were two other figures at this beach—two Pro Heroes, to be exact. Two Pro Heroes who have recently entered made their debut and have already had a considerable following. Gallantmon and Beelzemon.

Despite Izuku and Kirishima being surprised by their appearance, who are without their hero costumes, the two teens can't help but fall in love with them. They don't know what came over them, but the Pros are happy to give their love. A love that comes with physical changes, some lustful desires, and new Daddies.

Ultimately, it turns out that Gallantmon and Beelzemon are not their kind of heroes, but Izuku and Kirishima couldn't care less.

Secluded Beach, Japan

Izuku and his classmate from Class-1A, Eijiro Kirishima, were on break from school as they had another hero exam coming up.

Why they were together was simple.

Sometime after the Sports Festival at U.A., Izuku and Eijiro started hanging out with each other more. Much to the jealousy of Ochako Uraraka, the nervous broccoli head that was Izuku Midoriya asked out their spiky red-haired to a date, and he accepted.

When they started dating, it turned out that they had a lot in common, making each other more enjoyable to be around.

If either of them had personal issues or needed help, they would hang out with each other and help each other until they were all good.

After a few weeks of dating, they officially became boyfriends, and the class loved it. Aizawa was too tired and exhausted to care, Ochako was fuming with anger and jealousy, and Bakugou despised that Deku managed to drag someone down to his level.

It has been a few months since they officially started their relationship, and it couldn't be any better for either of them.

They helped each other with their homework, chatted on the phone, played together online, visited their house, met the families, and comforted one another when they needed it.

So now, Kirishima was taking his boyfriend to a quiet, secluded beach that offered enough privacy for them to relax and enjoy each other's company without anyone else around.

"Eijiro?! How much further is it?..." came the whining voice of one Izuku Midoriya as he carried a cooler in one hand and a bag filled with necessities.

Eijiro grinned as he carried the umbrella and towels, "It's just past the line of trees here. You'll see."

As it was a hot sunny day, the two wore clothing appropriate for the day. Kirishima wore black shorts with flames licking the leg holes and a white shirt with Crimson Riot on the front. Midoriya went with something more feminine, such as a one-piece swimsuit under an All Might-themed shirt and Gang Orca shorts.

Earlier that day, when the two of them met up at Izuku's house before heading off, Eijiro couldn't help but giggle at his boyfriend's choice of clothing and called him a "cute fanboy."

Izuku groaned, "But you said that five minutes ago!" He whined.

His complaining ceased when Eijiro gave his ass a hard spank, making Izuku yelp and blush.

"Don't make me turn this ass around and take you back home!" Eijiro gave a sharp, toothed grin while making a mock, strict Dad voice.

Izuku decided to play along, wiggled his butt before his boyfriend, and grinned playfully, "Please don't spank me Daddy~."

The two of them giggled as they continued their walk.

It was quite a surprise when they first had sex together about a week ago. They were both quite kinky when it came down to it.

Izuku enjoyed being on the bottom and submissive, along with crossdressing to an extent, while Eijiro loved being in control and had a Daddy Kink to go with it. It made the red-haired boy feel things whenever Izuku would call him "Daddy."

Izuku got so used to calling his boyfriend that, at times, he accidentally called him as such while in class, surrounded by the others.

Mineta decided to open his stupid face fucking mouth and commented, "Man, Midoriya already had the body of a hot chick. It would've been hot if he was a girl and called Kirishima that."

That ended with Tsuyu smacking the grape-haired boy with her tongue, making him unconscious for the rest of the class.

Back to the present, Izuku had to shield his eyes as the Sun glared at him and Kirishima as they walked out of the line of trees and ended up at their destination—a beach.

It was a beautiful, quiet, secluded beach with the smell of saltwater in the air as the waves of crystal clear water smashed against the sand and rocks alongside the edges of the beach. Seagulls could be heard in the distance, looking for fish to be caught while on the open water just offshore.

"So beautiful…" Izuku commented as Eijiro rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Yep, this is ours for the entire day. Just us, the sand between our toes, and the cold water smashing against our skin." Eijiro admitted.

They both walked on the beach and found a spot by a little stream flowing into the water. Kirishima set up the umbrella and laid out the beach towels to lay parallel to one another while Midoriya set down the cooler with water, some snacks in baggies, and their favorite drinks.

Setting down the necessities bag, Izuku took off his clothes over his swimsuit and said, "Alright, we got a good spot. Now we need some sunscreen, and then we're good to go."

"That's not all we need." Came Eijiro's voice as Izuku turned around to see his man without his shirt, showing off his sexy and "manly" physique.

Izuku looked down and blushed as he saw his six-pack and an impressive bulge that tented his shorts.

Eijiro approached Izuku and wrapped his arms around the shorter teenager, "What else we need is the taste of each other's lips." He leaned forward and locked lips with Izuku, who leaned into the touch and tasted each other's warm and succulent lips.

Izuku held a hand to the other's chest while Eijiro's hands snaked down to grab a handful of ass and palm and rub the bulge Midoriya was hiding from him between his legs.

Eijiro's lips parted and smirked as he felt Izuku's cock twitch under the fabric from his touch, "I wonder what my Izuku is hiding from me?"

Izuku backed away and laid his stomach on his beach towel, leaving his covered ass exposed to the elements. Seeing it made Eijiro's heat up as he thought of plowing that ass later. But now, it was time to have fun and relax.

"You'll find out~..." Izuku said as he handed the sunscreen bottle to his boyfriend and allowed him to lather up his entire body in the protective cream, with Izuku returning the favor after he was covered.

Now that their bodies glistened with sunscreen, they were ready to have fun like ordinary teens and not deal with their teacher's strict teaching, villains, Bakugou and Mineta.

Not dealing with Grape-Head was a huge plus.

Midoriya and Kirishima began to run across the sandy beach, feeling the warmth and microscopically rough texture dig in between their toes and splash into the water.

They kicked up water and splashed each other while giggling, and Izuku thought of diving under and swimming between Eijiro's legs. He swooped in and swam after Izuku, who went further to a deeper part of the beach.

The two of them swam over to a small shipwreck that was lying beneath the waves, and they saw a school of fish staring at them (👁️👄👁️).

Izuku poked his boyfriend to get his attention while they held their breath, and Eijiro turned to see him acting like a fish, flapping his hands on either side of his head like a pair of gills.

Suddenly, the water around them turned dark, and the school of fish looked up and scampered away with speed. Confused, Izuku and Eijiro looked up at the eater's surface to see a large shadow descending on the water. A shadow that was much larger than them and looked similar to the Pro Hero, Fat Gum.

'Oh shit!' They thought as their eyes widened and gurgled a few bubbles before trying to avoid the figure and swim away. Unfortunately, the prominent figure came too quickly and…


Izuku and Eijiro were then pushed toward the beach as the water rushed behind them into a much bigger wave than normal tides.

They smacked into the sand, and Izuku groaned in pain with him and Eijiro passing out, but not before they heard someone's voice and rushed feet coming up to them.

Fifteen Minutes Later

Groaning. Izuku woke up to the sound of hushed whispers and some music playing. Turning over, he found himself and his boyfriend lying under their umbrella, where they set up their things before swimming. He sat up and saw that Eijiro stirred awake and shook his head.

"Oww… What the hell hit us?" Kirishima questioned as he held his head in pain and was sure he smacked face-first into the sand.

"I think someone fell from the sky and on top of where we were…" Izuku hypothesizes.

"Maybe a cannonball gone wrong?" Questions Eijiro.

"You boys are not too far off." A deep masculine voice came beside the two teens, prompting Izuku and Eijiro to turn to the new voice.

They turned to see a sizeable imposing body of both stature and figure a bit taller than All Might. Someone who was also as nude as anyone could be. This person had a black and white body with an overweight, curvy, and voluptuous form. A set of large breasts hung from its chest with two girthy cocks and balls hanging between the thick legs. Large wings covered in black feathers were on its back, with sharp claws on the hands and feet. The head had platinum blonde spiky hair, a set of red eyes, and a third one on the forehead.

Eijiro blushed as he took in the form of this mysterious figure and used a hand to cover up the tent that formed under his shorts.

Izuku, on the other hand, gasped and pointed at the figure with wide eyes, "I know you! Y-you're Be—."

'Oh great… Another human thinks I'm some Pro Hero just because I appeared a few times and gave my name…' The newcomer thought, then interrupted him, "Yes, you're correct. I am the Pro Hero, Beelzemon." The now-named being rubbed the back of his head with sweat flowing down his brow while grinning and showing off his impressive set of sharp teeth.

His face turned to seriousness and concern, "Don't worry about me right now. All I want to know is if you boys are alright or not. Feel any pain?" He asked as he stepped before them and knelt at their level.

Izuku shook his head rapidly while Eijiro turned away in embarrassment and tried to hide the growing tent. Beelzemon paid him no mind and checked them over for any possible injuries. When the winged figure found nothing wrong with them, he stood back up.

"Well, it seems there are no injuries. You boys should be good to go. Is there anything I could do for you two?" He asked and got a non-verbal response from Eijiro in the form of rapid head-shaking while Izuku started fishing through the bag he had brought. He got out a notebook and held it before him.

"Do you mind s-signing my journal?" Izuku asked with shaky hands.

Beelzemon took it from him and started looking through the pages. He eventually found an entry of him wearing his leather fur-collared jacket, pants, and straps and wielding his guns. He chuckled and thought, 'This kid sure is adorable. Normally, I would try to avoid the crowds and so-called 'fans,' but I'll humor the boy.' He gave a delighted smile and nodded in response to the kid's question, which prompted the green-haired boy to hand him a pen.

Beelzemon wrote his signature in the journal entry and returned it to the kid, "So, what are you two boys doing here? Actually, what are your names?"

The red-haired one answered, "Eijiro Kirishima and my boyfriend Izuku Midoriya. I was taking him to the beach to hang out and be alone, but I guess that's not happening now that you're here…" He grumbled in response.

Beelzemon chuckled, waving him off, "You don't have to worry about me ruining your day. It's just me and my mate here." 'Yeah, we managed to find somewhere quiet with no humans around so we can have one-on-one time with each other, but that's not happening anytime soon.' He thought in frustration.

Ever since coming out of the digital world, Beelzemon and his mate have been unable to take a breather as they have been mistaken as Pro Heroes from another country and have had no time to relax and prove how much they love each other.

"Wait, where is he anyway? You two are always seen together." Izuku looked around.

Beelzemon looked to the tree line, "He should be back any moment now."

"Actually…" Kirishima began, "Why are you naked?"

He laughed in response, "The same reason you boys had!" They tried feigning ignorance, but Beelzemon explained, "When I moved you boys over here, your bag tipped over. What came out was a bottle of lube along with some aphrodisiacs."

Izuku and Eijiro tried to deny the implication of what the contents of their bag were for, but that was stopped when Beelzemon laughed, "Don't you boys worry. My mate and I would do the same thing once we ate." He rolled his eyes, "Of course, that's IF he gets back."

Izuku and Eijiro could no longer try and deny that they were going to engage in sex on a beach where just about anyone driving by with a boat could see.

"Say…" Beelzemon got Midoriya and Kirishima's attention, "The two of you wouldn't happen to be the same teenagers from the U.A. Sports Festival, right?" They nodded, "Hmph… Had a feeling."

Before anything could be said, they were silenced by another figure who stumbled out of the tree line with two bags in hand filled to the brim with loaves of bread.

This figure was taller than Beelzemon and had a more reptilian or dinosaur look since the ears, tail, and claws were all there. His body was bright red with a white underbelly from the neck down, with some black shapes dotted all over the head, arms, and legs. His breast was smaller but looked heavier than Beelzemon's, with an enormous ass, thicker arms/legs, wider hips, and a round belly. His eyes were that of amber and he had long, white, slicked-back, spiky hair.

(No one knows what Gallantmon looks like without his armor, so we chalked it up to him looking like Growlmon.)

This figure was someone Izuku had an entry to as well.

"Beel~?! Ur ghurt thur bruud~!" He said with a maw of bread. He then noticed the two teens on the ground looking at him with gaping mouths.

Izuku pointed a shaky finger at him, "Y-you're Gallantmon!"

The one now known as Gallantmon strained to close his mouth, took a big gulp, and swallowed the bunch of bread in his maw before speaking, "Uh… Yeah. That's me." Once he stood before the group, he set the bags down and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Uh… I apologize for nearly drowning you both."

Kirishima and Izuku simultaneously said, "That's okay, Daddy." After that, there was silence between the two teens and heroes for thirty seconds before the two boys screamed in embarrassment at what they just said.

'Now they'll think we're weird!' Kirishima thought as he buried his head in the sand, while Izuku's thoughts were just as embarrassing but different.

'Why did I just say that?! That's the second time I've accidentally called a Pro Hero, 'Daddy!' First Vlad King Sensei, and now this?!' Izuku's mind was melting at the thought of it. He accidentally called the homeroom teacher of Class 1-B as such, which resulted in the man spilling his coffee in the hallway. Izuku realized how weird he was and handed the man some money with "Please don't tell anyone about this" being said.

Gallantmon and Beelzemon blushed at what they had just heard and turned around and huddled together to whisper to one another.

Izuku and Eijiro's faces were bright red as they began to feel a warm sensation wash over them, and they felt compelled to say something that they did not plan to come out of their mouths, "Can you please fuck us?" The two of them turned to each other in shock that they were thinking along the same lines.

Gallantmon and Beelzemon faced them in surprise and took a few seconds to look at each other before they came to a decision, with Beelzemon being the one who spoke, "That sounds like fun. I suppose this could be seen as repayment since we did ruin your one-on-one time together thanks to my mate here."

Gallantmon pouted at the blame being put on him. Yes, it was his fault to an extent, but how was he supposed to know that two teenagers were swimming under the water directly where he would splash down?

Though the teens knew many things, they didn't even consider why the two heroes referred to each other as "mates."

Beelzemon and Gallantmon then sat their heavy bodies on the sand and spread their thick legs apart for the young boys to get a good view of their meat.

Beelzemon reached over to his mate and wrapped a hand around the cock before facing the boys with a warm smile, "You two boys are going to suck on my fat dicks while I prepare Gallantmon. Is that clear?"

Izuku and Eijiro nodded before moving to Beelzemon but were stopped by the other, "You!" He pointed to Kirishima, "I want you naked, and I want him–" Then to Izuku, "–To stay clothed in that tight swimsuit of his."

Kirishima slid off his swimming trunks, revealing his stiff cock to the others. Now, he and Izuku got onto their hands and knees and crawled over to an awaiting Beelzemon whose heavy balls sank into the sand with his two dicks full mast and ready to be sucked on.

Izuku to the one on the left, with Eijiro taking the right and leaning closer to the hero. They breathed in his musk and blushed at how tempting it was and were about to wrap their mouths around the two girthy dicks but were stopped.

"Now, before we do this." Izuku and Eijiro looked up at him to listen, "Just out of curiosity. Why do you two wish to be fucked by us?"

The two teens looked at each other, and their thoughts traveled back to when they were hanging out in Izuku's room, and Eijiro was invited to have dinner with his Mom and Dad. They shared their thoughts and eventually got to what kind of kinks or fetishes they liked.

The line of questioning was out of the blue, but Izuku asked this as they had sex with each other before that day, and they didn't know what to talk about since they were bored. The freckle-faced teen shared his kinks and fetishes first and allowed his boyfriend to share.

As it turned out, they shared a Hero Fetish with others, such as Daddy Kink, BDSM, and many more.

Izuku answered Beelzemon's question, "Eijiro and I have a Daddy Kink, Hero Fetish, and other things. We both had thoughts of being fucked by older heroes…" After that, the two were silent as they waited for whatever else the hero would ask of them.

Instead, Beelzemon's grin grew, almost as if his red eyes started glowing. Gallantmon, on the other hand, his eyes began glowing a deep amber, and he played with Izuku's hair with his claws.

"Aw! That's so cute! This Daddy can fulfill those wishes of yours! How lucky am I?~" Gallantmon commented with a gruff sing-song tone as he groped his heavy breast while Beelzemon added, "Yes, it would seem that we have some children who would want nothing but to give their Daddies some love for saving them. Who are we to deny them such affection?~" He asked, not expecting an answer but preferring actions speaking for them instead.

"Get to sucking, boys. Show us how much you love your Daddies~." Gallantmon ordered as Izuku and Eijiro said nothing as they slipped both of Beelzemon's dicks into their mouths.

Their lips parted as the girthy meat slipped into them, making sure to coat the entire tip before bobbing their heads back and forth to get further down.

Eijiro was having a hard time with Beelzemon's size and length. He sucked Izuku's dick a few times and was pretty sizable, but not to this level. He looked over to his fluffy, green-haired boyfriend and looked on in shock to see him progressing much further than he was.

'Izuku is already halfway to the base?!' He thought as it looked like the greenette was having the time of his life. Izuku sucked him off a few times, but it was as if he was enjoying himself more.

'No! Stop those thoughts, Kirishima! Izuku loves your dick just as much as his!' He gagged as he stuffed more of Beelzemon's dick into his mouth and throat.

Beelzemon quivered in his spot and bit his lip as he felt the warmth of Midoriya and Kirishima's mouths wrapped around his thick meat. He longingly looked at the two boys, planted his unoccupied hand in Izuku's mop of hair, and dug his fingers through it all.

"You are doing quite well, boy. You seem well-versed in sucking cock. From your boyfriend, perhaps?" He questioned Izuku, to which he just gave a nod in response.

He knew the green-haired boy was enjoying himself and looked at the other. The boy with spiky red hair had difficulties initially taking something of his size into his mouth. But he got the hang of it after seeing how well Izuku was doing. Beelzemon couldn't help but feel proud of these two.

Izuku and Eijiro were doing quite well and got further down the more they sucked and lathered Beelzemon in their saliva while focusing on nothing else but the task.

Beelzemon finished pumping his mate's fat dick, and Gallantmon quietly moved behind the boys on his knees and tilted his head as he looked down to see their round asses. He looked over to Beelzemon, who was smirking and felt he knew what would be asked of him.

"So, which one should I go for first?" Gallantmon asked.

"Hmmm… I think you should fill Izuku first." Beelzemon mused as he patted the boy's head.

Izuku just now noticed that Gallantmon was behind him and Eijiro and blushed. He felt the reptilian hero move his swimsuit out of the way so that his entrance was uncovered.

Gallantmon grabbed the boy's hips, lowered himself down to his ass, and addressed him, "Alright, Izuku. This may feel odd, but know you'll enjoy it when the fun begins."

Izuku had no idea what he would do but got the hint when he felt the hot breath wash over his ass and quivered as he felt a wet and slightly rough feeling sink between his ass cheeks. Only did he realize what it was when Izuku felt it wiggling.

'Oh my God! He's eating me out!' Izuku thought as his eyes rolled back and managed to take all of Beelzemon's cock into his mouth down to the base while Gallantmon's tongue probed his entrance.

The reptilian hero kept pushing his way in and eventually got his big tongue in. Izuku moaned as Gallantmon's tongue entered his body and shook as it pressed further and stretched his anus.

'Holy shit! Why are these guys so big?!' Izuku thought as the feeling left as quickly as it came.

Gallantmon slipped his tongue out of the boy's hole and spread his cheeks apart with his hands to reveal Izuku's pink anus dripping with his saliva.

"Such a delicious hole." He commented as he positioned himself and pressed up against the rear end of Izuku before pressing the tip of his big black cock into the boy.

Izuku jolted forward as he felt Gallantmon slam his cock deep inside. Eijiro looked at him in concern and gave him a look that said, 'Are you alright?'

He gave Kirishima a nod before his body was pumped once again and heard the smack of Gallantmon's pelvis slamming into his ass with his balls swinging into his own.

Never mind, Izuku was not alright. Gallantmon was too much for him to take on his first try with him. He squeezed his eyes shut, and his hands closed into fists, grabbing handfuls of sand with it. Beelzemon could see that Izuku was becoming uncomfortable and held his palm up, which signaled his mate to stop for the moment.

Looking down at Izuku, he asked concernedly, "Are you alright? Do you want to stop?" Beelzemon didn't wish to make any of the boys uncomfortable. He could take his mate's dick all day, every day. But this was the boy's first time taking anyone besides his boyfriend.

Izuku slid off of Beelzemon's cock with a SCHLOP sound being made, and he collapsed onto the ground with his head resting into the large balls like a pair of pillows. His mouth was dripping saliva, and he tried to form words.

Kirishima, who looked much better off, slid off Beelzemon and shook Izuku's shoulder, "Hey man. We don't have to go through it all. I'm sure they enjoyed it just fine. Right?" He asked the two heroes as he looked at them, to which they nodded.

Izuku propped himself back up on his hands and knees but pressed his hands into Beelzemon's balls, practically kneading them like dough. The feeling of Izuku's hands pressing into his balls made the winged hero moan, but Izuku paid him no mind as he shook his head.

"N-no. I can keep going. But I don't think I can take Gallantmon just yet." The hero mentioned, pouted, and mumbled, "Compared to the others. I'm not that big…"

Beelzemon adopted a thinking look and scratched his chin in thought. There was silence between the four of them until he snapped his fingers, "I got an idea."

Izuku and Eijiro looked at him, curious, until they were told to stand momentarily. They helped each other to their feet as Beelzemon stood and came over to his mate.

Gallantmon was pushed onto his back and eventually got the hint as to what his mate had in mind.

Beelzemon took Gallantmon's dick, slammed his ass on the black cock, and ensured he was adequately stuffed. He wiggled himself on top of his mate, ensuring he got comfortable while waiting for the next part.

Turning back to the two boys, Beelzemon beckoned them over, "Come forward, boys. Let's get you two in position."

Izuku and Eijiro didn't know what position they were considering doing but thought it must've been something interesting. So, they came over, and Beelzemon guided them on what to do.

Lifting Izuku, Beelzemon sunk the boy on top of the dick he was previously sucking with himself facing the hero and did the same to Eijiro, but a bit more slowly because he wasn't stretched out like Izuku was.

The red-haired boy couldn't help but ask with grit teeth, "So… What now?" He and Izuku were huddled together and currently had Beelzemon's cocks stuffed into them from the rear and were made to face the winged hero. Their current position was odd since they barely had enough room to wiggle around, and their faces pressed against Beelzemon's breasts.

The large hero looked down at the smooshed boys against his body. Taking his hands, he kept their heads pressed against his breasts and answered Kirishima's question, "Now, you two just enjoy the ride."

Before Izuku could ask him to elaborate, they saw Gallantmon's large arms wrap around Beelzemon's body in the corner of their peripherals and pulled. The two teens yelped as they were squished between the heroes' bodies.

Izuku and Eijiro gasped for air as they were smothered between the two masses of flesh. Taking dick up their asses and heads smothered against breasts into account was unusual. And that was saying something since Izuku had read up on a bunch of different positions he wanted to try with Eijiro, and he had never heard nor seen anything quite like this.

"Now." Izuku and Eijiro's attention was brought forth to Beelzemon, who was considered the top bun while they were the meat, with Gallantmon being the bottom bun, "I want you two to get those hungry mouths of yours to suck on my tits and drink my delicious warm milk."

Midoriya and Kirishima's thoughts came to a screeching halt when Gallantmon added, "Heh, and maybe once they're done feeding off you, they can drink my own."

'These guys can lactate as well?! Just what the hell are their Quirks?!' Izuku and Eijiro thought as they previously thought; they had heteromorphic Quirks that gave them a beastly appearance. But apparently, that wasn't the case anymore.

Kirishima gave his boyfriend a look from across Beelzemon's chest that said, "This is going to feel weird sucking tits on a dude." Izuku nodded, completely understanding why he thought that. But he thought he would get it over since they were sandwiched between the two heroes.

Izuku clamped his mouth over the nipple, with Eijiro following suit a moment later. They began sucking as Gallantmon started thrusting in and out of Beelzemon's big fat ass. And this made the receiving hero pump his two cocks into the teens.

The two heroes in training jolted as they felt Beelzemon's cocks slam into their asses while they sucked away at his tits. The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the beach was drowned out by loud clapping of flesh in flesh followed by grunts or moans of pleasure.

Gallantmon slammed himself into Beelzemon as hard as he could. His heavy balls smacked into the other's ass, making it ripple.

The two heroes grit their teeth and drooled as pleasure and lust took control of their minds and urged them to fuck harder and faster.

While this was happening between them, Izuku and Eijiro couldn't move as their cocks became hard and pressed into Beelzemon's big belly. Their faces turned red as warm creamy milk began flowing from his ample breasts into their mouths, hitting their taste buds.

'This is weird, but holy fuck, this is good!' While Midoriya thought similar, Kirishima thought, 'This milk is too good! So warm, rich, and creamy… I wouldn't mind drinking this from now on!'

"Wh-what do you think they're thinking about right now?" Gallantmon asked his mate with rumbling and growls of pleasure said between his words.

"Probably how delicious my milk is!" Beelzemon squealed out and continued, "Not that I could blame them. My milk is both highly nutritious and fatty. They're going to get filled in no time!" Izuku and Eijiro heard about the nutrition and fatty bit but didn't care; they just wanted more.

Beelzemon felt them suckle from his breasts even faster, taking in more milk than before, "Oh? These boys are quite thirsty~. If they're this thirsty for milk, how will they be with cum?" He asked no one in particular, but Gallantmon answered nonetheless.

"They're going to love being filled with our cum!" He answered as his tongue came out and saliva dropped onto his chest.

Along with the hot Sun beating down on them from above and being sandwiched by two heavy-bodied heroes while being filled with warm milk and big dicks, Izuku and Eijiro's bodies started getting sweaty. They stuck against Beelzemon and Gallantmon and felt their every movement and thrust into them.

"Oh Fuck! I'm getting close!!" Gallantmon growled out while gritting his sharp dinosaur-like teeth.

"Me, too!!" They built up so much in them that when they would cum, the floodgates would burst wide open.

Izuku and Eijiro heard them and latched onto Beelzemon's nipples to keep milk from spilling.

With a few more hard thrusts, Gallantmon roared in pleasure; he burst his load into Beelzemon, who also came into the two teens being breastfed.

Izuku and Eijiro felt the rushing of cum flooding into their ass and stomach, where warm milk was also being built up.

'So much!!' They thought simultaneously as their insides were coated in the white substances.

Eijiro's dick pressed hard against Beelzemon's rumbling belly, eventually cummed shortly after. Izuku, on the other hand, came under his swimsuit, coating everything under in warm sticky cum and sweat.

They didn't know what the next feeling was, but it felt like their bellies started expanding from the massive intake of cum and highly nutritional and fattening milk.

Despite being filled in both ways, Izuku didn't want the feeling to stop, while Eijiro had to stop and take a breather.

He unlatched his mouth from Beelzemon's nipples, rested his head back, and licked his lips of the excess milk that dripped onto him. Kirishima felt the hero was still cumming into him as his belly grew.

'Okay… I'm at the point now where I'm starting to think their Quirks are not normal. I wonder what Izuku thinks about this.' He turned to his boyfriend only to see he was still greedily drinking away at Beelzemon's breast while said hero petted his head in a comforting manner.

Eventually, after a few more moments, Gallantmon emptied his seed and rested while grasping Beelzemon's fat ass. Izuku and Eijiro squirmed as they felt the cocks within them slide on out, making cum leak out of their ass.

Beelzemon relaxed and rested a hand on his cum-filled belly while wiping sweat from his brow. Looking down, he saw the two boys holding themselves as they were coated in sweat and cum.

"There pant was so much…" Izuku croaked out as he tried to sit up, but his expanded belly proved difficult for that to happen.

Gallantmon brought his hands over and grasped the two boy's bellies and rubbed them soothingly, only to smirk at what he saw happen to the unsuspecting teens.

Izuku moaned out as his body started to feel hot and highly unusual. He knew the feeling wasn't from Gallantmon rubbing his belly, but he couldn't resist how good it felt.

"Izuku? I feel weird…" Eijiro said as Izuku turned to him to ask him what was wrong. Only for him to see it with his own eyes.

Kirishima's body went a pale white, and his hair grew longer and spikier, with a beard and mustache growing from his face. Horns protruded from his forehead, and gray gloves appeared on him. His body started to bulge out, with his chest growing into soft pecs, wide hips, big strong arms, legs, a firm ass, and a tail.

(Kirishima is supposed to be a Vikemon Hybrid, and that's pretty difficult to make look right.😅)

"Eijiro! Your body changed!" Izuku exclaimed.

He looked himself over and looked at Izuku and said with a pointed finger, "Me?! You look more different than I do!"

Izuku looked down at himself and saw that he was indeed different. He didn't know how, but his body changed so quickly that he didn't notice it. His body was now blue and white with an elongated snout and sharp claws on his hands and feet. A tail grew from his backside, and weird, soft, crooked horns grew through his hair. His chest expanded to where he had a pair of breasts that would've made Yaoyorozu jealous. His arms had more meat, same with his widened hips, ass grew larger, thighs thickened, and his cock and balls grew.

(Flamedramon Hybrid Izuku, really.)

"This is so weird!" Izuku blushes as his stomach starts to rumble, "Fuck, I feel hungry! What happened to us?!"

He and Eijiro had Beelzemon's hands on them and were made to face him. The large hero looked so proud of them for some reason.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting something like this to happen. Did always wonder what our Digi cum and milk would do to humans." He dragged a finger along the length of his cum-covered cocks and gave it a taste, "I still got it. Producing some of the best milk and cum in the Digital World."

"Digital World?" Asked Eijiro.

"W-who are you guys? Normal Quirks can't do what you can! What did you do to us?!" Izuku asked with a raised tone.

"I'll explain this one." Gallantmon asked the boys to turn around to face him, "While our names are Beelzemon and Gallantmon, we are not Pro Heroes, nor are we even human." This shocked the two teens, "We are creatures called Digimon, and we're manifestations of code in what we call the Digital World. We didn't mean to end up in Japan, but we did."

Beelzemon explained the rest, "As for what we did to you… Digi milk and cum have certain properties that change the biology of creatures who have consumed or taken such into their system. Now, you two are Digimon Human hybrids. The first in existence." He leaned forward and hugged the two boys tightly, "But that's not important right now. What's important is that the both of you are now our sons, our children."

Izuku and Eijiro were too shocked to speak, but their stomachs rumbled angrily. They held themselves and looked to see Beelzemon holding his cocks out for them and saw they were still leaking cum.

"Go on, boys. It's time for you to finish what you started. I still got enough cum to fill the two of you."

Izuku and Eijiro looked at each other. They didn't even know what would become of them once they returned to school. Let alone what they would tell their families. But right now, they were hungry for more of their Daddies and wrapped their new mouths around Beelzemon's cocks again.

Beelzemon moaned as his new Sons took his cocks and began cumming into them again.

The transition to hybrids made it easier for Izuku and Eijiro to swallow the cum as it tasted just like milk but a tiny bit saltier. Beelzemon's cum flooded their mouths, and they were made to open their gullet to allow for more of the warm seed to enter their already-filled bellies.

After a few minutes, Izuku and Eijiro's bellies expanded, and they licked their lips as they were done for the time being.

Beelzemon patted the heads of Sons and had them turn around, "I think your other Daddy is getting jealous. Perhaps it would make him all the happier if you would also drink from his breasts." They both nodded and crawled over Gallantmon to suckle on his tits.

Beelzemon saw how eager they were to fill themselves and leaned over to kiss his mate's lips, furling his wings to cover their boys.

On one hand, Izuku and Eijiro were worried about how their family and friends would react to their current state. But on the other hand, they were too hungry for their Daddies' love to care for the time being.